
## 群聊搞笑句子 62句


1. 我今天早上起床,突然发现自己穿反衣服了,然后我就赶紧换了回来,结果发现穿反了的是鞋。
2. 为什么我总感觉我的手机掉进马桶里了?因为我每次上厕所都得检查一下。
3. 我终于明白为什么有些人在朋友圈里秀恩爱了,因为他们想证明自己不是单身狗。
4. 我朋友说他最近失眠,因为他老是担心自己睡着了,然后就再也醒不过来了。
5. 我发现一个真理:越努力,越幸运。因为努力的人会遇到更多的机会。
6. 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现我的银行卡被吞了,然后我就问银行工作人员:“这是不是你们的新功能?”
7. 我今天去超市买了个西瓜,结果回家发现西瓜是方的。
8. 我今天在路上看到一个乞丐,他手里拿着一张纸,上面写着:“我是一个聋哑人,请帮助我。”我给了他十块钱,然后他给我竖了个中指。
9. 我今天在公交车上看到一个小偷,他正在偷一个老奶奶的手机。我当时很想上前阻止他,但想想还是算了,反正我也没手机。
10. 我今天在路上看到一个美女,我忍不住就上去搭讪,结果她告诉我:“你认错人了。”
11. 我今天去面试,结果面试官问我:“你有什么优点?”我说:“我最大的优点就是诚实。”面试官说:“你很诚实,但是你没有优点。”
12. 我今天去饭店吃饭,结果发现菜单上没有我爱吃的菜。我问服务员:“为什么菜单上没有我爱吃的菜?”服务员说:“因为我们这里不卖菜。”
13. 我今天在网上看到一个段子,说:“为什么单身狗总是喜欢吃狗粮?因为他们想体验一下爱情的味道。”
14. 我今天在朋友圈里看到一个朋友发了一条状态,说:“我今天被一个男的搭讪了,他问我是不是喜欢他,我说喜欢啊,我喜欢钱。”
15. 我今天在电视上看到一个广告,说:“吃了这个药,你就能拥有一头乌黑亮丽的头发。”我心想:如果吃了这个药就能拥有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,那我为什么还要买假发?
16. 我今天在街上看到一个卖煎饼果子的摊位,老板娘长的特别漂亮,我忍不住就问:“老板娘,你这么漂亮,怎么不去当明星呢?”老板娘说:“我怕被你们吃掉。”
17. 我今天去理发店理发,理发师问我:“你想剪什么发型?”我说:“我想要一个像你一样的发型。”理发师说:“对不起,我不能帮你。”
18. 我今天在网上看到一个新闻,说:“男子为了证明自己的实力,一口气吃了100个包子。”我心想:这有什么好证明的?难道吃包子就能证明实力吗?
19. 我今天在公园里看到一对情侣在吵架,女的哭着说:“你为什么不理我?”男的说:“因为你太吵了。”
20. 我今天去买衣服,结果发现自己喜欢的衣服都太贵了。我心想:算了,我还是去买打折的衣服吧。
21. 我今天在街上看到一个卖西瓜的摊位,老板说:“我的西瓜又甜又便宜。”我心想:这不可能,便宜的西瓜怎么可能又甜呢?
22. 我今天去参加朋友的婚礼,结果发现新娘不是我认识的那个人。我心想:难道我走错地方了?
23. 我今天在网上看到一个笑话,说:“为什么女生总是喜欢拍照?因为她们想证明自己存在过。”我心想:难道女生拍照只是为了证明自己存在过吗?
24. 我今天在路上看到一个小朋友在哭,我忍不住就问他:“小朋友,你怎么哭了?”小朋友说:“我丢了10块钱。”我心想:10块钱而已,有什么好哭的?
25. 我今天在公司里看到一个同事在吃泡面,我忍不住就问他:“你为什么不吃点好的?”同事说:“因为我的工资太低了。”我心想:这年头,工资低的人还真多。
26. 我今天在网上看到一个段子,说:“为什么有些人喜欢养宠物?因为他们想找个不会背叛自己的朋友。”我心想:难道养宠物就是为了找个不会背叛自己的朋友吗?
27. 我今天在街上看到一个卖烤红薯的摊位,老板娘长的特别漂亮,我忍不住就问:“老板娘,你这么漂亮,怎么不去当明星呢?”老板娘说:“我怕被你们吃掉。”
28. 我今天去超市买了一瓶矿泉水,结果回家发现瓶子里只有一半的水。我心想:难道我被骗了?
29. 我今天在路上看到一个乞丐,他手里拿着一张纸,上面写着:“我是一个聋哑人,请帮助我。”我给了他十块钱,然后他给我竖了个中指。
30. 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现我的银行卡被吞了,然后我就问银行工作人员:“这是不是你们的新功能?”
31. 我今天去理发店理发,理发师问我:“你想剪什么发型?”我说:“我想要一个像你一样的发型。”理发师说:“对不起,我不能帮你。”
