
## 老友记长句子,58句,翻译成英文并用p标签标注段落:

**1. 我宁愿和我的朋友待在一起,也不愿在没有他们的情况下独自获得成功。(Rachel)**

I'd rather be with my friends than be successful alone without them.

**2. 有些事情是命运安排的,无论你怎样努力,你都无法改变。(Rachel)**

Some things are just meant to be, no matter how hard you try, you can't change it.

**3. 我们都是一家人,即使我们有时会互相伤害。(Phoebe)**

We're all family, even if we hurt each other sometimes.

**4. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。(Forrest Gump)**

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

**5. 重要的是,我们努力奋斗,我们享受生活。(Joey)**

The important thing is, we try hard, and we enjoy life.

**6. 爱就是你愿意为某人做任何事,即使这意味着伤害你自己。(Chandler)**

Love is when you're willing to do anything for someone, even if it means hurting yourself.

**7. 我们都犯过错误,重要的是我们从错误中吸取教训,并继续前进。(Monica)**

We've all made mistakes, the important thing is that we learn from them and move on.

**8. 友谊就像一杯好酒,越陈越香。(Ross)**

Friendship is like a fine wine, it gets better with age.

**9. 生活就是充满了意外,你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么。(Phoebe)**

Life is full of surprises, you never know what's going to happen next.

**10. 我们都是不完美的人,但我们一起就是完美的。(Joey)**

We're all imperfect people, but together we're perfect.

**11. 爱情是世界上最美好的东西,但它也可能是最痛苦的东西。(Rachel)**

Love is the greatest thing in the world, but it can also be the most painful.

**12. 有时,你必须放弃你所爱的,才能得到你真正想要的。(Chandler)**

Sometimes, you have to give up what you love to get what you really want.

**13. 生活中总会有挫折,重要的是我们如何面对它们。(Monica)**

There will always be setbacks in life, the important thing is how we deal with them.

**14. 我们都是独特的个体,但我们都渴望被爱。(Ross)**

We are all unique individuals, but we all crave to be loved.

**15. 友谊是生命中最宝贵的礼物。(Phoebe)**

Friendship is the most precious gift in life.

**16. 我宁愿做自己,也不愿做别人眼中的完美。(Joey)**

I'd rather be myself than be someone else's idea of perfect.

**17. 人生苦短,我们要珍惜每一天。(Rachel)**

Life is short, let's cherish every day.

**18. 有时,我们必须做出艰难的决定,即使这意味着伤害我们所爱的人。(Chandler)**

Sometimes, we have to make tough decisions, even if it means hurting the people we love.

**19. 爱是不可预知的,它可以突然降临。(Monica)**

Love is unpredictable, it can come out of nowhere.

**20. 我们要学会原谅,不仅要原谅别人,还要原谅自己。(Ross)**

We need to learn to forgive, not only others, but also ourselves.

**21. 生活就像一场冒险,让我们尽情享受。(Phoebe)**

Life is an adventure, let's enjoy it while we can.

**22. 我们都渴望被接受,被爱。(Joey)**

We all crave to be accepted, to be loved.

**23. 爱情是不可预知的,它可以在任何地方发生。(Rachel)**

Love is unpredictable, it can happen anywhere.

**24. 我们要学会珍惜我们拥有的,不要等到失去才后悔。(Chandler)**

Let's learn to cherish what we have, don't wait until it's gone to regret it.

**25. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。(Forrest Gump)**

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

**26. 我们要学会享受生活,即使它有时很艰难。(Monica)**

Let's learn to enjoy life, even when it gets tough.

**27. 爱是世界上最强大的力量。(Ross)**

Love is the most powerful force in the world.

**28. 友谊是一份宝贵的礼物,让我们珍惜它。(Phoebe)**

Friendship is a precious gift, let's cherish it.

**29. 我宁愿做自己,也不愿做别人眼中的完美。(Joey)**

I'd rather be myself than be someone else's idea of perfect.

**30. 我们要学会接受生活中的不完美。(Rachel)**

Let's learn to accept the imperfections in life.

**31. 有时,我们必须做出牺牲,才能获得我们想要的东西。(Chandler)**

Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to get what we want.

**32. 我们要学会原谅,不仅要原谅别人,还要原谅自己。(Monica)**

We need to learn to forgive, not only others, but also ourselves.

**33. 生活就像一场冒险,让我们尽情享受。(Ross)**

Life is an adventure, let's enjoy it while we can.

**34. 我们都渴望被接受,被爱。(Phoebe)**

We all crave to be accepted, to be loved.

**35. 爱是不可预知的,它可以在任何地方发生。(Joey)**

Love is unpredictable, it can happen anywhere.

**36. 我们要学会珍惜我们拥有的,不要等到失去才后悔。(Rachel)**

Let's learn to cherish what we have, don't wait until it's gone to regret it.

**37. 我们要学会享受生活,即使它有时很艰难。(Chandler)**

Let's learn to enjoy life, even when it gets tough.

**38. 爱是世界上最强大的力量。(Monica)**

Love is the most powerful force in the world.

**39. 友谊是一份宝贵的礼物,让我们珍惜它。(Ross)**

Friendship is a precious gift, let's cherish it.

**40. 我宁愿做自己,也不愿做别人眼中的完美。(Phoebe)**

I'd rather be myself than be someone else's idea of perfect.

**41. 我们要学会接受生活中的不完美。(Joey)**

Let's learn to accept the imperfections in life.

**42. 有时,我们必须做出牺牲,才能获得我们想要的东西。(Rachel)**

Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to get what we want.

**43. 我们要学会原谅,不仅要原谅别人,还要原谅自己。(Chandler)**

We need to learn to forgive, not only others, but also ourselves.

**44. 生活就像一场冒险,让我们尽情享受。(Monica)**

Life is an adventure, let's enjoy it while we can.

**45. 我们都渴望被接受,被爱。(Ross)**

We all crave to be accepted, to be loved.

**46. 爱是不可预知的,它可以在任何地方发生。(Phoebe)**

Love is unpredictable, it can happen anywhere.

**47. 我们要学会珍惜我们拥有的,不要等到失去才后悔。(Joey)**

Let's learn to cherish what we have, don't wait until it's gone to regret it.

**48. 我们要学会享受生活,即使它有时很艰难。(Rachel)**

Let's learn to enjoy life, even when it gets tough.

**49. 爱是世界上最强大的力量。(Chandler)**

Love is the most powerful force in the world.

**50. 友谊是一份宝贵的礼物,让我们珍惜它。(Monica)**

Friendship is a precious gift, let's cherish it.

**51. 我宁愿做自己,也不愿做别人眼中的完美。(Ross)**

I'd rather be myself than be someone else's idea of perfect.

**52. 我们要学会接受生活中的不完美。(Phoebe)**

Let's learn to accept the imperfections in life.

**53. 有时,我们必须做出牺牲,才能获得我们想要的东西。(Joey)**

Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to get what we want.

**54. 我们要学会原谅,不仅要原谅别人,还要原谅自己。(Rachel)**

We need to learn to forgive, not only others, but also ourselves.

**55. 生活就像一场冒险,让我们尽情享受。(Chandler)**

Life is an adventure, let's enjoy it while we can.

**56. 我们都渴望被接受,被爱。(Monica)**

We all crave to be accepted, to be loved.

**57. 爱是不可预知的,它可以在任何地方发生。(Ross)**

Love is unpredictable, it can happen anywhere.

**58. 我们要学会珍惜我们拥有的,不要等到失去才后悔。(Phoebe)**

Let's learn to cherish what we have, don't wait until it's gone to regret it.

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