
## 79句谎言被揭穿的句子及其英文翻译

**1. 谎言终究会被人识破。**

Lies will eventually be exposed.

**2. 真相永远不会被掩盖。**

Truth will never be concealed.

**3. 你越是试图掩盖真相,它就越容易被发现。**

The more you try to cover up the truth, the easier it will be to discover.

**4. 谎言就像纸糊的墙,经不起推敲。**

Lies are like paper walls, they cannot withstand scrutiny.

**5. 谎言总会被揭穿,迟早而已。**

Lies will always be exposed, sooner or later.

**6. 谎言就像一颗定时炸弹,迟早会爆炸。**

Lies are like a time bomb, they will eventually explode.

**7. 谎言如同泡沫,一触即破。**

Lies are like bubbles, they burst at the slightest touch.

**8. 真相永远是最好的武器。**

Truth is always the best weapon.

**9. 谎言就像一颗毒瘤,会吞噬你的灵魂。**

Lies are like a cancer, they will devour your soul.

**10. 谎言就像一条毒蛇,会慢慢吞噬你。**

Lies are like a venomous snake, they will slowly devour you.

**11. 谎言就像一场游戏,最终的赢家只有真相。**

Lying is like a game, in the end, only truth wins.

**12. 谎言就像一把双刃剑,既伤害别人,也伤害自己。**

Lies are like a double-edged sword, they hurt others and yourself.

**13. 谎言就像一面镜子,照出你内心深处的丑陋。**

Lies are like a mirror, they reflect the ugliness deep inside you.

**14. 谎言就像一条河流,最终会流入大海,消失无踪。**

Lies are like a river, they eventually flow into the sea and disappear.

**15. 谎言就像一座沙堡,经不起时间的考验。**

Lies are like a sandcastle, they cannot withstand the test of time.

**16. 谎言就像一件伪装衣,迟早会被人看穿。**

Lies are like a disguise, they will eventually be seen through.

**17. 谎言就像一个美丽的谎言,最终会破灭。**

Lies are like a beautiful lie, they will eventually be shattered.

**18. 谎言就像一朵美丽的毒花,外表美丽,内心却充满毒素。**

Lies are like a beautiful poisonous flower, they are beautiful on the outside but full of poison on the inside.

**19. 谎言就像一座高楼,建立在沙滩上,随时都会倒塌。**

Lies are like a tall building built on the beach, they will collapse at any moment.

**20. 谎言就像一条长长的绳索,最终会把自己勒死。**

Lies are like a long rope, they will eventually strangle you.

**21. 谎言就像一个陷阱,一旦踏入就很难逃脱。**

Lies are like a trap, once you step in it's hard to escape.

**22. 谎言就像一个面具,戴久了就会忘记自己的真面目。**

Lies are like a mask, you will eventually forget your true face if you wear it for too long.

**23. 谎言就像一个影子,永远无法摆脱。**

Lies are like a shadow, you can never escape them.

**24. 谎言就像一个负担,会压得你喘不过气来。**

Lies are like a burden, they will weigh you down.

**25. 谎言就像一个毒药,会慢慢地杀死你。**

Lies are like poison, they will slowly kill you.

**26. 谎言就像一个骗局,迟早会被揭穿。**

Lies are like a scam, they will eventually be exposed.

**27. 谎言就像一个泡沫,一戳就破。**

Lies are like a bubble, they burst with a single touch.

**28. 谎言就像一个梦,醒来后发现什么都没有。**

Lies are like a dream, you wake up to find that nothing is real.

**29. 谎言就像一个谜题,最终会被人解开。**

Lies are like a riddle, they will eventually be solved.

**30. 谎言就像一个病毒,会迅速蔓延。**

Lies are like a virus, they spread quickly.

**31. 谎言就像一个诅咒,会永远困扰你。**

Lies are like a curse, they will haunt you forever.

**32. 谎言就像一个幻影,最终会消失不见。**

Lies are like a mirage, they eventually vanish.

**33. 谎言就像一团迷雾,遮蔽了真相。**

Lies are like a fog, they obscure the truth.

**34. 谎言就像一个陷阱,一旦掉入就会深陷其中。**

Lies are like a trap, once you fall into it you'll be trapped.

**35. 谎言就像一个锁链,会束缚你的心灵。**

Lies are like a chain, they will bind your mind.

**36. 谎言就像一个黑洞,吞噬一切。**

Lies are like a black hole, they swallow everything.

**37. 谎言就像一个幽灵,无处不在。**

Lies are like a ghost, they are everywhere.

**38. 谎言就像一个魔咒,会让你失去一切。**

Lies are like a spell, they will make you lose everything.

**39. 谎言就像一个毒瘤,会慢慢腐蚀你的灵魂。**

Lies are like a cancer, they will slowly corrode your soul.

