
## 久处不厌类似句子 (84句)**表达喜爱,不厌倦**1. **久处不厌,情深意长。** (Lasting fondness, deep feelings.)2. **相知相守,情谊绵长。** (Knowing and staying together, long-lasting friendship.)3. **日久生情,情比金坚。** (Love grows over time, stronger than gold.)4. **情深意切,相濡以沫。** (Deep affection, supporting each other through thick and thin.)5. **情投意合,天长地久。** (Shared interests and feelings, lasting forever.)6. **两情相悦,心心相印。** (Mutual affection, hearts in sync.)7. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)8. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)9. **相爱相守,一生一世。** (Love and stay together, for a lifetime.)10. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)11. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)12. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)13. **情投意合,心心相惜。** (Shared interests and feelings, mutual appreciation.)14. **情深意浓,海枯石烂。** (Deep affection, lasting until the seas dry up and the rocks crumble.)15. **情比山高,爱比海深。** (Love higher than mountains, deeper than the sea.)16. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)17. **相知相爱,情比金坚。** (Knowing and loving each other, stronger than gold.)18. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)19. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)20. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)**表达舒适,安稳**21. **如沐春风,心旷神怡。** (Feeling like a spring breeze, relaxed and happy.)22. **心平气和,泰然自若。** (Calm and composed, at ease.)23. **安然自得,心满意足。** (Content and happy, satisfied with life.)24. **无忧无虑,自由自在。** (Free from worry, carefree.)25. **心如止水,波澜不惊。** (Mind like still water, undisturbed.)26. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)27. **心怀坦荡,无所畏惧。** (Open and honest heart, fearless.)28. **心境平和,淡泊名利。** (Peaceful mind, indifferent to fame and fortune.)29. **心胸豁达,包容万物。** (Open-minded and tolerant, embracing all things.)30. **心境澄明,一尘不染。** (Clear mind, pure and spotless.)31. **身心舒畅,无拘无束。** (Comfortable body and mind, free from restrictions.)32. **心神安定,无忧无虑。** (Peaceful mind, free from worry.)33. **悠然自得,逍遥自在。** (Relaxed and carefree, enjoying life.)34. **淡泊名利,心境平和。** (Indifferent to fame and fortune, peaceful mind.)35. **心胸开阔,乐观向上。** (Open-minded and optimistic, positive attitude.)36. **心平气和,泰然处之。** (Calm and composed, handling things calmly.)37. **安之若素,从容不迫。** (Accepting things as they are, calm and collected.)38. **心旷神怡,神清气爽。** (Refreshed mind and body, feeling energized.)39. **心满意足,无欲无求。** (Content and satisfied, free from desire.)40. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)**表达熟悉,亲近**41. **亲如家人,情深似海。** (Close like family, deep affection.)42. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)43. **情投意合,心心相印。** (Shared interests and feelings, hearts in sync.)44. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)45. **知己知彼,心照不宣。** (Knowing each other well, unspoken understanding.)46. **推心置腹,坦诚相待。** (Sharing thoughts and feelings openly, honest treatment.)47. **情谊深厚,永不忘记。** (Deep affection, never forgotten.)48. **相依相伴,形影不离。** (Leaning on each other, inseparable.)49. **情同手足,肝胆相照。** (Close like siblings, loyal and supportive.)50. **情深意浓,心心相惜。** (Deep affection, mutual appreciation.)51. **情投意合,相知相爱。** (Shared interests and feelings, knowing and loving each other.)52. **相知相守,情谊绵长。** (Knowing and staying together, long-lasting friendship.)53. **情深意切,心心相印。** (Deep affection, hearts in sync.)54. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)55. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)56. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)57. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)58. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)59. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)60. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)**表达和谐,融洽**61. **相得益彰,相辅相成。** (Complementing each other, supporting each other.)62. **和睦相处,亲密无间。** (Living in harmony, close and intimate.)63. **心心相印,默契十足。** (Hearts in sync, perfect understanding.)64. **相敬如宾,礼貌周到。** (Treating each other with respect and courtesy.)65. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)66. **情投意合,心心相惜。** (Shared interests and feelings, mutual appreciation.)67. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)68. **相依相伴,形影不离。** (Leaning on each other, inseparable.)69. **情同手足,肝胆相照。** (Close like siblings, loyal and supportive.)70. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)71. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)72. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)73. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)74. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)75. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)76. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)77. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)**其他表达**78. **如鱼得水,游刃有余。** (Like a fish in water, effortless and comfortable.)79. **心旷神怡,无忧无虑。** (Refreshed mind and body, free from worry.)80. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)81. **心怀坦荡,无所畏惧。** (Open and honest heart, fearless.)82. **心境平和,淡泊名利。** (Peaceful mind, indifferent to fame and fortune.)83. **心胸豁达,包容万物。** (Open-minded and tolerant, embracing all things.)84. **心境澄明,一尘不染。** (Clear mind, pure and spotless.)## 英文翻译

**Expressing fondness and no weariness**

1. **久处不厌,情深意长。** (Lasting fondness, deep feelings.)

2. **相知相守,情谊绵长。** (Knowing and staying together, long-lasting friendship.)

3. **日久生情,情比金坚。** (Love grows over time, stronger than gold.)

4. **情深意切,相濡以沫。** (Deep affection, supporting each other through thick and thin.)

5. **情投意合,天长地久。** (Shared interests and feelings, lasting forever.)

