
## 溺爱孩子的经典句子,98句

**1. 爱之深,责之切,但溺爱孩子,往往是害之深。**

Love deeply, reprimand sternly, but spoiling a child often means harming them deeply.

**2. 孩子是父母的掌上明珠,但过度的溺爱会让孩子失去独立的能力。**

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, but excessive pampering can rob them of their independence.

**3. 溺爱就像毒药,会慢慢吞噬孩子的成长。**

Spoiling is like poison, slowly consuming a child's growth.

**4. 父母的溺爱,就是给孩子设置一道无法跨越的障碍。**

Parental indulgence sets up an insurmountable obstacle for children.

**5. 溺爱是爱的另一种形式,但这种爱是错误的,是害人不利。**

Spoiling is another form of love, but this love is wrong and harmful.

**6. 溺爱是父母对孩子最好的爱,也是最致命的爱。**

Spoiling is the best and most deadly love parents can give their children.

**7. 溺爱是父母对孩子的伤害,是孩子成长路上的绊脚石。**

Spoiling is a harm to children from their parents, a stumbling block on their path to growth.

**8. 溺爱会让孩子变得自私、任性、不懂事。**

Spoiling makes children selfish, willful, and ignorant.

**9. 溺爱会让孩子失去竞争力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their competitiveness and unable to adapt to society.

**10. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the greatest irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**11. 溺爱就像温室里的花朵,经不起风吹雨打。**

Spoiling is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand wind and rain.

**12. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立思考的能力。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to think independently.

**13. 溺爱会让孩子变得脆弱,经不起任何挫折。**

Spoiling makes children vulnerable and unable to withstand any setbacks.

**14. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**15. 溺爱是爱的反面,是父母对孩子的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the opposite of love, it is the irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**16. 溺爱孩子,就是给孩子一个错误的开始。**

Spoiling a child is giving them a wrong start.

**17. 溺爱就像一把双刃剑,既能带来短暂的快乐,也能带来长久的痛苦。**

Spoiling is like a double-edged sword, bringing temporary joy and lasting pain.

**18. 溺爱是孩子成长路上的最大阻碍,会让孩子失去前进的动力。**

Spoiling is the biggest obstacle to a child's growth, it will make them lose their motivation to move forward.

**19. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误解,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**20. 溺爱是父母对孩子最好的爱,也是最错误的爱。**

Spoiling is the best and most wrong love parents can give their children.

**21. 溺爱就像一把锁,锁住了孩子的成长。**

Spoiling is like a lock, locking up a child's growth.

**22. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的错误,也是孩子最大的伤害。**

Spoiling is the biggest mistake parents can make, and it is also the biggest harm to children.

**23. 溺爱会让孩子失去自我,失去独立的思想。**

Spoiling makes children lose themselves and their independent thinking.

**24. 溺爱就像一味甜食,会让孩子失去对生活的追求。**

Spoiling is like sweets, it makes children lose their pursuit of life.

**25. 溺爱是父母对孩子的误区,也是孩子成长的障碍。**

Spoiling is a misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also an obstacle to their growth.

**26. 溺爱会让孩子变得自以为是,无法接受批评。**

Spoiling makes children self-righteous and unable to accept criticism.

**27. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不公平,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest unfairness of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**28. 溺爱就像一把枷锁,锁住了孩子的未来。**

Spoiling is like a shackle, locking up a child's future.

**29. 溺爱是父母对孩子的最大的误区,也是孩子最大的失败。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest failure of children.

**30. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**31. 溺爱是爱的另一种形式,但这种爱是错误的,是害人不利。**

Spoiling is another form of love, but this love is wrong and harmful.

**32. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立生活的能力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to live independently and unable to adapt to society.

**33. 溺爱是父母对孩子的伤害,是孩子成长路上的绊脚石。**

Spoiling is a harm to children from their parents, a stumbling block on their path to growth.

**34. 溺爱会让孩子变得自私、任性、不懂事。**

Spoiling makes children selfish, willful, and ignorant.

**35. 溺爱会让孩子失去竞争力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their competitiveness and unable to adapt to society.

**36. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the greatest irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**37. 溺爱就像温室里的花朵,经不起风吹雨打。**

Spoiling is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand wind and rain.

**38. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立思考的能力。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to think independently.

**39. 溺爱会让孩子变得脆弱,经不起任何挫折。**

Spoiling makes children vulnerable and unable to withstand any setbacks.

**40. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**41. 溺爱是爱的反面,是父母对孩子的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the opposite of love, it is the irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**42. 溺爱孩子,就是给孩子一个错误的开始。**

Spoiling a child is giving them a wrong start.

**43. 溺爱就像一把双刃剑,既能带来短暂的快乐,也能带来长久的痛苦。**

Spoiling is like a double-edged sword, bringing temporary joy and lasting pain.

**44. 溺爱是孩子成长路上的最大阻碍,会让孩子失去前进的动力。**

Spoiling is the biggest obstacle to a child's growth, it will make them lose their motivation to move forward.

**45. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误解,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**46. 溺爱是父母对孩子最好的爱,也是最错误的爱。**

Spoiling is the best and most wrong love parents can give their children.

**47. 溺爱就像一把锁,锁住了孩子的成长。**

Spoiling is like a lock, locking up a child's growth.

**48. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的错误,也是孩子最大的伤害。**

Spoiling is the biggest mistake parents can make, and it is also the biggest harm to children.

**49. 溺爱会让孩子失去自我,失去独立的思想。**

Spoiling makes children lose themselves and their independent thinking.

