
## 谏太宗十思疏重点句子及英文翻译


1. 臣闻求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源。
2. 臣伏见陛下聪明睿智,神武超绝,天生圣明,古今所无。
3. 竭诚尽忠,死而后已。
4. 然臣常思,古人有言,兼听则明,偏信则暗。
5. 臣恐陛下聪明睿智,思虑精微,功盖三皇,德迈五帝,而心有所忽,是以敢竭愚诚,具陈十事,以备陛下御览。
6. **一曰,戒奢以俭。**
7. 夫奢则妄行,俭则有度。
8. 昔齐桓公,好服华贵,服玩之费,过于常制。
9. 管仲谏曰:“君必贵俭,则寡人可以为君,君必贵奢,则寡人可以为臣矣。”
10. 桓公乃改其志,以俭治国,遂霸诸侯。
11. 今陛下富有四海,天下归心,动用无穷,无所不有,然犹务于节俭,此乃所以长治久安之本也。
12. **二曰,戒躁以静。**
13. 夫躁则失众,静则得众。
14. 昔晋文公,初践阼,欲速富强,伐诸侯,攻城略地,民不堪命,遂至奔亡。
15. 叔向谏曰:“君必贵静,则寡人可以为君,君必贵躁,则寡人可以为臣矣。”
16. 文公乃改其志,以静治国,遂霸诸侯。
17. 今陛下威震四海,兵强马壮,天下莫敢与争,然犹务于镇静,此乃所以百战百胜之本也。
18. **三曰,戒疾以缓。**
19. 夫疾则多败,缓则多成。
20. 昔秦始皇,急于求成,兼并天下,暴政虐民,天下大乱,遂致亡国。
21. 今陛下创业垂成,万事俱备,然犹务于缓慢,此乃所以永保太平之本也。
22. **四曰,戒奢以俭。**
23. 夫奢则寡悔,俭则寡怨。
24. 昔汉文帝,以节俭治国,民富国强,百姓安居乐业,天下太平。
25. 今陛下富有四海,天下归心,动用无穷,无所不有,然犹务于节俭,此乃所以长治久安之本也。
26. **五曰,戒满以谦。**
27. 夫满则覆,谦则益。
28. 昔汉高祖,功高盖世,自以为天下无敌,骄奢淫逸,终致亡国。
29. 今陛下功业日隆,声威远播,然犹务于谦虚,此乃所以永保江山之本也。
30. **六曰,戒骄以察。**
31. 夫骄则失道,察则得道。
32. 昔商纣王,骄奢淫逸,残暴不仁,终至亡国。
33. 今陛下志存高远,心怀天下,然犹务于谨慎,此乃所以永保民心之本也。
34. **七曰,戒怨以德。**
35. 夫怨则生祸,德则生福。
36. 昔周武王,克殷商,以德服天下,百姓安居乐业,天下太平。
37. 今陛下恩泽四海,百姓爱戴,然犹务于宽厚,此乃所以永保天下之本也。
38. **八曰,戒乱以治。**
39. 夫乱则失国,治则得国。
40. 昔周幽王,宠爱褒姒,荒淫无度,终至亡国。
41. 今陛下励精图治,政通人和,然犹务于清明,此乃所以永保社稷之本也。
42. **九曰,戒急以缓。**
43. 夫急则易败,缓则易成。
44. 昔楚王,急于求胜,轻敌冒进,终至灭国。
45. 今陛下励精图治,政通人和,然犹务于稳健,此乃所以永保天下之本也。
46. **十曰,戒忘以思。**
47. 夫忘则失志,思则得志。
48. 昔汉光武帝,不忘汉室,励精图治,终至中兴。
49. 今陛下志存高远,心怀天下,然犹务于不忘初心,此乃所以永保社稷之本也。
50. 臣愚以为,陛下若能以此十事为戒,则天下无不臣服,万世永安矣。
51. 臣闻古之圣王,皆以德化民,以仁治国,故能长治久安,流芳百世。
52. 陛下聪明睿智,神武超绝,天生圣明,古今所无,若能以德化民,以仁治国,则天下无不臣服,万世永安矣。
53. 臣愿陛下以此十事为戒,以德化民,以仁治国,则天下无不臣服,万世永安矣。
54. 臣不胜感激涕零,伏愿陛下圣明永固,万世太平。


1. I have heard that to seek the longevity of a tree, one must solidify its roots; to desire the flow of a stream to travel far, one must dredge its source.

2. Your Majesty's intelligence and wisdom are profound, your martial prowess surpasses all, and your innate brilliance is unmatched throughout history.

3. I will dedicate my utmost loyalty, sacrificing myself until my last breath.

4. However, I constantly reflect on the ancient saying,"To listen to all sides leads to clarity, while believing only one side leads to darkness."

5. I fear that Your Majesty's extraordinary intelligence, insightful thinking, achievements surpassing the Three Emperors, and virtues exceeding the Five Emperors, may lead to oversight. Therefore, I dare to humbly present these ten matters to supplement Your Majesty's perusal.

6. **Firstly, guard against extravagance with frugality.**

7. Indulgence leads to reckless actions, while frugality ensures moderation.

8. In the past, Duke Huan of Qi favored luxurious attire, and his expenses on clothing and adornments exceeded all limits.

9. Guan Zhong advised him,"If you value frugality, I will be your minister, but if you value extravagance, I will be your subject."

