
## 管控成本句子 (59句)

1. 严格控制成本,确保项目盈利。

2. 降低成本是提升竞争力的关键。

3. 优化流程,节约成本。

4. 采购谈判,压低价格。

5. 减少浪费,提高效率。

6. 合理利用资源,避免资源浪费。

7. 制定预算,控制支出。

8. 提高产品质量,降低返工率。

9. 降低人工成本,提高自动化程度。

10. 加强成本管控,提升企业效益。

11. 创新成本管理,提高企业竞争力。

12. 成本管控是企业生存发展的关键。

13. 降低成本,增加利润。

14. 通过精细化管理,实现成本控制。

15. 优化资源配置,提高成本效益。

16. 加强成本意识,人人参与成本控制。

17. 降低成本,提高客户满意度。

18. 通过成本管控,提升企业核心竞争力。

19. 降低运营成本,提高企业盈利能力。

20. 坚持成本控制,实现可持续发展。

21. 科学合理的成本管控,是企业成功的基石。

22. 优化采购策略,降低采购成本。

23. 提高生产效率,降低生产成本。

24. 加强库存管理,减少库存成本。

25. 优化营销策略,降低营销成本。

26. 加强财务管理,提高资金使用效率。

27. 降低运输成本,提高物流效率。

28. 减少能源消耗,降低能源成本。

29. 加强环保管理,降低环境成本。

30. 优化工艺流程,降低加工成本。

31. 提升产品设计,降低材料成本。

32. 降低维修成本,提高设备可靠性。

33. 提高员工技能,降低人工成本。

34. 降低管理成本,提高管理效率。

35. 降低税费成本,优化税务筹划。

36. 降低保险成本,优化风险管理。

37. 降低金融成本,提高资金周转效率。

38. 降低信息化成本,提高信息化水平。

39. 降低研发成本,提高创新效率。

40. 降低培训成本,提高员工素质。

41. 降低沟通成本,提高协作效率。

42. 降低决策成本,提高决策效率。

43. 降低风险成本,提高风险控制能力。

44. 降低维护成本,提高设备使用寿命。

45. 降低折旧成本,提高资产利用率。

46. 降低广告成本,提高广告效益。

47. 降低包装成本,提高包装效率。

48. 降低运输成本,优化运输路线。

49. 降低仓储成本,优化仓储管理。

50. 降低人力成本,提高人力资源配置效率。

51. 降低材料成本,优化材料采购策略。

52. 降低能源成本,提高能源利用率。

53. 降低水资源成本,提高水资源利用效率。

54. 降低废弃物处理成本,提高废弃物回收率。

55. 降低技术成本,提高技术创新能力。

56. 降低营销成本,提高营销效果。

57. 降低管理成本,提高管理效率。

58. 降低运营成本,提高运营效率。

59. 降低财务成本,提高财务管理水平。

## 英文翻译

1. Strict cost control ensures project profitability.

2. Reducing costs is key to enhancing competitiveness.

3. Optimize processes to save costs.

4. Negotiate procurement to lower prices.

5. Reduce waste and improve efficiency.

6. Make rational use of resources to avoid waste.

7. Set a budget and control spending.

8. Improve product quality and reduce rework rates.

9. Reduce labor costs and increase automation.

10. Strengthen cost control to improve business performance.

11. Innovate cost management to enhance corporate competitiveness.

12. Cost control is crucial for business survival and development.

13. Reduce costs and increase profits.

14. Achieve cost control through refined management.

15. Optimize resource allocation to improve cost-effectiveness.

16. Strengthen cost awareness and encourage everyone to participate in cost control.

17. Reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

18. Enhance core competitiveness through cost control.

19. Reduce operating costs and improve business profitability.

20. Adhere to cost control for sustainable development.

21. Scientific and reasonable cost control is the cornerstone of business success.

22. Optimize procurement strategies to reduce procurement costs.

23. Improve production efficiency and reduce production costs.

24. Strengthen inventory management and reduce inventory costs.

25. Optimize marketing strategies to reduce marketing costs.

26. Strengthen financial management to improve capital utilization efficiency.

27. Reduce transportation costs and improve logistics efficiency.

28. Reduce energy consumption and lower energy costs.

29. Strengthen environmental management to reduce environmental costs.

30. Optimize technological processes to reduce processing costs.

31. Improve product design and reduce material costs.

32. Reduce maintenance costs and improve equipment reliability.

33. Improve employee skills and reduce labor costs.

34. Reduce management costs and improve management efficiency.

35. Reduce tax costs and optimize tax planning.

36. Reduce insurance costs and optimize risk management.

37. Reduce financial costs and improve capital turnover efficiency.

38. Reduce information technology costs and improve information technology levels.

39. Reduce R&D costs and improve innovation efficiency.

40. Reduce training costs and improve employee quality.

41. Reduce communication costs and improve collaboration efficiency.

42. Reduce decision-making costs and improve decision-making efficiency.

43. Reduce risk costs and improve risk control capabilities.

44. Reduce maintenance costs and extend equipment life.

45. Reduce depreciation costs and improve asset utilization.

46. Reduce advertising costs and improve advertising effectiveness.

47. Reduce packaging costs and improve packaging efficiency.

48. Reduce transportation costs and optimize transportation routes.

49. Reduce warehousing costs and optimize warehousing management.

50. Reduce human capital costs and improve human resource allocation efficiency.

51. Reduce material costs and optimize material procurement strategies.

52. Reduce energy costs and improve energy utilization.

53. Reduce water resource costs and improve water resource utilization efficiency.

54. Reduce waste disposal costs and improve waste recycling rates.

55. Reduce technology costs and improve technological innovation capabilities.

56. Reduce marketing costs and improve marketing effectiveness.

57. Reduce management costs and improve management efficiency.

58. Reduce operating costs and improve operational efficiency.

59. Reduce financial costs and improve financial management.

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