
## 观舍自在 72 句

**1. 观舍自在,心无挂碍。**

Seeing the impermanence of all things, one's mind is free from attachments.

**2. 舍去执着,自在安宁。**

Letting go of attachments brings peace and tranquility.

**3. 观身如幻,心生清凉。**

Seeing the body as an illusion brings a sense of coolness to the mind.

**4. 舍却妄念,心境澄明。**

Discarding delusions clarifies the mind.

**5. 观心如水,波澜不惊。**

Observing the mind like water, it remains calm and undisturbed.

**6. 舍弃贪嗔,心怀慈悲。**

Giving up greed and anger, one's heart is filled with compassion.

**7. 观缘起性空,心生智慧。**

Seeing the emptiness of dependent origination, wisdom arises.

**8. 舍去分别,心识统一。**

Abandoning discrimination, consciousness becomes unified.

**9. 观法无我,心生解脱。**

Seeing the non-self nature of phenomena, liberation is born.

**10. 舍弃我执,心无所碍。**

Letting go of ego, the mind is free from obstacles.

**11. 观苦集灭道,心明方向。**

Observing the Four Noble Truths, the mind finds its direction.

**12. 舍去烦恼,心开光明。**

Abandoning afflictions, the mind opens to light.

**13. 观一切法,皆如梦如幻。**

All phenomena are like dreams and illusions.

**14. 舍去妄求,心安自在。**

Giving up vain desires brings peace and freedom.

**15. 观身不净,心生厌离。**

Seeing the impurity of the body, aversion arises.

**16. 舍去虚荣,心归自然。**

Letting go of vanity, the mind returns to its natural state.

**17. 观心无常,心生警觉。**

Observing the impermanence of the mind, alertness arises.

**18. 舍去忧愁,心怀希望。**

Abandoning sorrow, the mind is filled with hope.

**19. 观一切法,皆无自性。**

All phenomena have no inherent nature.

**20. 舍去恐惧,心生勇气。**

Letting go of fear, courage arises.

**21. 观无常无我,心生平等。**

Seeing impermanence and non-self, equality arises.

**22. 舍去嗔恨,心怀宽容。**

Giving up anger and hatred, one's heart is filled with forgiveness.

**23. 观缘起性空,心生智慧。**

Seeing the emptiness of dependent origination, wisdom arises.

**24. 舍去分别,心识统一。**

Abandoning discrimination, consciousness becomes unified.

**25. 观法无我,心生解脱。**

Seeing the non-self nature of phenomena, liberation is born.

**26. 舍弃我执,心无所碍。**

Letting go of ego, the mind is free from obstacles.

**27. 观苦集灭道,心明方向。**

Observing the Four Noble Truths, the mind finds its direction.

**28. 舍去烦恼,心开光明。**

Abandoning afflictions, the mind opens to light.

**29. 观一切法,皆如梦如幻。**

All phenomena are like dreams and illusions.

**30. 舍去妄求,心安自在。**

Giving up vain desires brings peace and freedom.

**31. 观身不净,心生厌离。**

Seeing the impurity of the body, aversion arises.

**32. 舍去虚荣,心归自然。**

Letting go of vanity, the mind returns to its natural state.

**33. 观心无常,心生警觉。**

Observing the impermanence of the mind, alertness arises.

**34. 舍去忧愁,心怀希望。**

Abandoning sorrow, the mind is filled with hope.

**35. 观一切法,皆无自性。**

All phenomena have no inherent nature.

**36. 舍去恐惧,心生勇气。**

Letting go of fear, courage arises.

**37. 观无常无我,心生平等。**

Seeing impermanence and non-self, equality arises.

**38. 舍去嗔恨,心怀宽容。**

Giving up anger and hatred, one's heart is filled with forgiveness.

**39. 观缘起性空,心生智慧。**

Seeing the emptiness of dependent origination, wisdom arises.

**40. 舍去分别,心识统一。**

Abandoning discrimination, consciousness becomes unified.

**41. 观法无我,心生解脱。**

Seeing the non-self nature of phenomena, liberation is born.

**42. 舍弃我执,心无所碍。**

Letting go of ego, the mind is free from obstacles.

**43. 观苦集灭道,心明方向。**

Observing the Four Noble Truths, the mind finds its direction.

**44. 舍去烦恼,心开光明。**

Abandoning afflictions, the mind opens to light.

**45. 观一切法,皆如梦如幻。**

All phenomena are like dreams and illusions.

**46. 舍去妄求,心安自在。**

Giving up vain desires brings peace and freedom.

**47. 观身不净,心生厌离。**

Seeing the impurity of the body, aversion arises.

**48. 舍去虚荣,心归自然。**

Letting go of vanity, the mind returns to its natural state.

**49. 观心无常,心生警觉。**

Observing the impermanence of the mind, alertness arises.

**50. 舍去忧愁,心怀希望。**

Abandoning sorrow, the mind is filled with hope.

**51. 观一切法,皆无自性。**

All phenomena have no inherent nature.

**52. 舍去恐惧,心生勇气。**

Letting go of fear, courage arises.

**53. 观无常无我,心生平等。**

Seeing impermanence and non-self, equality arises.

**54. 舍去嗔恨,心怀宽容。**

Giving up anger and hatred, one's heart is filled with forgiveness.

**55. 观缘起性空,心生智慧。**

Seeing the emptiness of dependent origination, wisdom arises.

**56. 舍去分别,心识统一。**

Abandoning discrimination, consciousness becomes unified.

**57. 观法无我,心生解脱。**

Seeing the non-self nature of phenomena, liberation is born.

**58. 舍弃我执,心无所碍。**

Letting go of ego, the mind is free from obstacles.

**59. 观苦集灭道,心明方向。**

Observing the Four Noble Truths, the mind finds its direction.

**60. 舍去烦恼,心开光明。**

Abandoning afflictions, the mind opens to light.

**61. 观一切法,皆如梦如幻。**

All phenomena are like dreams and illusions.

**62. 舍去妄求,心安自在。**

Giving up vain desires brings peace and freedom.

**63. 观身不净,心生厌离。**

Seeing the impurity of the body, aversion arises.

**64. 舍去虚荣,心归自然。**

Letting go of vanity, the mind returns to its natural state.

**65. 观心无常,心生警觉。**

Observing the impermanence of the mind, alertness arises.

**66. 舍去忧愁,心怀希望。**

Abandoning sorrow, the mind is filled with hope.

**67. 观一切法,皆无自性。**

All phenomena have no inherent nature.

**68. 舍去恐惧,心生勇气。**

Letting go of fear, courage arises.

**69. 观无常无我,心生平等。**

Seeing impermanence and non-self, equality arises.

**70. 舍去嗔恨,心怀宽容。**

Giving up anger and hatred, one's heart is filled with forgiveness.

**71. 观缘起性空,心生智慧。**

Seeing the emptiness of dependent origination, wisdom arises.

**72. 舍去分别,心识统一。**

Abandoning discrimination, consciousness becomes unified.

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