
## 曾经的友谊被时间越磨越淡的句子 (81 句)

1. 时间像是一把刻刀,在友谊的画卷上刻下岁月的痕迹,曾经浓墨重彩的画面,如今却只剩下淡淡的素描。

2. 我们曾经无话不谈,如今却只剩下沉默,时间就像是一道无形的鸿沟,将我们隔在了两岸。

3. 曾经的欢声笑语,如今却只剩下回忆的碎片,在脑海中闪烁着微弱的光芒。

4. 就像两条平行线,我们越走越远,曾经的交点,如今已成为过去。

5. 友谊的种子,在岁月的长河中逐渐枯萎,只剩下几片飘零的落叶。

6. 我们曾经并肩作战,如今却各奔东西,时间将我们拉扯得越来越远。

7. 曾经的誓言,如今却变得苍白无力,时间将我们曾经的承诺变成了泡沫。

8. 友谊就像一杯烈酒,在时间的推移下,逐渐变得平淡无味。

9. 我们曾经拥有的一切,如今都已成为过眼云烟,只留下淡淡的思念。

10. 友谊就像一朵鲜花,在时间的摧残下,逐渐凋零,只剩下枯萎的枝干。

11. 曾经的热情,如今已变得冷淡,时间将我们的感情冷却成冰。

12. 我们曾经是彼此的港湾,如今却成了过客,时间将我们之间的距离拉得越来越远。

13. 友谊就像一本泛黄的书,在时间的翻阅下,逐渐变得破损,最终被遗忘在角落。

14. 曾经的欢笑,如今却只剩下沉默的回忆,时间将我们的快乐变成了尘埃。

15. 我们曾经的梦想,如今却变得遥不可及,时间将我们的希望变成了泡影。

16. 友谊就像一艘船,在时间的浪涛中,逐渐被吞噬,最终沉入海底。

17. 曾经的承诺,如今却变成了空洞的语言,时间将我们的信任变成了怀疑。

18. 我们曾经是彼此的知己,如今却成了陌生人,时间将我们的了解变成了隔阂。

19. 友谊就像一首歌,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得模糊,最终被遗忘在记忆的深处。

