
## 眼光不行句子 (90句)

1. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不靠谱的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are unreliable.

2. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错风格。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes in the wrong style.

3. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑长远发展。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not long-term development.

4. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被表面现象所迷惑。

Those with poor judgment are often easily deceived by appearances.

5. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的商机。

He has a sharp eye and can spot business opportunities that others miss.

6. 眼光决定命运,选择比努力更重要。

Vision determines fate, choice is more important than effort.

7. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就不好看。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly not good-looking.

8. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的女孩。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary girls attractive.

9. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him.

10. 眼光如炬,洞察世事,才能立于不败之地。

With sharp eyes and insight into the world, one can stand undefeated.

11. 他眼光独特,总能找到与众不同的东西。

He has a unique eye and can always find something extraordinary.

12. 眼光不行的人,容易被虚假的光环所吸引。

Those with poor judgment are easily attracted to false brilliance.

13. 他眼光很准,每次投资都赚得盆满钵满。

He has a keen eye for investment and always makes a fortune every time.

14. 眼光决定方向,选择决定未来。

Vision determines direction, choice determines the future.

15. 他眼光太狭隘,只看到眼前的利益,忽略了更大的发展空间。

He has a narrow vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and ignoring greater development potential.

16. 眼光独特,才能找到属于自己的路。

Unique vision leads to finding one's own path.

17. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不学无术的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are uneducated.

18. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错尺寸。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes in the wrong size.

19. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑员工的感受。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not considering employee feelings.

20. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被甜言蜜语所蒙蔽。

Those with poor judgment are often easily misled by sweet words.

21. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的缺陷。

He has a sharp eye and can spot flaws that others miss.

22. 眼光决定成败,选择决定人生。

Vision determines success or failure, choice determines life.

23. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就过时了。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly outdated.

24. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的男人。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary men attractive.

25. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼,最终只能孤独终老。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him, and ultimately he will end up alone.

26. 眼光如炬,洞察人心,才能赢得人心。

With sharp eyes and insight into people's hearts, one can win their hearts.

27. 他眼光独特,总能找到与众不同的作品。

He has a unique eye and can always find extraordinary works of art.

28. 眼光不行的人,容易被虚假的承诺所诱惑。

Those with poor judgment are easily tempted by false promises.

29. 他眼光很准,每次买股票都赚得满盆。

He has a keen eye for stocks and always makes a fortune every time.

30. 眼光决定未来,选择决定人生。

Vision determines the future, choice determines life.

31. 他眼光太狭隘,只看到眼前的利益,忽略了更大的市场空间。

He has a narrow vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and ignoring a larger market space.

32. 眼光独特,才能开创属于自己的时代。

Unique vision leads to creating one's own era.

33. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不务正业的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are irresponsible.

34. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错颜色。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes in the wrong color.

35. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑员工的福利。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not considering employee benefits.

36. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被花言巧语所欺骗。

Those with poor judgment are often easily deceived by sweet words.

37. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的趋势。

He has a sharp eye and can spot trends that others miss.

38. 眼光决定格局,选择决定未来。

Vision determines the scale, choice determines the future.

39. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就不好搭配。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly not easy to match.

40. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的房子。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary houses attractive.

41. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼,最终只能一事无成。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him, and ultimately he will accomplish nothing.

42. 眼光如炬,洞察世态,才能明辨是非。

With sharp eyes and insight into the world, one can distinguish right from wrong.

43. 他眼光独特,总能找到与众不同的音乐。

He has a unique eye and can always find extraordinary music.

44. 眼光不行的人,容易被虚假的宣传所洗脑。

Those with poor judgment are easily brainwashed by false propaganda.

45. 他眼光很准,每次买房子都赚得翻倍。

He has a keen eye for real estate and always doubles his money every time.

46. 眼光决定方向,选择决定成功。

Vision determines direction, choice determines success.

47. 他眼光太狭隘,只看到眼前的利益,忽略了更大的社会责任。

He has a narrow vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and ignoring greater social responsibility.