10. Duke Huan subsequently changed his ways, governed with frugality, and became the hegemon of the lords.

11. Now, Your Majesty possesses the wealth of all under Heaven, with the people's hearts united, boundless resources, and everything at your disposal. Yet, you still strive for frugality. This is the foundation for enduring peace and stability.

12. **Secondly, guard against restlessness with tranquility.**

13. Restlessness leads to losing the people, while tranquility gains the people.

14. In the past, Duke Wen of Jin, upon ascending the throne, wished for rapid wealth and strength, attacking the lords, conquering cities, and plundering lands. The people were burdened and eventually fled.

15. Shu Xiang advised him,"If you value tranquility, I will be your minister, but if you value restlessness, I will be your subject."

16. Duke Wen subsequently changed his ways, governed with tranquility, and became the hegemon of the lords.

17. Now, Your Majesty's might reverberates throughout the world, with strong troops and valiant horses, and none dare to contend. Yet, you still strive for tranquility. This is the foundation for constant victory.

18. **Thirdly, guard against haste with deliberation.**

19. Haste leads to numerous failures, while deliberation leads to many successes.

20. In the past, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, eager for quick results, unified the world, imposed tyrannical rule, and oppressed the people, leading to widespread chaos and ultimately the downfall of the nation.

21. Now, Your Majesty's undertaking is nearing completion, with everything in place. Yet, you still strive for deliberation. This is the foundation for lasting peace and prosperity.

22. **Fourthly, guard against extravagance with frugality.**

23. Extravagance breeds regrets, while frugality reduces grievances.

24. In the past, Emperor Wen of Han governed with frugality, resulting in a wealthy nation and a strong people. The people lived in peace and happiness, and the realm enjoyed tranquility.

25. Now, Your Majesty possesses the wealth of all under Heaven, with the people's hearts united, boundless resources, and everything at your disposal. Yet, you still strive for frugality. This is the foundation for enduring peace and stability.

26. **Fifthly, guard against arrogance with humility.**

27. Arrogance leads to downfall, while humility leads to growth.

28. In the past, Emperor Gaozu of Han, with unmatched accomplishments, considered himself invincible. He indulged in luxury and pleasure, leading to the nation's demise.

29. Now, Your Majesty's achievements grow daily, and your prestige spreads far and wide. Yet, you still strive for humility. This is the foundation for safeguarding your dynasty.

30. **Sixthly, guard against pride with attentiveness.**

31. Pride leads to straying from the path, while attentiveness leads to following the path.

32. In the past, King Zhou of Shang, indulging in luxury and pleasure, was cruel and unrighteous, leading to the nation's downfall.

33. Now, Your Majesty's ambitions are lofty, and your heart encompasses the world. Yet, you still strive for caution. This is the foundation for safeguarding the people's loyalty.

34. **Seventhly, guard against resentment with benevolence.**

35. Resentment breeds misfortune, while benevolence breeds fortune.

36. In the past, King Wu of Zhou conquered the Shang Dynasty and won the people's allegiance through benevolence. The people lived in peace and happiness, and the realm enjoyed tranquility.

37. Now, Your Majesty's grace extends throughout the world, and the people adore you. Yet, you still strive for kindness. This is the foundation for safeguarding the world.

38. **Eighthly, guard against disorder with governance.**

39. Disorder leads to losing the nation, while governance gains the nation.

40. In the past, King You of Zhou favored Bao Si, indulged in debauchery, and ultimately led the nation to its demise.

41. Now, Your Majesty dedicates yourself to governing, with smooth administration and harmonious people. Yet, you still strive for clarity. This is the foundation for safeguarding the kingdom.

42. **Ninthly, guard against haste with deliberation.**

43. Haste leads to easy defeat, while deliberation leads to easy victory.

44. In the past, the King of Chu, eager for victory, underestimated the enemy and rushed into battle, resulting in the nation's demise.

45. Now, Your Majesty dedicates yourself to governing, with smooth administration and harmonious people. Yet, you still strive for stability. This is the foundation for safeguarding the world.

46. **Tenthly, guard against forgetfulness with reflection.**

47. Forgetfulness leads to losing one's resolve, while reflection leads to achieving one's aspirations.

48. In the past, Emperor Guangwu of Han never forgot the Han Dynasty, diligently striving to govern, and ultimately achieving resurgence.

49. Now, Your Majesty's ambitions are lofty, and your heart encompasses the world. Yet, you still strive to never forget your initial aspirations. This is the foundation for safeguarding the kingdom.

50. I, in my humble opinion, believe that if Your Majesty takes these ten matters as warnings, then all under Heaven will submit, and everlasting peace will prevail for ten thousand generations.

51. I have heard that ancient sage-kings all transformed the people through virtue and governed with benevolence, thus achieving enduring peace and stability, leaving behind a legacy that resonates for centuries.

52. Your Majesty's intelligence and wisdom are profound, your martial prowess surpasses all, and your innate brilliance is unmatched throughout history. If you can transform the people through virtue and govern with benevolence, then all under Heaven will submit, and everlasting peace will prevail for ten thousand generations.

53. I implore Your Majesty to heed these ten matters, to transform the people through virtue, and to govern with benevolence. Then all under Heaven will submit, and everlasting peace will prevail for ten thousand generations.

54. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and tears. I pray that Your Majesty's brilliance will remain steadfast, and that everlasting peace will reign for ten thousand generations.

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