
## 有事找你没事不理你句子,62句,并翻译成英文,并用


1. 有事的时候你就像个神仙,没事的时候你就像个路人。

You're like a god when I need you, but a stranger when I don't.

2. 你就像个自动回复,有事就回,没事就沉默。

You're like an automated reply, responding when needed but silent otherwise.

3. 有事找你比登天还难,没事的时候你却总在我眼前晃悠。

It's harder to reach you when I need you than to climb to heaven, but when I don't, you're always lurking in my sight.

4. 你就像个可遇不可求的宝藏,只有我需要你的时候才出现。

You're like a treasure that's hard to find, appearing only when I need you.

5. 你就像个手机,有事的时候我就想找你,没事的时候你就被我扔在一边。

You're like a phone, I want to reach out when I need you, but when I don't, you're just left aside.

6. 你就像个开关,有事的时候我就打开你,没事的时候我就关掉你。

You're like a switch, I turn you on when I need you, and off when I don't.

7. 你就像个遥控器,只有我需要你的时候才能控制你。

You're like a remote control, I can only control you when I need you.

8. 你就像个工具,只有我需要你的时候才能用你。

You're like a tool, I can only use you when I need you.

9. 你就像个影子,只有我需要你的时候才会出现。

You're like a shadow, appearing only when I need you.

10. 你就像个救生圈,只有我快要沉下去的时候才会想到你。

You're like a lifebuoy, I only think of you when I'm about to sink.

11. 你就像个灯泡,只有我需要你的时候才会亮起来。

You're like a light bulb, only shining when I need you.

12. 你就像个闹钟,只有我需要你的时候才会提醒我。

You're like an alarm clock, only reminding me when I need you.

13. 你就像个密码,只有我需要你的时候才能解开你。

You're like a password, I can only unlock you when I need you.

14. 你就像个谜语,只有我需要你的时候才能解开你。

You're like a riddle, I can only solve you when I need you.

15. 你就像个难题,只有我需要你的时候才能解决你。

You're like a problem, I can only solve you when I need you.

16. 你就像个任务,只有我需要你的时候才能完成你。

You're like a task, I can only complete you when I need you.

17. 你就像个目标,只有我需要你的时候才能实现你。

You're like a goal, I can only achieve you when I need you.

18. 你就像个愿望,只有我需要你的时候才能实现你。

You're like a wish, I can only make it come true when I need you.

19. 你就像个梦想,只有我需要你的时候才能追逐你。

You're like a dream, I can only chase you when I need you.

20. 你就像个机会,只有我需要你的时候才能把握你。

You're like an opportunity, I can only seize you when I need you.

21. 你就像个风筝,只有我需要你的时候才能放飞你。

You're like a kite, I can only fly you when I need you.

22. 你就像个气球,只有我需要你的时候才能吹起来。

You're like a balloon, I can only inflate you when I need you.

23. 你就像个玩具,只有我需要你的时候才能玩你。

You're like a toy, I can only play with you when I need you.

24. 你就像个书本,只有我需要你的时候才能打开你。

You're like a book, I can only open you when I need you.

25. 你就像个地图,只有我需要你的时候才能指引我。

You're like a map, you only guide me when I need you.

26. 你就像个指南针,只有我需要你的时候才能指引我方向。

You're like a compass, you only point me in the right direction when I need you.

27. 你就像个桥梁,只有我需要你的时候才能跨越你。

You're like a bridge, I can only cross you when I need you.

28. 你就像个阶梯,只有我需要你的时候才能攀登你。

You're like a staircase, I can only climb you when I need you.

29. 你就像个钥匙,只有我需要你的时候才能打开你。

You're like a key, I can only unlock you when I need you.

30. 你就像个密码,只有我需要你的时候才能解开你。

You're like a code, I can only decipher you when I need you.

31. 你就像个答案,只有我需要你的时候才能找到你。

You're like an answer, I can only find you when I need you.

32. 你就像个解决方案,只有我需要你的时候才能找到你。

You're like a solution, I can only find you when I need you.

33. 你就像个希望,只有我需要你的时候才能看到你。

You're like hope, I can only see you when I need you.

34. 你就像个安慰,只有我需要你的时候才能感受到你。

You're like comfort, I can only feel you when I need you.

35. 你就像个肩膀,只有我需要你的时候才能依靠你。

You're like a shoulder, I can only lean on you when I need you.

36. 你就像个港湾,只有我需要你的时候才能停泊你。

You're like a harbor, I can only dock at you when I need you.

37. 你就像个避风港,只有我需要你的时候才能躲避你。

You're like a safe haven, I can only seek refuge in you when I need you.

38. 你就像个朋友,只有我需要你的时候才会想起你。

You're like a friend, I only remember you when I need you.

39. 你就像个亲人,只有我需要你的时候才会依靠你。

You're like a family member, I only rely on you when I need you.

40. 你就像个恋人,只有我需要你的时候才会想起你。

You're like a lover, I only remember you when I need you.

41. 你就像个偶像,只有我需要你的时候才会崇拜你。

You're like an idol, I only worship you when I need you.

42. 你就像个英雄,只有我需要你的时候才会仰望你。

You're like a hero, I only look up to you when I need you.

43. 你就像个救世主,只有我需要你的时候才会祈求你。

You're like a savior, I only pray to you when I need you.

44. 你就像个神明,只有我需要你的时候才会供奉你。

You're like a deity, I only worship you when I need you.

45. 你就像个空气,只有我需要你的时候才能呼吸你。

You're like air, I can only breathe you when I need you.

46. 你就像个水,只有我需要你的时候才能喝你。

You're like water, I can only drink you when I need you.

47. 你就像个食物,只有我需要你的时候才能吃你。

You're like food, I can only eat you when I need you.

48. 你就像个阳光,只有我需要你的时候才能照耀我。

You're like sunshine, you only shine on me when I need you.

49. 你就像个月亮,只有我需要你的时候才能照亮我。

You're like the moon, you only light up my path when I need you.

50. 你就像个星星,只有我需要你的时候才能指引我。

You're like a star, you only guide me when I need you.

51. 你就像个花朵,只有我需要你的时候才能欣赏你。

You're like a flower, I can only appreciate you when I need you.

52. 你就像个果实,只有我需要你的时候才能采摘你。

You're like a fruit, I can only pick you when I need you.

53. 你就像个树木,只有我需要你的时候才能依靠你。

You're like a tree, I can only lean on you when I need you.

54. 你就像个山川,只有我需要你的时候才能攀登你。

You're like a mountain, I can only climb you when I need you.

55. 你就像个河流,只有我需要你的时候才能跨越你。

You're like a river, I can only cross you when I need you.

56. 你就像个海洋,只有我需要你的时候才能航行你。

You're like the ocean, I can only sail on you when I need you.

57. 你就像个沙漠,只有我需要你的时候才能穿越你。

You're like a desert, I can only cross you when I need you.

58. 你就像个天空,只有我需要你的时候才能仰望你。

You're like the sky, I can only look up at you when I need you.

59. 你就像个大地,只有我需要你的时候才能依靠你。

You're like the earth, I can only rely on you when I need you.

60. 你就像个宇宙,只有我需要你的时候才能探索你。

You're like the universe, I can only explore you when I need you.

61. 你就像个时间,只有我需要你的时候才能把握你。

You're like time, I can only grasp you when I need you.

62. 你就像个命运,只有我需要你的时候才能改变你。

You're like fate, I can only change you when I need you.

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