
## 老娘牵挂的句子 (99句)


1. 孩儿啊,你过得好吗?老娘这心啊,总是不踏实。

My child, how are you? My heart is always restless.

2. 你在外头,可要照顾好自己,别跟老娘一样操心。

Take care of yourself out there, don't worry like I do.

3. 看着你长大成人,老娘心里就踏实了,可这牵挂啊,是永远都断不了的。

Seeing you grow up has brought me peace, but this worry will never disappear.

4. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

5. 你要是过得好,老娘就心满意足了。

I'm content as long as you're happy.

6. 老娘的牵挂,就像这天上的星星,永远都闪烁着。

My worry is like the stars in the sky, always twinkling.

7. 你什么时候回来看看老娘?老娘想你了。

When will you come back to see me? I miss you.

8. 老娘的手艺虽然不好,可这碗面,都是老娘的心血,你多吃点。

My cooking may not be the best, but this bowl of noodles is made with all my love, eat more.

9. 老娘知道你长大了,有自己的生活,但老娘还是希望你多回来看看。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I still hope you'll come back to see me more often.

10. 老娘这辈子最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.


11. 老公啊,你出门在外,可要记得多穿衣服,别冻着了。

My dear husband, remember to wear more clothes when you're out, don't catch a cold.

12. 老公,你辛苦了,回来歇歇吧,老娘给你做你最爱吃的菜。

My dear husband, you've worked hard, come back and rest. I'll cook your favorite dish.

13. 牵挂你,就像牵挂这窗外的月亮,夜夜都在思念。

Missing you is like missing the moon outside the window, thinking about you every night.

14. 老公,你什么时候回来?老娘在家等你,茶都给你泡好了。

My dear husband, when will you come back? I'm waiting for you at home, I've even brewed tea for you.

15. 老公,你一定要保重身体,老娘这辈子离不开你。

My dear husband, you must take care of yourself, I can't live without you in this life.

16. 老公,你就是我的天,我的地,没有你,老娘活不下去。

My dear husband, you are my heaven and my earth, I can't live without you.

17. 老公,老娘这辈子最大的幸福就是嫁给了你。

My dear husband, my greatest happiness in this life is marrying you.

18. 牵挂你的心,就像这炉火上的茶壶,永远都沸腾着。

My heart is always boiling with worry for you, like the teapot on the stove.

19. 老公,你就是老娘的依靠,你永远都是老娘的唯一。

My dear husband, you are my reliance, you are always my only one.

20. 牵挂你,就像这山上的树木,永远都根深蒂固。

Missing you is like the trees on this mountain, always rooted deep.


21. 老姐妹啊,你最近怎么样?别忘了老娘,咱们有空一起出来聚聚。

My dear friend, how are you doing? Don't forget about me, let's get together when we have time.

22. 老姐妹,你要是有什么事,尽管来找老娘,老娘永远是你的后盾。

My dear friend, if you need anything, come to me, I'll always be your support.

23. 老姐妹,这辈子有你,老娘就知足了。

My dear friend, I'm content with having you in this life.

24. 牵挂你,就像牵挂这冬天的暖阳,永远都温暖着。

Missing you is like missing the warm sun in winter, always warming my heart.

25. 老姐妹,你什么时候来老娘家玩?老娘可是给你准备了一大桌好菜呢。

My dear friend, when will you come to my house to play? I've prepared a big table of delicious dishes for you.

26. 老姐妹,你就是老娘的知己,你懂老娘的心。

My dear friend, you are my soulmate, you understand my heart.

27. 老姐妹,我们一起走过的岁月,老娘永远都记得。

My dear friend, I'll always remember the years we've spent together.

28. 牵挂你的心,就像这河里的流水,永远都奔流不息。

My heart is always flowing with worry for you, like the water in this river.

29. 老姐妹,咱们的友谊,是永远都不会改变的。

My dear friend, our friendship will never change.

30. 老姐妹,你就是老娘生命中的一道光,照亮老娘的人生。

My dear friend, you are a light in my life, illuminating my path.


31. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

32. 你是老娘的宝贝,老娘永远都爱你。

You are my treasure, I will always love you.

33. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

34. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

35. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

36. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

37. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

38. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

39. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

40. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

41. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

42. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

43. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

44. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

45. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

46. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

47. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

48. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

49. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

50. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

51. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

52. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

53. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

54. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

55. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

56. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

57. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

58. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

59. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

60. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

61. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

62. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

63. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

64. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

65. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

66. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

67. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

68. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

69. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

70. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

71. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

72. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

73. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

74. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

75. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

76. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

77. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

78. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

79. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

80. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

81. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

82. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

83. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

84. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

85. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

86. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

87. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

88. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

89. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

90. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

91. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

92. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

93. 老娘知道,你已经长大了,有自己的生活了,可老娘还是忍不住牵挂你。

I know you've grown up and have your own life, but I can't help but worry about you.

94. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

95. 老娘这辈子,最放不下的就是你了,你就是老娘的命根子。

You are the only thing I can't let go of in this life, you are my lifeblood.

96. 你要是在外面过得不好,就回来,老娘永远都是你的港湾。

If you're not well off outside, come back, I'll always be your haven.

97. 老娘这辈子,最大的心愿就是看着你幸福快乐。

My biggest wish in this life is to see you happy and joyful.

98. 你是老娘的希望,是老娘的未来,老娘永远都相信你。

You are my hope, you are my future, I will always believe in you.

99. 你永远都是老娘的小宝贝,老娘永远都疼你。

You will always be my little treasure, I will always love you.

以上就是关于老娘牵挂的句子99句(老娘牵挂的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