**50. 溺爱就像一味甜食,会让孩子失去对生活的追求。**

Spoiling is like sweets, it makes children lose their pursuit of life.

**51. 溺爱是父母对孩子的误区,也是孩子成长的障碍。**

Spoiling is a misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also an obstacle to their growth.

**52. 溺爱会让孩子变得自以为是,无法接受批评。**

Spoiling makes children self-righteous and unable to accept criticism.

**53. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不公平,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest unfairness of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**54. 溺爱就像一把枷锁,锁住了孩子的未来。**

Spoiling is like a shackle, locking up a child's future.

**55. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误区,也是孩子最大的失败。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest failure of children.

**56. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**57. 溺爱是爱的另一种形式,但这种爱是错误的,是害人不利。**

Spoiling is another form of love, but this love is wrong and harmful.

**58. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立生活的能力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to live independently and unable to adapt to society.

**59. 溺爱是父母对孩子的伤害,是孩子成长路上的绊脚石。**

Spoiling is a harm to children from their parents, a stumbling block on their path to growth.

**60. 溺爱会让孩子变得自私、任性、不懂事。**

Spoiling makes children selfish, willful, and ignorant.

**61. 溺爱会让孩子失去竞争力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their competitiveness and unable to adapt to society.

**62. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the greatest irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**63. 溺爱就像温室里的花朵,经不起风吹雨打。**

Spoiling is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand wind and rain.

**64. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立思考的能力。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to think independently.

**65. 溺爱会让孩子变得脆弱,经不起任何挫折。**

Spoiling makes children vulnerable and unable to withstand any setbacks.

**66. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**67. 溺爱是爱的反面,是父母对孩子的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the opposite of love, it is the irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**68. 溺爱孩子,就是给孩子一个错误的开始。**

Spoiling a child is giving them a wrong start.

**69. 溺爱就像一把双刃剑,既能带来短暂的快乐,也能带来长久的痛苦。**

Spoiling is like a double-edged sword, bringing temporary joy and lasting pain.

**70. 溺爱是孩子成长路上的最大阻碍,会让孩子失去前进的动力。**

Spoiling is the biggest obstacle to a child's growth, it will make them lose their motivation to move forward.

**71. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误解,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**72. 溺爱是父母对孩子最好的爱,也是最错误的爱。**

Spoiling is the best and most wrong love parents can give their children.

**73. 溺爱就像一把锁,锁住了孩子的成长。**

Spoiling is like a lock, locking up a child's growth.

**74. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的错误,也是孩子最大的伤害。**

Spoiling is the biggest mistake parents can make, and it is also the biggest harm to children.

**75. 溺爱会让孩子失去自我,失去独立的思想。**

Spoiling makes children lose themselves and their independent thinking.

**76. 溺爱就像一味甜食,会让孩子失去对生活的追求。**

Spoiling is like sweets, it makes children lose their pursuit of life.

**77. 溺爱是父母对孩子的误区,也是孩子成长的障碍。**

Spoiling is a misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also an obstacle to their growth.

**78. 溺爱会让孩子变得自以为是,无法接受批评。**

Spoiling makes children self-righteous and unable to accept criticism.

**79. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不公平,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest unfairness of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**80. 溺爱就像一把枷锁,锁住了孩子的未来。**

Spoiling is like a shackle, locking up a child's future.

**81. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误区,也是孩子最大的失败。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest failure of children.

**82. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**83. 溺爱是爱的另一种形式,但这种爱是错误的,是害人不利。**

Spoiling is another form of love, but this love is wrong and harmful.

**84. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立生活的能力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to live independently and unable to adapt to society.

**85. 溺爱是父母对孩子的伤害,是孩子成长路上的绊脚石。**

Spoiling is a harm to children from their parents, a stumbling block on their path to growth.

**86. 溺爱会让孩子变得自私、任性、不懂事。**

Spoiling makes children selfish, willful, and ignorant.

**87. 溺爱会让孩子失去竞争力,无法适应社会。**

Spoiling makes children lose their competitiveness and unable to adapt to society.

**88. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the greatest irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**89. 溺爱就像温室里的花朵,经不起风吹雨打。**

Spoiling is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand wind and rain.

**90. 溺爱会让孩子失去独立思考的能力。**

Spoiling makes children lose their ability to think independently.

**91. 溺爱会让孩子变得脆弱,经不起任何挫折。**

Spoiling makes children vulnerable and unable to withstand any setbacks.

**92. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的伤害,也是孩子一生最大的遗憾。**

Spoiling is the greatest harm parents can do to their children, and it is also the greatest regret of their lives.

**93. 溺爱是爱的反面,是父母对孩子的不负责任。**

Spoiling is the opposite of love, it is the irresponsibility of parents to their children.

**94. 溺爱孩子,就是给孩子一个错误的开始。**

Spoiling a child is giving them a wrong start.

**95. 溺爱就像一把双刃剑,既能带来短暂的快乐,也能带来长久的痛苦。**

Spoiling is like a double-edged sword, bringing temporary joy and lasting pain.

**96. 溺爱是孩子成长路上的最大阻碍,会让孩子失去前进的动力。**

Spoiling is the biggest obstacle to a child's growth, it will make them lose their motivation to move forward.

**97. 溺爱是父母对孩子最大的误解,也是孩子最大的不幸。**

Spoiling is the biggest misunderstanding of parents to their children, and it is also the biggest misfortune of children.

**98. 溺爱是父母对孩子最好的爱,也是最错误的爱。**

Spoiling is the best and most wrong love parents can give their children.

以上就是关于溺爱孩子的经典句子98句(溺爱孩子的经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