48. 眼光独特,才能打造属于自己的品牌。

Unique vision leads to building one's own brand.

49. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不诚实的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are dishonest.

50. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错款式。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes in the wrong style.

51. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑团队的利益。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not considering the team's interests.

52. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被表面文章所欺骗。

Those with poor judgment are often easily deceived by superficial rhetoric.

53. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的机遇。

He has a sharp eye and can spot opportunities that others miss.

54. 眼光决定人生,选择决定命运。

Vision determines life, choice determines fate.

55. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就不好穿。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly not comfortable to wear.

56. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的书。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary books attractive.

57. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼,最终只能抱怨连连。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him, and ultimately he will only complain constantly.

58. 眼光如炬,洞察人性,才能化解矛盾。

With sharp eyes and insight into human nature, one can resolve conflicts.

59. 他眼光独特,总能找到与众不同的美食。

He has a unique eye and can always find extraordinary food.

60. 眼光不行的人,容易被虚假的宣传所误导。

Those with poor judgment are easily misled by false advertising.

61. 他眼光很准,每次买古董都赚得翻天。

He has a keen eye for antiques and always makes a fortune every time.

62. 眼光决定方向,选择决定未来。

Vision determines direction, choice determines the future.

63. 他眼光太狭隘,只看到眼前的利益,忽略了更大的社会价值。

He has a narrow vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and ignoring greater social value.

64. 眼光独特,才能创造属于自己的风格。

Unique vision leads to creating one's own style.

65. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不讲信用的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are untrustworthy.

66. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错场合。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes for the wrong occasion.

67. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑公司的长远发展。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not considering the company's long-term development.

68. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被华丽的外表所迷惑。

Those with poor judgment are often easily deceived by glamorous appearances.

69. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的潜力。

He has a sharp eye and can spot potential that others miss.

70. 眼光决定成败,选择决定未来。

Vision determines success or failure, choice determines the future.

71. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就不好搭。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly not easy to match.

72. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的音乐。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary music attractive.

73. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼,最终只能自怨自艾。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him, and ultimately he will only blame himself.

74. 眼光如炬,洞察人心,才能化解危机。

With sharp eyes and insight into people's hearts, one can overcome crises.

75. 他眼光独特,总能找到与众不同的风景。

He has a unique eye and can always find extraordinary scenery.

76. 眼光不行的人,容易被虚假的广告所欺骗。

Those with poor judgment are easily deceived by false advertising.

77. 他眼光很准,每次买收藏品都赚得盆满钵满。

He has a keen eye for collectibles and always makes a fortune every time.

78. 眼光决定未来,选择决定命运。

Vision determines the future, choice determines fate.

79. 他眼光太狭隘,只看到眼前的利益,忽略了更大的社会效益。

He has a narrow vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and ignoring greater social benefits.

80. 眼光独特,才能开拓属于自己的领域。

Unique vision leads to exploring one's own field.

81. 他眼光太差,看中的人都是些不靠谱的。

He has terrible taste, and all the people he falls for are unreliable.

82. 她的眼光实在不行,每次买衣服都买错风格。

Her taste is terrible, she always buys clothes in the wrong style.

83. 他眼光短浅,只看眼前利益,不考虑长远发展。

He has a short-sighted vision, only focusing on immediate benefits and not long-term development.

84. 眼光不行的人,往往容易被表面现象所迷惑。

Those with poor judgment are often easily deceived by appearances.

85. 他眼光独到,能发现别人看不到的商机。

He has a sharp eye and can spot business opportunities that others miss.

86. 眼光决定命运,选择比努力更重要。

Vision determines fate, choice is more important than effort.

87. 你眼光真差,这件衣服明明就不好看。

Your taste is terrible, this dress is clearly not good-looking.

88. 他眼光很高,看不上一般的女孩。

He has high standards and doesn't find ordinary girls attractive.

89. 他眼光太挑剔,什么都看不顺眼。

He is too picky, everything seems wrong to him.

90. 眼光如炬,洞察世事,才能立于不败之地。

With sharp eyes and insight into the world, one can stand undefeated.

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