
## 穷途末路的经典句子 (74句)


1. 穷途末路,走投无路。
2. 山穷水尽,无路可退。
3. 孤注一掷,背水一战。
4. 绝处逢生,柳暗花明。
5. 困兽犹斗,死而后已。
6. 铤而走险,孤注一掷。
7. 覆巢之下,焉有完卵?
8. 穷则思变,变则通。
9. 绝境逢生,绝处逢佳。
10. 绝处逢生,柳暗花明。
11. 穷途末路,束手无策。
12. 穷途末路,走投无路。
13. 穷途末路,命悬一线。
14. 穷途末路,万念俱灰。
15. 穷途末路,孤立无援。
16. 穷途末路,进退两难。
17. 穷途末路,心灰意冷。
18. 穷途末路,无路可退。
19. 穷途末路,孤苦伶仃。
20. 穷途末路,山穷水尽。
21. 穷途末路,风雨飘摇。
22. 穷途末路,步履维艰。
23. 穷途末路,前途渺茫。
24. 穷途末路,孤立无援。
25. 穷途末路,命悬一线。
26. 穷途末路,无路可走。
27. 穷途末路,无路可逃。
28. 穷途末路,无路可退。
29. 穷途末路,无路可寻。
30. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
31. 穷途末路,无路可言。
32. 穷途末路,无路可期。
33. 穷途末路,无路可待。
34. 穷途末路,无路可回。
35. 穷途末路,无路可去。
36. 穷途末路,无路可想。
37. 穷途末路,无路可望。
38. 穷途末路,无路可问。
39. 穷途末路,无路可求。
40. 穷途末路,无路可救。
41. 穷途末路,无路可逃。
42. 穷途末路,无路可避。
43. 穷途末路,无路可转。
44. 穷途末路,无路可行。
45. 穷途末路,无路可通。
46. 穷途末路,无路可达。
47. 穷途末路,无路可及。
48. 穷途末路,无路可登。
49. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
50. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
51. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
52. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
53. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
54. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
55. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
56. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
57. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
58. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
59. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
60. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
61. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
62. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
63. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
64. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
65. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
66. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
67. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
68. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
69. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
70. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
71. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
72. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
73. 穷途末路,无路可攀。
74. 穷途末路,无路可攀。


1. At the end of one's rope, with no way out.

2. At the end of one's tether, no retreat.

3. All or nothing, a desperate fight.

4. A new lease on life, a glimmer of hope.

5. A cornered beast fights to the death.

6. Taking a desperate gamble, all or nothing.

7. When the nest is overturned, how can the eggs remain intact?

8. When impoverished, one seeks change; with change comes progress.

9. Finding life in despair, finding beauty in the depths.

10. Finding life in despair, a glimmer of hope.

11. At the end of one's rope, helpless and clueless.

12. At the end of one's rope, with no way out.

13. At the end of one's rope, hanging by a thread.

14. At the end of one's rope, completely disheartened.

15. At the end of one's rope, isolated and alone.

16. At the end of one's rope, caught in a dilemma.

17. At the end of one's rope, feeling dejected and hopeless.

18. At the end of one's tether, no retreat.

19. At the end of one's rope, lonely and miserable.

20. At the end of one's rope, with nowhere left to go.

21. At the end of one's rope, facing stormy times.

22. At the end of one's rope, struggling to move forward.

23. At the end of one's rope, with a bleak future.

24. At the end of one's rope, isolated and alone.

25. At the end of one's rope, hanging by a thread.

26. At the end of one's rope, with no way to go.

27. At the end of one's rope, with no way to escape.

28. At the end of one's tether, no retreat.

29. At the end of one's rope, with no way to find it.

30. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb.

31. At the end of one's rope, with no way to say it.

32. At the end of one's rope, with no way to expect it.

33. At the end of one's rope, with no way to wait for it.

34. At the end of one's rope, with no way to return.

35. At the end of one's rope, with no way to go.

36. At the end of one's rope, with no way to think about it.

37. At the end of one's rope, with no way to hope for it.

38. At the end of one's rope, with no way to ask about it.

39. At the end of one's rope, with no way to seek it.

40. At the end of one's rope, with no way to save it.

41. At the end of one's rope, with no way to escape.

42. At the end of one's rope, with no way to avoid it.

43. At the end of one's rope, with no way to turn around.

44. At the end of one's rope, with no way to proceed.

45. At the end of one's rope, with no way to pass through.

46. At the end of one's rope, with no way to reach it.

47. At the end of one's rope, with no way to reach it.

48. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

49. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

50. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

51. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

52. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

53. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

54. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

55. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

56. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

57. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

58. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

59. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

60. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

61. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

62. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

63. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

64. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

65. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

66. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

67. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

68. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

69. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

70. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

71. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

72. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

73. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

74. At the end of one's rope, with no way to climb it.

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