
## 少年传承中华美德句子 (95句)

**1. 孝敬父母,尊老爱幼,是中华民族的传统美德。**

Honoring parents, respecting the elderly and loving the young are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

**2. 诚实守信,言出必行,是做人的基本准则。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, keeping your word, are the basic principles of being a human being.

**3. 爱国敬业,勤奋学习,是报效祖国的最好方式。**

Patriotism, dedication to work, and diligent study are the best ways to repay our motherland.

**4. 乐于助人,扶危济困,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Willingness to help others, helping the weak and the distressed, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**5. 团结友爱,互帮互助,是社会和谐的基础。**

Unity and love, mutual help and support, are the foundation of a harmonious society.

**6. 勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗,是中华民族的精神支柱。**

Industry, thrift, hard work and struggle are the spiritual pillars of the Chinese nation.

**7. 勇于担当,敢于拼搏,是实现梦想的关键。**

Having the courage to take responsibility, daring to strive, are the key to achieving dreams.

**8. 尊师重教,刻苦学习,是成才的必经之路。**

Respecting teachers and valuing education, diligent study, are the essential paths to success.

**9. 礼貌待人,文明礼仪,是中华民族的文明体现。**

Politeness towards others, civilized etiquette, are manifestations of the Chinese civilization.

**10. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,是不断进步的保证。**

Humility and caution, avoiding arrogance and impatience, are the guarantees of continuous progress.

**11. 积极进取,开拓创新,是时代发展的需要。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the needs of the times.

**12. 热爱和平,维护正义,是人类共同的追求。**

Love of peace, upholding justice, are the common pursuits of mankind.

**13. 珍惜生命,热爱生活,是人生的真谛。**

Cherishing life, loving life, is the true meaning of life.

**14. 追求卓越,精益求精,是人生的价值所在。**

The pursuit of excellence, striving for perfection, is the value of life.

**15. 勇敢正直,嫉恶如仇,是中华民族的优秀品质。**

Courage, integrity, hatred of evil, are excellent qualities of the Chinese nation.

**16. 廉洁自律,清正廉明,是为官之本。**

Integrity and self-discipline, incorruptibility and righteousness, are the principles of being an official.

**17. 知错就改,勇于认错,是做人的本色。**

To correct mistakes when one realizes them, to be brave enough to admit mistakes, is the true nature of a human being.

**18. 勤劳勇敢,自强不息,是中华民族的伟大精神。**

Diligence, bravery, self-reliance and perseverance, are the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

**19. 爱护环境,保护生态,是每个公民的责任。**

Protecting the environment, safeguarding the ecosystem, is the responsibility of every citizen.

**20. 尊法守法,维护正义,是社会稳定的基石。**

Respecting and upholding the law, defending justice, are the cornerstone of social stability.

**21. 艰苦朴素,勤俭持家,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Simplicity and frugality, hard work and thrift, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**22. 礼仪之邦,文明古国,是中华民族的骄傲。**

A nation of courtesy, an ancient civilization, are the pride of the Chinese nation.

**23. 有容乃大,海纳百川,是中华民族的胸怀。**

Being broad-minded, encompassing all rivers, is the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**24. 勤学苦练,精益求精,是取得成功的关键。**

Diligent study and practice, striving for perfection, are the keys to success.

**25. 诚实守信,言行一致,是中华民族的道德底线。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, consistency between words and actions, are the moral bottom line of the Chinese nation.

**26. 尊老爱幼,关爱弱势群体,是中华民族的优良美德。**

Respecting the elderly and loving the young, caring for vulnerable groups, are excellent virtues of the Chinese nation.

**27. 勤俭节约,反对浪费,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Industry, thrift, and opposition to waste, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**28. 积极进取,开拓创新,是中华民族的时代精神。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the spirit of the times for the Chinese nation.

**29. 热爱祖国,维护国家利益,是每个公民的责任。**

Love of the motherland, safeguarding national interests, are the responsibilities of every citizen.

**30. 维护社会公平正义,是中华民族的追求。**

Upholding social fairness and justice is the pursuit of the Chinese nation.

**31. 诚实守信,言出必行,是中华民族的传统美德。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, keeping your word, are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

**32. 勤学苦练,精益求精,是成才的必经之路。**

Diligent study and practice, striving for perfection, are the essential paths to success.

