
## 箱的谐音句子 (89句)

**1. 箱子很新,像新生的婴儿。**

The box is brand new, like a newborn baby.

**2. 箱子很旧,像老旧的老人。**

The box is old, like an elderly person.

**3. 箱子很重,像沉重的负担。**

The box is heavy, like a heavy burden.

**4. 箱子很轻,像轻盈的羽毛。**

The box is light, like a feather.

**5. 箱子很大,像广阔的天空。**

The box is big, like the vast sky.

**6. 箱子很小,像微小的尘埃。**

The box is small, like tiny dust.

**7. 箱子很漂亮,像精美的艺术品。**

The box is beautiful, like a fine work of art.

**8. 箱子很丑陋,像破败的垃圾。**

The box is ugly, like trash.

**9. 箱子很坚固,像坚不可摧的城墙。**

The box is strong, like an unbreakable wall.

**10. 箱子很脆弱,像易碎的玻璃。**

The box is fragile, like glass.

**11. 箱子很干净,像纯洁的白雪。**

The box is clean, like pure white snow.

**12. 箱子很脏,像污浊的泥土。**

The box is dirty, like dirty soil.

**13. 箱子很冷,像冰冷的寒冰。**

The box is cold, like cold ice.

**14. 箱子很热,像灼热的火焰。**

The box is hot, like scorching flames.

**15. 箱子很湿,像潮湿的雨水。**

The box is wet, like wet rain.

**16. 箱子很干,像干燥的沙漠。**

The box is dry, like a dry desert.

**17. 箱子很圆,像圆圆的月亮。**

The box is round, like a round moon.

**18. 箱子很方,像正方形的田野。**

The box is square, like a square field.

**19. 箱子很平,像平坦的道路。**

The box is flat, like a flat road.

**20. 箱子很高,像高耸的山峰。**

The box is tall, like a towering mountain peak.

**21. 箱子很低,像低矮的草丛。**

The box is low, like low grass.

**22. 箱子里装满了宝藏,像富饶的宝库。**

The box is full of treasures, like a rich treasury.

**23. 箱子里装满了垃圾,像肮脏的垃圾堆。**

The box is full of garbage, like a dirty pile of garbage.

**24. 箱子里装满了书籍,像知识的海洋。**

The box is full of books, like an ocean of knowledge.

**25. 箱子里装满了玩具,像快乐的童年。**

The box is full of toys, like a happy childhood.

**26. 箱子里装满了食物,像丰盛的宴席。**

The box is full of food, like a sumptuous feast.

**27. 箱子里装满了衣服,像时尚的衣橱。**

The box is full of clothes, like a fashionable closet.

**28. 箱子里装满了秘密,像深不可测的谜团。**

The box is full of secrets, like an unfathomable mystery.

**29. 箱子里装满了希望,像充满希望的未来。**

The box is full of hope, like a hopeful future.

**30. 箱子里装满了失望,像令人沮丧的现实。**

The box is full of disappointment, like a discouraging reality.

**31. 箱子被打开,像揭开神秘的面纱。**

The box is opened, like unveiling a mysterious veil.

**32. 箱子被关闭,像封锁秘密的通道。**

The box is closed, like blocking a secret passage.

**33. 箱子被搬运,像传递希望的信使。**

The box is carried, like a messenger carrying hope.

**34. 箱子被抛弃,像被遗忘的回忆。**

The box is abandoned, like forgotten memories.

**35. 箱子被修复,像重获新生的机会。**

The box is repaired, like a chance for rebirth.

**36. 箱子被破坏,像毁灭的象征。**

The box is destroyed, like a symbol of destruction.

**37. 箱子被赠送,像真挚的礼物。**

The box is given, like a sincere gift.

**38. 箱子被接受,像对友谊的认可。**

The box is accepted, like recognition of friendship.

**39. 箱子被拒绝,像对爱情的背叛。**

The box is refused, like a betrayal of love.

**40. 箱子被遗忘,像被遗忘的承诺。**

The box is forgotten, like a forgotten promise.

**41. 箱子被寻找,像追寻梦想的旅程。**

The box is searched for, like a journey in pursuit of dreams.

**42. 箱子被发现,像意外的惊喜。**

The box is found, like an unexpected surprise.

**43. 箱子被利用,像实现目标的工具。**

The box is used, like a tool to achieve goals.

**44. 箱子被浪费,像虚度光阴的象征。**

The box is wasted, like a symbol of wasted time.

