
## 群里拒绝广告的句子 (65句)

**1. 广告勿扰,请自重!**

Ads are not welcome, please respect this.

**2. 此群谢绝一切形式的广告,谢谢合作!**

This group prohibits all forms of advertising, thanks for your cooperation!

**3. 本群禁止任何广告信息,违者踢出!**

Any advertising information is prohibited in this group, violators will be kicked out!

**4. 请勿发布广告信息,谢谢理解!**

Please do not post advertising information, thank you for your understanding!

**5. 广告请绕道,谢谢配合!**

Advertisements please detour, thank you for your cooperation!

**6. 这里只聊[主题],广告请自觉屏蔽!**

We only discuss [topic] here, please consciously block ads!

**7. 拒绝广告,维护群聊环境,请大家自觉遵守!**

Rejecting ads, maintaining a healthy group chat environment, please comply consciously!

**8. 广告信息一律删除,请勿再试!**

All advertising information will be deleted, please do not try again!

**9. 严禁发布广告,请自觉!**

Strictly prohibited from posting ads, please be aware!

**10. 广告信息,请勿打扰!**

Advertising information, please do not disturb!

**11. 请勿在群里发布任何广告,谢谢配合!**

Please do not post any advertising in the group, thank you for your cooperation!

**12. 此群禁止一切商业推广,谢谢理解!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, thank you for your understanding!

**13. 广告请绕行,谢谢理解!**

Advertisements please bypass, thank you for your understanding!

**14. 本群只为[主题]交流,广告勿扰!**

This group is only for [topic] communication, no ads please!

**15. 拒绝广告,共建美好群聊环境!**

Rejecting ads, building a beautiful group chat environment together!

**16. 广告勿扰,谢谢理解!**

Ads are not welcome, thank you for your understanding!

**17. 严禁发布任何广告,违者将被踢出群聊!**

Strictly prohibited from posting any advertisements, violators will be kicked out of the group chat!

**18. 请勿在群里做广告,谢谢配合!**

Please do not advertise in the group, thank you for your cooperation!

**19. 本群禁止一切商业推广,请勿发布广告!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, please do not post ads!

**20. 广告请勿发布,谢谢理解!**

Please do not post ads, thank you for your understanding!

**21. 此群只聊[主题],广告信息一律删除!**

This group only discusses [topic], all advertising information will be deleted!

**22. 拒绝广告,维护群聊秩序!**

Rejecting ads, maintaining group chat order!

**23. 广告请绕行,谢谢配合!**

Advertisements please bypass, thank you for your cooperation!

**24. 本群禁止任何形式的广告,请勿发布!**

This group prohibits any form of advertising, please do not post!

**25. 请勿发布任何广告信息,谢谢理解!**

Please do not post any advertising information, thank you for your understanding!

**26. 广告勿扰,请尊重群规!**

Ads are not welcome, please respect the group rules!

**27. 此群禁止任何商业推广,请自觉遵守!**

This group prohibits any commercial promotions, please comply consciously!

**28. 广告请绕道,维护群聊氛围!**

Advertisements please detour, maintain the group chat atmosphere!

**29. 本群只为[主题]交流,广告一律删除!**

This group is only for [topic] communication, all ads will be deleted!

**30. 拒绝广告,让群聊更纯粹!**

Rejecting ads, making group chat purer!

**31. 广告信息,请勿打扰,谢谢理解!**

Advertising information, please do not disturb, thank you for your understanding!

**32. 严禁发布任何广告信息,请自觉!**

Strictly prohibited from posting any advertising information, please be aware!

**33. 请勿在群里发布任何广告,谢谢合作!**

Please do not post any ads in the group, thank you for your cooperation!

**34. 此群禁止任何商业推广,谢谢配合!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, thank you for your cooperation!

**35. 广告请绕行,请尊重群规!**

Advertisements please bypass, please respect the group rules!

**36. 本群只为[主题]交流,广告勿扰!**

This group is only for [topic] communication, no ads please!

**37. 拒绝广告,共建和谐群聊环境!**

Rejecting ads, building a harmonious group chat environment together!

**38. 广告勿扰,请尊重群友!**

Ads are not welcome, please respect fellow group members!

**39. 严禁发布任何广告,违者将被踢出!**

Strictly prohibited from posting any advertisements, violators will be kicked out!

**40. 请勿在群里做广告,谢谢理解!**

Please do not advertise in the group, thank you for your understanding!

**41. 本群禁止一切商业推广,请勿发布广告!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, please do not post ads!

**42. 广告请勿发布,谢谢配合!**

Please do not post ads, thank you for your cooperation!

**43. 此群只聊[主题],广告信息一律删除!**

This group only discusses [topic], all advertising information will be deleted!

**44. 拒绝广告,维护群聊秩序!**

Rejecting ads, maintaining group chat order!

**45. 广告请绕行,谢谢理解!**

Advertisements please bypass, thank you for your understanding!

**46. 本群禁止任何形式的广告,请勿发布!**

This group prohibits any form of advertising, please do not post!

**47. 请勿发布任何广告信息,谢谢理解!**

Please do not post any advertising information, thank you for your understanding!

**48. 广告勿扰,请尊重群规!**

Ads are not welcome, please respect the group rules!

**49. 此群禁止任何商业推广,请自觉遵守!**

This group prohibits any commercial promotions, please comply consciously!

**50. 广告请绕道,维护群聊氛围!**

Advertisements please detour, maintain the group chat atmosphere!

**51. 本群只为[主题]交流,广告一律删除!**

This group is only for [topic] communication, all ads will be deleted!

**52. 拒绝广告,让群聊更纯粹!**

Rejecting ads, making group chat purer!

**53. 广告信息,请勿打扰,谢谢理解!**

Advertising information, please do not disturb, thank you for your understanding!

**54. 严禁发布任何广告信息,请自觉!**

Strictly prohibited from posting any advertising information, please be aware!

**55. 请勿在群里发布任何广告,谢谢合作!**

Please do not post any ads in the group, thank you for your cooperation!

**56. 此群禁止任何商业推广,谢谢配合!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, thank you for your cooperation!

**57. 广告请绕行,请尊重群规!**

Advertisements please bypass, please respect the group rules!

**58. 本群只为[主题]交流,广告勿扰!**

This group is only for [topic] communication, no ads please!

**59. 拒绝广告,共建和谐群聊环境!**

Rejecting ads, building a harmonious group chat environment together!

**60. 广告勿扰,请尊重群友!**

Ads are not welcome, please respect fellow group members!

**61. 严禁发布任何广告,违者将被踢出!**

Strictly prohibited from posting any advertisements, violators will be kicked out!

**62. 请勿在群里做广告,谢谢理解!**

Please do not advertise in the group, thank you for your understanding!

**63. 本群禁止一切商业推广,请勿发布广告!**

This group prohibits all commercial promotions, please do not post ads!

**64. 广告请勿发布,谢谢配合!**

Please do not post ads, thank you for your cooperation!

**65. 此群只聊[主题],广告信息一律删除!**

This group only discusses [topic], all advertising information will be deleted!

以上就是关于群里拒绝广告的句子65句(群里拒绝广告的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
