
## 纠结选择困难症的句子 (80句)

**1. 眼前琳琅满目的选项,却让我迟迟无法下手,这大概是选择困难症的日常吧。**

Facing a myriad of options, I'm stuck, unable to make a decision. This must be the daily routine of someone with decision paralysis.

**2. 每次点餐都像一场拉锯战,恨不得把菜单上的所有菜都尝一遍。**

Every time I order food, it feels like a tug-of-war. I wish I could try every dish on the menu.

**3. 纠结症患者的内心世界:想吃火锅,又想吃串串,最后只能饿着肚子。**

The inner world of someone with decision paralysis: I want hot pot, but I also want skewers. In the end, I just end up starving.

**4. 每次出门前,都要纠结半天该穿什么衣服,最后还是穿了最常穿的那件。**

Before every outing, I spend ages agonizing over what to wear. In the end, I always put on the same outfit.

**5. 想要买一件新衣服,却在各种款式、颜色、材质中犹豫不决,最后什么也没买。**

I want to buy a new piece of clothing, but I'm indecisive about the style, color, and material. In the end, I end up buying nothing.

**6. 想要去旅行,却在目的地、时间、同伴之间犹豫不决,最后只能宅在家里。**

I want to travel, but I'm indecisive about the destination, time, and travel companions. In the end, I just stay home.

**7. 想要学习一项新技能,却在各种学习方法、课程之间犹豫不决,最后什么也没学。**

I want to learn a new skill, but I'm indecisive about the learning methods and courses. In the end, I end up learning nothing.

**8. 想要谈一场恋爱,却在各种人选、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是单身。**

I want to be in love, but I'm indecisive about the potential partners and standards. In the end, I remain single.

**9. 想要辞职,却在新的工作、生活之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择留下来。**

I want to quit my job, but I'm indecisive about a new job and life. In the end, I choose to stay.

**10. 想要改变,却在各种方法、途径之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择维持现状。**

I want to change, but I'm indecisive about the methods and approaches. In the end, I choose to maintain the status quo.

**11. 选择困难症患者的内心独白:为什么所有选项都那么吸引人,却又那么令人纠结?**

The inner monologue of someone with decision paralysis: Why are all the options so attractive yet so confusing?

**12. 想要减肥,却在各种运动、饮食之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择吃最爱的美食。**

I want to lose weight, but I'm indecisive about various exercises and diets. In the end, I choose to eat my favorite foods.

**13. 想要学习一门乐器,却在各种乐器之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家里。**

I want to learn an instrument, but I'm indecisive about the different instruments. In the end, I choose to stay home.

**14. 想要追星,却在各种偶像之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择默默关注。**

I want to be a fan, but I'm indecisive about different idols. In the end, I choose to silently follow them.

**15. 想要买房,却在各种地段、户型、价格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择租房。**

I want to buy a house, but I'm indecisive about the location, layout, and price. In the end, I choose to rent.

**16. 想要买车,却在各种品牌、车型、配置之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续坐公交。**

I want to buy a car, but I'm indecisive about the brand, model, and configuration. In the end, I choose to continue taking the bus.

**17. 想要创业,却在各种项目、方向之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续上班。**

I want to start a business, but I'm indecisive about the projects and directions. In the end, I choose to continue working.

**18. 想要投资,却在各种股票、基金之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择存银行。**

I want to invest, but I'm indecisive about different stocks and funds. In the end, I choose to save in the bank.

**19. 想要写书,却在各种题材、风格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续码字。**

I want to write a book, but I'm indecisive about the themes and styles. In the end, I choose to continue writing.

**20. 想要画画,却在各种题材、风格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看教程。**

I want to paint, but I'm indecisive about the themes and styles. In the end, I choose to continue watching tutorials.

**21. 想要唱歌,却在各种曲风、唱法之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续练嗓。**

I want to sing, but I'm indecisive about the musical styles and singing techniques. In the end, I choose to continue practicing my vocals.

**22. 想要跳舞,却在各种舞种、风格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续在家跳。**

I want to dance, but I'm indecisive about the dance styles and genres. In the end, I choose to continue dancing at home.

**23. 想要学一门外语,却在各种语言之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续说母语。**

I want to learn a foreign language, but I'm indecisive about the different languages. In the end, I choose to continue speaking my native language.