**40. 谎言就像一个深渊,一旦坠入就无法爬出来。**

Lies are like an abyss, once you fall into it you can't climb out.

**41. 谎言就像一个谜团,永远解不开。**

Lies are like a mystery, they can never be solved.

**42. 谎言就像一个噩梦,会让你夜夜难眠。**

Lies are like a nightmare, they will keep you up at night.

**43. 谎言就像一个重担,会压得你喘不过气来。**

Lies are like a heavy burden, they will weigh you down.

**44. 谎言就像一个毒药,会让你慢慢中毒。**

Lies are like poison, they will slowly poison you.

**45. 谎言就像一个幽灵,会永远跟着你。**

Lies are like a ghost, they will follow you forever.

**46. 谎言就像一个骗局,最终会被揭穿。**

Lies are like a scam, they will eventually be exposed.

**47. 谎言就像一个面具,戴久了就会忘记自己的真面目。**

Lies are like a mask, you will eventually forget your true face if you wear it for too long.

**48. 谎言就像一个影子,永远无法摆脱。**

Lies are like a shadow, you can never escape them.

**49. 谎言就像一个负担,会压得你喘不过气来。**

Lies are like a burden, they will weigh you down.

**50. 谎言就像一个毒药,会慢慢地杀死你。**

Lies are like poison, they will slowly kill you.

**51. 谎言就像一个骗局,迟早会被揭穿。**

Lies are like a scam, they will eventually be exposed.

**52. 谎言就像一个泡沫,一戳就破。**

Lies are like a bubble, they burst with a single touch.

**53. 谎言就像一个梦,醒来后发现什么都没有。**

Lies are like a dream, you wake up to find that nothing is real.

**54. 谎言就像一个谜题,最终会被人解开。**

Lies are like a riddle, they will eventually be solved.

**55. 谎言就像一个病毒,会迅速蔓延。**

Lies are like a virus, they spread quickly.

**56. 谎言就像一个诅咒,会永远困扰你。**

Lies are like a curse, they will haunt you forever.

**57. 谎言就像一个幻影,最终会消失不见。**

Lies are like a mirage, they eventually vanish.

**58. 谎言就像一团迷雾,遮蔽了真相。**

Lies are like a fog, they obscure the truth.

**59. 谎言就像一个陷阱,一旦掉入就会深陷其中。**

Lies are like a trap, once you fall into it you'll be trapped.

**60. 谎言就像一个锁链,会束缚你的心灵。**

Lies are like a chain, they will bind your mind.

**61. 谎言就像一个黑洞,吞噬一切。**

Lies are like a black hole, they swallow everything.

**62. 谎言就像一个幽灵,无处不在。**

Lies are like a ghost, they are everywhere.

**63. 谎言就像一个魔咒,会让你失去一切。**

Lies are like a spell, they will make you lose everything.

**64. 谎言就像一个毒瘤,会慢慢腐蚀你的灵魂。**

Lies are like a cancer, they will slowly corrode your soul.

**65. 谎言就像一个深渊,一旦坠入就无法爬出来。**

Lies are like an abyss, once you fall into it you can't climb out.

**66. 谎言就像一个谜团,永远解不开。**

Lies are like a mystery, they can never be solved.

**67. 谎言就像一个噩梦,会让你夜夜难眠。**

Lies are like a nightmare, they will keep you up at night.

**68. 谎言就像一个重担,会压得你喘不过气来。**

Lies are like a heavy burden, they will weigh you down.

**69. 谎言就像一个毒药,会让你慢慢中毒。**

Lies are like poison, they will slowly poison you.

**70. 谎言就像一个幽灵,会永远跟着你。**

Lies are like a ghost, they will follow you forever.

**71. 谎言就像一个骗局,最终会被揭穿。**

Lies are like a scam, they will eventually be exposed.

**72. 谎言就像一个面具,戴久了就会忘记自己的真面目。**

Lies are like a mask, you will eventually forget your true face if you wear it for too long.

**73. 谎言就像一个影子,永远无法摆脱。**

Lies are like a shadow, you can never escape them.

**74. 谎言就像一个负担,会压得你喘不过气来。**

Lies are like a burden, they will weigh you down.

**75. 谎言就像一个毒药,会慢慢地杀死你。**

Lies are like poison, they will slowly kill you.

**76. 谎言就像一个骗局,迟早会被揭穿。**

Lies are like a scam, they will eventually be exposed.

**77. 谎言就像一个泡沫,一戳就破。**

Lies are like a bubble, they burst with a single touch.

**78. 谎言就像一个梦,醒来后发现什么都没有。**

Lies are like a dream, you wake up to find that nothing is real.

**79. 谎言就像一个谜题,最终会被人解开。**

Lies are like a riddle, they will eventually be solved.

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