
## 窦房结的句子 (54 句)

1. 窦房结是心脏的天然起搏器,位于心脏的右心房壁上。

The sinoatrial node is the natural pacemaker of the heart, located on the wall of the right atrium.

2. 它是一团特殊的肌细胞,能够产生并传导电信号,控制心脏的跳动。

It is a cluster of specialized muscle cells that can generate and transmit electrical signals, controlling the heartbeat.

3. 窦房结的活动频率决定了心率。

The frequency of the SA node activity determines the heart rate.

4. 窦房结的正常起搏频率为每分钟60-100次。

The normal pacing frequency of the SA node is 60-100 beats per minute.

5. 窦房结的活动受到神经和激素的影响。

The activity of the SA node is influenced by nerves and hormones.

6. 交感神经兴奋可以加速窦房结的活动,使心率加快。

Sympathetic nerve stimulation can accelerate the activity of the SA node, leading to an increased heart rate.

7. 副交感神经兴奋可以减慢窦房结的活动,使心率减慢。

Parasympathetic nerve stimulation can slow down the activity of the SA node, leading to a decreased heart rate.

8. 肾上腺素等激素可以加速窦房结的活动。

Hormones such as adrenaline can accelerate the activity of the SA node.

9. 窦房结的功能异常会导致各种心律失常。

Abnormal function of the SA node can lead to various arrhythmias.

10. 窦房结功能障碍可能导致心率过慢或过快。

SA node dysfunction can lead to a slow or fast heart rate.

11. 窦房结病变可导致心律失常,如窦性心动过缓、窦性心动过速等。

SA node lesions can lead to arrhythmias such as sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, etc.

12. 窦房结病变患者可能出现头晕、乏力、呼吸困难等症状。

Patients with SA node lesions may experience dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.

13. 窦房结的健康至关重要,它对维持正常的心脏功能至关重要。

The health of the SA node is crucial, as it is vital for maintaining normal heart function.

14. 窦房结的起搏频率受到多种因素的影响。

The pacing frequency of the SA node is influenced by many factors.

15. 窦房结的起搏频率可以随着运动、情绪、药物等因素而改变。

The pacing frequency of the SA node can change depending on factors such as exercise, emotions, and medication.

16. 窦房结是心脏的指挥中心。

The SA node is the command center of the heart.

17. 窦房结的信号通过心房和心室的传导系统传导到整个心脏。

The signals from the SA node are transmitted throughout the heart through the conduction system of the atria and ventricles.

18. 窦房结的起搏信号确保心脏的协调跳动。

The pacing signals from the SA node ensure the coordinated beating of the heart.

19. 窦房结是人体最重要的器官之一。

The SA node is one of the most important organs in the human body.

20. 窦房结的健康直接影响着心脏的健康。

The health of the SA node directly affects the health of the heart.

21. 窦房结的异常会导致各种心血管疾病。

Abnormalities in the SA node can lead to various cardiovascular diseases.

22. 窦房结的结构和功能非常复杂。

The structure and function of the SA node are very complex.

23. 窦房结是心脏的电信号的起源。

The SA node is the origin of the electrical signals of the heart.

24. 窦房结的电信号传导到整个心脏,使心脏肌肉收缩。

The electrical signals from the SA node are transmitted throughout the heart, causing the heart muscle to contract.

25. 窦房结的活动受到许多因素的调节。

The activity of the SA node is regulated by many factors.

26. 窦房结的活动受到神经、激素和药物的影响。

The activity of the SA node is influenced by nerves, hormones, and medications.

27. 窦房结的功能异常会导致心律失常。

Abnormal function of the SA node can lead to arrhythmias.

28. 窦房结功能障碍可导致心动过缓或心动过速。

SA node dysfunction can lead to bradycardia or tachycardia.

29. 窦房结病变可导致心跳过慢或过快。

SA node lesions can lead to a slow or fast heartbeat.

30. 窦房结的起搏频率随着年龄的增长而减慢。

The pacing frequency of the SA node slows down with age.

31. 窦房结的起搏频率也会随着运动、情绪和疾病等因素而改变。

The pacing frequency of the SA node can also change with factors such as exercise, emotions, and illness.

32. 窦房结是心脏的天然节律器。

The SA node is the natural pacemaker of the heart.

33. 窦房结的活动受到自律神经系统的调节。

The activity of the SA node is regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

34. 窦房结的起搏频率可以受到药物的影响。

The pacing frequency of the SA node can be affected by medication.

35. 窦房结的健康对维持正常的心脏功能至关重要。

The health of the SA node is crucial for maintaining normal heart function.

36. 窦房结的起搏频率是一个重要的生理指标。

The pacing frequency of the SA node is an important physiological indicator.

37. 窦房结的起搏频率可以反映心脏的健康状况。

The pacing frequency of the SA node can reflect the health of the heart.

38. 窦房结是心脏的中心控制系统。

The SA node is the central control system of the heart.

39. 窦房结的起搏活动是心脏跳动和血液循环的关键。

The pacing activity of the SA node is key to the heartbeat and blood circulation.

40. 窦房结的起搏频率受到许多因素的影响,包括年龄、性别、健康状况和药物等。

The pacing frequency of the SA node is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, health status, and medication.

41. 窦房结的健康对于维持正常的心脏功能至关重要。

The health of the SA node is essential for maintaining normal heart function.

42. 窦房结的活动受到交感神经和副交感神经的调节。

The activity of the SA node is regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

43. 窦房结的活动可以受到各种药物的影响。

The activity of the SA node can be affected by various medications.

44. 窦房结的起搏活动是心脏跳动和血液循环的关键。

The pacing activity of the SA node is key to the heartbeat and blood circulation.

45. 窦房结的健康对于维持正常的心脏功能至关重要。

The health of the SA node is essential for maintaining normal heart function.

46. 窦房结的活动受到多种因素的影响,包括年龄、性别、健康状况和药物等。

The activity of the SA node is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, health status, and medication.

47. 窦房结的健康对于维持正常的心脏功能至关重要。

The health of the SA node is essential for maintaining normal heart function.

48. 窦房结的活动受到交感神经和副交感神经的调节。

The activity of the SA node is regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

49. 窦房结的活动可以受到各种药物的影响。

The activity of the SA node can be affected by various medications.

50. 窦房结是心脏的天然起搏器。

The SA node is the natural pacemaker of the heart.

51. 窦房结的起搏频率受到多种因素的影响。

The pacing frequency of the SA node is influenced by many factors.

52. 窦房结的起搏频率可以随着运动、情绪、药物等因素而改变。

The pacing frequency of the SA node can change depending on factors such as exercise, emotions, and medication.

53. 窦房结是心脏的指挥中心。

The SA node is the command center of the heart.

54. 窦房结的信号通过心房和心室的传导系统传导到整个心脏。

The signals from the SA node are transmitted throughout the heart through the conduction system of the atria and ventricles.

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