**33. 尊重他人,礼貌待人,是中华民族的文明体现。**

Respecting others, treating them with courtesy, are manifestations of the Chinese civilization.

**34. 勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗,是中华民族的精神支柱。**

Industry, thrift, hard work and struggle are the spiritual pillars of the Chinese nation.

**35. 爱护环境,保护生态,是每个公民的责任。**

Protecting the environment, safeguarding the ecosystem, is the responsibility of every citizen.

**36. 团结友爱,互帮互助,是社会和谐的基础。**

Unity and love, mutual help and support, are the foundation of a harmonious society.

**37. 勇于担当,敢于拼搏,是实现梦想的关键。**

Having the courage to take responsibility, daring to strive, are the key to achieving dreams.

**38. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,是不断进步的保证。**

Humility and caution, avoiding arrogance and impatience, are the guarantees of continuous progress.

**39. 积极进取,开拓创新,是时代发展的需要。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the needs of the times.

**40. 热爱和平,维护正义,是人类共同的追求。**

Love of peace, upholding justice, are the common pursuits of mankind.

**41. 珍惜生命,热爱生活,是人生的真谛。**

Cherishing life, loving life, is the true meaning of life.

**42. 追求卓越,精益求精,是人生的价值所在。**

The pursuit of excellence, striving for perfection, is the value of life.

**43. 勇敢正直,嫉恶如仇,是中华民族的优秀品质。**

Courage, integrity, hatred of evil, are excellent qualities of the Chinese nation.

**44. 廉洁自律,清正廉明,是为官之本。**

Integrity and self-discipline, incorruptibility and righteousness, are the principles of being an official.

**45. 知错就改,勇于认错,是做人的本色。**

To correct mistakes when one realizes them, to be brave enough to admit mistakes, is the true nature of a human being.

**46. 勤劳勇敢,自强不息,是中华民族的伟大精神。**

Diligence, bravery, self-reliance and perseverance, are the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

**47. 尊法守法,维护正义,是社会稳定的基石。**

Respecting and upholding the law, defending justice, are the cornerstone of social stability.

**48. 艰苦朴素,勤俭持家,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Simplicity and frugality, hard work and thrift, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**49. 礼仪之邦,文明古国,是中华民族的骄傲。**

A nation of courtesy, an ancient civilization, are the pride of the Chinese nation.

**50. 有容乃大,海纳百川,是中华民族的胸怀。**

Being broad-minded, encompassing all rivers, is the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**51. 孝敬父母,赡养老人,是中华民族的传统美德。**

Honoring parents, supporting the elderly, are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

**52. 爱护环境,保护生态,是中华民族的责任。**

Protecting the environment, safeguarding the ecosystem, is the responsibility of the Chinese nation.

**53. 维护国家安全,是每个公民的义务。**

Protecting national security is the obligation of every citizen.

**54. 积极参与社会公益事业,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Active participation in social welfare undertakings is an excellent tradition of the Chinese nation.

**55. 勤学苦练,精益求精,是中华民族的时代精神。**

Diligent study and practice, striving for perfection, are the spirit of the times for the Chinese nation.

**56. 爱国敬业,勤奋学习,是报效祖国的最好方式。**

Patriotism, dedication to work, and diligent study are the best ways to repay our motherland.

**57. 诚实守信,言出必行,是中华民族的道德底线。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, keeping your word, are the moral bottom line of the Chinese nation.

**58. 尊师重教,刻苦学习,是成才的必经之路。**

Respecting teachers and valuing education, diligent study, are the essential paths to success.

**59. 礼貌待人,文明礼仪,是中华民族的文明体现。**

Politeness towards others, civilized etiquette, are manifestations of the Chinese civilization.

**60. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,是不断进步的保证。**

Humility and caution, avoiding arrogance and impatience, are the guarantees of continuous progress.

**61. 积极进取,开拓创新,是时代发展的需要。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the needs of the times.

**62. 热爱和平,维护正义,是人类共同的追求。**

Love of peace, upholding justice, are the common pursuits of mankind.

**63. 珍惜生命,热爱生活,是人生的真谛。**

Cherishing life, loving life, is the true meaning of life.

**64. 追求卓越,精益求精,是人生的价值所在。**

The pursuit of excellence, striving for perfection, is the value of life.

