
## 白骨大圣句子 (98句)

**1. 孙悟空手持金箍棒,怒目圆睁,喝道:“你这妖孽,还不快快现出原形!”**

Sun Wukong, holding his golden cudgel, his eyes wide with anger, roared:"You demon, quickly reveal your true form!"

**2. 白骨精狡猾狡诈,手段毒辣,一心想要吃唐僧肉,长生不老。**

The White Bone Spirit was cunning and treacherous, with cruel methods, her heart set on eating Tang Monk's flesh to achieve immortality.

**3. 唐僧慈悲为怀,不忍心杀生,被白骨精的花言巧语所迷惑。**

Tang Monk, full of compassion, couldn't bear to kill, and was fooled by the White Bone Spirit's sweet talk.

**4. 猪八戒贪吃好色,被白骨精的姿色所吸引,差点就着了道。**

Pigsy, greedy and lustful, was attracted by the White Bone Spirit's beauty, almost falling for her tricks.

**5. 沙僧忠厚老实,任劳任怨,是唐僧的得力助手。**

Sandy, loyal and honest, worked hard and never complained, a reliable assistant to Tang Monk.

**6. 孙悟空火眼金睛,识破了白骨精的伪装,怒火中烧。**

Sun Wukong, with his penetrating eyes, saw through the White Bone Spirit's disguise, his anger burning.

**7. 白骨精变换身形,欺骗唐僧,企图达到自己的目的。**

The White Bone Spirit changed her appearance, deceiving Tang Monk, trying to achieve her goal.

**8. 孙悟空奋力抵抗,最终将白骨精打败,为唐僧除掉了这个祸害。**

Sun Wukong fought valiantly, ultimately defeating the White Bone Spirit, removing this menace from Tang Monk's path.

**9. 白骨精的死,让唐僧明白,慈悲不能滥用,要明辨是非,才能战胜妖魔。**

The death of the White Bone Spirit made Tang Monk realize that compassion cannot be misused, and one must discern right from wrong to overcome demons.

**10. 白骨精的故事,告诉我们,不要被表面现象所迷惑,要识破真伪,才能不被欺骗。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit tells us not to be fooled by appearances, to discern truth from falsehood, so as not to be deceived.

**11. 孙悟空,一个嫉恶如仇、勇猛无敌的英雄,他的形象深入人心。**

Sun Wukong, a hero who hates evil and is invincible, his image is deeply ingrained in people's hearts.

**12. 唐僧,一个心怀慈悲、坚定不移的行者,他的精神值得我们学习。**

Tang Monk, a traveler with a compassionate heart and unwavering determination, his spirit is worth learning from.

**13. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中最经典的片段之一,也是中国民间文学的宝贵遗产。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is one of the most classic segments in Journey to the West, and a valuable legacy of Chinese folk literature.

**14. “妖精,休得猖狂!看我孙悟空的金箍棒!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant! Behold my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong!"

**15. 白骨精化作村妇,哭诉自己的不幸,企图博取唐僧的同情。**

The White Bone Spirit transformed into a village woman, lamenting her misfortunes, attempting to gain Tang Monk's sympathy.

**16. “师父,您看这妇人可怜,就收留她吧。”**

"Master, look at this poor woman, let's take her in."

**17. 孙悟空一眼就识破了白骨精的伪装,怒火冲冲地喊道:“师父,这分明是妖精,快走!”**

Sun Wukong immediately saw through the White Bone Spirit's disguise, shouting angrily:"Master, this is clearly a demon, let's go!"

**18. 唐僧不听孙悟空的劝告,执意要收留白骨精。**

Tang Monk ignored Sun Wukong's advice and insisted on taking the White Bone Spirit in.

**19. 白骨精趁机偷走了唐僧的袈裟,逃之夭夭。**

The White Bone Spirit took advantage of the situation and stole Tang Monk's kasaya, escaping.

**20. 孙悟空追赶白骨精,一路打斗,最终将其打死。**

Sun Wukong chased after the White Bone Spirit, fighting along the way, and eventually killed her.

**21. 白骨精再次变换身形,变成一个老翁,又来欺骗唐僧。**

The White Bone Spirit transformed again, into an old man, deceiving Tang Monk once more.

**22. “师父,您看这老翁可怜,就帮帮他吧。”**

"Master, look at this poor old man, let's help him."

**23. 孙悟空再次识破了白骨精的伪装,怒气冲冲地说:“师父,这又是一个妖精,快走!”**

Sun Wukong once again saw through the White Bone Spirit's disguise, saying angrily:"Master, this is another demon, let's go!"

