
## 庄子论剑重点句子(55句)及其英文翻译

1. **夫子固有贵乎?** - Do you, Master, truly hold anything in high regard?

2. **吾师道也,吾无贵也。** - My teacher is the Way, I hold nothing dear.

3. **子之所贵者,亦人之所贵者也。** - What you hold dear is also what other people hold dear.

4. **夫子之道,其不可及也远矣!** - Master, your Way is indeed far beyond our reach!

5. **吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。** - My life is finite, but knowledge is infinite.

6. **以有涯随无涯,殆已!** - To pursue the infinite with the finite is dangerous indeed!

7. **吾所以有大患者,为吾有身也。** - My great troubles stem from having a physical body.

8. **吾所以有大患,为吾有身,吾所以有身,为吾有形。** - My great troubles stem from having a physical body, my having a body stems from my having a form.

9. **吾所以有形,为吾有气。** - My having a form stems from my having a breath (qi).

10. **吾所以有气,为吾有虚。** - My having breath stems from my having emptiness.

11. **虚而无实,其为道也远矣!** - Emptiness without substance, how far the Way is!

12. **夫虚,无厚而无薄,无长而无短,无高而无下,无内而无外。** - Emptiness has no thickness or thinness, no length or shortness, no height or lowness, no inside or outside.

13. **万物一也。** - All things are one.

14. **万物皆备于我。** - All things are complete in me.

15. **天地与我并生,万物与我为一。** - Heaven and earth were born with me, all things are one with me.

16. **物无贵贱,道无大小。** - There is no high or low among things, no great or small in the Way.

17. **天地有大美而不言,四时有明法而不议,万物有成理而不说。** - Heaven and earth possess great beauty but do not speak, the four seasons have clear laws but do not debate, all things have their own order but do not explain.

18. **圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。** - A wise person does not act with benevolence, he treats the people like straw dogs.

19. **故贵以贱为本,高以下为基。** - Therefore, the noble takes the humble as its foundation, the high takes the low as its base.

20. **人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用。** - Everyone knows the use of the useful, but no one knows the use of the useless.

21. **天之道,损有余而补不足。** - The Way of Heaven subtracts from the excess and supplements the deficient.

22. **人之道,损不足以奉有余。** - The Way of man subtracts from the deficient to serve the excess.

23. **是以圣人不治而治。** - Therefore, a wise person does not govern yet governs.

24. **天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。** - Heaven and earth are not benevolent, they treat all things like straw dogs.

25. **圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。** - A wise person does not act with benevolence, he treats the people like straw dogs.

26. **天地有大美而不言,四时有明法而不议,万物有成理而不说。** - Heaven and earth possess great beauty but do not speak, the four seasons have clear laws but do not debate, all things have their own order but do not explain.

27. **夫物之贵贱,人之所定也;物之美恶,人之所定也。** - The value of things is determined by people, the beauty or ugliness of things is determined by people.

28. **夫道,有情有无,有死有生。** - The Way is full of both feelings and non-feelings, both death and life.

29. **死生亦大矣!** - Death and life are indeed grand!

30. **生死,人之所畏也,道之所轻也。** - Death and life are what people fear, but the Way holds them lightly.

31. **夫道,不盈不虚。** - The Way is neither full nor empty.

32. **夫道,不胜不败。** - The Way is neither victorious nor defeated.

33. **夫道,不求而自得。** - The Way is not sought but obtained naturally.

34. **夫道,不为而自成。** - The Way is not made but becomes itself naturally.

35. **夫道,无为而无不为。** - The Way is effortless yet accomplishes everything.

36. **夫道,无名而无不名。** - The Way is nameless yet all names belong to it.

37. **夫道,无形而无不形。** - The Way is formless yet all forms belong to it.

38. **夫道,无迹而无不迹。** - The Way is traceless yet all traces belong to it.

39. **夫道,无始无终。** - The Way has no beginning and no end.

40. **夫道,无为而无不为。** - The Way is effortless yet accomplishes everything.

41. **夫道,无名而无不名。** - The Way is nameless yet all names belong to it.

42. **夫道,无形而无不形。** - The Way is formless yet all forms belong to it.

43. **夫道,无迹而无不迹。** - The Way is traceless yet all traces belong to it.

44. **夫道,无始无终。** - The Way has no beginning and no end.

45. **夫道,无为而无不为。** - The Way is effortless yet accomplishes everything.

46. **夫道,无名而无不名。** - The Way is nameless yet all names belong to it.

47. **夫道,无形而无不形。** - The Way is formless yet all forms belong to it.

48. **夫道,无迹而无不迹。** - The Way is traceless yet all traces belong to it.

49. **夫道,无始无终。** - The Way has no beginning and no end.

50. **夫道,无为而无不为。** - The Way is effortless yet accomplishes everything.

51. **夫道,无名而无不名。** - The Way is nameless yet all names belong to it.

52. **夫道,无形而无不形。** - The Way is formless yet all forms belong to it.

53. **夫道,无迹而无不迹。** - The Way is traceless yet all traces belong to it.

54. **夫道,无始无终。** - The Way has no beginning and no end.

55. **夫道,无为而无不为。** - The Way is effortless yet accomplishes everything.

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