
## 要宽容大度句子 (78句)


1. 宽容是一种美德,它能使人变得高尚。

Forgiveness is a virtue that elevates people to a higher level.

2. 宽容是一种力量,它能化解仇恨,带来和谐。

Forgiveness is a power that can dissolve hatred and bring harmony.

3. 宽容是一种智慧,它能让人从容面对挫折,不断成长。

Forgiveness is wisdom that allows people to face setbacks calmly and continue to grow.

4. 宽容是一种博爱,它能让人心胸开阔,充满爱意。

Forgiveness is a kind of love that allows people to have an open mind and be filled with love.

5. 宽容是一种选择,它需要勇气和毅力。

Forgiveness is a choice that requires courage and perseverance.

6. 宽容是一种境界,它需要放下执着,才能获得解脱。

Forgiveness is a realm that requires letting go of attachment to achieve liberation.

7. 宽容是最好的报复,它能让你免受伤害,获得内心的平静。

Forgiveness is the best revenge. It allows you to escape harm and achieve inner peace.

8. 宽容是一种祝福,它能让你的人生充满阳光和希望。

Forgiveness is a blessing that fills your life with sunshine and hope.

9. 宽容是一座桥梁,它能连接不同的人,构建和谐社会。

Forgiveness is a bridge that connects different people and builds a harmonious society.

10. 宽容是一种良药,它能治愈心灵的创伤,让你重新振作。

Forgiveness is a medicine that heals the wounds of the soul and allows you to regain your strength.


11. 大度是一种胸襟,它能容纳不同的意见,包容不同的个性。

Generosity is a kind of broad mind that can accommodate different opinions and embrace different personalities.

12. 大度是一种气度,它能让你在逆境中依然保持冷静,不失风度。

Generosity is a kind of bearing that allows you to remain calm and composed in adversity.

13. 大度是一种境界,它能让你超越自我,不计较得失,获得真正的快乐。

Generosity is a realm that allows you to transcend yourself, not caring about gains and losses, and achieve true happiness.

14. 大度是一种智慧,它能让你看清事情的本质,不为小事所困。

Generosity is a kind of wisdom that allows you to see the essence of things and not be bothered by trivial matters.

15. 大度是一种修养,它能让你在与人相处中更加和谐,赢得尊重。

Generosity is a kind of cultivation that allows you to be more harmonious in your interactions with others and earn respect.

16. 大度是一种魅力,它能让你散发出自信的光芒,吸引更多人。

Generosity is a kind of charm that allows you to radiate confidence and attract more people.

17. 大度是一种福气,它能让你身边的人感到温暖和幸福。

Generosity is a kind of blessing that allows those around you to feel warmth and happiness.

18. 大度是一种财富,它能让你拥有更多朋友,获得更多的机会。

Generosity is a kind of wealth that allows you to have more friends and get more opportunities.

19. 大度是一种力量,它能让你在困难面前更加坚强,战胜一切挑战。

Generosity is a kind of power that allows you to be stronger in the face of difficulties and overcome all challenges.

20. 大度是一种美德,它能让你的人生充满阳光,充满希望。

Generosity is a virtue that allows your life to be filled with sunshine and hope.


21. 宽容大度是一种美德,它能让人变得更强大。

Forgiveness and generosity are virtues that make people stronger.

22. 宽容大度是一种智慧,它能让人拥有更美好的生活。

Forgiveness and generosity are wisdom that allows people to have a better life.

23. 宽容大度是一种力量,它能让人战胜困难,获得成功。

Forgiveness and generosity are power that allows people to overcome difficulties and achieve success.

24. 宽容大度是一种修养,它能让人在人际交往中更加和谐。

Forgiveness and generosity are cultivation that allows people to be more harmonious in interpersonal relationships.

25. 宽容大度是一种魅力,它能让人散发出更加迷人的光芒。

Forgiveness and generosity are charm that allows people to radiate a more captivating glow.

26. 宽容大度是一种福气,它能让人拥有更加幸福的人生。

Forgiveness and generosity are blessings that allow people to have a happier life.

27. 宽容大度是一种财富,它能让人拥有更多朋友,获得更多机会。

Forgiveness and generosity are wealth that allows people to have more friends and get more opportunities.

28. 宽容大度是一种选择,它需要我们付出更多努力。

Forgiveness and generosity are choices that require us to put in more effort.

29. 宽容大度是一种境界,它需要我们不断学习和成长。

Forgiveness and generosity are realms that require us to constantly learn and grow.

30. 宽容大度是一种精神,它能让我们在面对困难时更加坚定。

Forgiveness and generosity are spirits that allow us to be more determined when facing difficulties.

31. 宽容大度是一种态度,它能让我们在生活中更加乐观。

Forgiveness and generosity are attitudes that allow us to be more optimistic in life.