**24. 想要参加比赛,却在各种项目、规则之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to participate in a competition, but I'm indecisive about the projects and rules. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**25. 想要做志愿者,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to volunteer, but I'm indecisive about the organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**26. 想要做慈善,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续捐款。**

I want to donate, but I'm indecisive about the organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue donating money.

**27. 想要交朋友,却在各种圈子、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续独处。**

I want to make friends, but I'm indecisive about the circles and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being alone.

**28. 想要谈恋爱,却在各种性格、类型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to be in love, but I'm indecisive about different personalities and types. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**29. 想要结婚,却在各种对象、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to get married, but I'm indecisive about the potential partners and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**30. 想要生孩子,却在各种时机、条件之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续丁克。**

I want to have children, but I'm indecisive about the timing and conditions. In the end, I choose to continue being childfree.

**31. 想要换工作,却在各种行业、公司之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待着。**

I want to change jobs, but I'm indecisive about the different industries and companies. In the end, I choose to continue staying.

**32. 想要买股票,却在各种公司、行业之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to buy stocks, but I'm indecisive about the different companies and industries. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**33. 想要买房子,却在各种地段、户型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续租房。**

I want to buy a house, but I'm indecisive about the location and layout. In the end, I choose to continue renting.

**34. 想要买车,却在各种品牌、车型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续骑自行车。**

I want to buy a car, but I'm indecisive about the different brands and models. In the end, I choose to continue cycling.

**35. 想要减肥,却在各种运动、饮食之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续吃美食。**

I want to lose weight, but I'm indecisive about various exercises and diets. In the end, I choose to continue eating delicious food.

**36. 想要学习一门新技能,却在各种课程、老师之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to learn a new skill, but I'm indecisive about the different courses and teachers. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**37. 想要旅行,却在各种国家、城市之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待在家里。**

I want to travel, but I'm indecisive about the different countries and cities. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**38. 想要看电影,却在各种类型、导演之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续刷剧。**

I want to watch a movie, but I'm indecisive about the different genres and directors. In the end, I choose to continue watching TV shows.

**39. 想要读一本书,却在各种题材、作者之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续刷手机。**

I want to read a book, but I'm indecisive about the different themes and authors. In the end, I choose to continue scrolling through my phone.

**40. 想要写文章,却在各种题材、风格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看文章。**

I want to write an article, but I'm indecisive about the different themes and styles. In the end, I choose to continue reading articles.

**41. 想要画画,却在各种颜料、工具之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看画。**

I want to paint, but I'm indecisive about the different paints and tools. In the end, I choose to continue looking at paintings.

**42. 想要唱歌,却在各种歌曲、伴奏之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续听歌。**

I want to sing, but I'm indecisive about the different songs and accompaniments. In the end, I choose to continue listening to music.

**43. 想要跳舞,却在各种舞种、音乐之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看舞蹈。**

I want to dance, but I'm indecisive about the different dance styles and music. In the end, I choose to continue watching dance videos.

**44. 想要学一门外语,却在各种语言、教材之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续说母语。**

I want to learn a foreign language, but I'm indecisive about the different languages and textbooks. In the end, I choose to continue speaking my native language.

**45. 想要参加比赛,却在各种项目、规则之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to participate in a competition, but I'm indecisive about the different projects and rules. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**46. 想要做志愿者,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to volunteer, but I'm indecisive about the different organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**47. 想要做慈善,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续捐款。**

I want to donate, but I'm indecisive about the different organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue donating money.

**48. 想要交朋友,却在各种圈子、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续独处。**

I want to make friends, but I'm indecisive about the different circles and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being alone.

**49. 想要谈恋爱,却在各种性格、类型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to be in love, but I'm indecisive about different personalities and types. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**50. 想要结婚,却在各种对象、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to get married, but I'm indecisive about the potential partners and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**51. 想要生孩子,却在各种时机、条件之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续丁克。**

I want to have children, but I'm indecisive about the timing and conditions. In the end, I choose to continue being childfree.

**52. 想要换工作,却在各种行业、公司之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待着。**

I want to change jobs, but I'm indecisive about the different industries and companies. In the end, I choose to continue staying.

**53. 想要买股票,却在各种公司、行业之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to buy stocks, but I'm indecisive about the different companies and industries. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**54. 想要买房子,却在各种地段、户型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续租房。**

I want to buy a house, but I'm indecisive about the location and layout. In the end, I choose to continue renting.