20. 曾经的牵挂,如今却变得无足轻重,时间将我们的关心变成了漠不关心。

21. 我们曾经是彼此的依靠,如今却变得孤立无援,时间将我们的力量变成了虚弱。

22. 友谊就像一把钥匙,在时间的磨损下,逐渐变得生锈,最终无法打开记忆的门。

23. 曾经的拥抱,如今却只剩下空旷的怀抱,时间将我们的亲密变成了疏远。

24. 我们曾经是彼此的影子,如今却变得形同陌路,时间将我们的相似变成了差异。

25. 友谊就像一面镜子,在时间的照射下,逐渐变得模糊,最终看不清曾经的容颜。

26. 曾经的思念,如今却变得淡如止水,时间将我们的热情变成了平淡。

27. 我们曾经是彼此的梦想,如今却变成了现实的无奈,时间将我们的希望变成了失望。

28. 友谊就像一朵云,在时间的风中,逐渐飘散,最终消失在茫茫的天际。

29. 曾经的爱情,如今却只剩下回忆的残片,时间将我们的激情变成了回忆。

30. 我们曾经是彼此的对手,如今却变成了陌路人,时间将我们的竞争变成了平淡。

31. 友谊就像一束光,在时间的遮挡下,逐渐变得暗淡,最终消失在黑暗之中。

32. 曾经的祝福,如今却变成了沉默的祈愿,时间将我们的祝福变成了沉默。

33. 我们曾经是彼此的英雄,如今却变成了平凡的人,时间将我们的梦想变成了现实。

34. 友谊就像一棵树,在时间的摧残下,逐渐枯萎,最终只剩下几片枯黄的叶子。

35. 曾经的信任,如今却变成了怀疑的种子,时间将我们的信任变成了猜忌。

36. 我们曾经是彼此的依靠,如今却成了负担,时间将我们的支持变成了压力。

37. 友谊就像一艘船,在时间的浪涛中,逐渐被遗忘,最终沉入海底。

38. 曾经的思念,如今却变成了回忆的枷锁,时间将我们的思念变成了回忆。

39. 我们曾经是彼此的未来,如今却成了过去的记忆,时间将我们的未来变成了过去。

40. 友谊就像一幅画,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得褪色,最终被遗忘在角落。

41. 曾经的誓言,如今却变成了空洞的承诺,时间将我们的承诺变成了谎言。

42. 我们曾经是彼此的太阳,如今却变成了遥远的星辰,时间将我们的亲密变成了距离。

43. 友谊就像一首歌,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得无声,最终被遗忘在记忆的深处。

44. 曾经的欢笑,如今却变成了沉默的回忆,时间将我们的快乐变成了悲伤。

45. 我们曾经是彼此的梦想,如今却变成了现实的无奈,时间将我们的希望变成了绝望。

46. 友谊就像一朵花,在时间的摧残下,逐渐凋零,最终只剩下枯萎的枝干。

47. 曾经的热情,如今已变得冷淡,时间将我们的感情冷却成冰。

48. 我们曾经是彼此的港湾,如今却成了过客,时间将我们之间的距离拉得越来越远。

49. 友谊就像一本泛黄的书,在时间的翻阅下,逐渐变得破损,最终被遗忘在角落。

50. 曾经的欢笑,如今却只剩下沉默的回忆,时间将我们的快乐变成了尘埃。

51. 我们曾经的梦想,如今却变得遥不可及,时间将我们的希望变成了泡影。

52. 友谊就像一艘船,在时间的浪涛中,逐渐被吞噬,最终沉入海底。

53. 曾经的承诺,如今却变成了空洞的语言,时间将我们的信任变成了怀疑。

54. 我们曾经是彼此的知己,如今却成了陌生人,时间将我们的了解变成了隔阂。

55. 友谊就像一首歌,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得模糊,最终被遗忘在记忆的深处。

