
## 金光瑶虐心句子 (64句)


1. 我命由我不由天,就算天要亡我,我也要逆天而行!
2. 他的心,早已被我亲手毁了,我还能奢望他再回头看我一眼吗?
3. 我以为,只要我足够努力,就能得到想要的一切,可到头来,却发现,我不过是个笑话。
4. 我这一生,为了权势,为了地位,为了报仇,什么都做了,可到头来,却发现,什么都没有。
5. 我本以为,你我之间的感情,可以抵挡一切风雨,可到头来,却发现,我错了。
6. 我爱他,却不能让他知道,因为我知道,他永远都不会爱上我。
7. 我宁愿选择孤独终老,也不愿意失去他,可他却永远都不会明白我的心。
8. 他说,我自私,说我冷血,说我无情,可他却不知道,我的心,早已千疮百孔。
9. 我想让他幸福,可我知道,我永远也给不了他想要的东西。
10. 我这一生,注定孤独,注定寂寞,注定没有归宿。
11. 我曾经以为,只要我足够强,就能保护好自己想要守护的一切,可到头来,却发现,我不过是一个可悲的傀儡。
12. 我以为,你我之间的误会,可以解释清楚,可到头来,却发现,一切都是徒劳。
13. 我想回到过去,回到那个没有背叛,没有伤害,没有痛苦的年代,可我知道,那只是一场梦。
14. 我恨他,恨他让我爱上他,恨他让我痛苦,恨他让我绝望。
15. 我爱他,爱到骨子里,可他却永远都不会知道。
16. 我这一生,都在欺骗,都在伪装,为了生存,为了复仇,我无所不用其极。
17. 我想得到他的认可,可我知道,我永远也做不到。
18. 我想逃离这一切,逃离这虚伪的世界,逃离这无尽的痛苦,可我知道,我无处可去。
19. 我以为,只要我足够强大,就能拥有他,可到头来,却发现,爱情不是靠实力就能得到的。
20. 我想给他最好的,可我知道,我什么也给不了他。
21. 我想放下仇恨,可我知道,那太难了。
22. 我想忘记他,可我知道,那更难。
23. 我想让他看到我的真心,可我知道,他永远都不会相信。
24. 我想回到过去,回到那个他还是我的朋友的年代,可我知道,那只是一场梦。
25. 我想问问他,我究竟做错了什么,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
26. 我想对他说,我爱他,可我知道,那只会让他更加厌恶我。
27. 我想让他幸福,可我知道,他永远都不会幸福。
28. 我想问问他,他究竟爱不爱我,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
29. 我想问问他,他到底是谁,可我知道,他永远都不会告诉我。
30. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要离开我,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
31. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要伤害我,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
32. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要背叛我,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
33. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要抛弃我,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
34. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要恨我,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
35. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要杀我,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
36. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要背负如此沉重的罪孽,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
37. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
38. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此孤独,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
39. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此绝望,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
40. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
41. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此无助,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
42. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此可怜,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
43. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
44. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
45. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此绝望,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
46. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此无助,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
47. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此可怜,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
48. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
49. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
50. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此绝望,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
51. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此无助,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
52. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此可怜,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
53. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
54. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
55. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此绝望,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
56. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此无助,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
57. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此可怜,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
58. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
59. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
60. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此绝望,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
61. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此无助,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
62. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此可怜,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。
63. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此痛苦,可我知道,他永远都不会说出口。
64. 我想问问他,他究竟为何要如此悲伤,可我知道,他永远都不会回答我。



I decide my fate, not Heaven. Even if Heaven wants to destroy me, I will defy it!


His heart has been broken by my own hands. Can I still expect him to look back at me?


I thought that as long as I worked hard enough, I could get everything I wanted. But in the end, I realized I was just a joke.


In my life, I have done everything for power, for status, for revenge. But in the end, I found I had nothing.


I thought the love between us could withstand any storm. But in the end, I was wrong.


I love him, but I can't let him know. Because I know he will never love me.


I would rather choose to be lonely for the rest of my life than lose him. But he will never understand my heart.


He says I am selfish, heartless, and cruel. But he doesn't know my heart is already riddled with wounds.


I want him to be happy, but I know I can never give him what he wants.


My life is destined to be lonely, destined to be lonely, destined to have no home.


I once thought that if I was strong enough, I could protect everything I wanted to protect. But in the end, I realized I was just a pathetic puppet.


I thought the misunderstandings between us could be explained. But in the end, I realized it was all in vain.


I want to go back to the past, to the time when there was no betrayal, no hurt, no pain. But I know it's just a dream.


I hate him, I hate him for making me fall in love with him, I hate him for making me suffer, I hate him for making me despair.


I love him, I love him to my bones. But he will never know.


My whole life has been a lie, a facade. For survival, for revenge, I have stopped at nothing.


I want his approval, but I know I will never achieve it.


I want to escape all this, escape this hypocritical world, escape this endless pain. But I know I have nowhere to go.


I thought that as long as I was strong enough, I could have him. But in the end, I realized that love cannot be won by strength.


I want to give him the best, but I know I can give him nothing.


I want to let go of hatred, but I know it's too difficult.


I want to forget him, but I know it's even more difficult.


I want him to see my true heart, but I know he will never believe me.


I want to go back to the past, to the time when he was still my friend. But I know it's just a dream.


I want to ask him what I did wrong, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to tell him I love him, but I know it will only make him hate me more.


I want him to be happy, but I know he will never be happy.


I want to ask him if he loves me, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him who he really is, but I know he will never tell me.


I want to ask him why he left me, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he hurt me, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he betrayed me, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he abandoned me, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he hates me, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he killed me, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he bears such a heavy burden of sin, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so lonely, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so desperate, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so helpless, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so pitiful, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so desperate, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so helpless, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so pitiful, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so desperate, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so helpless, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so pitiful, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so desperate, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so helpless, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so pitiful, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so desperate, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so helpless, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so pitiful, but I know he will never answer me.


I want to ask him why he is so painful, but I know he will never say it.


I want to ask him why he is so sad, but I know he will never answer me.

以上就是关于金光瑶虐心句子64句(金光瑶虐心句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
