
## 87 句表示不分离的句子,并翻译成英文

以下列出了 87 句表示不分离的句子,并将其翻译成英文。每个句子都用 `

` 标签包裹,以便更容易阅读和理解。

1. 我们形影不离,就像两颗彼此吸引的星星。

We are inseparable, like two stars drawn to each other.

2. 他们的爱情就像天上的繁星,永不分离。

Their love is like the stars in the sky, never to be parted.

3. 我俩的心紧紧相连,永不分离。

Our hearts are bound together, never to be separated.

4. 他们之间的友谊牢不可破,就像坚不可摧的岩石。

Their friendship is unbreakable, like an indestructible rock.

5. 我们彼此信任,永远不会分离。

We trust each other implicitly, and will never be parted.

6. 他们的命运紧紧相连,无法分离。

Their destinies are intertwined, inseparable.

7. 我们是彼此的守护者,永不分离。

We are each other's guardians, never to be parted.

8. 他们之间的爱情是如此深厚,任何力量都无法将他们分开。

Their love is so profound, no force can tear them apart.

9. 我们是彼此的港湾,永远不会分离。

We are each other's havens, never to be parted.

10. 他们的友情就像一棵参天大树,根深蒂固,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a towering tree, rooted deeply, inseparable.

11. 我们共同经历风雨,永远不会分离。

We have weathered storms together, and will never be parted.

12. 他们的梦想紧紧相连,无法分离。

Their dreams are intertwined, inseparable.

13. 我们是彼此的依靠,永远不会分离。

We are each other's pillars of support, never to be parted.

14. 他们的感情就像一团火焰,熊熊燃烧,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a fire, burning brightly, inseparable.

15. 我们是彼此的灵魂伴侣,永远不会分离。

We are each other's soulmates, never to be parted.

16. 他们之间的情谊像一朵盛开的鲜花,美丽而坚韧,无法分离。

Their bond is like a blooming flower, beautiful and resilient, inseparable.

17. 我们是彼此的唯一,永远不会分离。

We are each other's only ones, never to be parted.

18. 他们的爱情像一首歌,旋律优美,无法分离。

Their love is like a song, with a beautiful melody, inseparable.

19. 我们是彼此的知己,永远不会分离。

We are each other's confidantes, never to be parted.

20. 他们的缘分天注定,无法分离。

Their destiny is written in the stars, inseparable.

21. 我们是彼此的阳光,永远不会分离。

We are each other's sunshine, never to be parted.

22. 他们之间的友谊像一瓶陈年老酒,醇香四溢,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a bottle of aged wine, full of rich aroma, inseparable.

23. 我们是彼此的希望,永远不会分离。

We are each other's hope, never to be parted.

24. 他们的爱情像一幅画卷,色彩斑斓,无法分离。

Their love is like a painting, vibrant and colorful, inseparable.

25. 我们是彼此的依靠,永远不会分离。

We are each other's crutches, never to be parted.

26. 他们的感情像一株藤蔓,缠绵悱恻,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a vine, intertwined and passionate, inseparable.

27. 我们是彼此的梦想,永远不会分离。

We are each other's dreams, never to be parted.

28. 他们的友谊像一本书,记录着点点滴滴,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a book, recording every moment, inseparable.

29. 我们是彼此的未来,永远不会分离。

We are each other's future, never to be parted.

30. 他们的爱情像一朵盛开的玫瑰,芬芳迷人,无法分离。

Their love is like a blooming rose, fragrant and enchanting, inseparable.

31. 我们是彼此的守护天使,永远不会分离。

We are each other's guardian angels, never to be parted.

32. 他们的命运紧紧相连,无法分离。

Their destinies are intertwined, inseparable.

33. 我们是彼此的月亮,永远不会分离。

We are each other's moons, never to be parted.

34. 他们的友情像一棵青藤,紧紧相依,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a vine, clinging tightly, inseparable.

35. 我们是彼此的太阳,永远不会分离。

We are each other's suns, never to be parted.

36. 他们的爱情像一朵云,飘过天际,无法分离。

Their love is like a cloud, floating across the sky, inseparable.

37. 我们是彼此的星辰,永远不会分离。

We are each other's stars, never to be parted.

38. 他们的友谊像一首歌,旋律优美,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a song, with a beautiful melody, inseparable.

39. 我们是彼此的灯塔,永远不会分离。

We are each other's lighthouses, never to be parted.

40. 他们的爱情像一本书,充满着浪漫和感动,无法分离。

Their love is like a book, filled with romance and emotion, inseparable.

41. 我们是彼此的彩虹,永远不会分离。

We are each other's rainbows, never to be parted.

42. 他们的感情像一幅画,美轮美奂,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a painting, beautiful and exquisite, inseparable.

43. 我们是彼此的宝藏,永远不会分离。

We are each other's treasures, never to be parted.