56. 曾经的牵挂,如今却变得无足轻重,时间将我们的关心变成了漠不关心。

57. 我们曾经是彼此的依靠,如今却变得孤立无援,时间将我们的力量变成了虚弱。

58. 友谊就像一把钥匙,在时间的磨损下,逐渐变得生锈,最终无法打开记忆的门。

59. 曾经的拥抱,如今却只剩下空旷的怀抱,时间将我们的亲密变成了疏远。

60. 我们曾经是彼此的影子,如今却变得形同陌路,时间将我们的相似变成了差异。

61. 友谊就像一面镜子,在时间的照射下,逐渐变得模糊,最终看不清曾经的容颜。

62. 曾经的思念,如今却变得淡如止水,时间将我们的热情变成了平淡。

63. 我们曾经是彼此的梦想,如今却变成了现实的无奈,时间将我们的希望变成了失望。

64. 友谊就像一朵云,在时间的风中,逐渐飘散,最终消失在茫茫的天际。

65. 曾经的爱情,如今却只剩下回忆的残片,时间将我们的激情变成了回忆。

66. 我们曾经是彼此的对手,如今却变成了陌路人,时间将我们的竞争变成了平淡。

67. 友谊就像一束光,在时间的遮挡下,逐渐变得暗淡,最终消失在黑暗之中。

68. 曾经的祝福,如今却变成了沉默的祈愿,时间将我们的祝福变成了沉默。

69. 我们曾经是彼此的英雄,如今却变成了平凡的人,时间将我们的梦想变成了现实。

70. 友谊就像一棵树,在时间的摧残下,逐渐枯萎,最终只剩下几片枯黄的叶子。

71. 曾经的信任,如今却变成了怀疑的种子,时间将我们的信任变成了猜忌。

72. 我们曾经是彼此的依靠,如今却成了负担,时间将我们的支持变成了压力。

73. 友谊就像一艘船,在时间的浪涛中,逐渐被遗忘,最终沉入海底。

74. 曾经的思念,如今却变成了回忆的枷锁,时间将我们的思念变成了回忆。

75. 我们曾经是彼此的未来,如今却成了过去的记忆,时间将我们的未来变成了过去。

76. 友谊就像一幅画,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得褪色,最终被遗忘在角落。

77. 曾经的誓言,如今却变成了空洞的承诺,时间将我们的承诺变成了谎言。

78. 我们曾经是彼此的太阳,如今却变成了遥远的星辰,时间将我们的亲密变成了距离。

79. 友谊就像一首歌,在时间的流逝下,逐渐变得无声,最终被遗忘在记忆的深处。

80. 曾经的欢笑,如今却变成了沉默的回忆,时间将我们的快乐变成了悲伤。

81. 我们曾经是彼此的梦想,如今却变成了现实的无奈,时间将我们的希望变成了绝望。

## English Translation of the Sentences:

1. Time is like a carving knife, etching the traces of time on the canvas of friendship. The once vibrant and colorful scenes now only remain as faint sketches.

2. We used to be able to talk about everything, but now we are left with silence. Time is like an invisible chasm, separating us on opposite banks.

3. The laughter and joy we shared now only remain as fragmented memories, flickering faintly in our minds.

4. Like two parallel lines, we drift further and further apart. The intersection we once had has become a thing of the past.

5. The seeds of friendship wither away in the long river of time, leaving behind only a few scattered leaves.

6. We once fought side by side, but now we go our separate ways. Time pulls us further and further apart.

7. The vows we once made now seem pale and powerless. Time has turned our promises into bubbles.

8. Friendship is like a strong wine, gradually becoming bland and tasteless as time passes.

9. Everything we once had has become a fleeting dream, leaving only faint longing.

10. Friendship is like a flower, gradually fading and withering under the ravages of time, leaving only withered stems.

11. Our once passionate hearts have now grown cold. Time has chilled our affections into ice.

12. We were once each other's havens, but now we are just passersby. Time stretches the distance between us further and further.

13. Friendship is like a yellowed book, gradually becoming damaged with time, eventually being forgotten in a corner.

14. The laughter we shared now only remains as silent memories. Time has turned our joy into dust.

15. The dreams we once held now seem unattainable. Time has turned our hopes into illusions.

16. Friendship is like a ship, gradually being swallowed up by the waves of time, eventually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

17. The promises we once made now only remain as hollow words. Time has turned our trust into suspicion.

18. We were once each other's confidants, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our understanding into estrangement.

19. Friendship is like a song, gradually becoming indistinct as time passes, eventually being forgotten in the depths of memory.

20. Our once constant worry now seems trivial. Time has turned our concern into apathy.

21. We were once each other's support, but now we are alone and helpless. Time has turned our strength into weakness.

22. Friendship is like a key, gradually becoming rusty with time, eventually unable to unlock the door of memory.

23. The embraces we once shared now only remain as empty arms. Time has turned our intimacy into distance.

24. We were once each other's shadows, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our similarities into differences.

25. Friendship is like a mirror, gradually becoming blurred as time reflects upon it, eventually becoming unable to reflect our past faces.

26. Our once intense longing has now become as calm as still water. Time has turned our passion into blandness.

27. We were once each other's dreams, but now we are faced with the realities of life. Time has turned our hope into disappointment.

28. Friendship is like a cloud, gradually drifting away in the wind of time, eventually disappearing into the vast expanse of the sky.

29. Our once passionate love now only remains as fragments of memories. Time has turned our fervor into reminiscence.

30. We were once each other's rivals, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our competition into blandness.

31. Friendship is like a beam of light, gradually dimming under the blockage of time, eventually disappearing into darkness.

32. Our once heartfelt blessings now only remain as silent prayers. Time has turned our blessings into silence.

33. We were once each other's heroes, but now we are ordinary people. Time has turned our dreams into reality.

34. Friendship is like a tree, gradually withering under the ravages of time, eventually leaving only a few yellowed leaves.

