
## 班子建设经典句子 (83句)


**1. 班子强则事业兴,班子弱则事业衰。**


**A strong leadership team leads to prosperity, while a weak team leads to decline.**


**2. 领导班子是事业成败的关键,是发展的核心力量。**


**The leadership team is crucial to the success or failure of any endeavor, and it serves as the core force for development.**


**3. 班子建设要坚持政治过硬、本领高强、作风优良、清正廉洁。**


**Leadership team building should prioritize political fortitude, strong skills, excellent work style, and integrity.**


**4. 打造一支政治坚定、忠诚干净担当、敢于斗争、善于斗争的领导班子。**


**Build a leadership team that is politically steadfast, loyal, clean, responsible, courageous in struggle, and adept at navigating challenges.**


**5. 领导班子要以身作则、率先垂范,带头干事创业。**


**The leadership team should set an example, lead by doing, and take the initiative in working and innovating.**


**6. 坚持民主集中制,发扬民主,科学决策,团结协作。**


**Adhere to democratic centralism, cultivate democracy, make scientific decisions, and work together in unity.**


**7. 领导班子要善于团结同志、凝聚力量,形成合力。**


**The leadership team should be skilled in uniting comrades, rallying forces, and generating synergy.**


**8. 加强班子政治建设,提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力。**


**Strengthen the political building of the team, and enhance political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution.**


**9. 领导班子要勇于担当、敢于负责,为事业发展贡献力量。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in taking responsibility and accountability, and contribute to the development of the cause.**


**10. 强化制度建设,规范领导班子行为,促进廉洁自律。**


**Strengthen institutional construction, regulate the behavior of the leadership team, and promote integrity and self-discipline.**


**11. 领导班子要加强学习,不断提升自身素质和能力。**


**The leadership team should strengthen their learning, continuously improving their personal qualities and abilities.**


**12. 加强班子队伍建设,选优配强领导干部,优化人才结构。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team, select and assign outstanding leaders, and optimize the talent structure.**


**13. 领导班子要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,服务群众,造福人民。**


**The leadership team should adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, serve the people, and benefit the people.**


**14. 加强班子作风建设,弘扬求真务实、清正廉洁的优良作风。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team's work style, promote a fine work style that emphasizes truth-seeking, pragmatism, integrity, and honesty.**


**15. 领导班子要敢于直面矛盾,解决问题,推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in confronting contradictions, resolving problems, and driving the development of the cause.**


**16. 班子建设是永无止境的,要不断改进,不断提高。**


**Leadership team building is a continuous process that requires constant improvement and advancement.**


**17. 领导班子是事业发展的核心,要不断加强自身建设,为事业发展提供坚强保证。**


**The leadership team is the core of development, and it needs to continuously strengthen itself to provide a strong guarantee for the development of the cause.**


**18. 领导班子要团结一致,同心同德,共克时艰,共谋发展。**


**The leadership team should be united in purpose, work together with one heart and one mind, overcome difficulties together, and seek development together.**


**19. 加强班子思想建设,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑。**


**Strengthen the ideological building of the team, and adhere to arming the mind with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.**


**20. 领导班子要树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,做到立党为公、执政为民。**


**The leadership team should establish a correct world view, outlook on life, and values, and strive to serve the public interest and govern for the people.**


**21. 班子建设要坚持民主集中制,发扬民主,科学决策,团结协作。**


**Leadership team building should adhere to democratic centralism, cultivate democracy, make scientific decisions, and work together in unity.**


**22. 领导班子要以身作则、率先垂范,带头干事创业。**


**The leadership team should set an example, lead by doing, and take the initiative in working and innovating.**


**23. 加强班子作风建设,弘扬求真务实、清正廉洁的优良作风。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team's work style, promote a fine work style that emphasizes truth-seeking, pragmatism, integrity, and honesty.**


**24. 领导班子要加强学习,不断提升自身素质和能力。**


**The leadership team should strengthen their learning, continuously improving their personal qualities and abilities.**


**25. 班子建设是党的建设的重要组成部分,是实现党的领导的关键。**


**Leadership team building is an important part of Party building, and it is crucial for achieving Party leadership.**


**26. 领导班子要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,服务群众,造福人民。**


**The leadership team should adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, serve the people, and benefit the people.**


**27. 加强班子队伍建设,选优配强领导干部,优化人才结构。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team, select and assign outstanding leaders, and optimize the talent structure.**


**28. 领导班子要敢于直面矛盾,解决问题,推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in confronting contradictions, resolving problems, and driving the development of the cause.**


**29. 强化制度建设,规范领导班子行为,促进廉洁自律。**


**Strengthen institutional construction, regulate the behavior of the leadership team, and promote integrity and self-discipline.**


**30. 领导班子要坚持科学决策,民主决策,依法决策,确保决策的科学性、民主性、合法性。**


**The leadership team should adhere to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, and decision-making based on the law, ensuring the scientific, democratic, and legal nature of decisions.**


