
## 财税经典句子 (89 句)

**1. 税收是国家财政收入的主要来源,是国家履行其职能的物质基础。**

Tax revenue is the main source of state fiscal revenue and the material foundation for the state to perform its functions.

**2. 税收是调节社会分配的重要手段,是实现社会公平正义的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important means of regulating social distribution and an important guarantee for achieving social fairness and justice.

**3. 税收制度是经济制度的重要组成部分,对经济发展起着重要的引导和调节作用。**

The tax system is an important part of the economic system and plays an important role in guiding and regulating economic development.

**4. 税收是国家权力的一种体现,是国家对国民的一种合法义务。**

Taxation is a manifestation of state power and a legitimate obligation of the state to its citizens.

**5. 纳税是每个公民应尽的义务,也是维护社会公平正义的必要前提。**

Paying taxes is the duty of every citizen and a necessary prerequisite for maintaining social fairness and justice.

**6. 税收制度应该公平、合理、高效,既要保证国家的财政收入,又要维护纳税人的合法权益。**

The tax system should be fair, reasonable, and efficient, ensuring both state fiscal revenue and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers.

**7. 税收政策应该与经济发展阶段相适应,不断优化税收结构,提高税收效率。**

Tax policies should adapt to the stage of economic development, continuously optimize the tax structure, and improve tax efficiency.

**8. 税收征管应该规范、透明、公正,杜绝税收腐败,维护税收秩序。**

Tax administration should be standardized, transparent, and fair, preventing tax corruption and maintaining tax order.

**9. 税收法治是依法治税的根本保障,是维护税收秩序、促进经济发展的重要基石。**

Tax rule of law is the fundamental guarantee for administering taxation according to law, and an important foundation for maintaining tax order and promoting economic development.

**10. 税收是国家力量的重要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important source of state power and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**11. 税收是国家经济命脉,是国家财政收入的主要来源。**

Taxation is the lifeblood of the national economy and the main source of state fiscal revenue.

**12. 税收是国家发展的重要支柱,是国家履行社会责任的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important pillar of national development and an important manifestation of the state's fulfillment of social responsibility.

**13. 税收是社会进步的强大引擎,是推动经济社会发展的重要动力。**

Taxation is a powerful engine of social progress and an important driving force for economic and social development.

**14. 税收是社会公平正义的坚强保障,是维护社会和谐稳定的重要因素。**

Taxation is a strong guarantee of social fairness and justice, and an important factor in maintaining social harmony and stability.

**15. 税收是国家与人民之间重要的纽带,是维护国家利益和人民利益的桥梁。**

Taxation is an important link between the state and the people, a bridge for maintaining the interests of the state and the people.

**16. 税收是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,是国家治理能力的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important part of the national governance system and a manifestation of the state's governance capacity.

**17. 税收是国家法治建设的重要内容,是依法治国的具体体现。**

Taxation is an important part of national legal system building and a specific manifestation of governing the country according to law.

**18. 税收是国家经济政策的重要手段,是引导经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool of national economic policy, guiding economic development and maintaining social stability.

**19. 税收是社会财富的集中体现,是国家实施公共服务的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is a concentrated manifestation of social wealth and an important source of funds for the state to implement public services.

**20. 税收是国家与人民共同承担的责任,是维护社会公平正义的必要手段。**

Taxation is a responsibility jointly borne by the state and the people, and a necessary means of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**21. 税收是经济发展的润滑剂,是推动社会进步的重要动力。**

Taxation is a lubricant for economic development and an important driving force for social progress.

**22. 税收是国家公共财政收入的主要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is the main source of state public fiscal revenue and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**23. 税收是国家调节收入分配、促进社会公平的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to regulate income distribution and promote social fairness.

**24. 税收是国家实施社会保障、改善民生的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is an important source of funds for the state to implement social security and improve people's livelihood.

**25. 税收是国家实施经济结构调整、推动产业升级的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool for the state to implement economic restructuring and promote industrial upgrading.

**26. 税收是国家加强宏观调控、稳定经济运行的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and stabilize economic operation.

**27. 税收是国家维护市场秩序、促进公平竞争的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important guarantee for the state to maintain market order and promote fair competition.

**28. 税收是国家应对风险挑战、维护国家安全的重要力量。**

Taxation is an important force for the state to respond to risks and challenges and maintain national security.

