
## 夫妻誓言古风句子 (72句)

**1. 执子之手,与子偕老。**

To hold your hand, and grow old together.

**2. 山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝。**

Even if mountains crumble and heaven and earth unite, I would never be parted from you.

**3. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。**

I only wish to find one heart, to stay by your side until our hair turns white.

**4. 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。**

If our love lasts forever, what does it matter if we are together every morning and evening?

**5. 天涯海角,有你相伴,此生足矣。**

With you by my side, even at the ends of the earth, this life is enough.

**6. 愿以我心,换你真心。**

I would give you my heart, in exchange for your love.

**7. 风雨同舟,共度余生。**

Through storms and calm seas, we will spend our lives together.

**8. 海枯石烂,此情不渝。**

Even if the oceans dry up and the rocks melt, this love will never change.

**9. 今生有幸,遇见你,此生无悔,爱着你。**

I am fortunate to have met you in this life, and I will never regret loving you.

**10. 你若安好,便是晴天。**

As long as you are well, it will be a sunny day for me.

**11. 春风十里,不如你。**

Ten miles of spring breeze are not as beautiful as you.

**12. 我愿化作天边的星,照亮你前行的路。**

I wish to be a star in the sky, lighting your path forward.

**13. 我愿化作你手中的琴,为你弹奏一曲爱的旋律。**

I wish to be the zither in your hands, playing a melody of love for you.

**14. 我愿化作你衣上的扣,伴你一生一世。**

I wish to be the button on your clothes, accompanying you for a lifetime.

**15. 我愿化作你脚下的路,陪你走遍天涯海角。**

I wish to be the path beneath your feet, accompanying you to the ends of the earth.

**16. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的方向。**

You are the sunshine in my life, illuminating my path forward.

**17. 你是我生命中的雨露,滋润我干涸的心田。**

You are the rain and dew in my life, nourishing my parched heart.

**18. 你是我生命中的星辰,点缀我寂静的夜空。**

You are the stars in my life, decorating my silent night sky.

**19. 你是我生命中的诗歌,充满了浪漫和诗意。**

You are the poetry in my life, full of romance and poetry.

**20. 你是我生命中的画卷,充满了色彩和生机。**

You are the scroll in my life, full of color and life.

**21. 你是我生命中的旋律,充满了动听和和谐。**

You are the melody in my life, full of beauty and harmony.

**22. 你是我生命中的故事,充满了精彩和传奇。**

You are the story in my life, full of excitement and legend.

**23. 你是我生命中的梦想,充满了希望和憧憬。**

You are the dream in my life, full of hope and anticipation.

**24. 你是我生命中的奇迹,充满了惊喜和感动。**

You are the miracle in my life, full of surprise and emotion.

**25. 你是我的唯一,是我生命中的全部。**

You are my one and only, my entire world.

**26. 我愿与你,共度春夏秋冬。**

I want to spend spring, summer, autumn, and winter with you.

**27. 我愿与你,共赏朝霞夕阳。**

I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

**28. 我愿与你,共听风雨雷电。**

I want to listen to the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning with you.

**29. 我愿与你,共赏花开花落。**

I want to watch the flowers bloom and fade with you.

**30. 我愿与你,共饮一杯清茶。**

I want to drink a cup of tea with you.

**31. 我愿与你,共读一本书。**

I want to read a book with you.

**32. 我愿与你,共赏明月清风。**

I want to enjoy the moon and the wind with you.

**33. 我愿与你,共赏漫天星辰。**

I want to gaze at the stars with you.

**34. 我愿与你,共度一生一世。**

I want to spend a lifetime with you.

**35. 我愿与你,共赴黄泉路。**

I want to go to the underworld with you.

**36. 我愿与你,共看日出日落。**

I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

**37. 我愿与你,共度每一个春秋。**

I want to spend every spring and autumn with you.

**38. 我愿与你,共度每一个寒暑。**

I want to spend every winter and summer with you.

**39. 我愿与你,共度每一个朝暮。**

I want to spend every morning and evening with you.

**40. 我愿与你,共度每一个喜怒哀乐。**

I want to experience every joy, sorrow, anger, and happiness with you.

**41. 我愿与你,共度每一个风雨雷电。**

I want to weather every storm with you.

**42. 我愿与你,共度每一个春夏秋冬。**

I want to spend every spring, summer, autumn, and winter with you.

**43. 我愿与你,共度每一个花开花落。**

I want to watch the flowers bloom and fade with you.

**44. 我愿与你,共度每一个朝霞夕阳。**

I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

**45. 我愿与你,共度每一个日出日落。**

I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you.

**46. 我愿与你,共度每一个日月星辰。**

I want to spend every day, every month, every year, and every lifetime with you.

**47. 我愿与你,共度每一个海枯石烂。**

I want to spend every lifetime, even when the oceans dry up and the rocks melt, with you.

**48. 我愿与你,共度每一个山无棱天地合。**

I want to spend every lifetime, even when the mountains crumble and heaven and earth unite, with you.

**49. 我愿与你,共度每一个天涯海角。**

I want to spend every lifetime, even at the ends of the earth, with you.

**50. 我愿与你,共度每一个生生世世。**

I want to spend every lifetime, even through countless reincarnations, with you.

**51. 我愿与你,共度每一个永恒。**

I want to spend every eternity with you.

**52. 我愿与你,共赏人间美景。**

I want to see the beauty of the world with you.

**53. 我愿与你,共品世间美食。**

I want to taste the delicacies of the world with you.

**54. 我愿与你,共听天籁之音。**

I want to listen to the music of the heavens with you.

**55. 我愿与你,共读诗词歌赋。**

I want to read poetry and prose with you.

**56. 我愿与你,共赏艺术珍品。**

I want to appreciate art with you.

**57. 我愿与你,共度每一个节日。**

I want to celebrate every festival with you.

**58. 我愿与你,共度每一个生日。**

I want to celebrate every birthday with you.

**59. 我愿与你,共度每一个纪念日。**

I want to celebrate every anniversary with you.

**60. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生阶段。**

I want to experience every stage of life with you.

**61. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生转折。**

I want to face every turning point in life with you.

**62. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生挑战。**

I want to overcome every challenge in life with you.

**63. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生低谷。**

I want to weather every storm in life with you.

**64. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生高峰。**

I want to celebrate every victory in life with you.

**65. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生时刻。**

I want to cherish every moment in life with you.

**66. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生旅程。**

I want to journey through life with you.

**67. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生梦想。**

I want to pursue every dream in life with you.

**68. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生目标。**

I want to achieve every goal in life with you.

**69. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生意义。**

I want to find meaning in life with you.

**70. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生价值。**

I want to live a meaningful life with you.

**71. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生幸福。**

I want to experience happiness in life with you.

**72. 我愿与你,共度每一个人生精彩。**

I want to live a wonderful life with you.

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