6. **两情相悦,心心相印。** (Mutual affection, hearts in sync.)

7. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)

8. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)

9. **相爱相守,一生一世。** (Love and stay together, for a lifetime.)

10. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)

11. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)

12. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)

13. **情投意合,心心相惜。** (Shared interests and feelings, mutual appreciation.)

14. **情深意浓,海枯石烂。** (Deep affection, lasting until the seas dry up and the rocks crumble.)

15. **情比山高,爱比海深。** (Love higher than mountains, deeper than the sea.)

16. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)

17. **相知相爱,情比金坚。** (Knowing and loving each other, stronger than gold.)

18. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)

19. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)

20. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)

**Expressing comfort and stability**

21. **如沐春风,心旷神怡。** (Feeling like a spring breeze, relaxed and happy.)

22. **心平气和,泰然自若。** (Calm and composed, at ease.)

23. **安然自得,心满意足。** (Content and happy, satisfied with life.)

24. **无忧无虑,自由自在。** (Free from worry, carefree.)

25. **心如止水,波澜不惊。** (Mind like still water, undisturbed.)

26. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)

27. **心怀坦荡,无所畏惧。** (Open and honest heart, fearless.)

28. **心境平和,淡泊名利。** (Peaceful mind, indifferent to fame and fortune.)

29. **心胸豁达,包容万物。** (Open-minded and tolerant, embracing all things.)

30. **心境澄明,一尘不染。** (Clear mind, pure and spotless.)

31. **身心舒畅,无拘无束。** (Comfortable body and mind, free from restrictions.)

32. **心神安定,无忧无虑。** (Peaceful mind, free from worry.)

33. **悠然自得,逍遥自在。** (Relaxed and carefree, enjoying life.)

34. **淡泊名利,心境平和。** (Indifferent to fame and fortune, peaceful mind.)

35. **心胸开阔,乐观向上。** (Open-minded and optimistic, positive attitude.)

36. **心平气和,泰然处之。** (Calm and composed, handling things calmly.)

37. **安之若素,从容不迫。** (Accepting things as they are, calm and collected.)

38. **心旷神怡,神清气爽。** (Refreshed mind and body, feeling energized.)

39. **心满意足,无欲无求。** (Content and satisfied, free from desire.)

40. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)

**Expressing familiarity and closeness**

41. **亲如家人,情深似海。** (Close like family, deep affection.)

42. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)

43. **情投意合,心心相印。** (Shared interests and feelings, hearts in sync.)

44. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)

45. **知己知彼,心照不宣。** (Knowing each other well, unspoken understanding.)

46. **推心置腹,坦诚相待。** (Sharing thoughts and feelings openly, honest treatment.)

47. **情谊深厚,永不忘记。** (Deep affection, never forgotten.)

48. **相依相伴,形影不离。** (Leaning on each other, inseparable.)

49. **情同手足,肝胆相照。** (Close like siblings, loyal and supportive.)

50. **情深意浓,心心相惜。** (Deep affection, mutual appreciation.)

51. **情投意合,相知相爱。** (Shared interests and feelings, knowing and loving each other.)

52. **相知相守,情谊绵长。** (Knowing and staying together, long-lasting friendship.)

53. **情深意切,心心相印。** (Deep affection, hearts in sync.)

54. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)

55. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)

56. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)

57. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)

58. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)

59. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)

60. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)

**Expressing harmony and closeness**

61. **相得益彰,相辅相成。** (Complementing each other, supporting each other.)

62. **和睦相处,亲密无间。** (Living in harmony, close and intimate.)

63. **心心相印,默契十足。** (Hearts in sync, perfect understanding.)

64. **相敬如宾,礼貌周到。** (Treating each other with respect and courtesy.)

65. **相知相惜,情谊深厚。** (Understanding and cherishing each other, deep friendship.)

66. **情投意合,心心相惜。** (Shared interests and feelings, mutual appreciation.)

67. **相濡以沫,共度一生。** (Supporting each other through thick and thin, spending a lifetime together.)

68. **相依相伴,形影不离。** (Leaning on each other, inseparable.)

69. **情同手足,肝胆相照。** (Close like siblings, loyal and supportive.)

70. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)

71. **相爱相惜,情谊长存。** (Loving and cherishing each other, friendship lasts forever.)

72. **情深似海,爱意绵绵。** (Love as deep as the sea, endless affection.)

73. **相依相伴,白头偕老。** (Leaning on each other, growing old together.)

74. **情比金坚,永不分离。** (Love stronger than gold, never separated.)

75. **心心相印,情意绵绵。** (Hearts in sync, long-lasting affection.)

76. **情深意重,永不忘记。** (Deep affection and strong feelings, never forgotten.)

77. **心心相印,情意浓浓。** (Hearts in sync, deep affection.)

**Other expressions**

78. **如鱼得水,游刃有余。** (Like a fish in water, effortless and comfortable.)

79. **心旷神怡,无忧无虑。** (Refreshed mind and body, free from worry.)

80. **心安理得,问心无愧。** (Peaceful conscience, no regrets.)

81. **心怀坦荡,无所畏惧。** (Open and honest heart, fearless.)

82. **心境平和,淡泊名利。** (Peaceful mind, indifferent to fame and fortune.)

83. **心胸豁达,包容万物。** (Open-minded and tolerant, embracing all things.)

84. **心境澄明,一尘不染。** (Clear mind, pure and spotless.)

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