**45. 箱子被装饰,像精美的工艺品。**

The box is decorated, like a beautiful handicraft.

**46. 箱子被改造,像赋予新生命的创造。**

The box is transformed, like a creation that gives new life.

**47. 箱子被出售,像商业的交易。**

The box is sold, like a commercial transaction.

**48. 箱子被购买,像消费的欲望。**

The box is bought, like a desire to consume.

**49. 箱子被收藏,像珍贵的宝物。**

The box is collected, like a precious treasure.

**50. 箱子被展览,像艺术的展示。**

The box is exhibited, like an art exhibition.

**51. 箱子很香,像迷人的香气。**

The box smells good, like an intoxicating fragrance.

**52. 箱子很臭,像难闻的臭味。**

The box smells bad, like a foul odor.

**53. 箱子很软,像舒适的沙发。**

The box is soft, like a comfortable sofa.

**54. 箱子很硬,像坚硬的石头。**

The box is hard, like a hard stone.

**55. 箱子很滑,像光滑的玻璃。**

The box is slippery, like smooth glass.

**56. 箱子很粗糙,像粗糙的木头。**

The box is rough, like rough wood.

**57. 箱子很凉爽,像清新的空气。**

The box is cool, like fresh air.

**58. 箱子很闷热,像炎热的夏天。**

The box is stuffy, like a hot summer.

**59. 箱子很安静,像寂静的夜晚。**

The box is quiet, like a silent night.

**60. 箱子很吵闹,像喧嚣的市场。**

The box is noisy, like a bustling market.

**61. 箱子很沉闷,像灰暗的心情。**

The box is dull, like a gloomy mood.

**62. 箱子很兴奋,像欢快的旋律。**

The box is excited, like a cheerful melody.

**63. 箱子很神秘,像未解之谜。**

The box is mysterious, like an unsolved mystery.

**64. 箱子很普通,像平凡的生活。**

The box is ordinary, like ordinary life.

**65. 箱子很特别,像独特的个性。**

The box is special, like a unique personality.

**66. 箱子很实用,像日常生活中的必需品。**

The box is practical, like a necessity in daily life.

**67. 箱子很浪费,像不必要的开销。**

The box is wasteful, like unnecessary expenses.

**68. 箱子很安全,像可靠的庇护所。**

The box is safe, like a reliable shelter.

**69. 箱子很危险,像潜在的威胁。**

The box is dangerous, like a potential threat.

**70. 箱子很无聊,像枯燥的旅程。**

The box is boring, like a tedious journey.

**71. 箱子很有趣,像精彩的冒险。**

The box is fun, like an exciting adventure.

**72. 箱子很悲伤,像令人心碎的回忆。**

The box is sad, like heartbreaking memories.

**73. 箱子很喜悦,像令人愉快的感受。**

The box is joyful, like a delightful feeling.

**74. 箱子很生气,像愤怒的火焰。**

The box is angry, like angry flames.

**75. 箱子很害怕,像恐惧的阴影。**

The box is afraid, like a shadow of fear.

**76. 箱子很自信,像坚定的信念。**

The box is confident, like a firm belief.

**77. 箱子很孤独,像无助的灵魂。**

The box is lonely, like a helpless soul.

**78. 箱子很友好,像亲切的邻居。**

The box is friendly, like a friendly neighbor.

**79. 箱子很冷酷,像无情的寒冬。**

The box is cold-hearted, like a merciless winter.

**80. 箱子很善良,像温暖的阳光。**

The box is kind, like warm sunshine.

**81. 箱子很聪明,像睿智的学者。**

The box is smart, like a wise scholar.

**82. 箱子很愚蠢,像无知的孩童。**

The box is stupid, like an ignorant child.

**83. 箱子很诚实,像正直的品格。**

The box is honest, like an upright character.

**84. 箱子很狡猾,像狡诈的狐狸。**

The box is cunning, like a cunning fox.

**85. 箱子很勇敢,像无畏的战士。**

The box is brave, like a fearless warrior.

**86. 箱子很胆小,像怯懦的兔子。**

The box is cowardly, like a timid rabbit.

**87. 箱子很温柔,像细腻的触感。**

The box is gentle, like a delicate touch.

**88. 箱子很粗暴,像猛烈的暴风雨。**

The box is rough, like a violent storm.

**89. 箱子很平凡,像不经意的遇见。**

The box is ordinary, like a casual encounter.

以上就是关于箱的谐音句子89句(箱的谐音句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