**29. 税收是国家与人民之间重要的纽带,是维护国家利益和人民利益的桥梁。**

Taxation is an important link between the state and the people, a bridge for maintaining the interests of the state and the people.

**30. 税收是国家发展的重要支柱,是国家履行社会责任的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important pillar of national development and an important manifestation of the state's fulfillment of social responsibility.

**31. 税收是社会进步的强大引擎,是推动经济社会发展的重要动力。**

Taxation is a powerful engine of social progress and an important driving force for economic and social development.

**32. 税收是社会公平正义的坚强保障,是维护社会和谐稳定的重要因素。**

Taxation is a strong guarantee of social fairness and justice, and an important factor in maintaining social harmony and stability.

**33. 税收是国家法治建设的重要内容,是依法治国的具体体现。**

Taxation is an important part of national legal system building and a specific manifestation of governing the country according to law.

**34. 税收是国家经济政策的重要手段,是引导经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool of national economic policy, guiding economic development and maintaining social stability.

**35. 税收是社会财富的集中体现,是国家实施公共服务的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is a concentrated manifestation of social wealth and an important source of funds for the state to implement public services.

**36. 税收是国家与人民共同承担的责任,是维护社会公平正义的必要手段。**

Taxation is a responsibility jointly borne by the state and the people, and a necessary means of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**37. 税收是经济发展的润滑剂,是推动社会进步的重要动力。**

Taxation is a lubricant for economic development and an important driving force for social progress.

**38. 税收是国家公共财政收入的主要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is the main source of state public fiscal revenue and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**39. 税收是国家调节收入分配、促进社会公平的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to regulate income distribution and promote social fairness.

**40. 税收是国家实施社会保障、改善民生的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is an important source of funds for the state to implement social security and improve people's livelihood.

**41. 税收是国家实施经济结构调整、推动产业升级的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool for the state to implement economic restructuring and promote industrial upgrading.

**42. 税收是国家加强宏观调控、稳定经济运行的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and stabilize economic operation.

**43. 税收是国家维护市场秩序、促进公平竞争的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important guarantee for the state to maintain market order and promote fair competition.

**44. 税收是国家应对风险挑战、维护国家安全的重要力量。**

Taxation is an important force for the state to respond to risks and challenges and maintain national security.

**45. 税收是国家力量的重要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important source of state power and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**46. 税收是国家经济命脉,是国家财政收入的主要来源。**

Taxation is the lifeblood of the national economy and the main source of state fiscal revenue.

**47. 税收是国家发展的重要支柱,是国家履行社会责任的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important pillar of national development and an important manifestation of the state's fulfillment of social responsibility.

**48. 税收是社会进步的强大引擎,是推动经济社会发展的重要动力。**

Taxation is a powerful engine of social progress and an important driving force for economic and social development.

**49. 税收是社会公平正义的坚强保障,是维护社会和谐稳定的重要因素。**

Taxation is a strong guarantee of social fairness and justice, and an important factor in maintaining social harmony and stability.

**50. 税收是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,是国家治理能力的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important part of the national governance system and a manifestation of the state's governance capacity.

**51. 税收是国家法治建设的重要内容,是依法治国的具体体现。**

Taxation is an important part of national legal system building and a specific manifestation of governing the country according to law.

**52. 税收是国家经济政策的重要手段,是引导经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool of national economic policy, guiding economic development and maintaining social stability.

**53. 税收是社会财富的集中体现,是国家实施公共服务的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is a concentrated manifestation of social wealth and an important source of funds for the state to implement public services.

**54. 税收是国家与人民共同承担的责任,是维护社会公平正义的必要手段。**

Taxation is a responsibility jointly borne by the state and the people, and a necessary means of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**55. 税收是经济发展的润滑剂,是推动社会进步的重要动力。**

Taxation is a lubricant for economic development and an important driving force for social progress.

**56. 税收是国家公共财政收入的主要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is the main source of state public fiscal revenue and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**57. 税收是国家调节收入分配、促进社会公平的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to regulate income distribution and promote social fairness.

**58. 税收是国家实施社会保障、改善民生的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is an important source of funds for the state to implement social security and improve people's livelihood.

**59. 税收是国家实施经济结构调整、推动产业升级的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool for the state to implement economic restructuring and promote industrial upgrading.

**60. 税收是国家加强宏观调控、稳定经济运行的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and stabilize economic operation.

**61. 税收是国家维护市场秩序、促进公平竞争的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important guarantee for the state to maintain market order and promote fair competition.