32. 我今天在网上看到一个新闻,说:“男子为了证明自己的实力,一口气吃了100个包子。”我心想:这有什么好证明的?难道吃包子就能证明实力吗?
33. 我今天在公园里看到一对情侣在吵架,女的哭着说:“你为什么不理我?”男的说:“因为你太吵了。”
34. 我今天去买衣服,结果发现自己喜欢的衣服都太贵了。我心想:算了,我还是去买打折的衣服吧。
35. 我今天在街上看到一个卖西瓜的摊位,老板说:“我的西瓜又甜又便宜。”我心想:这不可能,便宜的西瓜怎么可能又甜呢?
36. 我今天去参加朋友的婚礼,结果发现新娘不是我认识的那个人。我心想:难道我走错地方了?
37. 我今天在网上看到一个笑话,说:“为什么女生总是喜欢拍照?因为她们想证明自己存在过。”我心想:难道女生拍照只是为了证明自己存在过吗?
38. 我今天在路上看到一个小朋友在哭,我忍不住就问他:“小朋友,你怎么哭了?”小朋友说:“我丢了10块钱。”我心想:10块钱而已,有什么好哭的?
39. 我今天在公司里看到一个同事在吃泡面,我忍不住就问他:“你为什么不吃点好的?”同事说:“因为我的工资太低了。”我心想:这年头,工资低的人还真多。
40. 我今天在网上看到一个段子,说:“为什么有些人喜欢养宠物?因为他们想找个不会背叛自己的朋友。”我心想:难道养宠物就是为了找个不会背叛自己的朋友吗?
41. 我今天在街上看到一个卖烤红薯的摊位,老板娘长的特别漂亮,我忍不住就问:“老板娘,你这么漂亮,怎么不去当明星呢?”老板娘说:“我怕被你们吃掉。”
42. 我今天去超市买了一瓶矿泉水,结果回家发现瓶子里只有一半的水。我心想:难道我被骗了?
43. 我今天在路上看到一个乞丐,他手里拿着一张纸,上面写着:“我是一个聋哑人,请帮助我。”我给了他十块钱,然后他给我竖了个中指。
44. 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现我的银行卡被吞了,然后我就问银行工作人员:“这是不是你们的新功能?”
45. 我今天去理发店理发,理发师问我:“你想剪什么发型?”我说:“我想要一个像你一样的发型。”理发师说:“对不起,我不能帮你。”
46. 我今天在网上看到一个新闻,说:“男子为了证明自己的实力,一口气吃了100个包子。”我心想:这有什么好证明的?难道吃包子就能证明实力吗?
47. 我今天在公园里看到一对情侣在吵架,女的哭着说:“你为什么不理我?”男的说:“因为你太吵了。”
48. 我今天去买衣服,结果发现自己喜欢的衣服都太贵了。我心想:算了,我还是去买打折的衣服吧。
49. 我今天在街上看到一个卖西瓜的摊位,老板说:“我的西瓜又甜又便宜。”我心想:这不可能,便宜的西瓜怎么可能又甜呢?
50. 我今天去参加朋友的婚礼,结果发现新娘不是我认识的那个人。我心想:难道我走错地方了?
51. 我今天在网上看到一个笑话,说:“为什么女生总是喜欢拍照?因为她们想证明自己存在过。”我心想:难道女生拍照只是为了证明自己存在过吗?
52. 我今天在路上看到一个小朋友在哭,我忍不住就问他:“小朋友,你怎么哭了?”小朋友说:“我丢了10块钱。”我心想:10块钱而已,有什么好哭的?
53. 我今天在公司里看到一个同事在吃泡面,我忍不住就问他:“你为什么不吃点好的?”同事说:“因为我的工资太低了。”我心想:这年头,工资低的人还真多。
54. 我今天在网上看到一个段子,说:“为什么有些人喜欢养宠物?因为他们想找个不会背叛自己的朋友。”我心想:难道养宠物就是为了找个不会背叛自己的朋友吗?
55. 我今天在街上看到一个卖烤红薯的摊位,老板娘长的特别漂亮,我忍不住就问:“老板娘,你这么漂亮,怎么不去当明星呢?”老板娘说:“我怕被你们吃掉。”
56. 我今天去超市买了一瓶矿泉水,结果回家发现瓶子里只有一半的水。我心想:难道我被骗了?
57. 我今天在路上看到一个乞丐,他手里拿着一张纸,上面写着:“我是一个聋哑人,请帮助我。”我给了他十块钱,然后他给我竖了个中指。
58. 我今天去银行取钱,结果发现我的银行卡被吞了,然后我就问银行工作人员:“这是不是你们的新功能?”
59. 我今天去理发店理发,理发师问我:“你想剪什么发型?”我说:“我想要一个像你一样的发型。”理发师说:“对不起,我不能帮你。”
60. 我今天在网上看到一个新闻,说:“男子为了证明自己的实力,一口气吃了100个包子。”我心想:这有什么好证明的?难道吃包子就能证明实力吗?
61. 我今天在公园里看到一对情侣在吵架,女的哭着说:“你为什么不理我?”男的说:“因为你太吵了。”
62. 我今天去买衣服,结果发现自己喜欢的衣服都太贵了。我心想:算了,我还是去买打折的衣服吧。