**24. 唐僧依然固执己见,坚持要帮助白骨精。**

Tang Monk remained stubborn and insisted on helping the White Bone Spirit.

**25. 白骨精趁机偷走了唐僧的锡杖,再次逃脱。**

The White Bone Spirit took advantage of the situation and stole Tang Monk's staff, escaping again.

**26. 孙悟空气愤不已,再次追赶白骨精,最终将其打死。**

Sun Wukong, filled with anger, chased the White Bone Spirit again, and ultimately killed her.

**27. 白骨精第三次变换身形,变成一个美丽少女,试图诱惑唐僧。**

The White Bone Spirit transformed for the third time, into a beautiful maiden, attempting to seduce Tang Monk.

**28. “师父,您看这少女可怜,就收留她吧。”**

"Master, look at this poor maiden, let's take her in."

**29. 孙悟空敏锐地觉察到白骨精的真实身份,厉声说道:“师父,这又是一个妖精,快走!”**

Sun Wukong keenly sensed the White Bone Spirit's true identity and said sharply:"Master, this is another demon, let's go!"

**30. 唐僧终于醒悟过来,明白了白骨精的阴谋,决定不再相信她。**

Tang Monk finally woke up, realizing the White Bone Spirit's plot, and decided to no longer believe her.

**31. 孙悟空带领唐僧师徒离开,白骨精却穷追不舍。**

Sun Wukong led Tang Monk and his disciples away, but the White Bone Spirit relentlessly pursued them.

**32. 孙悟空与白骨精展开激烈的战斗,最终将白骨精彻底消灭。**

Sun Wukong engaged in a fierce battle with the White Bone Spirit, finally completely eliminating her.

**33. 白骨精的失败,证明了邪不胜正,正义终将战胜邪恶。**

The White Bone Spirit's failure proved that evil cannot conquer good, and righteousness will ultimately triumph over evil.

**34. “妖精,休得猖狂,看我孙悟空的厉害!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, see how powerful Sun Wukong is!"

**35. 白骨精的诡计,让唐僧师徒经历了一番惊险的考验。**

The White Bone Spirit's schemes put Tang Monk and his disciples through a perilous ordeal.

**36. 孙悟空的机智勇敢,为唐僧师徒化解了危机。**

Sun Wukong's wit and bravery saved Tang Monk and his disciples from danger.

**37. 白骨精的故事,告诉我们,要保持清醒的头脑,不要被表象所迷惑。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit teaches us to maintain a clear mind and not be fooled by appearances.

**38. “你这妖孽,竟然敢欺骗我师父,我要把你碎尸万段!”**

"You demon, you dare to deceive my master, I will tear you limb from limb!"

**39. 白骨精的阴谋,最终被孙悟空识破,她的诡计也随之破产。**

The White Bone Spirit's plot was ultimately exposed by Sun Wukong, and her schemes fell apart.

**40. 唐僧,一个善良仁慈的佛门弟子,他的慈悲心肠让人敬佩。**

Tang Monk, a kind and compassionate disciple of Buddhism, his compassionate heart is admirable.

**41. 猪八戒,一个贪吃好色、但却心地善良的猪妖,他的形象十分鲜明。**

Pigsy, a gluttonous and lustful, but kind-hearted pig demon, his image is very vivid.

**42. 沙僧,一个沉默寡言、忠诚可靠的沙妖,他的品质令人感动。**

Sandy, a silent, loyal, and reliable sand demon, his qualities are moving.

**43. 唐僧师徒四人,一路西行,历经磨难,最终取得真经。**

The four disciples of Tang Monk journeyed westward, facing many hardships, and ultimately obtained the scriptures.

**44. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中一个重要的情节,也是中国传统文化的瑰宝。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is an important plot in Journey to the West, and a treasure of Chinese traditional culture.

**45. “师父,这白骨精诡计多端,我们一定要小心防备。”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is cunning, we must be careful and on guard."

**46. 白骨精的每一次出现,都给唐僧师徒带来了巨大的威胁。**

Each appearance of the White Bone Spirit posed a great threat to Tang Monk and his disciples.

**47. 孙悟空的火眼金睛,是白骨精的克星,它帮助孙悟空识破了白骨精的伪装。**

Sun Wukong's penetrating eyes were the nemesis of the White Bone Spirit, helping him see through her disguise.

