
## 索要礼物的句子 (76句)


1. 我想要…

I want...

2. 我真的很想要…

I really want...

3. 我希望你可以送我…

I hope you can give me...

4. 我特别想要…

I especially want...

5. 我想要… 当作生日礼物。

I want... as a birthday gift.

6. 我想要… 当作节日礼物。

I want... as a holiday gift.

7. 我想要… 当作纪念日礼物。

I want... as an anniversary gift.

8. 我想要… 当作奖励。

I want... as a reward.

9. 我想要… 当作惊喜。

I want... as a surprise.

10. 我想要… 当作… 的礼物。

I want... as a gift for...

11. 你能送我… 吗?

Can you give me...?

12. 你能送我… 当作生日礼物吗?

Can you give me... as a birthday gift?

13. 你能送我… 当作节日礼物吗?

Can you give me... as a holiday gift?

14. 你能送我… 当作纪念日礼物吗?

Can you give me... as an anniversary gift?

15. 你能送我… 当作奖励吗?

Can you give me... as a reward?

16. 你能送我… 当作惊喜吗?

Can you give me... as a surprise?

17. 你能送我… 当作… 的礼物吗?

Can you give me... as a gift for...?

18. 我想要… 作为礼物。

I would like... as a gift.

19. 我希望收到… 作为礼物。

I hope to receive... as a gift.

20. 我期待收到… 作为礼物。

I look forward to receiving... as a gift.


21. 我最近一直在想要…

I've been wanting... lately.

22. 我一直都很想要…

I've always wanted...

23. 我觉得… 会很适合我。

I think... would be perfect for me.

24. 我对… 很有兴趣。

I'm very interested in...

25. 我很喜欢…

I really like...

26. 我很喜欢… 的设计/风格/功能。

I love the design/style/function of...

27. 我一直都很想拥有…

I've always wanted to own...

28. 我觉得… 会很实用。

I think... would be very practical.

29. 我觉得… 会很漂亮。

I think... would be beautiful.

30. 我觉得… 会很有趣。

I think... would be fun.

31. 我觉得… 会很有意义。

I think... would be meaningful.

32. 我觉得… 会很有帮助。

I think... would be helpful.

33. 我觉得… 会很有用。

I think... would be useful.

34. 我一直在看…

I've been looking at...

35. 我最近一直在关注…

I've been following... recently.

36. 我一直很想尝试…

I've always wanted to try...

37. 我对… 很好奇。

I'm curious about...

38. 我觉得… 会是一个很棒的…

I think... would be a great...

39. 我喜欢… 的…

I like the... of...

40. 我喜欢… 的… 风格。

I like the... style of...

41. 我喜欢… 的… 功能。

I like the... function of...

42. 我喜欢… 的… 颜色。

I like the... color of...

43. 我喜欢… 的… 设计。

I like the... design of...

44. 我喜欢… 的… 品牌。

I like the... brand of...

45. 我喜欢… 的… 价格。

I like the... price of...


46. 我真的超级想要…

I really really want...

47. 我好想要…

I want... so badly.

48. 我真的好想要…

I really want... so much.

49. 我梦寐以求…

I've been dreaming of...

50. 我一直都很想要…

I've always wanted...

51. 我真的很想要… 能拥有它我会很开心。

I really want... I would be so happy to have it.

52. 我好想要… 它会让我很开心。

I want... so badly. It would make me so happy.

53. 我真的很想要… 它会对我很有用。

I really want... It would be very useful to me.

54. 我真的很想要… 它会让我很兴奋。

I really want... It would make me so excited.

55. 我真的很想要… 它会让我很有成就感。

I really want... It would make me feel so accomplished.

56. 我真的很想要… 它会让我更有自信。

I really want... It would make me feel so confident.

57. 我真的很想要… 它会让我更有动力。

I really want... It would motivate me so much.

58. 我真的很想要… 它会让我更有创造力。

I really want... It would make me more creative.

59. 我真的很想要… 它会让我更快乐。

I really want... It would make me happier.

60. 我真的很想要… 它会让我更放松。

I really want... It would help me relax.


61. 如果你送我… 我就…

If you give me..., I will...

62. 你知道我想要什么吗?…

You know what I want?...

63. 我想要… 不然我就…

I want... or else I'll...

64. 你要是送我… 我会很开心的。

I would be so happy if you gave me...

65. 你要是送我… 我会把你当最好的朋友/家人/爱人。

I would consider you my best friend/family/lover if you gave me...

66. 我想要… 而且我不会说我不要!

I want... and I won't say no!

67. 你难道不想要送我… 吗?

Don't you want to give me...?

68. 你要是不送我… 我可要生气了!

If you don't give me... I'll be mad!

69. 你要是送我… 我会非常非常开心!

I would be so, so happy if you gave me...

70. 你要是送我… 我保证不会让你失望!

I promise I won't let you down if you give me...


71. 我想要… 它会很适合我的…

I want... It would be perfect for my...

72. 我想要… 它能帮助我…

I want... It could help me...

73. 我想要… 它能让我…

I want... It would allow me to...

74. 我想要… 它会…

I want... It would...

75. 我希望… 能…

I hope... can...

76. 我希望… 能给我带来…

I hope... can bring me...

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