
## 羡慕嫉妒恨句子 (58句)

1. 看见别人过得好,就想方设法也要过得比他们好,这就是所谓的“羡慕嫉妒恨”了吧。

2. 别人家的孩子,永远都是别人家的孩子。

3. 看着朋友圈里各种秀恩爱,晒幸福,我只能默默地关掉手机,打开泡面。

4. 别人努力了,成功了,你说人家运气好,可是你自己却连努力的勇气都没有。

5. 别人拥有的,我都要拥有,而且还要比他们更好,这就是我的“病”。

6. 明明知道羡慕嫉妒恨是负面情绪,却还是忍不住去比较,去攀比。

7. 我嫉妒你,嫉妒你拥有我想要的一切,却也恨自己,为什么不能像你一样优秀。

8. 羡慕别人的成就,却忘了自己也有值得骄傲的地方。

9. 我恨你,恨你轻而易举地得到我梦寐以求的东西。

10. 我努力地模仿你,想要成为你,却永远无法超越你。

11. 看到你过得好,我就莫名其妙地感到不爽,这就是“羡慕嫉妒恨”的力量吧。

12. 我明明知道你只是个普通人,却总是忍不住把你当做我的目标,这就是“病”吗?

13. 我羡慕你的才华,嫉妒你的财富,恨你的幸运,我真是个负能量满满的人。

14. 我讨厌那些比我优秀的人,因为他们让我感觉自己一无是处。

15. 我想要成为你,想要拥有你的一切,可是我却连追赶你的勇气都没有。

16. 我羡慕你拥有我想要的一切,但是我也明白,你付出了比我更多。

17. 我嫉妒你拥有我得不到的东西,但是我也应该学会珍惜我拥有的。

18. 我恨你轻而易举地拥有我渴望已久的幸福,但是我也应该学会努力争取。

19. 我羡慕你拥有我梦寐以求的生活,但是我也应该学会创造属于自己的美好。

20. 我嫉妒你拥有我无法企及的成就,但是我也应该学会欣赏你的优秀。

21. 我恨你拥有我无法拥有的魅力,但是我也应该学会提升自己的魅力。

22. 我羡慕你的自信,嫉妒你的勇敢,恨你的洒脱,我真想成为你啊。

23. 我嫉妒你的自由,羡慕你的快乐,恨你的无忧无虑,我真希望可以像你一样无拘无束。

24. 我羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的爱情,嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的幸福,恨你拥有我梦寐以求的生活。

25. 我嫉妒你的才华横溢,羡慕你的自信满满,恨你的魅力无穷,我真是个嫉妒心满满的人。

26. 我嫉妒你拥有我得不到的东西,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的幸福,恨你拥有我无法企及的成就。

27. 我恨你轻而易举地得到我梦寐以求的东西,嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的魅力,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的爱情。

28. 我嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的自由,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的快乐,恨你拥有我无法企及的幸福。

29. 我羡慕你的自信,嫉妒你的勇敢,恨你的洒脱,我真希望可以像你一样自由自在。

30. 我嫉妒你的才华,羡慕你的财富,恨你的幸运,我真是个负能量满满的人,但我依然努力地想要变得更好。

31. 我讨厌那些比我优秀的人,因为他们让我感觉自己一无是处,但我不会放弃努力,我要证明自己。

32. 我想要成为你,想要拥有你的一切,可是我却连追赶你的勇气都没有,但我决定要鼓起勇气,追寻属于自己的梦想。

33. 我羡慕你拥有我想要的一切,但是我也明白,你付出了比我更多,我也要学会付出努力,去追逐自己的梦想。

34. 我嫉妒你拥有我得不到的东西,但是我也应该学会珍惜我拥有的,学会感恩,学会知足常乐。

35. 我恨你轻而易举地拥有我渴望已久的幸福,但是我也应该学会努力争取,相信自己,努力奋斗,终将拥有幸福。

36. 我羡慕你拥有我梦寐以求的生活,但是我也应该学会创造属于自己的美好,相信自己,努力创造美好的未来。

37. 我嫉妒你拥有我无法企及的成就,但是我也应该学会欣赏你的优秀,学习你的优点,不断提升自己。

38. 我恨你拥有我无法拥有的魅力,但是我也应该学会提升自己的魅力,不断学习,不断进步,变得更优秀。

39. 我羡慕你的自信,嫉妒你的勇敢,恨你的洒脱,我真想成为你啊,但是我也要努力成为更好的自己,拥有属于自己的自信、勇敢和洒脱。

40. 我嫉妒你的自由,羡慕你的快乐,恨你的无忧无虑,我真希望可以像你一样无拘无束,但我也要努力创造属于自己的快乐,追求自己的幸福。

41. 我羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的爱情,嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的幸福,恨你拥有我梦寐以求的生活,但我相信自己,也会拥有属于自己的爱情、幸福和生活。