**48. “师父,这妖精的真身是一具白骨,她修炼了千年,法力无边。”**

"Master, this demon's true form is a white skeleton, she has cultivated for thousands of years and has immense magical powers."

**49. 白骨精的死,让唐僧师徒明白,只有坚持正义,才能战胜邪恶。**

The death of the White Bone Spirit made Tang Monk and his disciples understand that only by upholding righteousness can they overcome evil.

**50. “妖精,你休想逃脱,我孙悟空定要把你抓个现行!”**

"Demon, you can't escape, I, Sun Wukong, will catch you red-handed!"

**51. 白骨精,一个充满传奇色彩的妖魔,她的故事让人印象深刻。**

The White Bone Spirit, a demon filled with legendary mystique, her story is memorable.

**52. “你这妖精,竟敢冒充人族,我要把你打回原形!”**

"You demon, you dare to pretend to be human, I will beat you back to your true form!"

**53. 白骨精的出现,考验了唐僧师徒的智慧和毅力。**

The appearance of the White Bone Spirit tested Tang Monk and his disciples' wisdom and perseverance.

**54. “师父,您别被妖精的花言巧语所迷惑,她就是想要吃您的肉!”**

"Master, don't be fooled by the demon's sweet talk, she wants to eat your flesh!"

**55. 白骨精的诡计,让唐僧师徒经历了一番波折,也让他们更加团结一致。**

The White Bone Spirit's schemes caused Tang Monk and his disciples to go through some twists and turns, but they also became more united as a team.

**56. “妖精,你休得逞强,我孙悟空的金箍棒可不是吃素的!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong's, doesn't eat vegetables!"

**57. 白骨精,一个象征着贪婪和欲望的妖魔,她的故事警示人们要洁身自好。**

The White Bone Spirit, a demon symbolizing greed and desire, her story warns people to stay pure and virtuous.

**58. “师父,这妖精变化莫测,我们一定要小心谨慎。”**

"Master, this demon is unpredictable, we must be cautious and careful."

**59. 白骨精,一个狡猾狡诈的妖魔,她善于利用各种手段欺骗别人。**

The White Bone Spirit, a cunning and treacherous demon, she was skilled at using various methods to deceive others.

**60. “妖精,你休想得逞,我孙悟空定要把你打得落花流水!”**

"Demon, you won't succeed, I, Sun Wukong, will beat you into a pulp!"

**61. 白骨精的死,让人们明白,邪恶终将被正义所消灭。**

The death of the White Bone Spirit made people understand that evil will ultimately be eliminated by righteousness.

**62. “师父,这白骨精虽然死了,但我们还要继续警惕,防备其他妖魔的侵害。”**

"Master, although the White Bone Spirit is dead, we must remain vigilant and guard against other demons."

**63. 白骨精的故事,告诉我们,要学会辨别真伪,不要被表象所迷惑。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit teaches us to learn to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and not to be fooled by appearances.

**64. “妖精,你休得嚣张,看我孙悟空的厉害!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, see how powerful Sun Wukong is!"

**65. 白骨精的阴谋,最终以失败告终,她的贪婪和欲望也随之破灭。**

The White Bone Spirit's plot ultimately ended in failure, and her greed and desire were extinguished.

**66. “师父,这白骨精真是可恶至极,她竟然敢冒充人族来欺骗我们!”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is truly abominable, she dares to pretend to be human and deceive us!"

**67. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中一个充满传奇色彩的片段,它展现了正义战胜邪恶的主题。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is a segment filled with legendary mystique in Journey to the West, demonstrating the theme of righteousness conquering evil.

**68. “妖精,你休得猖狂,看我孙悟空的金箍棒!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, behold my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong!"

**69. 白骨精,一个充满魅力却也充满危险的妖魔,她的故事让人沉思。**

The White Bone Spirit, a demon full of charm but also danger, her story is thought-provoking.

**70. “师父,这白骨精真是狡猾,她竟然能幻化成人形,我们差点就被她骗了!”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is truly cunning, she can actually transform into a human form, we were almost fooled by her!"

**71. 白骨精的故事,警示人们要保持警惕,不要被表面现象所迷惑。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit warns people to stay vigilant and not to be fooled by appearances.

**72. “妖精,你休想逃脱,我孙悟空定要把你绳之以法!”**

"Demon, you can't escape, I, Sun Wukong, will bring you to justice!"

**73. 白骨精,一个令人胆寒的妖魔,她的形象也成为了一种文化符号。**

The White Bone Spirit, a terrifying demon, her image has also become a cultural symbol.

