
## 觉得郁闷句子,78句,并翻译成英文


1. 感觉自己像个透明人,存在感越来越低。
2. 总觉得自己努力了很久,但始终没有得到认可。
3. 明明很努力了,却还是得不到想要的结果,真的好沮丧。
4. 总是被无视,被忽略,真的很难受。
5. 有时候觉得生活好累,没有动力去面对。
6. 明明很开心的事,却总是忍不住胡思乱想,心情也变得糟糕。
7. 感觉被朋友疏远了,不知道该怎么办。
8. 明明喜欢的人就在眼前,却始终无法开口。
9. 一个人面对着空荡荡的房间,感觉特别孤独。
10. 明明什么都拥有了,却还是觉得不快乐。
11. 曾经以为的永远,其实也只是一瞬间。
12. 面对着无情的现实,我感到无比的无力。
13. 总是被各种琐事缠身,根本没有时间去追求自己的梦想。
14. 希望渺茫,未来无期,感觉自己就像个行尸走肉。
15. 被自己深深的迷茫和焦虑所困扰,不知道该何去何从。
16. 明明是成年人了,却还是会被一些小事轻易地影响情绪。
17. 看着别人都过得那么好,心里却充满了嫉妒和不甘。
18. 每天都过着重复的生活,感觉自己就像个机器。
19. 生活总是充满了各种各样的压力,让我喘不过气来。
20. 明明是自己的错,却总是喜欢找借口。
21. 感觉自己越来越封闭,越来越不想和别人交流。
22. 曾经的梦想和激情,已经逐渐消失殆尽。
23. 总是害怕失去,害怕被伤害,所以不敢去尝试。
24. 明明知道有些事情是错误的,却还是控制不住自己。
25. 感觉自己越来越不像自己了,仿佛已经迷失了自我。
26. 总是担心自己不够优秀,不够完美,所以总是患得患失。
27. 感觉自己就像一个失败者,没有成就任何值得骄傲的事。
28. 明明想改变现状,却总是缺乏行动力。
29. 明明是自己的问题,却总是喜欢把责任推卸给别人。
30. 感觉自己越来越没有自信,越来越容易自卑。
31. 总是无法摆脱过去的阴影,始终无法释怀。
32. 生活充满了各种各样的不公,让我感到无比的愤怒。
33. 明明知道自己应该努力,却还是忍不住想要逃避。
34. 感觉自己像个木偶,被命运操控着。
35. 明明是想要幸福,却总是被各种各样的烦恼所困扰。
36. 感觉自己就像一个孤独的行者,在人生的道路上踽踽独行。
37. 总是在幻想美好的未来,却总是忽略了眼前的现实。
38. 感觉自己越来越没有目标,越来越迷茫。
39. 总是被各种各样的负面情绪所包围,无法自拔。
40. 明明知道应该开心,却总是忍不住想要哭泣。
41. 总是感觉自己不够强大,无法面对生活的各种挑战。
42. 感觉自己越来越没有耐心,越来越容易发脾气。
43. 总是无法控制自己的情绪,总是被情绪所左右。
44. 感觉自己越来越没有归属感,越来越孤独。
45. 总是在怀疑自己,怀疑自己的能力,怀疑自己的价值。
46. 感觉自己就像一只无头苍蝇,不知道该往哪里飞。
47. 明明知道自己应该努力,却还是忍不住想要放弃。
48. 总是害怕失败,害怕面对挫折,所以总是裹足不前。
49. 感觉自己越来越没有动力,越来越不想去改变。
50. 总是被各种各样的负面信息所影响,心情变得越来越糟糕。
51. 感觉自己越来越不快乐,越来越没有幸福感。
52. 总是感觉自己很累,很疲惫,却始终无法放松下来。
53. 总是感觉自己没有安全感,总是担心失去。
54. 总是感觉自己很渺小,很微不足道。
55. 总是感觉自己很孤独,很寂寞,没有朋友。
56. 总是感觉自己很无助,很无力,不知道该怎么办。
57. 总是感觉自己很失败,很没有成就感。
58. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
59. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
60. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
61. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
62. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
63. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
64. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
65. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
66. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
67. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
68. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
69. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
70. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
71. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
72. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
73. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
74. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
75. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
76. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
77. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。
78. 总是感觉自己很糟糕,很自卑,没有自信。


