
## 觅渡有关句子 89句

**1. 渺渺江河,渡口何处,梦醒云散,终是无渡。**

The vast rivers, where is the ferry crossing? When the dream wakes and the clouds disperse, there is no ferry after all.

**2. 茫茫人海,孤舟独行,寻觅渡口,何处是岸?**

In the vast sea of people, a lone boat sails, seeking the ferry crossing, where is the shore?

**3. 江湖险阻,风波不测,心怀渡口,方能乘风破浪。**

The rivers and lakes are perilous, the winds and waves unpredictable. With the ferry crossing in mind, one can ride the wind and waves.

**4. 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山。**

To cross the Yellow River, ice blocks the stream; to climb Mount Taihang, snow covers the mountain.

**5. 欲渡无舟,心慌意乱,却不知,自己就是渡口。**

Wanting to cross but without a boat, one's heart races and one is in disarray. Yet one doesn't know, they are the ferry crossing themselves.

**6. 寻觅渡口,何须远行,心之所向,便是彼岸。**

To find the ferry crossing, why travel far? Where your heart is, that is the other shore.

**7. 渡尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。**

After crossing all the calamities, brothers remain, meeting with a smile, forgetting all grudges.

**8. 人生如渡,苦海无边,回头是岸,放下执念。**

Life is like crossing, the sea of suffering is boundless. Turning back is the shore, let go of attachments.

**9. 欲渡苦海,必先渡己,心若无波,便能坦然。**

To cross the sea of suffering, one must first cross oneself. If the heart is calm, then one can be at ease.

**10. 命运如渡,起起伏伏,把握时机,方能抵达彼岸。**

Fate is like crossing, up and down, seize the opportunity, and you can reach the other shore.

**11. 寻找渡口,并非易事,唯有坚定信念,方能抵达彼岸。**

Finding the ferry crossing is not easy. Only with unwavering faith can one reach the other shore.

**12. 沧海桑田,世事无常,但初心不改,终将渡过彼岸。**

The world changes constantly, and things are impermanent. But if one's original intention remains unchanged, one will eventually cross to the other shore.

**13. 历经风雨,方知渡口,心怀希望,终将乘风破浪。**

Only after experiencing storms and rain can one know the ferry crossing. With hope in one's heart, one will eventually ride the wind and waves.

**14. 寻觅渡口,不问归期,只愿乘风破浪,抵达彼岸。**

Seeking the ferry crossing, not asking about the date of return, only wishing to ride the wind and waves and reach the other shore.

**15. 茫茫人海,芸芸众生,都在寻找渡口,都在追寻彼岸。**

In the vast sea of people, all beings are seeking the ferry crossing, all are pursuing the other shore.

**16. 命运的渡口,总在不经意间出现,把握时机,方能乘风破浪。**

The ferry crossing of fate always appears unexpectedly. Seize the opportunity, and you can ride the wind and waves.

**17. 命运的渡口,并非远在天边,而是近在眼前,只待我们去发现。**

The ferry crossing of fate is not far away, but right before our eyes, waiting for us to discover.

**18. 渡口并非终点,而是新的起点,新的旅程,新的希望。**

The ferry crossing is not the end, but a new beginning, a new journey, a new hope.

**19. 寻觅渡口,并非一帆风顺,总会遇到波折,总会遇到挑战。**

Finding the ferry crossing is not smooth sailing, there will always be twists and turns, there will always be challenges.

**20. 只要心怀希望,永不放弃,终将找到渡口,抵达彼岸。**

As long as one has hope and never gives up, one will eventually find the ferry crossing and reach the other shore.

**21. 渡口不在远方,而在心间,只要心存善念,便能找到归宿。**

The ferry crossing is not in the distance, but in the heart. As long as one has good thoughts, one can find a home.

**22. 寻觅渡口,并非孤独的旅程,总会有同行者,总会有温暖。**

Finding the ferry crossing is not a lonely journey, there will always be companions, there will always be warmth.

**23. 渡口只是一个象征,代表着希望,代表着未来,代表着新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is just a symbol, representing hope, representing the future, representing a new beginning.

**24. 渡过苦海,并非一蹴而就,需要坚定的信念,需要持之以恒的努力。**

Crossing the sea of suffering is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires unwavering faith and persistent effort.

**25. 寻找渡口,需要勇气,需要毅力,更需要一颗善良的心。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires courage, determination, and most importantly, a kind heart.

**26. 渡口就在眼前,却总是被迷雾遮蔽,只有拨开迷雾,才能找到方向。**

The ferry crossing is right before our eyes, but is always obscured by mist. Only by clearing the mist can we find our way.

**27. 寻找渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**28. 渡口并不遥远,它就在我们心中,只要我们愿意相信,只要我们愿意努力。**

The ferry crossing is not far away, it is in our hearts. As long as we are willing to believe, as long as we are willing to work hard.

**29. 渡过人生的苦海,需要智慧,需要勇气,更需要一份真情。**

To cross the sea of suffering in life, one needs wisdom, courage, and most importantly, true love.

**30. 寻找渡口,是人生的必修课,只有经历过风雨,才能体会到生命的真谛。**

Finding the ferry crossing is a compulsory course in life. Only after experiencing storms and rain can one understand the true meaning of life.

**31. 渡口,是希望的象征,是未来的方向,是生命旅程的新的起点。**

The ferry crossing is a symbol of hope, a direction for the future, and a new beginning in the journey of life.