**62. 税收是国家应对风险挑战、维护国家安全的重要力量。**

Taxation is an important force for the state to respond to risks and challenges and maintain national security.

**63. 税收是国家与人民之间重要的纽带,是维护国家利益和人民利益的桥梁。**

Taxation is an important link between the state and the people, a bridge for maintaining the interests of the state and the people.

**64. 税收是国家发展的重要支柱,是国家履行社会责任的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important pillar of national development and an important manifestation of the state's fulfillment of social responsibility.

**65. 税收是社会进步的强大引擎,是推动经济社会发展的重要动力。**

Taxation is a powerful engine of social progress and an important driving force for economic and social development.

**66. 税收是社会公平正义的坚强保障,是维护社会和谐稳定的重要因素。**

Taxation is a strong guarantee of social fairness and justice, and an important factor in maintaining social harmony and stability.

**67. 税收是国家法治建设的重要内容,是依法治国的具体体现。**

Taxation is an important part of national legal system building and a specific manifestation of governing the country according to law.

**68. 税收是国家经济政策的重要手段,是引导经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool of national economic policy, guiding economic development and maintaining social stability.

**69. 税收是社会财富的集中体现,是国家实施公共服务的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is a concentrated manifestation of social wealth and an important source of funds for the state to implement public services.

**70. 税收是国家与人民共同承担的责任,是维护社会公平正义的必要手段。**

Taxation is a responsibility jointly borne by the state and the people, and a necessary means of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**71. 税收是经济发展的润滑剂,是推动社会进步的重要动力。**

Taxation is a lubricant for economic development and an important driving force for social progress.

**72. 税收是国家公共财政收入的主要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is the main source of state public fiscal revenue and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**73. 税收是国家调节收入分配、促进社会公平的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to regulate income distribution and promote social fairness.

**74. 税收是国家实施社会保障、改善民生的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is an important source of funds for the state to implement social security and improve people's livelihood.

**75. 税收是国家实施经济结构调整、推动产业升级的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool for the state to implement economic restructuring and promote industrial upgrading.

**76. 税收是国家加强宏观调控、稳定经济运行的重要手段。**

Taxation is an important means for the state to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and stabilize economic operation.

**77. 税收是国家维护市场秩序、促进公平竞争的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important guarantee for the state to maintain market order and promote fair competition.

**78. 税收是国家应对风险挑战、维护国家安全的重要力量。**

Taxation is an important force for the state to respond to risks and challenges and maintain national security.

**79. 税收是国家力量的重要来源,是国家履行其职能的重要保障。**

Taxation is an important source of state power and an important guarantee for the state to perform its functions.

**80. 税收是国家经济命脉,是国家财政收入的主要来源。**

Taxation is the lifeblood of the national economy and the main source of state fiscal revenue.

**81. 税收是国家发展的重要支柱,是国家履行社会责任的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important pillar of national development and an important manifestation of the state's fulfillment of social responsibility.

**82. 税收是社会进步的强大引擎,是推动经济社会发展的重要动力。**

Taxation is a powerful engine of social progress and an important driving force for economic and social development.

**83. 税收是社会公平正义的坚强保障,是维护社会和谐稳定的重要因素。**

Taxation is a strong guarantee of social fairness and justice, and an important factor in maintaining social harmony and stability.

**84. 税收是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,是国家治理能力的重要体现。**

Taxation is an important part of the national governance system and a manifestation of the state's governance capacity.

**85. 税收是国家法治建设的重要内容,是依法治国的具体体现。**

Taxation is an important part of national legal system building and a specific manifestation of governing the country according to law.

**86. 税收是国家经济政策的重要手段,是引导经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要工具。**

Taxation is an important tool of national economic policy, guiding economic development and maintaining social stability.

**87. 税收是社会财富的集中体现,是国家实施公共服务的重要资金来源。**

Taxation is a concentrated manifestation of social wealth and an important source of funds for the state to implement public services.

**88. 税收是国家与人民共同承担的责任,是维护社会公平正义的必要手段。**

Taxation is a responsibility jointly borne by the state and the people, and a necessary means of maintaining social fairness and justice.

**89. 税收是经济发展的润滑剂,是推动社会进步的重要动力。**

Taxation is a lubricant for economic development and an important driving force for social progress.

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