1. I woke up this morning and suddenly realized I was wearing my clothes inside out, so I quickly changed them. Then I realized I had the shoes on the wrong feet.

2. Why do I always feel like my phone is falling into the toilet? Because I have to check every time I go to the bathroom.

3. I finally understand why some people show off their love in Moments. They want to prove they are not single dogs.

4. My friend said he couldn't sleep lately because he was worried that he would fall asleep and never wake up.

5. I discovered a truth: the harder you work, the luckier you get. Because hard-working people will encounter more opportunities.

6. I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to find my bank card was swallowed. Then I asked the bank staff,"Is this a new feature of yours?"

7. I bought a watermelon from the supermarket today, only to find it was square when I got home.

8. I saw a beggar on the street today. He was holding a piece of paper that said,"I am a deaf-mute. Please help me." I gave him ten yuan, and he gave me the middle finger.

9. I saw a thief on the bus today. He was stealing an old lady's phone. I wanted to stop him, but then I thought, forget it, I don't have a phone anyway.

10. I saw a beautiful woman on the street today. I couldn't help but chat her up, and she told me,"You've got the wrong person."

11. I went for an interview today. The interviewer asked me,"What are your strengths?" I said,"My biggest strength is honesty." The interviewer said,"You're very honest, but you don't have any strengths."

12. I went to a restaurant for dinner today, only to find that the menu didn't have my favorite dish. I asked the waiter,"Why isn't my favorite dish on the menu?" The waiter said,"Because we don't sell vegetables here."

13. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do single dogs always like to eat dog food? Because they want to experience the taste of love."

14. I saw a friend's post on Moments today, saying,"I was chatted up by a guy today. He asked me if I liked him, and I said, 'I like it, I like money'."

15. I saw an ad on TV today, saying,"Take this medicine, and you'll have a head of black, shiny hair." I thought, if this medicine could give me a head of black, shiny hair, why would I need to buy a wig?

16. I saw a pancake stall on the street today. The owner was really beautiful, and I couldn't help but ask,"Boss, you are so beautiful, why don't you become a star?" The owner said,"I'm afraid you guys will eat me."

17. I went to the barbershop for a haircut today. The barber asked me,"What kind of haircut do you want?" I said,"I want a haircut like yours." The barber said,"Sorry, I can't help you."

18. I saw a news story online today, saying,"A man ate 100 buns in one go to prove his strength." I thought, what's there to prove? Can eating buns really prove strength?

19. I saw a couple arguing in the park today. The girl was crying, saying,"Why don't you pay attention to me?" The guy said,"Because you're too noisy."

20. I went shopping for clothes today, only to find that the clothes I liked were all too expensive. I thought, forget it, I'll just go buy discounted clothes.

21. I saw a watermelon stall on the street today. The owner said,"My watermelon is sweet and cheap." I thought, that's impossible, how can cheap watermelon be sweet?

22. I went to my friend's wedding today, only to find that the bride wasn't the person I knew. I thought, did I go to the wrong place?

23. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do girls always like to take pictures? Because they want to prove that they existed." I thought, do girls take pictures just to prove they existed?

24. I saw a kid crying on the street today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Kid, why are you crying?" The kid said,"I lost ten yuan." I thought, ten yuan is nothing, what's there to cry about?

25. I saw a colleague eating instant noodles in the office today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Why don't you eat something better?" The colleague said,"Because my salary is too low." I thought, there are so many people with low salaries these days.

26. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do some people like to keep pets? Because they want to find a friend who won't betray them." I thought, do people keep pets just to find a friend who won't betray them?

27. I saw a sweet potato stall on the street today. The owner was really beautiful, and I couldn't help but ask,"Boss, you are so beautiful, why don't you become a star?" The owner said,"I'm afraid you guys will eat me."

28. I bought a bottle of mineral water from the supermarket today, only to find it was only half full when I got home. I thought, did I get scammed?

29. I saw a beggar on the street today. He was holding a piece of paper that said,"I am a deaf-mute. Please help me." I gave him ten yuan, and he gave me the middle finger.

30. I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to find my bank card was swallowed. Then I asked the bank staff,"Is this a new feature of yours?"

