
## 钟离神仙句子 (61句)

**1. 凡事皆有定数,不必强求。**

Everything has its destiny, don't force it.

**2. 世间之事,皆为过眼云烟,何必执着?**

Everything in the world is fleeting like clouds, why be attached to it?

**3. 知足者常乐,贪心者常忧。**

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always worried.

**4. 人生苦短,何不及时行乐?**

Life is short, why not enjoy yourself while you can?

**5. 功名利禄,皆为身外之物,何必太过计较?**

Fame, fortune, and power are all external things, why bother too much?

**6. 静观其变,顺其自然。**

Observe quietly and let it happen naturally.

**7. 天道无情,人间有爱。**

Heaven is unfeeling, but there is love in the world.

**8. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。**

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have misfortunes.

**9. 善恶到头终有报,人间正道是沧桑。**

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, the world's right path is full of vicissitudes.

**10. 凡事莫强求,随缘而行。**

Don't force anything, just go with the flow.

**11. 一念之间,天堂地狱。**

A single thought can make the difference between heaven and hell.

**12. 心若无尘,何惧红尘。**

If your heart is free from dust, what are you afraid of in the world?

**13. 人生如戏,何必认真?**

Life is like a play, why take it so seriously?

**14. 放下执念,才能获得自由。**

Let go of attachments, and you will gain freedom.

**15. 得失之间,皆为平常。**

Gain and loss are both ordinary.

**16. 心存善念,便无恶可侵。**

If you have good intentions, no evil can harm you.

**17. 万事皆有定数,无需强求。**

Everything has its destiny, don't force it.

**18. 心宽则容,心窄则伤。**

A broad mind can tolerate, a narrow mind can be hurt.

**19. 顺势而为,不逆天意。**

Go with the flow, don't go against the will of heaven.

**20. 凡事留一线,日后好相见。**

Leave a way out for everything, so you can meet again in the future.

**21. 人生如梦,梦醒时分,何必执着?**

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, why be attached to it?

**22. 莫问前程,但求无悔。**

Don't ask about the future, just ask for no regrets.

**23. 心若向阳,何惧悲伤?**

If your heart is facing the sun, what are you afraid of sadness?

**24. 静待花开,不负春光。**

Wait patiently for the flowers to bloom, don't waste the spring.

**25. 凡事皆有因果,莫要怨天尤人。**

Everything has its cause and effect, don't blame others or heaven.

**26. 莫把真心付流水,珍惜眼前人。**

Don't waste your true heart on the flowing water, cherish the people you have now.

**27. 人生路上,总会遇到风雨,莫要畏惧。**

On the journey of life, you will always encounter storms, don't be afraid.

**28. 心若无恙,何惧时光?**

If your heart is unscathed, what are you afraid of time?

**29. 岁月静好,现世安稳。**

Time is peaceful, the world is stable.

**30. 凡事皆有定数,不必强求。**

Everything has its destiny, don't force it.

**31. 心若向阳,何惧悲伤?**

If your heart is facing the sun, what are you afraid of sadness?

**32. 莫问前程,但求无悔。**

Don't ask about the future, just ask for no regrets.

**33. 人生如戏,何必认真?**

Life is like a play, why take it so seriously?

**34. 心若无尘,何惧红尘?**

If your heart is free from dust, what are you afraid of in the world?

**35. 放下执念,才能获得自由。**

Let go of attachments, and you will gain freedom.

**36. 凡事留一线,日后好相见。**

Leave a way out for everything, so you can meet again in the future.

**37. 心宽则容,心窄则伤。**

A broad mind can tolerate, a narrow mind can be hurt.

**38. 静观其变,顺其自然。**

Observe quietly and let it happen naturally.

**39. 知足者常乐,贪心者常忧。**

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always worried.

**40. 人生苦短,何不及时行乐?**

Life is short, why not enjoy yourself while you can?

**41. 功名利禄,皆为身外之物,何必太过计较?**

Fame, fortune, and power are all external things, why bother too much?

**42. 善恶到头终有报,人间正道是沧桑。**

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, the world's right path is full of vicissitudes.

**43. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。**

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings; a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have misfortunes.

**44. 天道无情,人间有爱。**

Heaven is unfeeling, but there is love in the world.

**45. 心存善念,便无恶可侵。**

If you have good intentions, no evil can harm you.

**46. 得失之间,皆为平常。**

Gain and loss are both ordinary.

**47. 顺势而为,不逆天意。**

Go with the flow, don't go against the will of heaven.

**48. 一念之间,天堂地狱。**

A single thought can make the difference between heaven and hell.

**49. 凡事莫强求,随缘而行。**

Don't force anything, just go with the flow.

**50. 莫把真心付流水,珍惜眼前人。**

Don't waste your true heart on the flowing water, cherish the people you have now.

**51. 人生路上,总会遇到风雨,莫要畏惧。**

On the journey of life, you will always encounter storms, don't be afraid.

**52. 心若无恙,何惧时光?**

If your heart is unscathed, what are you afraid of time?

**53. 岁月静好,现世安稳。**

Time is peaceful, the world is stable.

**54. 静待花开,不负春光。**

Wait patiently for the flowers to bloom, don't waste the spring.

**55. 凡事皆有因果,莫要怨天尤人。**

Everything has its cause and effect, don't blame others or heaven.

**56. 人生如梦,梦醒时分,何必执着?**

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, why be attached to it?

**57. 世事无常,珍惜当下。**

The world is unpredictable, cherish the present.

**58. 心若无忧,何惧流年?**

If your heart is free from worries, what are you afraid of time?

**59. 莫为浮名所累,淡泊名利。**

Don't be burdened by empty fame, be indifferent to fame and fortune.

**60. 人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。**

Life is like a journey, I am also a traveler.

**61. 万物皆有灵,敬畏生命。**

All things have spirits, respect life.

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