
## 93 中医经典句子及其英文翻译

1. **上医治未病,中医治欲病,下医治已病。** (Shàng yī zhì wèi bìng, zhōng yī zhì yù bìng, xià yī zhì yǐ bìng.)

The best doctor cures before illness, the middle doctor cures when illness is about to appear, and the worst doctor cures after illness has already set in.

2. **正气存内,邪不可干。** (Zhèng qì cún nèi, xié bù kě gān.)

When righteous energy is abundant within, evil forces cannot invade.

3. **虚则补之,实则泻之。** (Xū zé bǔ zhī, shí zé xiè zhī.)

Tonify when deficient, evacuate when replete.

4. **治病求本。** (Zhì bìng qiú běn.)

Treat the root cause of the disease.

5. **阴阳五行,天地人三才。** (Yīn yáng wǔ xíng, tiān dì rén sān cái.)

Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, Heaven, Earth, and Man are the Three Entities.

6. **气血乃人之本。** (Qì xuè nǎi rén zhī běn.)

Qi and Blood are the foundation of life.

7. **脾胃为后天之本。** (Pí wèi wéi hòu tiān zhī běn.)

The Spleen and Stomach are the foundation of the acquired constitution.

8. **心主血脉。** (Xīn zhǔ xuè mài.)

The Heart governs the blood vessels.

9. **肝藏血。** (Gān cáng xuè.)

The Liver stores blood.

10. **脾主运化。** (Pí zhǔ yùn huà.)

The Spleen governs transformation and transportation.

11. **肺主气。** (Fèi zhǔ qì.)

The Lungs govern Qi.

12. **肾主水。** (Shèn zhǔ shuǐ.)

The Kidneys govern water.

13. **经络为气血运行之通路。** (Jīng luò wéi qì xuè yùn xíng zhī tōng lù.)

Meridians are the pathways for Qi and Blood to circulate.

14. **病机十九条。** (Bìng jī shí jiǔ tiáo.)

The Nineteen Principles of Disease Mechanisms.

15. **辨证论治。** (Biàn zhèng lùn zhì.)

Differentiation of syndromes and treatment.

16. **药性归经。** (Yào xìng guī jīng.)

The properties of herbs and their actions on meridians.

17. **望闻问切四诊。** (Wàng wén wèn qiè sì zhěn.)

The Four Examinations: Inspection, Auscultation, Inquiry, and Palpation.

18. **君臣佐使。** (Jūn chén zuǒ shǐ.)

The Four Guiding Principles of Herb Combinations: Monarch, Minister, Assistant, and Envoy.

19. **寒者热之,热者寒之。** (Hán zhě rè zhī, rè zhě hán zhī.)

Treat cold with heat, and heat with cold.

20. **补虚泻实。** (Bǔ xū xiè shí.)

Tonify deficiency, evacuate repletion.

21. **益气养阴。** (Yì qì yǎng yīn.)

Supplement Qi and nourish Yin.

22. **清热解毒。** (Qīng rè jiě dú.)

Clear heat and detoxify.

23. **活血化瘀。** (Huó xuè huà yū.)

Activate blood circulation and remove stasis.

24. **燥湿化痰。** (Zào shī huà tán.)

Dry dampness and transform phlegm.

25. **温阳散寒。** (Wēn yáng sǎn hán.)

Warm Yang and dispel cold.

26. **疏风解表。** (Shū fēng jiě biǎo.)

Disperse wind and release the exterior.

27. **健脾益胃。** (Jiàn pí yì wèi.)

Strengthen the Spleen and Stomach.

28. **滋阴补肾。** (Zī yīn bǔ shèn.)

Nourish Yin and tonify the Kidneys.

29. **养心安神。** (Yǎng xīn ān shén.)

Nourish the Heart and calm the mind.

30. **和胃降逆。** (Hé wèi jiàng nì.)

Harmonize the Stomach and descend rebellious Qi.

31. **平肝息风。** (Píng gān xī fēng.)

Soothe the Liver and calm the wind.

32. **止咳化痰。** (Zhǐ ké huà tán.)

Stop cough and transform phlegm.

33. **利水消肿。** (Lì shuǐ xiāo zhǒng.)

Promote urination and eliminate edema.

34. **通便止泻。** (Tōng biàn zhǐ xiè.)

Promote bowel movements and stop diarrhea.

35. **祛风除湿。** (Qū fēng chú shī.)

Expel wind and eliminate dampness.

36. **化痰止咳。** (Huà tán zhǐ ké.)

Transform phlegm and stop cough.

37. **消肿止痛。** (Xiāo zhǒng zhǐ tòng.)

Reduce swelling and relieve pain.

38. **止血止痛。** (Zhǐ xuè zhǐ tòng.)

Stop bleeding and relieve pain.

39. **养血安神。** (Yǎng xuè ān shén.)

Nourish blood and calm the mind.

40. **益气补血。** (Yì qì bǔ xuè.)

Supplement Qi and nourish blood.

41. **疏肝理气。** (Shū gān lǐ qì.)

Regulate the Liver and harmonize Qi.

42. **调理脾胃。** (Tiáo lǐ pí wèi.)

Regulate the Spleen and Stomach.

43. **滋阴降火。** (Zī yīn jiàng huǒ.)

Nourish Yin and descend fire.

44. **清热泻火。** (Qīng rè xiè huǒ.)