**55. 想要买车,却在各种品牌、车型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续骑自行车。**

I want to buy a car, but I'm indecisive about the different brands and models. In the end, I choose to continue cycling.

**56. 想要减肥,却在各种运动、饮食之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续吃美食。**

I want to lose weight, but I'm indecisive about various exercises and diets. In the end, I choose to continue eating delicious food.

**57. 想要学习一门新技能,却在各种课程、老师之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to learn a new skill, but I'm indecisive about the different courses and teachers. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**58. 想要旅行,却在各种国家、城市之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待在家里。**

I want to travel, but I'm indecisive about the different countries and cities. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**59. 想要看电影,却在各种类型、导演之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续刷剧。**

I want to watch a movie, but I'm indecisive about the different genres and directors. In the end, I choose to continue watching TV shows.

**60. 想要读一本书,却在各种题材、作者之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续刷手机。**

I want to read a book, but I'm indecisive about the different themes and authors. In the end, I choose to continue scrolling through my phone.

**61. 想要写文章,却在各种题材、风格之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看文章。**

I want to write an article, but I'm indecisive about the different themes and styles. In the end, I choose to continue reading articles.

**62. 想要画画,却在各种颜料、工具之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看画。**

I want to paint, but I'm indecisive about the different paints and tools. In the end, I choose to continue looking at paintings.

**63. 想要唱歌,却在各种歌曲、伴奏之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续听歌。**

I want to sing, but I'm indecisive about the different songs and accompaniments. In the end, I choose to continue listening to music.

**64. 想要跳舞,却在各种舞种、音乐之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续看舞蹈。**

I want to dance, but I'm indecisive about the different dance styles and music. In the end, I choose to continue watching dance videos.

**65. 想要学一门外语,却在各种语言、教材之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续说母语。**

I want to learn a foreign language, but I'm indecisive about the different languages and textbooks. In the end, I choose to continue speaking my native language.

**66. 想要参加比赛,却在各种项目、规则之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to participate in a competition, but I'm indecisive about the different projects and rules. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**67. 想要做志愿者,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to volunteer, but I'm indecisive about the different organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**68. 想要做慈善,却在各种机构、项目之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续捐款。**

I want to donate, but I'm indecisive about the different organizations and projects. In the end, I choose to continue donating money.

**69. 想要交朋友,却在各种圈子、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续独处。**

I want to make friends, but I'm indecisive about the different circles and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being alone.

**70. 想要谈恋爱,却在各种性格、类型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to be in love, but I'm indecisive about different personalities and types. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**71. 想要结婚,却在各种对象、标准之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续单身。**

I want to get married, but I'm indecisive about the potential partners and standards. In the end, I choose to continue being single.

**72. 想要生孩子,却在各种时机、条件之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续丁克。**

I want to have children, but I'm indecisive about the timing and conditions. In the end, I choose to continue being childfree.

**73. 想要换工作,却在各种行业、公司之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待着。**

I want to change jobs, but I'm indecisive about the different industries and companies. In the end, I choose to continue staying.

**74. 想要买股票,却在各种公司、行业之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续观望。**

I want to buy stocks, but I'm indecisive about the different companies and industries. In the end, I choose to continue observing.

**75. 想要买房子,却在各种地段、户型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续租房。**

I want to buy a house, but I'm indecisive about the location and layout. In the end, I choose to continue renting.

**76. 想要买车,却在各种品牌、车型之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续骑自行车。**

I want to buy a car, but I'm indecisive about the different brands and models. In the end, I choose to continue cycling.

**77. 想要减肥,却在各种运动、饮食之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续吃美食。**

I want to lose weight, but I'm indecisive about various exercises and diets. In the end, I choose to continue eating delicious food.

**78. 想要学习一门新技能,却在各种课程、老师之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续宅在家。**

I want to learn a new skill, but I'm indecisive about the different courses and teachers. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**79. 想要旅行,却在各种国家、城市之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续待在家里。**

I want to travel, but I'm indecisive about the different countries and cities. In the end, I choose to continue staying home.

**80. 想要看电影,却在各种类型、导演之间犹豫不决,最后还是选择继续刷剧。**

I want to watch a movie, but I'm indecisive about the different genres and directors. In the end, I choose to continue watching TV shows.

以上就是关于纠结选择困难症的句子80句(纠结选择困难症的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
