
## 落地成佛句子,52句

1. **心若无尘,便是天堂。** (If the heart is free from dust, it is heaven.)

If the heart is free from dust, it is heaven.

2. **一念放下,万般自在。** (Let go of one thought, and you will be free from all burdens.)

Let go of one thought, and you will be free from all burdens.

3. **心安之处,便是家园。** (Where the heart is at peace, there is home.)

Where the heart is at peace, there is home.

4. **心静自然凉。** (A calm mind naturally cools down.)

A calm mind naturally cools down.

5. **随缘而行,不强求。** (Follow the flow of fate, don't force it.)

Follow the flow of fate, don't force it.

6. **珍惜当下,活在当下。** (Cherish the present moment, live in the now.)

Cherish the present moment, live in the now.

7. **放下执念,才能解脱。** (Let go of attachments, and you will be free.)

Let go of attachments, and you will be free.

8. **心怀慈悲,方得自在。** (With compassion in your heart, you will find peace.)

With compassion in your heart, you will find peace.

9. **善待自己,善待他人。** (Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.)

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.

10. **人生如梦,何必执着。** (Life is like a dream, why be attached?)

Life is like a dream, why be attached?

11. **不以物喜,不以己悲。** (Don't be happy about material things, don't be sad about yourself.)

Don't be happy about material things, don't be sad about yourself.

12. **知足常乐,无忧无虑。** (Be content with what you have, and you will be happy and carefree.)

Be content with what you have, and you will be happy and carefree.

13. **心怀感恩,幸福常伴。** (Be grateful, and happiness will always be with you.)

Be grateful, and happiness will always be with you.

14. **放下烦恼,轻松自在。** (Let go of worries, and you will be relaxed and free.)

Let go of worries, and you will be relaxed and free.

15. **淡泊名利,心如止水。** (Be indifferent to fame and fortune, your mind will be still like water.)

Be indifferent to fame and fortune, your mind will be still like water.

16. **不与人争,不与己争。** (Don't compete with others, don't compete with yourself.)

Don't compete with others, don't compete with yourself.

17. **宽容待人,福报无边。** (Be tolerant of others, and your blessings will be boundless.)

Be tolerant of others, and your blessings will be boundless.

18. **爱惜生命,珍惜当下。** (Cherish life, cherish the present moment.)

Cherish life, cherish the present moment.

19. **静观其变,顺其自然。** (Observe calmly, let things happen naturally.)

Observe calmly, let things happen naturally.

20. **勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。** (Don't think that good deeds are too small to do, don't think that evil deeds are too small to do.)

Don't think that good deeds are too small to do, don't think that evil deeds are too small to do.

21. **助人自助,福报无穷。** (Help others, and you will help yourself, and your blessings will be endless.)

Help others, and you will help yourself, and your blessings will be endless.

22. **心存善念,事事顺心。** (Have good thoughts, and everything will go smoothly.)

Have good thoughts, and everything will go smoothly.

23. **知错能改,善莫大焉。** (To know one's mistakes and correct them is the best of virtues.)

To know one's mistakes and correct them is the best of virtues.

24. **心若向阳,无畏寒冬。** (If your heart faces the sun, you will have no fear of winter.)

If your heart faces the sun, you will have no fear of winter.

25. **不为外物所累,不为己念所困。** (Don't be burdened by external things, don't be trapped by your own thoughts.)

Don't be burdened by external things, don't be trapped by your own thoughts.

26. **凡事皆有因果,善恶自有报应。** (Everything has cause and effect, good and evil will be rewarded.)

Everything has cause and effect, good and evil will be rewarded.

27. **心存希望,终有光明。** (Hold onto hope, and you will eventually find light.)

Hold onto hope, and you will eventually find light.

28. **心怀敬畏,方能自省。** (With awe in your heart, you can reflect on yourself.)

With awe in your heart, you can reflect on yourself.

29. **心若清净,烦恼自消。** (If your heart is pure, your troubles will disappear.)

If your heart is pure, your troubles will disappear.

30. **心怀梦想,方能追寻。** (Have a dream, and you can pursue it.)

Have a dream, and you can pursue it.

31. **心存正念,光明常在。** (Have righteous thoughts, and light will always be present.)

Have righteous thoughts, and light will always be present.

32. **心若坚强,无所畏惧。** (If your heart is strong, you will have no fear.)

If your heart is strong, you will have no fear.

33. **心存善意,世界美好。** (Have goodwill, and the world will be beautiful.)

Have goodwill, and the world will be beautiful.

34. **心怀大爱,无私奉献。** (Have great love, and give selflessly.)

Have great love, and give selflessly.

35. **心存正气,邪不胜正。** (Have righteous spirit, and evil cannot prevail over righteousness.)

Have righteous spirit, and evil cannot prevail over righteousness.

36. **心存真情,温暖人心。** (Have true feelings, and warm the hearts of others.)

Have true feelings, and warm the hearts of others.

37. **心若纯净,世界无染。** (If your heart is pure, the world will be untainted.)

If your heart is pure, the world will be untainted.

38. **心怀感恩,幸福常伴。** (Be grateful, and happiness will always be with you.)

Be grateful, and happiness will always be with you.

39. **心存善念,福报无边。** (Have good thoughts, and your blessings will be boundless.)

Have good thoughts, and your blessings will be boundless.

40. **心怀慈悲,万物皆平等。** (Have compassion, and all beings are equal.)

Have compassion, and all beings are equal.

41. **心若向善,不畏艰险。** (If your heart is towards good, you will not fear difficulties.)

If your heart is towards good, you will not fear difficulties.

42. **心存希望,生命充满阳光。** (Hold onto hope, and life will be full of sunshine.)

Hold onto hope, and life will be full of sunshine.

43. **心怀梦想,勇于追寻。** (Have a dream, and be brave in pursuing it.)

Have a dream, and be brave in pursuing it.

44. **心存正念,光明照亮前程。** (Have righteous thoughts, and light will illuminate your path.)

Have righteous thoughts, and light will illuminate your path.

45. **心若坚强,困难不足惧。** (If your heart is strong, difficulties are nothing to fear.)

If your heart is strong, difficulties are nothing to fear.

46. **心存善意,世界充满温暖。** (Have goodwill, and the world will be filled with warmth.)

Have goodwill, and the world will be filled with warmth.

47. **心怀大爱,世界充满和谐。** (Have great love, and the world will be filled with harmony.)

Have great love, and the world will be filled with harmony.

48. **心存正气,邪恶无处遁形。** (Have righteous spirit, and evil will have nowhere to hide.)

Have righteous spirit, and evil will have nowhere to hide.

49. **心存真情,人间充满爱意。** (Have true feelings, and the world will be filled with love.)

Have true feelings, and the world will be filled with love.

50. **心若纯净,世界充满希望。** (If your heart is pure, the world will be filled with hope.)

If your heart is pure, the world will be filled with hope.

51. **心怀感恩,幸福永驻心间。** (Be grateful, and happiness will reside forever in your heart.)

Be grateful, and happiness will reside forever in your heart.

52. **心存善念,福报绵延不断。** (Have good thoughts, and your blessings will continue endlessly.)

Have good thoughts, and your blessings will continue endlessly.

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