35. Our once unwavering trust now has become the seeds of suspicion. Time has turned our trust into mistrust.

36. We were once each other's support, but now we are a burden. Time has turned our support into pressure.

37. Friendship is like a ship, gradually being forgotten in the waves of time, eventually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

38. Our once constant longing now only remains as chains of memories. Time has turned our longing into reminiscence.

39. We were once each other's futures, but now we are memories of the past. Time has turned our future into the past.

40. Friendship is like a painting, gradually fading as time passes, eventually being forgotten in a corner.

41. The vows we once made now only remain as empty promises. Time has turned our promises into lies.

42. We were once each other's suns, but now we are distant stars. Time has turned our closeness into distance.

43. Friendship is like a song, gradually becoming silent as time passes, eventually being forgotten in the depths of memory.

44. The laughter we shared now only remains as silent memories. Time has turned our joy into sadness.

45. We were once each other's dreams, but now we are faced with the realities of life. Time has turned our hope into despair.

46. Friendship is like a flower, gradually fading and withering under the ravages of time, leaving only withered stems.

47. Our once passionate hearts have now grown cold. Time has chilled our affections into ice.

48. We were once each other's havens, but now we are just passersby. Time stretches the distance between us further and further.

49. Friendship is like a yellowed book, gradually becoming damaged with time, eventually being forgotten in a corner.

50. The laughter we shared now only remains as silent memories. Time has turned our joy into dust.

51. The dreams we once held now seem unattainable. Time has turned our hopes into illusions.

52. Friendship is like a ship, gradually being swallowed up by the waves of time, eventually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

53. The promises we once made now only remain as hollow words. Time has turned our trust into suspicion.

54. We were once each other's confidants, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our understanding into estrangement.

55. Friendship is like a song, gradually becoming indistinct as time passes, eventually being forgotten in the depths of memory.

56. Our once constant worry now seems trivial. Time has turned our concern into apathy.

57. We were once each other's support, but now we are alone and helpless. Time has turned our strength into weakness.

58. Friendship is like a key, gradually becoming rusty with time, eventually unable to unlock the door of memory.

59. The embraces we once shared now only remain as empty arms. Time has turned our intimacy into distance.

60. We were once each other's shadows, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our similarities into differences.

61. Friendship is like a mirror, gradually becoming blurred as time reflects upon it, eventually becoming unable to reflect our past faces.

62. Our once intense longing has now become as calm as still water. Time has turned our passion into blandness.

63. We were once each other's dreams, but now we are faced with the realities of life. Time has turned our hope into disappointment.

64. Friendship is like a cloud, gradually drifting away in the wind of time, eventually disappearing into the vast expanse of the sky.

65. Our once passionate love now only remains as fragments of memories. Time has turned our fervor into reminiscence.

66. We were once each other's rivals, but now we are strangers. Time has turned our competition into blandness.

67. Friendship is like a beam of light, gradually dimming under the blockage of time, eventually disappearing into darkness.

68. Our once heartfelt blessings now only remain as silent prayers. Time has turned our blessings into silence.

69. We were once each other's heroes, but now we are ordinary people. Time has turned our dreams into reality.

70. Friendship is like a tree, gradually withering under the ravages of time, eventually leaving only a few yellowed leaves.

71. Our once unwavering trust now has become the seeds of suspicion. Time has turned our trust into mistrust.

72. We were once each other's support, but now we are a burden. Time has turned our support into pressure.

73. Friendship is like a ship, gradually being forgotten in the waves of time, eventually sinking to the bottom of the sea.

74. Our once constant longing now only remains as chains of memories. Time has turned our longing into reminiscence.

75. We were once each other's futures, but now we are memories of the past. Time has turned our future into the past.

76. Friendship is like a painting, gradually fading as time passes, eventually being forgotten in a corner.

77. The vows we once made now only remain as empty promises. Time has turned our promises into lies.

78. We were once each other's suns, but now we are distant stars. Time has turned our closeness into distance.

79. Friendship is like a song, gradually becoming silent as time passes, eventually being forgotten in the depths of memory.

80. The laughter we shared now only remains as silent memories. Time has turned our joy into sadness.

81. We were once each other's dreams, but now we are faced with the realities of life. Time has turned our hope into despair.

以上就是关于曾经的友谊被时间越磨越淡的句子81句(曾经的友谊被时间越磨越淡的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