**65. 勇敢正直,嫉恶如仇,是中华民族的优秀品质。**

Courage, integrity, hatred of evil, are excellent qualities of the Chinese nation.

**66. 廉洁自律,清正廉明,是为官之本。**

Integrity and self-discipline, incorruptibility and righteousness, are the principles of being an official.

**67. 知错就改,勇于认错,是做人的本色。**

To correct mistakes when one realizes them, to be brave enough to admit mistakes, is the true nature of a human being.

**68. 勤劳勇敢,自强不息,是中华民族的伟大精神。**

Diligence, bravery, self-reliance and perseverance, are the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

**69. 尊法守法,维护正义,是社会稳定的基石。**

Respecting and upholding the law, defending justice, are the cornerstone of social stability.

**70. 艰苦朴素,勤俭持家,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Simplicity and frugality, hard work and thrift, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**71. 礼仪之邦,文明古国,是中华民族的骄傲。**

A nation of courtesy, an ancient civilization, are the pride of the Chinese nation.

**72. 有容乃大,海纳百川,是中华民族的胸怀。**

Being broad-minded, encompassing all rivers, is the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**73. 勤学苦练,精益求精,是取得成功的关键。**

Diligent study and practice, striving for perfection, are the keys to success.

**74. 诚实守信,言行一致,是中华民族的道德底线。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, consistency between words and actions, are the moral bottom line of the Chinese nation.

**75. 尊老爱幼,关爱弱势群体,是中华民族的优良美德。**

Respecting the elderly and loving the young, caring for vulnerable groups, are excellent virtues of the Chinese nation.

**76. 勤俭节约,反对浪费,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Industry, thrift, and opposition to waste, are excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

**77. 积极进取,开拓创新,是中华民族的时代精神。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the spirit of the times for the Chinese nation.

**78. 热爱祖国,维护国家利益,是每个公民的责任。**

Love of the motherland, safeguarding national interests, are the responsibilities of every citizen.

**79. 维护社会公平正义,是中华民族的追求。**

Upholding social fairness and justice is the pursuit of the Chinese nation.

**80. 诚实守信,言出必行,是中华民族的传统美德。**

Honesty and trustworthiness, keeping your word, are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

**81. 勤学苦练,精益求精,是成才的必经之路。**

Diligent study and practice, striving for perfection, are the essential paths to success.

**82. 尊重他人,礼貌待人,是中华民族的文明体现。**

Respecting others, treating them with courtesy, are manifestations of the Chinese civilization.

**83. 勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗,是中华民族的精神支柱。**

Industry, thrift, hard work and struggle are the spiritual pillars of the Chinese nation.

**84. 爱护环境,保护生态,是每个公民的责任。**

Protecting the environment, safeguarding the ecosystem, is the responsibility of every citizen.

**85. 团结友爱,互帮互助,是社会和谐的基础。**

Unity and love, mutual help and support, are the foundation of a harmonious society.

**86. 勇于担当,敢于拼搏,是实现梦想的关键。**

Having the courage to take responsibility, daring to strive, are the key to achieving dreams.

**87. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,是不断进步的保证。**

Humility and caution, avoiding arrogance and impatience, are the guarantees of continuous progress.

**88. 积极进取,开拓创新,是时代发展的需要。**

Proactive, pioneering, and innovative, are the needs of the times.

**89. 热爱和平,维护正义,是人类共同的追求。**

Love of peace, upholding justice, are the common pursuits of mankind.

**90. 珍惜生命,热爱生活,是人生的真谛。**

Cherishing life, loving life, is the true meaning of life.

**91. 追求卓越,精益求精,是人生的价值所在。**

The pursuit of excellence, striving for perfection, is the value of life.

**92. 勇敢正直,嫉恶如仇,是中华民族的优秀品质。**

Courage, integrity, hatred of evil, are excellent qualities of the Chinese nation.

**93. 廉洁自律,清正廉明,是为官之本。**

Integrity and self-discipline, incorruptibility and righteousness, are the principles of being an official.

**94. 知错就改,勇于认错,是做人的本色。**

To correct mistakes when one realizes them, to be brave enough to admit mistakes, is the true nature of a human being.

**95. 勤劳勇敢,自强不息,是中华民族的伟大精神。**

Diligence, bravery, self-reliance and perseverance, are the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

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