
## 桌子很旧幽默句子 (64句)


1. 这张桌子已经老到可以投票了。
2. 这张桌子见证了太多历史,它甚至可以写本书了。
3. 这张桌子上的油漆比我的年龄还大。
4. 这张桌子是如此古老,它甚至记得恐龙时代。
5. 我敢打赌,这张桌子比你爷爷还老。
6. 这张桌子看起来像是在二手店里被遗忘的。
7. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始长出自己的胡子了。
8. 这张桌子上的刮痕就像它的皱纹一样多。
9. 这张桌子已经老到可以退休了。
10. 这张桌子经历了这么多,它应该得到一个奖牌。
11. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始分解了。
12. 这张桌子是如此古老,它甚至记得互联网的诞生。
13. 这张桌子上的灰尘已经形成了一个新的生态系统。
14. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经成为一个历史文物。
15. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始拥有自己的灵魂了。
16. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始说话了。
17. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始发出奇怪的声音了。
18. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始漏水了。
19. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始长出蘑菇了。
20. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始腐烂了。


21. 这张桌子比我的记忆还要久远。
22. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始追忆过去的美好时光了。
23. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始抱怨年轻一代了。
24. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始讲述古老的传说故事了。
25. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始思考人生的意义了。
26. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始梦想未来世界了。
27. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始写自己的回忆录了。
28. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始寻找真爱了。
29. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始参加老年人聚会了。
30. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始向年轻人传授人生经验了。
31. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始感叹时光的流逝了。
32. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始思考自己生命的价值了。
33. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始抱怨自己的身体状况了。
34. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始回忆自己年轻时的风采了。
35. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始思考自己未来的命运了。
36. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始对世间万物感到好奇了。
37. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始思考自己的存在意义了。
38. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始感叹人生的无常了。
39. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始回忆自己曾经的辉煌了。
40. 这张桌子是如此古老,它已经开始思考自己生命的意义了。


41. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始用拐杖走路了。
42. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始戴假牙了。
43. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始忘记自己的名字了。
44. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始听不见了。
45. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始看不见了。
46. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始变得迟钝了。
47. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始抱怨一切了。
48. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢吃甜食了。
49. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢睡午觉了。
50. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢看肥皂剧了。
51. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢跟别人聊天了。
52. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢玩游戏了。
53. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢看电视了。
54. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢喝茶了。
55. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢吃零食了。
56. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢穿睡衣了。
57. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢跟别人开玩笑的。
58. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢说一些奇怪的话了。
59. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢做一些奇怪的事情了。
60. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢自言自语了。
61. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢回忆过去了。
62. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢幻想未来了。
63. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢思考人生的意义了。
64. 这张桌子已经老到,它开始喜欢跟自己玩了。

## 英文翻译:

**Regular humor**

1. This table is so old it can vote.

2. This table has seen so much history, it could write a book.

3. The paint on this table is older than me.

4. This table is so old it remembers the dinosaurs.

5. I bet this table is older than your grandpa.

6. This table looks like it was forgotten in a thrift store.

7. This table is so old, it's starting to grow its own beard.

8. This table has as many scratches as it does wrinkles.

9. This table is so old, it's ready to retire.

10. This table has been through so much, it deserves a medal.

11. This table is so old it's starting to fall apart.

12. This table is so old it remembers the birth of the internet.

13. The dust on this table has formed a new ecosystem.

14. This table is so old it's become a historical artifact.

15. This table is so old it's starting to have its own soul.

16. This table is so old, it's started talking.

17. This table is so old, it's started making strange noises.

18. This table is so old, it's starting to leak.

19. This table is so old, it's started growing mushrooms.

20. This table is so old, it's starting to rot.

**More humorous**

21. This table is older than my memory.

22. This table is so old, it's starting to reminisce about the good old days.

23. This table is so old, it's starting to complain about the younger generation.

24. This table is so old, it's starting to tell stories of ancient legends.

25. This table is so old, it's started to ponder the meaning of life.

26. This table is so old, it's started to dream about the future world.

27. This table is so old, it's started to write its own memoirs.

28. This table is so old, it's started to look for true love.

29. This table is so old, it's started to attend senior citizen gatherings.

30. This table is so old, it's started to impart life lessons to young people.

31. This table is so old, it's started to lament the passage of time.

32. This table is so old, it's started to reflect on the value of its own life.

33. This table is so old, it's started to complain about its physical condition.

34. This table is so old, it's started to reminisce about its youthful glory.

35. This table is so old, it's started to think about its future fate.

36. This table is so old, it's started to feel curious about everything in the world.

37. This table is so old, it's started to contemplate its own existence.

38. This table is so old, it's started to lament the impermanence of life.

39. This table is so old, it's started to reminisce about its former glory.

40. This table is so old, it's started to contemplate the meaning of its life.

**Very humorous**

41. This table is so old, it's started walking with a cane.

42. This table is so old, it's started wearing dentures.

43. This table is so old, it's started forgetting its name.

44. This table is so old, it's started going deaf.

45. This table is so old, it's started going blind.

46. This table is so old, it's started becoming sluggish.

47. This table is so old, it's started complaining about everything.

48. This table is so old, it's started liking sweets.

49. This table is so old, it's started liking naps.

50. This table is so old, it's started liking soap operas.

51. This table is so old, it's started liking to chat with people.

52. This table is so old, it's started liking to play games.

53. This table is so old, it's started liking to watch TV.

54. This table is so old, it's started liking to drink tea.

55. This table is so old, it's started liking to snack.

56. This table is so old, it's started liking to wear pajamas.

57. This table is so old, it's started liking to joke around.

58. This table is so old, it's started liking to say weird things.

59. This table is so old, it's started liking to do weird things.

60. This table is so old, it's started liking to talk to itself.

61. This table is so old, it's started liking to reminisce about the past.

62. This table is so old, it's started liking to fantasize about the future.

63. This table is so old, it's started liking to ponder the meaning of life.

64. This table is so old, it's started liking to play with itself.

以上就是关于桌子很旧幽默句子64句(桌子很旧幽默句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
