
## 57 Sentences about Earthworms, with English Translation and HTML

**1. 蚯蚓是土壤中的重要角色。**

Earthworms play a vital role in the soil.

**2. 它们帮助分解有机物,使土壤肥沃。**

They help decompose organic matter, enriching the soil.

**3. 蚯蚓的排泄物富含营养,对植物生长有益。**

Earthworm castings are rich in nutrients and beneficial for plant growth.

**4. 它们在地下挖洞,使土壤通气,有利于根系生长。**

They dig burrows underground, aerating the soil and promoting root growth.

**5. 蚯蚓还能改善土壤结构,使其更疏松。**

Earthworms can also improve soil structure, making it more loose.

**6. 蚯蚓是自然界的“土壤工程师”。**

Earthworms are nature's"soil engineers."

**7. 它们通过进食和排泄,不断改善土壤质量。**

They constantly improve soil quality through eating and excretion.

**8. 蚯蚓的活动对农业生产有重要的意义。**

Earthworm activity is of great significance to agricultural production.

**9. 它们使土壤更加肥沃,有利于植物生长。**

They make the soil more fertile, which is beneficial for plant growth.

**10. 蚯蚓对生态系统平衡也起着重要作用。**

Earthworms play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

**11. 它们是食物链中不可或缺的一环。**

They are an indispensable part of the food chain.

**12. 蚯蚓的种类繁多,分布广泛。**

There are many types of earthworms, and they are widely distributed.

**13. 最常见的蚯蚓有红蚯蚓、黄粉虫和夜行蚯蚓。**

The most common earthworms include red worms, mealworms, and nightcrawlers.

**14. 蚯蚓的食物主要是腐烂的植物和动物尸体。**

Earthworms mainly feed on decaying plants and animal carcasses.

**15. 它们用嘴巴将食物吸进体内。**

They use their mouths to suck food into their bodies.

**16. 蚯蚓的消化系统很长,能有效分解食物。**

Earthworms have a long digestive system that can effectively break down food.

**17. 它们在土壤中不断爬行,留下许多通道。**

They constantly crawl through the soil, leaving behind many passages.

**18. 这些通道使空气和水分更容易进入土壤。**

These passages make it easier for air and water to enter the soil.

**19. 蚯蚓的排泄物是优质的肥料。**

Earthworm castings are excellent fertilizer.

**20. 它们含有丰富的氮、磷和钾等元素。**

They are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

**21. 蚯蚓的排泄物可以促进植物生长,提高产量。**

Earthworm castings can promote plant growth and increase yield.

**22. 蚯蚓还能改善土壤结构,使其更透气、更保水。**

Earthworms can also improve soil structure, making it more porous and water-retentive.

**23. 它们通过分解有机物,使土壤更加肥沃。**

By decomposing organic matter, they make the soil more fertile.

**24. 蚯蚓的活动能够增加土壤中的生物量。**

Earthworm activity can increase the biomass in the soil.

**25. 它们还能促进土壤微生物的生长和繁殖。**

They can also promote the growth and reproduction of soil microorganisms.

**26. 蚯蚓是生态系统中的重要组成部分。**

Earthworms are an important part of the ecosystem.

**27. 它们通过分解有机物和改善土壤结构,维护着生态系统的平衡。**

Through decomposing organic matter and improving soil structure, they maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

**28. 蚯蚓对人类的生产和生活也有重要的意义。**

Earthworms are also of great significance to human production and life.

**29. 它们可以改善土壤质量,提高农作物产量。**

They can improve soil quality and increase crop yield.

**30. 蚯蚓还可以作为饲料,为养殖业提供优质蛋白。**

Earthworms can also be used as feed, providing high-quality protein for the livestock industry.

**31. 蚯蚓在自然界中扮演着重要的角色。**

Earthworms play a crucial role in nature.

**32. 它们是土壤的清洁工,帮助分解有机物。**

They are the soil's janitors, helping to decompose organic matter.

