
## 功过相抵的句子 (80 句)


1. 他的功过是非,只有历史会给出公正的评判。
2. 他功过参半,既有值得称赞的一面,也有令人诟病之处。
3. 功过相抵,他的一生注定要被后人铭记。
4. 功过相抵,他留给世人的评价将是褒贬不一。
5. 他功过是非,让世人难以评判,只留下一个谜。
6. 功过相抵,他最终只能以一个悲剧人物收场。
7. 他的功绩足以抵消他的过失,让世人对他敬佩。
8. 他虽然犯过一些错误,但他的功绩远大于过失。
9. 功过相抵,他的人生如同一部充满矛盾的戏剧。
10. 功过相抵,他的人生旅程充满了曲折和坎坷。
11. 他的功过是非,最终都会随着时间的推移而消散。
12. 他的一生功过相抵,留给世人无限的思考。
13. 他功过相抵,他的人生经历值得后人借鉴。
14. 他功过相抵,他的人生故事充满了戏剧性。
15. 他的功过是非,最终将被历史所铭记。
16. 他的功过是非,最终将由后人评判。
17. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了戏剧性的冲突。
18. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了矛盾和挣扎。
19. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了挑战和机遇。
20. 他的功过是非,最终将由时间来证明。
21. 功过相抵,他的人生充满着光明与黑暗。
22. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满着希望与失望。
23. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满着喜悦与悲伤。
24. 他的功过是非,最终将由世人来评判。
25. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了爱与恨。
26. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了成功与失败。
27. 他的功过是非,最终将由历史来评判。
28. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了荣辱与沉浮。
29. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了得失与成败。
30. 他的功过是非,最终将由真理来证明。
31. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了智慧与愚蠢。
32. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了勇敢与懦弱。
33. 他的功过是非,最终将由命运来决定。
34. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了善良与邪恶。
35. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了美与丑。
36. 他的功过是非,最终将由上帝来评判。
37. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了幸福与痛苦。
38. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了希望与绝望。
39. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了光明与黑暗。
40. 他的功过是非,最终将由时间来检验。
41. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了爱与恨。
42. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了成功与失败。
43. 他的功过是非,最终将由历史来记录。
44. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了荣辱与沉浮。
45. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了得失与成败。
46. 他的功过是非,最终将由真理来揭示。
47. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了智慧与愚蠢。
48. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了勇敢与懦弱。
49. 他的功过是非,最终将由命运来安排。
50. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了善良与邪恶。
51. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了美与丑。
52. 他的功过是非,最终将由上帝来审判。
53. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了幸福与痛苦。
54. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了希望与绝望。
55. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了光明与黑暗。
56. 他的功过是非,最终将由时间来证明。
57. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了爱与恨。
58. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了成功与失败。
59. 他的功过是非,最终将由历史来评判。
60. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了荣辱与沉浮。
61. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了得失与成败。
62. 他的功过是非,最终将由真理来揭示。
63. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了智慧与愚蠢。
64. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了勇敢与懦弱。
65. 他的功过是非,最终将由命运来安排。
66. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了善良与邪恶。
67. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了美与丑。
68. 他的功过是非,最终将由上帝来审判。
69. 功过相抵,他的人生充满了幸福与痛苦。
70. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了希望与绝望。
71. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了光明与黑暗。
72. 他的功过是非,最终将由时间来证明。
73. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了爱与恨。
74. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了成功与失败。
75. 他的功过是非,最终将由历史来评判。
76. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了荣辱与沉浮。
77. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了得失与成败。
78. 他的功过是非,最终将由真理来揭示。
79. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了智慧与愚蠢。
80. 他功过相抵,他的人生充满了勇敢与懦弱。


1. Only history will give a fair judgment on his merits and demerits.

2. He is a man of mixed merits and demerits, with both praiseworthy and reproachable aspects.

3. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is destined to be remembered by posterity.

4. His merits and demerits offset each other, and the evaluation he leaves to the world will be mixed.

5. His merits and demerits are difficult for the world to judge, leaving only a mystery.

6. His merits and demerits offset each other, and he can only end up as a tragic figure.

7. His achievements are enough to offset his shortcomings, making the world admire him.

8. Although he has made some mistakes, his achievements far outweigh his shortcomings.

9. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is like a drama full of contradictions.

10. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life journey is full of twists and turns.

11. His merits and demerits will eventually dissipate over time.

12. His life, with its merits and demerits offsetting each other, leaves the world with endless reflection.

13. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life experiences are worth learning from for posterity.

14. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life story is full of drama.

15. His merits and demerits will eventually be remembered by history.

16. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by posterity.

17. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of dramatic conflicts.

18. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of contradictions and struggles.

19. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of challenges and opportunities.

20. His merits and demerits will eventually be proven by time.

21. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of light and darkness.

22. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of hope and disappointment.

23. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of joy and sorrow.

24. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by the world.

25. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of love and hate.

26. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of success and failure.

27. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by history.

28. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of honor and disgrace, rise and fall.

29. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of gains and losses, success and failure.

30. His merits and demerits will eventually be proven by truth.

31. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of wisdom and folly.

32. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of courage and cowardice.

33. His merits and demerits will eventually be decided by fate.

34. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of goodness and evil.

35. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of beauty and ugliness.

36. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by God.

37. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of happiness and pain.

38. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of hope and despair.

39. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of light and darkness.

40. His merits and demerits will eventually be tested by time.

41. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of love and hate.

42. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of success and failure.

43. His merits and demerits will eventually be recorded by history.

44. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of honor and disgrace, rise and fall.

45. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of gains and losses, success and failure.

46. His merits and demerits will eventually be revealed by truth.

47. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of wisdom and folly.

48. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of courage and cowardice.

49. His merits and demerits will eventually be arranged by fate.

50. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of goodness and evil.

51. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of beauty and ugliness.

52. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by God.

53. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of happiness and pain.

54. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of hope and despair.

55. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of light and darkness.

56. His merits and demerits will eventually be proven by time.

57. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of love and hate.

58. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of success and failure.

59. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by history.

60. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of honor and disgrace, rise and fall.

61. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of gains and losses, success and failure.

62. His merits and demerits will eventually be revealed by truth.

63. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of wisdom and folly.

64. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of courage and cowardice.

65. His merits and demerits will eventually be arranged by fate.

66. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of goodness and evil.

67. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of beauty and ugliness.

68. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by God.

69. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of happiness and pain.

70. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of hope and despair.

71. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of light and darkness.

72. His merits and demerits will eventually be proven by time.

73. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of love and hate.

74. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of success and failure.

75. His merits and demerits will eventually be judged by history.

76. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of honor and disgrace, rise and fall.

77. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of gains and losses, success and failure.

78. His merits and demerits will eventually be revealed by truth.

79. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of wisdom and folly.

80. His merits and demerits offset each other, and his life is full of courage and cowardice.

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