31. I went to the barbershop for a haircut today. The barber asked me,"What kind of haircut do you want?" I said,"I want a haircut like yours." The barber said,"Sorry, I can't help you."

32. I saw a news story online today, saying,"A man ate 100 buns in one go to prove his strength." I thought, what's there to prove? Can eating buns really prove strength?

33. I saw a couple arguing in the park today. The girl was crying, saying,"Why don't you pay attention to me?" The guy said,"Because you're too noisy."

34. I went shopping for clothes today, only to find that the clothes I liked were all too expensive. I thought, forget it, I'll just go buy discounted clothes.

35. I saw a watermelon stall on the street today. The owner said,"My watermelon is sweet and cheap." I thought, that's impossible, how can cheap watermelon be sweet?

36. I went to my friend's wedding today, only to find that the bride wasn't the person I knew. I thought, did I go to the wrong place?

37. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do girls always like to take pictures? Because they want to prove that they existed." I thought, do girls take pictures just to prove they existed?

38. I saw a kid crying on the street today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Kid, why are you crying?" The kid said,"I lost ten yuan." I thought, ten yuan is nothing, what's there to cry about?

39. I saw a colleague eating instant noodles in the office today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Why don't you eat something better?" The colleague said,"Because my salary is too low." I thought, there are so many people with low salaries these days.

40. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do some people like to keep pets? Because they want to find a friend who won't betray them." I thought, do people keep pets just to find a friend who won't betray them?

41. I saw a sweet potato stall on the street today. The owner was really beautiful, and I couldn't help but ask,"Boss, you are so beautiful, why don't you become a star?" The owner said,"I'm afraid you guys will eat me."

42. I bought a bottle of mineral water from the supermarket today, only to find it was only half full when I got home. I thought, did I get scammed?

43. I saw a beggar on the street today. He was holding a piece of paper that said,"I am a deaf-mute. Please help me." I gave him ten yuan, and he gave me the middle finger.

44. I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to find my bank card was swallowed. Then I asked the bank staff,"Is this a new feature of yours?"

45. I went to the barbershop for a haircut today. The barber asked me,"What kind of haircut do you want?" I said,"I want a haircut like yours." The barber said,"Sorry, I can't help you."

46. I saw a news story online today, saying,"A man ate 100 buns in one go to prove his strength." I thought, what's there to prove? Can eating buns really prove strength?

47. I saw a couple arguing in the park today. The girl was crying, saying,"Why don't you pay attention to me?" The guy said,"Because you're too noisy."

48. I went shopping for clothes today, only to find that the clothes I liked were all too expensive. I thought, forget it, I'll just go buy discounted clothes.

49. I saw a watermelon stall on the street today. The owner said,"My watermelon is sweet and cheap." I thought, that's impossible, how can cheap watermelon be sweet?

50. I went to my friend's wedding today, only to find that the bride wasn't the person I knew. I thought, did I go to the wrong place?

51. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do girls always like to take pictures? Because they want to prove that they existed." I thought, do girls take pictures just to prove they existed?

52. I saw a kid crying on the street today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Kid, why are you crying?" The kid said,"I lost ten yuan." I thought, ten yuan is nothing, what's there to cry about?

53. I saw a colleague eating instant noodles in the office today. I couldn't help but ask him,"Why don't you eat something better?" The colleague said,"Because my salary is too low." I thought, there are so many people with low salaries these days.

54. I saw a joke online today, saying,"Why do some people like to keep pets? Because they want to find a friend who won't betray them." I thought, do people keep pets just to find a friend who won't betray them?

55. I saw a sweet potato stall on the street today. The owner was really beautiful, and I couldn't help but ask,"Boss, you are so beautiful, why don't you become a star?" The owner said,"I'm afraid you guys will eat me."

56. I bought a bottle of mineral water from the supermarket today, only to find it was only half full when I got home. I thought, did I get scammed?

57. I saw a beggar on the street today. He was holding a piece of paper that said,"I am a deaf-mute. Please help me." I gave him ten yuan, and he gave me the middle finger.

58. I went to the bank to withdraw money today, only to find my bank card was swallowed. Then I asked the bank staff,"Is this a new feature of yours?"

59. I went to the barbershop for a haircut today. The barber asked me,"What kind of haircut do you want?" I said,"I want a haircut like yours." The barber said,"Sorry, I can't help you."

60. I saw a news story online today, saying,"A man ate 100 buns in one go to prove his strength." I thought, what's there to prove? Can eating buns really prove strength?

61. I saw a couple arguing in the park today. The girl was crying, saying,"Why don't you pay attention to me?" The guy said,"Because you're too noisy."

62. I went shopping for clothes today, only to find that the clothes I liked were all too expensive. I thought, forget it, I'll just go buy discounted clothes.

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