**33. 蚯蚓也是土壤的建筑师,通过挖掘隧道来改善土壤结构。**

Earthworms are also soil architects, improving soil structure by digging tunnels.

**34. 它们对生态系统平衡和人类生活都至关重要。**

They are vital to the balance of the ecosystem and human life.

**35. 蚯蚓是一种很古老的生物,早在恐龙时代就已存在。**

Earthworms are an ancient creature, having existed since the time of dinosaurs.

**36. 它们在地球上分布广泛,从热带雨林到寒冷的苔原都有它们的踪迹。**

They are widely distributed across the globe, from tropical rainforests to cold tundras.

**37. 蚯蚓是生态系统的重要组成部分,对维持土壤健康至关重要。**

Earthworms are an essential part of the ecosystem, crucial for maintaining soil health.

**38. 它们通过进食和排泄,不断改善土壤结构和肥力。**

They constantly improve soil structure and fertility through eating and excretion.

**39. 蚯蚓的活动对农业生产、环境保护和生态平衡都有重要的意义。**

Earthworm activity is of great significance to agricultural production, environmental protection, and ecological balance.

**40. 它们是土壤中的“无形英雄”,为我们提供着重要的生态服务。**

They are the"invisible heroes" of the soil, providing us with essential ecological services.

**41. 蚯蚓对土壤的贡献是不可估量的。**

The contribution of earthworms to the soil is immeasurable.

**42. 它们帮助我们维持一个健康的生态系统,并为人类提供丰富的资源。**

They help us maintain a healthy ecosystem and provide us with abundant resources.

**43. 蚯蚓是值得我们尊敬和保护的生物。**

Earthworms are creatures that deserve our respect and protection.

**44. 我们可以通过减少使用化学农药和化肥,来保护蚯蚓的生存环境。**

We can protect the habitat of earthworms by reducing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

**45. 我们可以通过种植绿色植物,为蚯蚓提供食物和栖息地。**

We can provide food and habitat for earthworms by planting green plants.

**46. 我们可以通过减少土壤污染,来保护蚯蚓的健康。**

We can protect the health of earthworms by reducing soil pollution.

**47. 蚯蚓是土壤中的宝藏,值得我们认真呵护。**

Earthworms are a treasure of the soil, deserving our careful care.

**48. 蚯蚓的价值不仅仅体现在农业生产上,它们也是重要的生态指示物种。**

The value of earthworms is not only reflected in agricultural production, they are also important ecological indicator species.

**49. 它们的存在和数量可以反映出土壤的健康状况。**

Their presence and abundance can reflect the health of the soil.

**50. 保护蚯蚓,就是保护土壤,保护环境。**

Protecting earthworms is protecting the soil and protecting the environment.

**51. 蚯蚓是自然界中不可或缺的生物,它们的活动为我们提供了重要的生态服务。**

Earthworms are indispensable creatures in nature, and their activities provide us with important ecological services.

**52. 它们是土壤的“清洁工”,“工程师”和“建筑师”。**

They are the soil's"cleaners,""engineers," and"architects."

**53. 蚯蚓对生态系统的贡献是巨大的,它们是维持地球健康不可或缺的一部分。**

The contribution of earthworms to the ecosystem is immense, they are an indispensable part of maintaining the health of the Earth.

**54. 让我们一起行动起来,保护蚯蚓,保护土壤,保护环境。**

Let's all work together to protect earthworms, soil, and the environment.

**55. 蚯蚓是沉默的英雄,默默地为我们服务,我们应该对它们充满敬意。**

Earthworms are silent heroes, silently serving us, and we should have great respect for them.

**56. 让我们从身边做起,为蚯蚓创造一个安全舒适的生活环境。**

Let's start from ourselves, and create a safe and comfortable living environment for earthworms.

**57. 蚯蚓的价值,远远超乎我们的想象,它们是地球的宝贵财富。**

The value of earthworms far exceeds our imagination, they are a precious treasure of the Earth.

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