
## 老友叙旧句子,59句


1. 岁月匆匆,转眼间我们都已不再年轻。

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, we're no longer young.

2. 还记得当年我们一起追过的梦想吗?

Do you remember the dreams we chased together back then?

3. 那些青涩的岁月,仿佛就在昨天。

Those youthful years, it feels like they were just yesterday.

4. 回忆起往事,心中充满感慨。

Looking back on the past, my heart is filled with emotion.

5. 如今我们都已长大,但那份友谊依然珍贵。

We've all grown up now, but that friendship remains precious.

6. 那些年,我们一起哭过、笑过,一起经历过许多。

Those years, we cried together, laughed together, and went through so much together.

7. 如今再次相聚,仿佛时光倒流。

Being reunited now feels like time has turned back.

8. 昔日的校园,依然是我们的回忆。

The old campus is still a place of memories for us.

9. 那些年,我们一起追过的女孩,你还记得吗?

Do you remember the girls we chased together back then?

10. 那些年,我们一起唱过的歌,你还记得吗?

Do you remember the songs we sang together back then?


11. 时间真是个奇妙的东西,它带走了青春,却留下了回忆。

Time is a truly wonderful thing, taking away our youth but leaving behind our memories.

12. 我们都已不再年轻,但友谊依然如初。

We're no longer young, but our friendship remains as strong as ever.

13. 虽然我们已经很久没见面,但彼此之间依然亲密无间。

Though we haven't seen each other in a long time, our bond remains strong.

14. 看到你们,我的内心充满了温暖和感动。

Seeing you all fills me with warmth and emotion.

15. 时间虽然流逝,但我们之间的友谊永远不会改变。

Though time may pass, our friendship will never change.

16. 这些年,我们经历了人生的酸甜苦辣,但始终没有忘记彼此。

Throughout the years, we've experienced the joys and sorrows of life, but we've never forgotten each other.

17. 人生苦短,珍惜当下,珍惜彼此。

Life is short, cherish the present, cherish each other.

18. 感谢生命中曾经相遇的你们。

Thank you for being in my life.

19. 如今我们都已步入中年,但依然可以像孩子一样玩在一起。

Now that we're middle-aged, we can still play together like children.

20. 岁月虽然留下了痕迹,但我们的心依然年轻。

Though time has left its mark, our hearts are still young.


21. 希望我们能一直保持联系,永不忘记彼此。

I hope we can stay in touch and never forget each other.

22. 未来的路还很长,让我们一起携手同行。

The road ahead is long, let's walk it together.

23. 让我们珍惜这段难得的相聚时光。

Let's cherish this precious time we have together.

24. 希望我们能经常聚聚,一起回忆过去,展望未来。

I hope we can get together often, reminisce about the past, and look toward the future.

25. 让我们用彼此的陪伴,温暖未来的路途。

Let's use each other's companionship to warm the path ahead.

26. 希望我们能一直互相支持,共同面对人生的挑战。

I hope we can continue to support each other and face life's challenges together.

27. 愿我们的友谊地久天长。

May our friendship last forever.

28. 我们之间的友谊,是人生中最宝贵的财富。

Our friendship is one of the most precious things in life.

29. 让我们继续保持联系,共同创造更多美好的回忆。

Let's stay in touch and create more wonderful memories together.

30. 希望我们能永远像现在一样,开心快乐地在一起。

I hope we can always be together, happy and joyful, just like we are now.


31. 你还是像以前一样,喜欢穿红色衣服。

You still like to wear red, just like you always did.

32. 看起来你比以前更成熟了,但还是那么风趣幽默。

You seem more mature than before, but you're still just as witty and humorous.

33. 你还是那么爱笑,真是一点都没变。

You still love to laugh, you haven't changed a bit.

34. 你的脸上多了几条皱纹,但眼神依然充满活力。

You have a few more wrinkles on your face now, but your eyes still sparkle with life.

35. 你还是那么喜欢吃辣,这可是你的老毛病了。

You still love spicy food, that's your old habit.

36. 你的头发已经花白了,但精神状态依然很好。

Your hair is now gray, but you're still in great spirits.

37. 你还是那么喜欢唱歌,歌声依然那么动听。

You still love to sing, and your voice is still so beautiful.

38. 你还是那么爱运动,真是个活力四射的人。

You still love to exercise, you're a real livewire.

39. 你还是那么喜欢旅行,真是个不安分的人。

You still love to travel, you're a restless soul.

40. 你还是那么喜欢读书,真是个爱学习的人。

You still love to read, you're a true learner.


41. “好久不见了,你过得怎么样?”

"It's been so long, how have you been?"

42. “你还是那么年轻,一点都没变。”

"You're still so young, you haven't changed a bit."

43. “是啊,岁月真是不饶人啊。”

"Yeah, time really flies."

44. “这些年,你都经历了什么?”

"What have you been up to all these years?"

45. “你还是那么爱开玩笑。”

"You're still such a joker."

46. “我们好久没聚在一起了,真是太可惜了。”

"It's a shame we haven't gotten together in so long."

47. “以后要常联系啊,别再像以前一样,一晃就是好几年。”

"Let's stay in touch more often, don't let years go by like before."

48. “有机会一定要去你家玩。”

"I'd love to come visit you at your place sometime."

49. “我们一定要再一起聚聚,回忆往事。”

"We have to get together again, and reminisce about the past."

50. “这些年,我们都发生了很多变化,但友谊依然如初。”

"We've all changed a lot over the years, but our friendship remains as strong as ever."


51. “你还是那么爱吃,这身材是越来越壮实了。”

"You still love to eat, you're getting quite the physique."

52. “你还是那么爱吹牛,当年那些事,你都吹大了。”

"You're still such a braggart, you exaggerated all those stories from back then."

53. “你还是那么喜欢八卦,这八卦的劲头一点都没减。”

"You still love to gossip, your gossip skills haven't diminished one bit."

54. “你还是那么爱犯迷糊,这脑子是越来越不好使了。”

"You're still so forgetful, your memory is getting worse."

55. “你还是那么爱耍酷,这招数可一点都没过时。”

"You're still such a cool guy, your moves are still fresh."

56. “你还是那么喜欢耍宝,真是个开心果。”

"You're still such a comedian, you're the life of the party."

57. “你还是那么爱臭美,这颜值是越来越高了。”

"You still love to dress up, you're looking more handsome/beautiful than ever."

58. “你还是那么喜欢乱花钱,这钱包是越来越空了。”

"You still love to spend money, your wallet is getting emptier."

59. “你还是那么爱说大话,这梦想是越来越远了。”

"You still love to boast, your dreams are getting further and further away."

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