42. 我嫉妒你的才华横溢,羡慕你的自信满满,恨你的魅力无穷,我真是个嫉妒心满满的人,但我不会被嫉妒心蒙蔽双眼,我会努力变得更优秀。

43. 我嫉妒你拥有我得不到的东西,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的幸福,恨你拥有我无法企及的成就,但我相信自己,也可以拥有幸福和成就。

44. 我恨你轻而易举地得到我梦寐以求的东西,嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的魅力,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的爱情,但我不会被负面情绪左右,我会努力争取属于自己的幸福。

45. 我嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的自由,羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的快乐,恨你拥有我无法企及的幸福,但我相信自己,也可以拥有快乐和幸福。

46. 我羡慕你的自信,嫉妒你的勇敢,恨你的洒脱,我真希望可以像你一样自由自在,但我不会放弃,我会努力成为更好的自己,拥有属于自己的自信、勇敢和洒脱。

47. 我嫉妒你的才华,羡慕你的财富,恨你的幸运,我真是个负能量满满的人,但我依然努力地想要变得更好,相信自己,努力奋斗,终将拥有想要的一切。

48. 我讨厌那些比我优秀的人,因为他们让我感觉自己一无是处,但我不会放弃努力,我要证明自己,我要比他们更优秀。

49. 我想要成为你,想要拥有你的一切,可是我却连追赶你的勇气都没有,但我决定要鼓起勇气,追寻属于自己的梦想,我要超越你。

50. 我羡慕你拥有我想要的一切,但是我也明白,你付出了比我更多,我也要学会付出努力,去追逐自己的梦想,我要比你更成功。

51. 我嫉妒你拥有我得不到的东西,但是我也应该学会珍惜我拥有的,学会感恩,学会知足常乐,拥有属于自己的幸福。

52. 我恨你轻而易举地拥有我渴望已久的幸福,但是我也应该学会努力争取,相信自己,努力奋斗,终将拥有幸福,超越你。

53. 我羡慕你拥有我梦寐以求的生活,但是我也应该学会创造属于自己的美好,相信自己,努力创造美好的未来,我要比你过得更精彩。

54. 我嫉妒你拥有我无法企及的成就,但是我也应该学会欣赏你的优秀,学习你的优点,不断提升自己,我要超越你。

55. 我恨你拥有我无法拥有的魅力,但是我也应该学会提升自己的魅力,不断学习,不断进步,变得更优秀,我要比你更迷人。

56. 我羡慕你的自信,嫉妒你的勇敢,恨你的洒脱,我真想成为你啊,但是我也要努力成为更好的自己,拥有属于自己的自信、勇敢和洒脱,我要比你更优秀。

57. 我嫉妒你的自由,羡慕你的快乐,恨你的无忧无虑,我真希望可以像你一样无拘无束,但我也要努力创造属于自己的快乐,追求自己的幸福,我要比你更快乐。

58. 我羡慕你拥有我渴望已久的爱情,嫉妒你拥有我无法拥有的幸福,恨你拥有我梦寐以求的生活,但我相信自己,也会拥有属于自己的爱情、幸福和生活,我要比你更幸福。

## 英文翻译

1. Seeing others live well, I want to find ways to live better than them. This is what we call"envy, jealousy, and hatred", right?

2. Other people's children are always better than their own.

3. Looking at all the love and happiness shown in my friends' circle, I can only silently turn off my phone and open a bowl of instant noodles.

4. Others work hard and succeed, you say they are lucky. But you don't even have the courage to work hard.

5. I want to have everything others have, and even better than them. This is my"illness".

6. Knowing that envy, jealousy, and hatred are negative emotions, I still can't help but compare and compete.

7. I envy you, envy you have everything I want. But I also hate myself, why can't I be as excellent as you.

8. Envy others' achievements, but forget that you also have things to be proud of.

9. I hate you, hate you easily getting what I dream of.

10. I try hard to imitate you, to become you, but I can never surpass you.

11. Seeing you live well, I feel inexplicably unhappy. This is the power of"envy, jealousy, and hatred", right?

12. I know you're just an ordinary person, but I always compare you to my goal. Is this a"disease"?

13. I envy your talent, envy your wealth, and hate your luck. I am a really negative person.

14. I hate those who are better than me, because they make me feel worthless.

15. I want to be you, I want to have everything you have, but I don't even have the courage to chase you.

16. I envy you having everything I want, but I also understand that you have paid more than me.

17. I envy you having what I can't get, but I should also learn to cherish what I have.

18. I hate you easily getting the happiness I long for, but I should also learn to strive for it.

19. I envy you having the life I dream of, but I should also learn to create my own beautiful life.

20. I envy you having the achievements I can't reach, but I should also learn to appreciate your excellence.

21. I hate you having the charm I can't have, but I should also learn to enhance my own charm.

22. I envy your confidence, envy your courage, and hate your carefree attitude. I really want to be you.

23. I envy your freedom, envy your happiness, and hate your carefree life. I wish I could be as unrestrained as you.

24. I envy you having the love I long for, envy you having the happiness I can't have, and hate you having the life I dream of.