**32. 寻觅渡口,是每个人一生都在进行的旅程,也是每个人一生都在追寻的答案。**

Finding the ferry crossing is a journey that everyone undertakes in their lifetime, and it is also the answer that everyone seeks in their lifetime.

**33. 渡口,是心灵的港湾,是疲惫的休憩,是生命的重生。**

The ferry crossing is a haven for the soul, a rest for the weary, and a rebirth of life.

**34. 寻找渡口,需要一颗勇敢的心,需要一份坚定的信念,需要一份真诚的爱。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a brave heart, unwavering faith, and sincere love.

**35. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**36. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**37. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**38. 寻找渡口,需要坚持不懈,需要永不放弃,需要相信自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires persistence, never giving up, and believing in yourself.

**39. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

**40. 寻觅渡口,是人生的旅程,是生命的意义,是心灵的追求。**

Finding the ferry crossing is the journey of life, the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the soul.

**41. 渡口,是希望的曙光,是未来的指引,是生命的奇迹。**

The ferry crossing is the dawn of hope, the guiding light of the future, and the miracle of life.

**42. 寻找渡口,需要智慧,需要勇气,需要坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires wisdom, courage, and unwavering faith.

**43. 渡口,是心灵的解脱,是生命的升华,是灵魂的自由。**

The ferry crossing is the liberation of the soul, the sublimation of life, and the freedom of the spirit.

**44. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**45. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命的新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**46. 寻找渡口,需要一颗善良的心,需要一份真诚的爱,需要一份坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a kind heart, sincere love, and unwavering faith.

**47. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**48. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**49. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

**50. 寻找渡口,是人生的旅程,是生命的意义,是心灵的追求。**

Finding the ferry crossing is the journey of life, the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the soul.

**51. 渡口,是希望的曙光,是未来的指引,是生命的奇迹。**

The ferry crossing is the dawn of hope, the guiding light of the future, and the miracle of life.

**52. 寻找渡口,需要智慧,需要勇气,需要坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires wisdom, courage, and unwavering faith.

**53. 渡口,是心灵的解脱,是生命的升华,是灵魂的自由。**

The ferry crossing is the liberation of the soul, the sublimation of life, and the freedom of the spirit.

**54. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**55. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命的新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**56. 寻找渡口,需要一颗善良的心,需要一份真诚的爱,需要一份坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a kind heart, sincere love, and unwavering faith.

**57. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**58. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**59. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

**60. 寻找渡口,是人生的旅程,是生命的意义,是心灵的追求。**

Finding the ferry crossing is the journey of life, the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the soul.

**61. 渡口,是希望的曙光,是未来的指引,是生命的奇迹。**

The ferry crossing is the dawn of hope, the guiding light of the future, and the miracle of life.

**62. 寻找渡口,需要智慧,需要勇气,需要坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires wisdom, courage, and unwavering faith.

**63. 渡口,是心灵的解脱,是生命的升华,是灵魂的自由。**

The ferry crossing is the liberation of the soul, the sublimation of life, and the freedom of the spirit.

**64. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**65. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命的新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**66. 寻找渡口,需要一颗善良的心,需要一份真诚的爱,需要一份坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a kind heart, sincere love, and unwavering faith.

**67. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**68. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**69. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

**70. 寻找渡口,是人生的旅程,是生命的意义,是心灵的追求。**

Finding the ferry crossing is the journey of life, the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the soul.

**71. 渡口,是希望的曙光,是未来的指引,是生命的奇迹。**

The ferry crossing is the dawn of hope, the guiding light of the future, and the miracle of life.

**72. 寻找渡口,需要智慧,需要勇气,需要坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires wisdom, courage, and unwavering faith.

**73. 渡口,是心灵的解脱,是生命的升华,是灵魂的自由。**

The ferry crossing is the liberation of the soul, the sublimation of life, and the freedom of the spirit.

**74. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**75. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命的新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**76. 寻找渡口,需要一颗善良的心,需要一份真诚的爱,需要一份坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a kind heart, sincere love, and unwavering faith.

**77. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**78. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**79. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

**80. 寻找渡口,是人生的旅程,是生命的意义,是心灵的追求。**

Finding the ferry crossing is the journey of life, the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the soul.

**81. 渡口,是希望的曙光,是未来的指引,是生命的奇迹。**

The ferry crossing is the dawn of hope, the guiding light of the future, and the miracle of life.

**82. 寻找渡口,需要智慧,需要勇气,需要坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires wisdom, courage, and unwavering faith.

**83. 渡口,是心灵的解脱,是生命的升华,是灵魂的自由。**

The ferry crossing is the liberation of the soul, the sublimation of life, and the freedom of the spirit.

**84. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地尝试,不断地探索,不断地突破自己。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires constant trying, constant exploration, and constant breaking through oneself.

**85. 渡口,是人生的转折点,是命运的十字路口,是生命的新的开始。**

The ferry crossing is a turning point in life, a crossroads of fate, and a new beginning for life.

**86. 寻找渡口,需要一颗善良的心,需要一份真诚的爱,需要一份坚定的信念。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires a kind heart, sincere love, and unwavering faith.

**87. 渡口,是梦想的彼岸,是成功的终点,是生命的意义。**

The ferry crossing is the other shore of dreams, the end of success, and the meaning of life.

**88. 寻觅渡口,需要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地超越自我。**

Finding the ferry crossing requires continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous transcendence of oneself.

**89. 渡口,是心灵的归宿,是生命的港湾,是灵魂的安宁。**

The ferry crossing is a home for the soul, a haven for life, and peace for the spirit.

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