**31. 班子建设要坚持与时俱进,不断创新,适应时代发展要求。**


**Leadership team building should keep pace with the times, continuously innovate, and adapt to the demands of the era.**


**32. 领导班子要加强自身建设,不断提高自身素质和能力,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。**


**The leadership team should strengthen itself, continuously improve its quality and abilities, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.**


**33. 领导班子要勇于担当责任,敢于直面挑战,为事业发展提供坚强保障。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in taking responsibility, dare to face challenges, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of the cause.**


**34. 班子建设是凝聚人心、汇聚力量、推动发展的重要保证。**


**Leadership team building is an important guarantee for uniting hearts and minds, gathering strength, and driving development.**


**35. 领导班子要坚持求真务实,真抓实干,不搞形式主义、官僚主义。**


**The leadership team should adhere to truth-seeking, pragmatism, and real work, avoiding formalism and bureaucracy.**


**36. 加强班子廉政建设,坚持严于律己,廉洁自律,做到公正廉洁、清正为民。**


**Strengthen the team's integrity construction, adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, and self-restraint, and strive for fairness, integrity, and serving the people.**


**37. 领导班子要加强沟通协调,形成合力,共同推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should strengthen communication and coordination, generate synergy, and work together to drive the development of the cause.**


**38. 班子建设要坚持问题导向,不断改进工作方法,提高工作效率。**


**Leadership team building should adhere to a problem-oriented approach, continuously improve work methods, and enhance work efficiency.**


**39. 领导班子要坚持开拓创新,勇于突破,不断取得新成绩。**


**The leadership team should adhere to innovation and boldness, break through barriers, and continuously achieve new results.**


**40. 班子建设是党的建设的重要组成部分,是实现党的领导的关键。**


**Leadership team building is an important part of Party building, and it is crucial for achieving Party leadership.**


**41. 领导班子要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,服务群众,造福人民。**


**The leadership team should adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, serve the people, and benefit the people.**


**42. 加强班子队伍建设,选优配强领导干部,优化人才结构。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team, select and assign outstanding leaders, and optimize the talent structure.**


**43. 领导班子要敢于直面矛盾,解决问题,推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in confronting contradictions, resolving problems, and driving the development of the cause.**


**44. 强化制度建设,规范领导班子行为,促进廉洁自律。**


**Strengthen institutional construction, regulate the behavior of the leadership team, and promote integrity and self-discipline.**


**45. 领导班子要坚持科学决策,民主决策,依法决策,确保决策的科学性、民主性、合法性。**


**The leadership team should adhere to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, and decision-making based on the law, ensuring the scientific, democratic, and legal nature of decisions.**


**46. 班子建设要坚持与时俱进,不断创新,适应时代发展要求。**


**Leadership team building should keep pace with the times, continuously innovate, and adapt to the demands of the era.**


**47. 领导班子要加强自身建设,不断提高自身素质和能力,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。**


**The leadership team should strengthen itself, continuously improve its quality and abilities, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.**


**48. 领导班子要勇于担当责任,敢于直面挑战,为事业发展提供坚强保障。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in taking responsibility, dare to face challenges, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of the cause.**


**49. 班子建设是凝聚人心、汇聚力量、推动发展的重要保证。**


**Leadership team building is an important guarantee for uniting hearts and minds, gathering strength, and driving development.**


**50. 领导班子要坚持求真务实,真抓实干,不搞形式主义、官僚主义。**


**The leadership team should adhere to truth-seeking, pragmatism, and real work, avoiding formalism and bureaucracy.**


**51. 加强班子廉政建设,坚持严于律己,廉洁自律,做到公正廉洁、清正为民。**


**Strengthen the team's integrity construction, adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, and self-restraint, and strive for fairness, integrity, and serving the people.**


**52. 领导班子要加强沟通协调,形成合力,共同推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should strengthen communication and coordination, generate synergy, and work together to drive the development of the cause.**


**53. 班子建设要坚持问题导向,不断改进工作方法,提高工作效率。**


**Leadership team building should adhere to a problem-oriented approach, continuously improve work methods, and enhance work efficiency.**


**54. 领导班子要坚持开拓创新,勇于突破,不断取得新成绩。**


**The leadership team should adhere to innovation and boldness, break through barriers, and continuously achieve new results.**


**55. 领导班子要坚持民主集中制,发扬民主,科学决策,团结协作。**


**The leadership team should adhere to democratic centralism, cultivate democracy, make scientific decisions, and work together in unity.**


**56. 领导班子要以身作则、率先垂范,带头干事创业。**


**The leadership team should set an example, lead by doing, and take the initiative in working and innovating.**


**57. 加强班子作风建设,弘扬求真务实、清正廉洁的优良作风。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team's work style, promote a fine work style that emphasizes truth-seeking, pragmatism, integrity, and honesty.**