32. 宽容大度是一种文化,它能让我们构建更加和谐的社会。

Forgiveness and generosity are cultures that allow us to build a more harmonious society.

33. 宽容大度是一种信仰,它能让我们对未来充满希望。

Forgiveness and generosity are beliefs that allow us to be hopeful about the future.

34. 宽容大度是一种责任,它能让我们为社会做出更多贡献。

Forgiveness and generosity are responsibilities that allow us to make more contributions to society.

35. 宽容大度是一种艺术,它能让我们的人生更加精彩。

Forgiveness and generosity are arts that allow our lives to be more exciting.

36. 宽容是一种美德,大度是一种境界。

Forgiveness is a virtue, generosity is a realm.

37. 宽容是理解他人的起点,大度是包容万物的胸怀。

Forgiveness is the starting point of understanding others, generosity is a broad mind that embraces all things.

38. 宽容能化解矛盾,大度能赢得尊重。

Forgiveness can resolve conflicts, generosity can earn respect.

39. 宽容让世界充满爱,大度让生活充满阳光。

Forgiveness fills the world with love, generosity fills life with sunshine.

40. 宽容是一种无私的爱,大度是一种无形的财富。

Forgiveness is a selfless love, generosity is an invisible wealth.


41. 要宽容大度,才能赢得朋友。

To be forgiving and generous is to win friends.

42. 要宽容大度,才能获得成功。

To be forgiving and generous is to achieve success.

43. 要宽容大度,才能拥有幸福。

To be forgiving and generous is to have happiness.

44. 要宽容大度,才能心胸开阔。

To be forgiving and generous is to have an open mind.

45. 要宽容大度,才能化解恩怨。

To be forgiving and generous is to resolve grievances.

46. 要宽容大度,才能赢得尊重。

To be forgiving and generous is to earn respect.

47. 要宽容大度,才能保持平和。

To be forgiving and generous is to maintain peace.

48. 要宽容大度,才能活得精彩。

To be forgiving and generous is to live a wonderful life.

49. 要宽容大度,才能创造和谐。

To be forgiving and generous is to create harmony.

50. 要宽容大度,才能让世界变得更美好。

To be forgiving and generous is to make the world a better place.


51. 学会宽容,才能包容他人。

Learn to forgive, to be tolerant of others.

52. 学会大度,才能成就自己。

Learn to be generous, to achieve your own success.

53. 学会宽容大度,才能获得真正的快乐。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to achieve true happiness.

54. 学会宽容大度,才能拥有和谐的家庭。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to have a harmonious family.

55. 学会宽容大度,才能拥有幸福的婚姻。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to have a happy marriage.

56. 学会宽容大度,才能拥有美好的未来。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to have a brighter future.

57. 学会宽容大度,才能成为更好的自己。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to become a better version of yourself.

58. 学会宽容大度,才能让世界充满爱和希望。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to make the world filled with love and hope.

59. 学会宽容大度,才能让世界变得更加美好。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to make the world a better place.

60. 学会宽容大度,才能让你的生活更加精彩。

Learn to be forgiving and generous, to make your life more exciting.


61. 宽容大度是化解矛盾的良药。

Forgiveness and generosity are the medicine to resolve conflicts.

62. 宽容大度是赢得尊重的秘诀。

Forgiveness and generosity are the secret to earning respect.

63. 宽容大度是成功人生的基石。

Forgiveness and generosity are the foundation for a successful life.

64. 宽容大度是构建和谐社会的桥梁。

Forgiveness and generosity are the bridge to building a harmonious society.

65. 宽容大度是实现梦想的动力。

Forgiveness and generosity are the motivation to achieve dreams.

66. 宽容大度是获得幸福的钥匙。

Forgiveness and generosity are the key to happiness.

67. 宽容大度是拥有美好人际关系的根本。

Forgiveness and generosity are the root of good interpersonal relationships.

68. 宽容大度是战胜困难的法宝。

Forgiveness and generosity are the magic weapon to overcome difficulties.

69. 宽容大度是成就大事业的秘方。

Forgiveness and generosity are the secret recipe for achieving great things.

70. 宽容大度是拥有快乐人生的秘诀。

Forgiveness and generosity are the secret to a happy life.


71. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能与人友好相处。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to get along well with others.

72. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能在逆境中保持乐观。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to remain optimistic in adversity.

73. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能获得更多朋友。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to have more friends.

74. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能赢得更多机会。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to get more opportunities.

75. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能让你的生活更加精彩。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to make your life more exciting.

76. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能让世界变得更加美好。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to make the world a better place.

77. 你应该学会宽容大度,才能成为一个更好的人。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous to become a better person.

78. 你应该学会宽容大度,因为这将使你的生活更加充实和有意义。

You should learn to be forgiving and generous, because it will make your life more fulfilling and meaningful.

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