Clear heat and purge fire.

45. **健脾和胃。** (Jiàn pí hé wèi.)

Strengthen the Spleen and harmonize the Stomach.

46. **补肾壮阳。** (Bǔ shèn zhuàng yáng.)

Tonify the Kidneys and strengthen Yang.

47. **温肾壮阳。** (Wēn shèn zhuàng yáng.)

Warm the Kidneys and strengthen Yang.

48. **补脾益气。** (Bǔ pí yì qì.)

Tonify the Spleen and supplement Qi.

49. **养阴清热。** (Yǎng yīn qīng rè.)

Nourish Yin and clear heat.

50. **疏风散寒。** (Shū fēng sǎn hán.)

Disperse wind and dispel cold.

51. **化痰止咳。** (Huà tán zhǐ ké.)

Transform phlegm and stop cough.

52. **止痛止血。** (Zhǐ tòng zhǐ xuè.)

Relieve pain and stop bleeding.

53. **通经活络。** (Tōng jīng huó luò.)

Open meridians and activate collaterals.

54. **健脾利湿。** (Jiàn pí lì shī.)

Strengthen the Spleen and drain dampness.

55. **补中益气。** (Bǔ zhōng yì qì.)

Tonify the middle and supplement Qi.

56. **和血化瘀。** (Hé xuè huà yū.)

Harmonize blood and remove stasis.

57. **清心安神。** (Qīng xīn ān shén.)

Clear the heart and calm the mind.

58. **泻火解毒。** (Xiè huǒ jiě dú.)

Purge fire and detoxify.

59. **补肾益精。** (Bǔ shèn yì jīng.)

Tonify the Kidneys and replenish essence.

60. **养肝疏肝。** (Yǎng gān shū gān.)

Nourish the Liver and regulate the Liver.

61. **益气养血。** (Yì qì yǎng xuè.)

Supplement Qi and nourish blood.

62. **健脾和胃。** (Jiàn pí hé wèi.)

Strengthen the Spleen and harmonize the Stomach.

63. **温肾补阳。** (Wēn shèn bǔ yáng.)

Warm the Kidneys and tonify Yang.

64. **清热解毒。** (Qīng rè jiě dú.)

Clear heat and detoxify.

65. **疏风散寒。** (Shū fēng sǎn hán.)

Disperse wind and dispel cold.

66. **止咳化痰。** (Zhǐ ké huà tán.)

Stop cough and transform phlegm.

67. **利水消肿。** (Lì shuǐ xiāo zhǒng.)

Promote urination and eliminate edema.

68. **活血化瘀。** (Huó xuè huà yū.)

Activate blood circulation and remove stasis.

69. **通经止痛。** (Tōng jīng zhǐ tòng.)

Open meridians and relieve pain.

70. **健脾开胃。** (Jiàn pí kāi wèi.)

Strengthen the Spleen and open the appetite.

71. **补肾固精。** (Bǔ shèn gù jīng.)

Tonify the Kidneys and solidify essence.

72. **滋阴润燥。** (Zī yīn rùn zào.)

Nourish Yin and moisten dryness.

73. **清热泻火。** (Qīng rè xiè huǒ.)

Clear heat and purge fire.

74. **养血安神。** (Yǎng xuè ān shén.)

Nourish blood and calm the mind.

75. **补气养血。** (Bǔ qì yǎng xuè.)

Supplement Qi and nourish blood.

76. **疏肝理气。** (Shū gān lǐ qì.)

Regulate the Liver and harmonize Qi.

77. **调理脾胃。** (Tiáo lǐ pí wèi.)

Regulate the Spleen and Stomach.

78. **滋阴降火。** (Zī yīn jiàng huǒ.)

Nourish Yin and descend fire.

79. **温阳散寒。** (Wēn yáng sǎn hán.)

Warm Yang and dispel cold.

80. **清热解毒。** (Qīng rè jiě dú.)

Clear heat and detoxify.

81. **活血化瘀。** (Huó xuè huà yū.)

Activate blood circulation and remove stasis.

82. **化痰止咳。** (Huà tán zhǐ ké.)

Transform phlegm and stop cough.

83. **利水消肿。** (Lì shuǐ xiāo zhǒng.)

Promote urination and eliminate edema.

84. **通便止泻。** (Tōng biàn zhǐ xiè.)

Promote bowel movements and stop diarrhea.

85. **祛风除湿。** (Qū fēng chú shī.)

Expel wind and eliminate dampness.

86. **疏肝解郁。** (Shū gān jiě yù.)

Regulate the Liver and relieve stagnation.

87. **健脾和胃。** (Jiàn pí hé wèi.)

Strengthen the Spleen and harmonize the Stomach.

88. **补肾益精。** (Bǔ shèn yì jīng.)

Tonify the Kidneys and replenish essence.

89. **养血安神。** (Yǎng xuè ān shén.)

Nourish blood and calm the mind.

90. **益气补血。** (Yì qì bǔ xuè.)

Supplement Qi and nourish blood.

91. **温阳补肾。** (Wēn yáng bǔ shèn.)

Warm Yang and tonify the Kidneys.

92. **滋阴润肺。** (Zī yīn rùn fèi.)

Nourish Yin and moisten the Lungs.

93. **清心泻火。** (Qīng xīn xiè huǒ.)

Clear the heart and purge fire.

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