44. 他们的友情像一座桥梁,连接着彼此,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a bridge, connecting them, inseparable.

45. 我们是彼此的希望,永远不会分离。

We are each other's hope, never to be parted.

46. 他们的爱情像一束光,照亮彼此,无法分离。

Their love is like a beam of light, illuminating each other, inseparable.

47. 我们是彼此的翅膀,永远不会分离。

We are each other's wings, never to be parted.

48. 他们的感情像一朵盛开的百合,纯洁而美好,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a blooming lily, pure and beautiful, inseparable.

49. 我们是彼此的港湾,永远不会分离。

We are each other's havens, never to be parted.

50. 他们的友谊像一棵参天大树,根深蒂固,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a towering tree, rooted deeply, inseparable.

51. 我们是彼此的未来,永远不会分离。

We are each other's future, never to be parted.

52. 他们的爱情像一首歌,旋律优美,无法分离。

Their love is like a song, with a beautiful melody, inseparable.

53. 我们是彼此的守护者,永远不会分离。

We are each other's guardians, never to be parted.

54. 他们的感情像一束鲜花,芬芳迷人,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a bouquet of flowers, fragrant and enchanting, inseparable.

55. 我们是彼此的知己,永远不会分离。

We are each other's confidantes, never to be parted.

56. 他们的友谊像一瓶陈年老酒,醇香四溢,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a bottle of aged wine, full of rich aroma, inseparable.

57. 我们是彼此的阳光,永远不会分离。

We are each other's sunshine, never to be parted.

58. 他们的爱情像一朵盛开的玫瑰,芬芳迷人,无法分离。

Their love is like a blooming rose, fragrant and enchanting, inseparable.

59. 我们是彼此的依靠,永远不会分离。

We are each other's crutches, never to be parted.

60. 他们的感情像一株藤蔓,缠绵悱恻,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a vine, intertwined and passionate, inseparable.

61. 我们是彼此的梦想,永远不会分离。

We are each other's dreams, never to be parted.

62. 他们的友谊像一本书,记录着点点滴滴,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a book, recording every moment, inseparable.

63. 我们是彼此的唯一,永远不会分离。

We are each other's only ones, never to be parted.

64. 他们的爱情像一幅画卷,色彩斑斓,无法分离。

Their love is like a painting, vibrant and colorful, inseparable.

65. 我们是彼此的希望,永远不会分离。

We are each other's hope, never to be parted.

66. 他们的感情像一团火焰,熊熊燃烧,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a fire, burning brightly, inseparable.

67. 我们是彼此的依靠,永远不会分离。

We are each other's pillars of support, never to be parted.

68. 他们的友谊像一座桥梁,连接着彼此,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a bridge, connecting them, inseparable.

69. 我们是彼此的灵魂伴侣,永远不会分离。

We are each other's soulmates, never to be parted.

70. 他们的爱情像一束光,照亮彼此,无法分离。

Their love is like a beam of light, illuminating each other, inseparable.

71. 我们是彼此的翅膀,永远不会分离。

We are each other's wings, never to be parted.

72. 他们的感情像一朵盛开的百合,纯洁而美好,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a blooming lily, pure and beautiful, inseparable.

73. 我们是彼此的港湾,永远不会分离。

We are each other's havens, never to be parted.

74. 他们的友谊像一棵参天大树,根深蒂固,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a towering tree, rooted deeply, inseparable.

75. 我们是彼此的未来,永远不会分离。

We are each other's future, never to be parted.

76. 他们的爱情像一首歌,旋律优美,无法分离。

Their love is like a song, with a beautiful melody, inseparable.

77. 我们是彼此的守护者,永远不会分离。

We are each other's guardians, never to be parted.

78. 他们的感情像一束鲜花,芬芳迷人,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a bouquet of flowers, fragrant and enchanting, inseparable.

79. 我们是彼此的知己,永远不会分离。

We are each other's confidantes, never to be parted.

80. 他们的友谊像一瓶陈年老酒,醇香四溢,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a bottle of aged wine, full of rich aroma, inseparable.

81. 我们是彼此的阳光,永远不会分离。

We are each other's sunshine, never to be parted.

82. 他们的爱情像一朵盛开的玫瑰,芬芳迷人,无法分离。

Their love is like a blooming rose, fragrant and enchanting, inseparable.

83. 我们是彼此的依靠,永远不会分离。

We are each other's crutches, never to be parted.

84. 他们的感情像一株藤蔓,缠绵悱恻,无法分离。

Their feelings are like a vine, intertwined and passionate, inseparable.

85. 我们是彼此的梦想,永远不会分离。

We are each other's dreams, never to be parted.

86. 他们的友谊像一本书,记录着点点滴滴,无法分离。

Their friendship is like a book, recording every moment, inseparable.

87. 我们是彼此的唯一,永远不会分离。

We are each other's only ones, never to be parted.

以上就是关于表示不分离的句子87句(表示不分离的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