1. I feel like a transparent person, my presence is getting lower and lower.

2. I always feel like I've been working hard, but I haven't been recognized.

3. I'm really frustrated that I've worked so hard but still haven't gotten the results I want.

4. I'm always being ignored and overlooked, it really hurts.

5. Sometimes I feel so tired of life, I have no motivation to face it.

6. I always feel like I'm overthinking, even when I'm happy, and my mood becomes bad.

7. I feel like I've been alienated by my friends, I don't know what to do.

8. The person I like is right in front of me, but I can't speak up.

9. I feel so lonely facing the empty room alone.

10. I have everything I want, but I'm still not happy.

11. What I once thought was forever, turned out to be just a moment.

12. I feel powerless in the face of the merciless reality.

13. I'm always surrounded by trivial matters, and I don't have time to pursue my dreams.

14. Hope is slim, the future is uncertain, I feel like a walking corpse.

15. I'm deeply troubled by my own confusion and anxiety, I don't know where to go.

16. Even though I'm an adult, I'm still easily affected by trivial matters.

17. Seeing everyone else living so well, I'm filled with jealousy and resentment.

18. I live the same life every day, I feel like a machine.

19. Life is always full of pressures, I can't breathe.

20. It's obviously my fault, but I always like to make excuses.

21. I feel like I'm becoming more and more closed off, less and less willing to communicate with others.

22. My former dreams and passion have gradually faded away.

23. I'm always afraid of losing, afraid of being hurt, so I don't dare to try.

24. I know some things are wrong, but I can't control myself.

25. I feel like I'm becoming less and less like myself, as if I've lost myself.

26. I'm always worried that I'm not good enough, not perfect enough, so I'm always anxious.

27. I feel like a loser, I haven't accomplished anything worth bragging about.

28. I want to change the status quo, but I always lack the drive.

29. It's obviously my problem, but I always like to shift the blame to others.

30. I feel like I'm becoming less and less confident, more and more prone to inferiority.

31. I can't escape the shadows of the past, I can't let go.

32. Life is full of injustices, it makes me angry.

33. I know I should work hard, but I can't help but want to escape.

34. I feel like a puppet, controlled by fate.

35. I want to be happy, but I'm always troubled by all sorts of troubles.

36. I feel like a lonely traveler, walking alone on the road of life.

37. I'm always fantasizing about a bright future, but I always ignore the reality in front of me.

38. I feel like I'm becoming more and more aimless, more and more confused.

39. I'm always surrounded by negative emotions, I can't get out.

40. I know I should be happy, but I can't help but want to cry.

41. I always feel like I'm not strong enough to face the challenges of life.

42. I feel like I'm becoming less and less patient, more and more easily angered.

43. I can't control my emotions, I'm always controlled by them.

44. I feel like I'm becoming more and more alienated, more and more lonely.

45. I'm always doubting myself, doubting my abilities, doubting my worth.

46. I feel like a headless fly, I don't know where to fly.

47. I know I should work hard, but I can't help but want to give up.

48. I'm always afraid of failure, afraid of facing setbacks, so I always hesitate.

49. I feel like I'm becoming less and less motivated, less and less willing to change.

50. I'm always affected by negative information, my mood becomes worse and worse.

51. I feel like I'm becoming less and less happy, less and less happy.

52. I always feel tired, exhausted, but I can't relax.

53. I always feel insecure, I'm always worried about losing.

54. I always feel small, insignificant.

55. I always feel lonely, I'm lonely, I have no friends.

56. I always feel helpless, powerless, I don't know what to do.

57. I always feel like I'm a failure, I have no sense of accomplishment.

58. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

59. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

60. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

61. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

62. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

63. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

64. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

65. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

66. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

67. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

68. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

69. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

70. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

71. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

72. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

73. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

74. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

75. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

76. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

77. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

78. I always feel bad, inferior, and lack confidence.

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