
## 管住人管不住心的句子,87句

**1. 人心隔肚皮,谁知谁是真。**

People's minds are hidden behind their stomachs, who knows who is real.

**2. 人心易变,世事难料。**

The human heart is fickle, and things in the world are unpredictable.

**3. 人心难测,防不胜防。**

The human heart is difficult to fathom, you can't guard against it.

**4. 人心不足蛇吞象。**

Human greed knows no bounds, like a snake trying to swallow an elephant.

**5. 人心如水,随势而动。**

The human heart is like water, it flows with the current.

**6. 人心难懂,如雾里看花。**

The human heart is hard to understand, like looking at flowers through mist.

**7. 人心险恶,不可不防。**

Human hearts are treacherous, you must be careful.

**8. 人心如路,越走越宽。**

The human heart is like a path, it gets wider the more you walk.

**9. 人心难猜,莫要轻易相信。**

Human hearts are hard to guess, don't trust them easily.

**10. 人心叵测,防人之心不可无。**

Human hearts are unpredictable, you must always be on guard.

**11. 人心隔肚皮,说穿了就伤感情。**

People's minds are hidden behind their stomachs, speaking plainly can hurt feelings.

**12. 人心最难测,谁知谁是真朋友。**

Human hearts are the hardest to measure, who knows who is a true friend?

**13. 人心难管,防人之心不可无。**

Human hearts are hard to control, you must always be on guard.

**14. 人心如花,娇艳欲滴。**

The human heart is like a flower, delicate and beautiful.

**15. 人心如镜,照亮世界。**

The human heart is like a mirror, illuminating the world.

**16. 人心难求,知己难寻。**

A good heart is rare, a true confidante is even more difficult to find.

**17. 人心如海,深不可测。**

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable.

**18. 人心如铁,无情无义。**

The human heart is like iron, cold and heartless.

**19. 人心如泥,不堪重负。**

The human heart is like mud, unable to bear heavy burdens.

**20. 人心如火,热情似火。**

The human heart is like fire, burning with passion.

**21. 人心如石,冷冰冰的。**

The human heart is like stone, cold and indifferent.

**22. 人心如草,随风而动。**

The human heart is like grass, swaying with the wind.

**23. 人心如琴,奏出动人的旋律。**

The human heart is like a piano, playing beautiful melodies.

**24. 人心如画,画出多彩的人生。**

The human heart is like a painting, painting a colorful life.

**25. 人心如歌,唱出动听的歌谣。**

The human heart is like a song, singing beautiful tunes.

**26. 人心如酒,越品越醇香。**

The human heart is like wine, the more you taste it, the more fragrant it becomes.

**27. 人心如茶,越泡越浓香。**

The human heart is like tea, the more you brew it, the more fragrant it becomes.

**28. 人心如书,越读越有味。**

The human heart is like a book, the more you read it, the more interesting it becomes.

**29. 人心如灯,照亮前行的路。**

The human heart is like a lamp, illuminating the path ahead.

**30. 人心如网,越陷越深。**

The human heart is like a net, the more you get caught in it, the deeper you sink.

**31. 人心如天,高不可攀。**

The human heart is like the sky, unreachable.

**32. 人心如地,包容万物。**

The human heart is like the earth, embracing all things.

**33. 人心如山,巍峨屹立。**

The human heart is like a mountain, standing tall and strong.

**34. 人心如河,奔流不息。**

The human heart is like a river, flowing continuously.

**35. 人心如风,无处不在。**

The human heart is like the wind, everywhere.

**36. 人心如月,阴晴圆缺。**

The human heart is like the moon, waxing and waning.

**37. 人心如星,闪烁不定。**

The human heart is like a star, twinkling uncertainly.

**38. 人心如云,飘忽不定。**

The human heart is like a cloud, drifting uncertainly.

**39. 人心如梦,虚无缥缈。**

The human heart is like a dream, illusory and fleeting.

**40. 人心如烟,转瞬即逝。**

The human heart is like smoke, passing quickly.

**41. 人心难测,莫要轻信。**

Human hearts are unpredictable, don't trust them lightly.