25. I envy your talent, envy your confidence, and hate your charm. I am a person full of envy.

26. I envy you having what I can't get, envy you having the happiness I long for, and hate you having the achievements I can't reach.

27. I hate you easily getting what I dream of, envy you having the charm I can't have, and envy you having the love I long for.

28. I envy you having the freedom I can't have, envy you having the happiness I long for, and hate you having the happiness I can't reach.

29. I envy your confidence, envy your courage, and hate your carefree attitude. I really wish I could be as free and easy as you.

30. I envy your talent, envy your wealth, and hate your luck. I am a really negative person, but I still try to be better.

31. I hate those who are better than me, because they make me feel worthless, but I won't give up. I want to prove myself.

32. I want to be you, I want to have everything you have, but I don't even have the courage to chase you. But I decided to muster the courage to pursue my own dreams.

33. I envy you having everything I want, but I also understand that you have paid more than me. I also need to learn to work hard and pursue my dreams.

34. I envy you having what I can't get, but I should also learn to cherish what I have, learn to be grateful, and learn to be content.

35. I hate you easily getting the happiness I long for, but I should also learn to strive for it. Believe in myself, work hard, and I will eventually have happiness.

36. I envy you having the life I dream of, but I should also learn to create my own beautiful life. Believe in myself, work hard, and I will eventually create a beautiful future.

37. I envy you having the achievements I can't reach, but I should also learn to appreciate your excellence, learn from your strengths, and continuously improve myself.

38. I hate you having the charm I can't have, but I should also learn to enhance my own charm. Learn continuously, make continuous progress, and become more excellent.

39. I envy your confidence, envy your courage, and hate your carefree attitude. I really want to be you, but I also need to work hard to become a better version of myself, to have my own confidence, courage, and carefree attitude.

40. I envy your freedom, envy your happiness, and hate your carefree life. I wish I could be as unrestrained as you, but I also need to work hard to create my own happiness and pursue my own happiness.

41. I envy you having the love I long for, envy you having the happiness I can't have, and hate you having the life I dream of. But I believe in myself, I will also have my own love, happiness and life.

42. I envy your talent, envy your confidence, and hate your charm. I am a person full of envy, but I won't be blinded by envy. I will work hard to be more excellent.

43. I envy you having what I can't get, envy you having the happiness I long for, and hate you having the achievements I can't reach. But I believe in myself, I can also have happiness and achievements.

44. I hate you easily getting what I dream of, envy you having the charm I can't have, and envy you having the love I long for. But I won't be controlled by negative emotions. I will work hard to get my own happiness.

45. I envy you having the freedom I can't have, envy you having the happiness I long for, and hate you having the happiness I can't reach. But I believe in myself, I can also have happiness and happiness.

46. I envy your confidence, envy your courage, and hate your carefree attitude. I really wish I could be as free and easy as you, but I won't give up, I will work hard to become a better version of myself, to have my own confidence, courage, and carefree attitude.

47. I envy your talent, envy your wealth, and hate your luck. I am a really negative person, but I still try to be better. Believe in myself, work hard, and I will eventually have everything I want.

48. I hate those who are better than me, because they make me feel worthless, but I won't give up. I want to prove myself, I want to be better than them.

49. I want to be you, I want to have everything you have, but I don't even have the courage to chase you. But I decided to muster the courage to pursue my own dreams, I want to surpass you.

50. I envy you having everything I want, but I also understand that you have paid more than me. I also need to learn to work hard and pursue my dreams. I want to be more successful than you.

51. I envy you having what I can't get, but I should also learn to cherish what I have, learn to be grateful, and learn to be content, to have my own happiness.

52. I hate you easily getting the happiness I long for, but I should also learn to strive for it. Believe in myself, work hard, and I will eventually have happiness, surpassing you.

53. I envy you having the life I dream of, but I should also learn to create my own beautiful life. Believe in myself, work hard, and I will eventually create a beautiful future. I want to live a more exciting life than you.

54. I envy you having the achievements I can't reach, but I should also learn to appreciate your excellence, learn from your strengths, and continuously improve myself. I want to surpass you.

55. I hate you having the charm I can't have, but I should also learn to enhance my own charm. Learn continuously, make continuous progress, and become more excellent. I want to be more charming than you.

56. I envy your confidence, envy your courage, and hate your carefree attitude. I really want to be you, but I also need to work hard to become a better version of myself, to have my own confidence, courage, and carefree attitude. I want to be more excellent than you.

57. I envy your freedom, envy your happiness, and hate your carefree life. I wish I could be as unrestrained as you, but I also need to work hard to create my own happiness and pursue my own happiness. I want to be happier than you.

58. I envy you having the love I long for, envy you having the happiness I can't have, and hate you having the life I dream of. But I believe in myself, I will also have my own love, happiness and life. I want to be happier than you.

以上就是关于羡慕嫉妒羡慕恨句子58句(羡慕嫉妒羡慕恨句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