**58. 领导班子要加强学习,不断提升自身素质和能力。**


**The leadership team should strengthen their learning, continuously improving their personal qualities and abilities.**


**59. 班子建设是党的建设的重要组成部分,是实现党的领导的关键。**


**Leadership team building is an important part of Party building, and it is crucial for achieving Party leadership.**


**60. 领导班子要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,服务群众,造福人民。**


**The leadership team should adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, serve the people, and benefit the people.**


**61. 加强班子队伍建设,选优配强领导干部,优化人才结构。**


**Strengthen the construction of the team, select and assign outstanding leaders, and optimize the talent structure.**


**62. 领导班子要敢于直面矛盾,解决问题,推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in confronting contradictions, resolving problems, and driving the development of the cause.**


**63. 强化制度建设,规范领导班子行为,促进廉洁自律。**


**Strengthen institutional construction, regulate the behavior of the leadership team, and promote integrity and self-discipline.**


**64. 领导班子要坚持科学决策,民主决策,依法决策,确保决策的科学性、民主性、合法性。**


**The leadership team should adhere to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, and decision-making based on the law, ensuring the scientific, democratic, and legal nature of decisions.**


**65. 班子建设要坚持与时俱进,不断创新,适应时代发展要求。**


**Leadership team building should keep pace with the times, continuously innovate, and adapt to the demands of the era.**


**66. 领导班子要加强自身建设,不断提高自身素质和能力,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。**


**The leadership team should strengthen itself, continuously improve its quality and abilities, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.**


**67. 领导班子要勇于担当责任,敢于直面挑战,为事业发展提供坚强保障。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in taking responsibility, dare to face challenges, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of the cause.**


**68. 班子建设是凝聚人心、汇聚力量、推动发展的重要保证。**


**Leadership team building is an important guarantee for uniting hearts and minds, gathering strength, and driving development.**


**69. 领导班子要坚持求真务实,真抓实干,不搞形式主义、官僚主义。**


**The leadership team should adhere to truth-seeking, pragmatism, and real work, avoiding formalism and bureaucracy.**


**70. 加强班子廉政建设,坚持严于律己,廉洁自律,做到公正廉洁、清正为民。**


**Strengthen the team's integrity construction, adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, and self-restraint, and strive for fairness, integrity, and serving the people.**


**71. 领导班子要加强沟通协调,形成合力,共同推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should strengthen communication and coordination, generate synergy, and work together to drive the development of the cause.**


**72. 班子建设要坚持问题导向,不断改进工作方法,提高工作效率。**


**Leadership team building should adhere to a problem-oriented approach, continuously improve work methods, and enhance work efficiency.**


**73. 领导班子要坚持开拓创新,勇于突破,不断取得新成绩。**


**The leadership team should adhere to innovation and boldness, break through barriers, and continuously achieve new results.**


**74. 领导班子要加强自身建设,不断提高自身素质和能力,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。**


**The leadership team should strengthen itself, continuously improve its quality and abilities, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.**


**75. 领导班子要勇于担当责任,敢于直面挑战,为事业发展提供坚强保障。**


**The leadership team should be courageous in taking responsibility, dare to face challenges, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of the cause.**


**76. 班子建设是凝聚人心、汇聚力量、推动发展的重要保证。**


**Leadership team building is an important guarantee for uniting hearts and minds, gathering strength, and driving development.**


**77. 领导班子要坚持求真务实,真抓实干,不搞形式主义、官僚主义。**


**The leadership team should adhere to truth-seeking, pragmatism, and real work, avoiding formalism and bureaucracy.**


**78. 加强班子廉政建设,坚持严于律己,廉洁自律,做到公正廉洁、清正为民。**


**Strengthen the team's integrity construction, adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, and self-restraint, and strive for fairness, integrity, and serving the people.**


**79. 领导班子要加强沟通协调,形成合力,共同推动事业发展。**


**The leadership team should strengthen communication and coordination, generate synergy, and work together to drive the development of the cause.**


**80. 班子建设要坚持问题导向,不断改进工作方法,提高工作效率。**


**Leadership team building should adhere to a problem-oriented approach, continuously improve work methods, and enhance work efficiency.**


**81. 领导班子要坚持开拓创新,勇于突破,不断取得新成绩。**


**The leadership team should adhere to innovation and boldness, break through barriers, and continuously achieve new results.**


**82. 领导班子要坚持民主集中制,发扬民主,科学决策,团结协作。**


**The leadership team should adhere to democratic centralism, cultivate democracy, make scientific decisions, and work together in unity.**


**83. 领导班子要以身作则、率先垂范,带头干事创业。**


**The leadership team should set an example, lead by doing, and take the initiative in working and innovating.**

以上就是关于班子建设经典句子83句(班子建设经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
