
## 穷人环境描写的句子 (76句)

**1. 狭小的房间里,昏暗的灯光下,只有几件破旧的家具,散发着霉味。**

The small room was dimly lit, with only a few pieces of dilapidated furniture, emanating a musty smell.

**2. 斑驳的墙壁上布满了裂痕,仿佛在诉说着岁月的沧桑。**

The mottled walls were covered with cracks, as if telling the story of time.

**3. 凌乱的床铺上,只有一床薄薄的被子,上面打着补丁,像是拼凑起来的希望。**

The messy bed had only a thin blanket, patched up, like a patchwork of hope.

**4. 粗糙的木地板上,布满了灰尘和脚印,像是记录着贫困的印记。**

The rough wooden floor was covered with dust and footprints, like a record of poverty.

**5. 破旧的窗棂上,蒙着一层灰尘,透过玻璃,可以看到外面萧瑟的景象。**

The dilapidated window frame was covered with dust. Through the glass, one could see the desolate scene outside.

**6. 锈迹斑斑的铁锅,仿佛是贫困的象征,诉说着生活的艰辛。**

The rusty iron pot seemed to symbolize poverty, telling the story of the hardships of life.

**7. 泛黄的墙壁上,挂着一张褪色的照片,记录着曾经的梦想和希望。**

On the yellowed walls, there hung a faded photograph, recording past dreams and hopes.

**8. 空荡荡的厨房里,只有几件简单的炊具,像是贫困家庭的标配。**

The empty kitchen had only a few simple cooking utensils, like the standard equipment of a poor family.

**9. 昏暗的灯光下,孩子们的眼睛闪着渴望的光芒,仿佛在期盼着未来的美好。**

Under the dim light, the children's eyes shone with a longing light, as if expecting a better future.

**10. 狭小的空间里,挤满了人,每个人都沉默寡言,仿佛被生活压得喘不过气。**

The small space was crammed with people, each silent and reticent, as if suffocated by life.

**11. 街道上,到处都是破败的房屋,像是被遗忘的角落,充满了悲伤和绝望。**

The streets were filled with dilapidated houses, like forgotten corners, filled with sadness and despair.

**12. 脏乱的街道上,垃圾堆积成山,散发着令人作呕的味道,让人窒息。**

The dirty and messy streets were piled high with garbage, emitting a nauseating odor, suffocating people.

**13. 阴暗的角落里,流浪汉蜷缩在一起,瑟瑟发抖,仿佛被世界遗弃。**

In the dark corners, homeless people huddled together, shivering, as if abandoned by the world.

**14. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**15. 破旧的衣服上,打着补丁,像是拼凑起来的希望,但掩盖不了生活的困苦。**

The old clothes were patched up, like pieces of hope, but couldn't conceal the hardships of life.

**16. 饥饿的肚子,咕咕直叫,像是对命运的抗议,却无法改变贫困的现实。**

The hungry stomachs grumbled, protesting against fate, but unable to change the reality of poverty.

**17. 寒冷的冬天,屋子里没有暖气,只能依靠薄薄的被子来抵御寒冷,却无法驱散心中的寒冷。**

In the cold winter, there was no heating in the house, and people could only rely on thin blankets to ward off the cold, but they couldn't dispel the coldness in their hearts.

**18. 昏暗的灯光下,孩子们挤在一起,他们低声细语,却无法掩盖内心的失落。**

Under the dim light, the children huddled together, whispering softly, but unable to conceal the sadness in their hearts.

**19. 破旧的学校里,孩子们坐在破旧的桌椅上,他们眼神空洞,仿佛对未来失去了希望。**

In the dilapidated school, children sat on old desks and chairs, their eyes vacant, as if they had lost hope for the future.

**20. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**21. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**22. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**23. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**24. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**25. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**26. 贫困的家庭里,孩子们没有玩具,只能用破旧的木头和石头来玩耍,他们脸上充满了天真和无邪,却掩盖不了内心的失落。**

In poor families, children have no toys, and can only play with old wood and stones. Their faces are full of innocence and naivety, but they cannot hide the sadness in their hearts.

**27. 贫困的角落里,人们蜷缩在一起,他们低声细语,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people huddle together, whispering softly, but unable to change the course of fate.

**28. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**29. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**30. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**31. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**32. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**33. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**34. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**35. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**36. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**37. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**38. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**39. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**40. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**41. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**42. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**43. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**44. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**45. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**46. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**47. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**48. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**49. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**50. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**51. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**52. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**53. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**54. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**55. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**56. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**57. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**58. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**59. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**60. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**61. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**62. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**63. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**64. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**65. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**66. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**67. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**68. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**69. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

**70. 贫困的环境,让人感到压抑和窒息,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到绝望和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel oppressed and suffocated. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel despair and helplessness.

**71. 贫困的街道上,人们衣衫褴褛,他们脸上写满了沧桑和疲惫,像是被生活折磨得筋疲力尽。**

On the streets of poverty, people are dressed in rags, their faces etched with time and fatigue, as if they are exhausted by life.

**72. 贫困的角落里,人们低声细语,他们谈论着生活中的苦难,却无法改变命运的轨迹。**

In the corners of poverty, people whisper softly, talking about the hardships of life, but unable to change the course of fate.

**73. 贫困的环境,让人感到绝望和无助,它吞噬着人们的梦想和希望,让他们感到迷茫和无助。**

The environment of poverty makes people feel despair and helplessness. It devours their dreams and hopes, making them feel lost and helpless.

**74. 贫困的街道上,孩子们赤脚奔跑,他们脸上带着天真无邪的笑容,却掩盖不了生活的艰辛。**

On the impoverished streets, children ran barefoot, their faces wearing innocent smiles, but unable to conceal the hardships of life.

**75. 贫困的家庭里,父母为了生计奔波,他们无暇顾及孩子们的教育,只能眼睁睁地看着孩子们辍学。**

In poor families, parents toil for a living, leaving no time for their children's education, and they can only watch helplessly as their children drop out of school.

**76. 贫困的角落里,到处充斥着绝望和悲伤,人们像行尸走肉般生活,他们仿佛已经失去了对生活的渴望。**

In the corners of poverty, despair and sadness abound, people live like walking corpses, as if they have lost their longing for life.

以上就是关于穷人环境描写的句子76句(穷人环境描写的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