**42. 人心难猜,谁知谁是真心。**

Human hearts are hard to guess, who knows who is genuine?

**43. 人心如潮,潮起潮落。**

The human heart is like the tide, ebbing and flowing.

**44. 人心如海,深不可测。**

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable.

**45. 人心如镜,照出真我。**

The human heart is like a mirror, reflecting the true self.

**46. 人心如火,燃烧着希望。**

The human heart is like fire, burning with hope.

**47. 人心如冰,冷冰冰的。**

The human heart is like ice, cold and indifferent.

**48. 人心如土,容易被污染。**

The human heart is like soil, easily contaminated.

**49. 人心如花,美丽而脆弱。**

The human heart is like a flower, beautiful but fragile.

**50. 人心如树,根深蒂固。**

The human heart is like a tree, rooted deep.

**51. 人心如鸟,自由飞翔。**

The human heart is like a bird, free to fly.

**52. 人心如鱼,游刃有余。**

The human heart is like a fish, swimming with ease.

**53. 人心如棋,步步为营。**

The human heart is like chess, carefully strategizing every move.

**54. 人心如山,重如泰山。**

The human heart is like a mountain, heavy as Mount Tai.

**55. 人心如水,清澈见底。**

The human heart is like water, clear and pure.

**56. 人心如天,宽广无垠。**

The human heart is like the sky, vast and boundless.

**57. 人心如电,快如闪电。**

The human heart is like electricity, fast as lightning.

**58. 人心如歌,悦耳动听。**

The human heart is like a song, pleasing to the ear.

**59. 人心如画,美丽动人。**

The human heart is like a painting, beautiful and moving.

**60. 人心如书,博大精深。**

The human heart is like a book, vast and profound.

**61. 人心如酒,越陈越香。**

The human heart is like wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.

**62. 人心如茶,越品越醇厚。**

The human heart is like tea, the more you taste it, the more mellow it becomes.

**63. 人心如蜜,甜蜜幸福。**

The human heart is like honey, sweet and happy.

**64. 人心如糖,甜而不腻。**

The human heart is like sugar, sweet but not cloying.

**65. 人心如玉,纯洁无暇。**

The human heart is like jade, pure and flawless.

**66. 人心如金,贵重无比。**

The human heart is like gold, invaluable.

**67. 人心如铁,坚强不屈。**

The human heart is like iron, strong and unyielding.

**68. 人心如石,坚韧不拔。**

The human heart is like stone, tough and tenacious.

**69. 人心如泥,沉重而坚实。**

The human heart is like mud, heavy and solid.

**70. 人心如草,随风飘荡。**

The human heart is like grass, drifting with the wind.

**71. 人心如云,变化无常。**

The human heart is like a cloud, constantly changing.

**72. 人心如梦,虚幻缥缈。**

The human heart is like a dream, illusory and fleeting.

**73. 人心如烟,消散无踪。**

The human heart is like smoke, disappearing without a trace.

**74. 人心难懂,莫要轻易相信。**

Human hearts are hard to understand, don't trust them lightly.

**75. 人心难测,防人之心不可无。**

Human hearts are unpredictable, you must always be on guard.

**76. 人心如海,深不可测。**

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable.

**77. 人心如镜,照出真我。**

The human heart is like a mirror, reflecting the true self.

**78. 人心如火,燃烧着热情。**

The human heart is like fire, burning with passion.

**79. 人心如冰,冷酷无情。**

The human heart is like ice, cold and ruthless.

**80. 人心如土,易被污染。**

The human heart is like soil, easily contaminated.

**81. 人心如花,美丽而脆弱。**

The human heart is like a flower, beautiful but fragile.

**82. 人心如树,根深蒂固。**

The human heart is like a tree, rooted deep.

**83. 人心如鸟,自由飞翔。**

The human heart is like a bird, free to fly.

**84. 人心如鱼,游刃有余。**

The human heart is like a fish, swimming with ease.

**85. 人心如棋,步步为营。**

The human heart is like chess, carefully strategizing every move.

**86. 人心如山,重如泰山。**

The human heart is like a mountain, heavy as Mount Tai.

**87. 人心如水,清澈见底。**

The human heart is like water, clear and pure.

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