**74. “师父,这白骨精修炼了千年,她的法力非常强大,我们一定要小心应对。”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit has cultivated for thousands of years, her magical powers are very strong, we must be cautious in dealing with her."

**75. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中一个重要的情节,它展现了孙悟空的智慧和勇敢。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is an important plot in Journey to the West, demonstrating Sun Wukong's wisdom and bravery.

**76. “妖精,你休得猖狂,看我孙悟空的金箍棒!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, behold my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong!"

**77. 白骨精的失败,证明了邪不胜正,正义终将战胜邪恶。**

The White Bone Spirit's failure proved that evil cannot conquer good, and righteousness will ultimately triumph over evil.

**78. “师父,这白骨精真是阴险狡诈,我们一定要小心防备。”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is truly insidious and treacherous, we must be careful and on guard."

**79. 白骨精的故事,告诉我们,要保持清醒的头脑,不要被表象所迷惑。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit teaches us to maintain a clear mind and not to be fooled by appearances.

**80. “妖精,你休得逞强,我孙悟空的金箍棒可不是吃素的!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong's, doesn't eat vegetables!"

**81. 白骨精,一个充满传奇色彩的妖魔,她的故事让人印象深刻。**

The White Bone Spirit, a demon filled with legendary mystique, her story is memorable.

**82. “你这妖精,竟然敢冒充人族,我要把你打回原形!”**

"You demon, you dare to pretend to be human, I will beat you back to your true form!"

**83. 白骨精的出现,考验了唐僧师徒的智慧和毅力。**

The appearance of the White Bone Spirit tested Tang Monk and his disciples' wisdom and perseverance.

**84. “师父,您别被妖精的花言巧语所迷惑,她就是想要吃您的肉!”**

"Master, don't be fooled by the demon's sweet talk, she wants to eat your flesh!"

**85. 白骨精的诡计,让唐僧师徒经历了一番波折,也让他们更加团结一致。**

The White Bone Spirit's schemes caused Tang Monk and his disciples to go through some twists and turns, but they also became more united as a team.

**86. “妖精,你休得嚣张,看我孙悟空的厉害!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, see how powerful Sun Wukong is!"

**87. 白骨精的阴谋,最终以失败告终,她的贪婪和欲望也随之破灭。**

The White Bone Spirit's plot ultimately ended in failure, and her greed and desire were extinguished.

**88. “师父,这白骨精真是可恶至极,她竟然敢冒充人族来欺骗我们!”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is truly abominable, she dares to pretend to be human and deceive us!"

**89. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中一个充满传奇色彩的片段,它展现了正义战胜邪恶的主题。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is a segment filled with legendary mystique in Journey to the West, demonstrating the theme of righteousness conquering evil.

**90. “妖精,你休得猖狂,看我孙悟空的金箍棒!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, behold my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong!"

**91. 白骨精,一个充满魅力却也充满危险的妖魔,她的故事让人沉思。**

The White Bone Spirit, a demon full of charm but also danger, her story is thought-provoking.

**92. “师父,这白骨精真是狡猾,她竟然能幻化成人形,我们差点就被她骗了!”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit is truly cunning, she can actually transform into a human form, we were almost fooled by her!"

**93. 白骨精的故事,警示人们要保持警惕,不要被表面现象所迷惑。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit warns people to stay vigilant and not to be fooled by appearances.

**94. “妖精,你休想逃脱,我孙悟空定要把你绳之以法!”**

"Demon, you can't escape, I, Sun Wukong, will bring you to justice!"

**95. 白骨精,一个令人胆寒的妖魔,她的形象也成为了一种文化符号。**

The White Bone Spirit, a terrifying demon, her image has also become a cultural symbol.

**96. “师父,这白骨精修炼了千年,她的法力非常强大,我们一定要小心应对。”**

"Master, this White Bone Spirit has cultivated for thousands of years, her magical powers are very strong, we must be cautious in dealing with her."

**97. 白骨精的故事,是西游记中一个重要的情节,它展现了孙悟空的智慧和勇敢。**

The story of the White Bone Spirit is an important plot in Journey to the West, demonstrating Sun Wukong's wisdom and bravery.

**98. “妖精,你休得猖狂,看我孙悟空的金箍棒!”**

"Demon, don't be arrogant, behold my golden cudgel, Sun Wukong!"

以上就是关于白骨大圣句子98句(白骨大圣句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
