
## 翁源东华禅寺句子 (73句)

1. **山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。**

The mountain is not high, it is famous if there are immortals. The water is not deep, it is spiritual if there are dragons.

2. **心静自然凉,心安即是家。**

A calm mind naturally cools down, peace of mind is home.

3. **一花一世界,一叶一菩提。**

One flower, one world; one leaf, one enlightenment.

4. **放下屠刀,立地成佛。**

Lay down your butcher knife, and you will become a Buddha on the spot.

5. **菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。**

Enlightenment has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform.

6. **本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。**

There is nothing originally, where can dust be stirred up?

7. **空山不见人,但闻人语响。**

In the empty mountains, no one is seen, but only the sound of people is heard.

8. **万法皆空,因果不空。**

All laws are empty, but cause and effect are not empty.

9. **心若无尘,何处惹尘埃。**

If the mind is free of dust, where can dust be stirred up?

10. **禅心似水,波澜不惊。**

The Zen mind is like water, calm and undisturbed.

11. **修行在世,不离世间法。**

Cultivation in this world does not depart from worldly laws.

12. **一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。**

All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, bubbles, illusions, and lightning; they should be seen in this way.

13. **不识本心,长劫轮回。**

Without knowing the original mind, one will be trapped in the cycle of rebirth for a long time.

14. **修行无捷径,一步一脚印。**

There is no shortcut to cultivation, every step is a footprint.

15. **宁静致远,淡泊明志。**

Quietness leads to far-reaching goals, and simplicity clarifies one's ambition.

16. **一念天堂,一念地狱。**

One thought can lead to heaven, one thought can lead to hell.

17. **心外无物,心外无事。**

There is nothing outside the mind, there are no affairs outside the mind.

18. **色即是空,空即是色。**

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.

19. **善恶皆由心,一切皆缘起。**

Good and evil all come from the mind, everything arises from causes and conditions.

20. **福报是自己修来的,不是求来的。**

Good fortune is cultivated by oneself, not sought after.

21. **因果循环,报应不爽。**

Cause and effect cycle, retribution is inevitable.

22. **万事皆有定数,不可强求。**

Everything has its predetermined destiny, do not force it.

23. **不争,不抢,不求,不执。**

Do not compete, do not grab, do not seek, do not cling.

24. **随缘而安,顺势而为。**

Be at ease with what comes your way, follow the natural course of things.

25. **心宽天地阔,心窄路难行。**

A broad mind has a vast world, a narrow mind has a difficult path.

26. **慈悲喜舍,四大皆空。**

Compassion, loving-kindness, joy, and equanimity—the four elements are empty.

27. **一切皆是虚幻,唯有真心永恒。**

Everything is illusory, only the true heart is eternal.

28. **修行不是为了成佛,而是为了解脱。**

Cultivation is not for becoming a Buddha, but for liberation.

29. **不畏艰险,勇往直前。**

Do not fear hardships, bravely forge ahead.

30. **心念一动,万法皆生。**

As soon as a thought arises, all laws are born.

31. **无住生心,无心生法。**

A mind without attachment gives rise to thoughts, a mind without thoughts gives rise to laws.

32. **清净心是道场,清净行是佛法。**

A pure mind is a place of cultivation, pure actions are the Dharma.

33. **得失成败,皆是过眼云烟。**

Gain and loss, success and failure are all passing clouds.

34. **心如明镜台,能照万象。**

The mind is like a bright mirror, able to reflect all phenomena.

35. **一切皆空,唯有正念。**

Everything is empty, only right mindfulness remains.

36. **心是福田,种善得善。**

The mind is fertile ground, planting good deeds yields good results.

37. **莫向外求,心自具足。**

Do not seek outside, the heart is already complete.

38. **坐禅静心,观照身心。**

Sit in meditation to calm the mind and observe the body and mind.

39. **一念不生,万法皆空。**

If even one thought does not arise, all laws are empty.

40. **无缘无故,不生不灭。**

Without cause or condition, neither born nor extinguished.

41. **心念清净,无忧无虑。**

A pure mind is free of worries and anxieties.

42. **修行之路,漫漫长路。**

The path of cultivation is a long and winding one.

43. **不执着于任何事物,才能获得真正的自由。**

Only by not clinging to anything can you achieve true freedom.

44. **放下执念,才能获得解脱。**

Only by letting go of attachments can you achieve liberation.

45. **心无所住,无所畏惧。**

A mind that dwells nowhere is fearless.

46. **万法归一,一法归空。**

All laws return to one, one law returns to emptiness.

47. **佛法无边,心量广大。**

The Dharma is boundless, the mind is vast.

48. **修行就是觉悟,觉悟就是解脱。**

Cultivation is awakening, awakening is liberation.

49. **人生如梦,梦醒无常。**

Life is like a dream, when you wake up from the dream, there is impermanence.

50. **心存善念,福报无边。**

With good intentions, blessings are boundless.

51. **一切皆是缘分,缘来则聚,缘尽则散。**

Everything is a matter of fate, when it is destined to come together, it will gather; when it is destined to part, it will disperse.

52. **知足常乐,无欲则刚。**

Be content and always be happy, when there are no desires, you will be strong.

53. **行善积德,福报绵延。**

Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, blessings will continue.

54. **无常是人生的真相,珍惜当下。**

Impermanence is the truth of life, cherish the present moment.

55. **心如止水,波澜不惊。**

The mind is like still water, calm and undisturbed.

56. **生命有限,珍惜时间。**

Life is finite, cherish time.

57. **活在当下,不念过去,不畏将来。**

Live in the present moment, do not dwell on the past, do not fear the future.

58. **心存感恩,世界美好。**

With a grateful heart, the world is beautiful.

59. **修行路上,贵在坚持。**

On the path of cultivation, persistence is precious.

60. **凡事看开,心境平和。**

Be open-minded about everything, and your mind will be peaceful.

61. **善待他人,善待自己。**

Treat others well, treat yourself well.

62. **广结善缘,福泽绵延。**

Form wide connections with good people, blessings will continue.

63. **心怀慈悲,世界和谐。**

With a compassionate heart, the world is harmonious.

64. **无私奉献,快乐无限。**

Selfless dedication brings endless joy.

65. **人生苦短,及时行乐。**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

66. **助人自助,乐在其中。**

Helping others is helping yourself, find joy in it.

67. **珍惜缘分,缘来则珍惜,缘尽则随缘。**

Cherish fate, treasure it when it comes, and let it go when it is over.

68. **心怀希望,未来可期。**

With hope in your heart, the future is promising.

69. **勇敢追梦,不负韶华。**

Be brave in pursuing your dreams, do not waste your prime.

70. **人生不易,且行且珍惜。**

Life is not easy, cherish it as you go.

71. **心存梦想,脚踏实地。**

Keep your dreams in your heart, but stay grounded.

72. **积极乐观,战胜困难。**

Be positive and optimistic, overcome difficulties.

73. **人生在世,活出精彩。**

Live a life that is full of meaning while you are on Earth.

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