
## 吃鸡绝地求生搞笑句子 (64句)

**1. 决赛圈,我苟在草丛里,以为自己是绝世高手,结果被一颗手雷炸成了“香菇”。**

In the final circle, I hid in the grass, thinking I was a master, but then I was blown up by a grenade and turned into a"mushroom".

**2. 队友:快来帮忙! 我:我马上到! 队友:你跑哪去了? 我:我掉线了,现在刚回来。 队友:那你掉线的时候别乱跑啊! 我:我刚落地就被淘汰了!**

Teammate: Come and help! Me: I'll be right there! Teammate: Where have you been? Me: I disconnected and just came back. Teammate: Don't run around when you're disconnected! Me: I got eliminated as soon as I landed!

**3. 这游戏真是太难了,我总是落地成盒,看来我天生就不是吃鸡的命。**

This game is so hard, I always die immediately. I guess I'm not meant to win chicken dinners.

**4. 队友:你在哪? 我:我就在你旁边! 队友:在哪? 我:我趴在你旁边! 队友:???**

Teammate: Where are you? Me: I'm right next to you! Teammate: Where? Me: I'm lying down next to you! Teammate: ???

**5. 我开着车,突然发现前面有一辆车,我马上开枪打爆了它,结果发现是队友的车。**

I was driving when I saw a car in front of me. I immediately shot and destroyed it, only to realize it was my teammate's car.

**6. 决赛圈,只剩下我和一个敌人,我们都在苟着,谁也不敢先出手,最后我忍不了了,直接跳起来跳伞,结果…摔死了。**

In the final circle, it was just me and one enemy. We were both hiding, afraid to make the first move. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and jumped out of the plane, only to...die from the fall.

**7. 我在打游戏的时候,突然听到有人叫我,我以为是队友,结果一看,是家里养的猫。**

While I was playing, I suddenly heard someone calling me. I thought it was my teammate, but then I looked and it was my cat.

**8. 我在打游戏的时候,突然想起我忘了关煤气,赶紧放下游戏,冲回家,结果…煤气没事,但是我忘了关电脑,游戏掉线了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to turn off the gas. I immediately put down the game and ran home. The gas was fine, but I forgot to close my computer and my game disconnected.

**9. 我本来想冲锋陷阵,结果不小心踩到了一颗地雷,把自己炸成了一朵烟花。**

I wanted to charge into battle, but accidentally stepped on a landmine and blew myself up into a firework.

**10. 队友:快来救我! 我:我马上到! 队友:你在哪? 我:我在路上! 队友:你开着车过来吗? 我:没有,我跑着过来的!**

Teammate: Come save me! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Where are you? Me: I'm on my way! Teammate: Are you driving? Me: No, I'm running!

**11. 每次落地,我都是第一个被淘汰的,我怀疑自己是不是开局就被敌人标记了。**

Every time I land, I'm the first one to be eliminated. I suspect I'm marked by the enemy right at the start.

**12. 我在打游戏的时候,突然听到有人在敲门,我以为是外卖,赶紧跑去开门,结果…是邻居家的小孩来找我玩。**

While I was playing, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. I thought it was the delivery guy, so I ran to open the door. But it was my neighbor's kid who wanted to play with me.

**13. 队友:你打药了吗? 我:打了! 队友:怎么还那么虚? 我:我打的…毒药。**

Teammate: Did you use a medkit? Me: I did! Teammate: Why are you still so weak? Me: I used...poison.

**14. 我在游戏中疯狂舔包,突然发现一个箱子里的东西特别奇怪,打开一看,是…一个大号的平底锅。**

I was looting boxes like crazy when I found something strange in one. I opened it and it was...a giant frying pan.

**15. 我在决赛圈的时候,突然发现自己身上没有子弹了,我赶紧翻遍全身,终于找到一颗子弹,然后…我开枪打死了自己。**

In the final circle, I suddenly realized I had no bullets left. I searched my entire body and finally found one bullet. Then...I shot myself.

**16. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现队友不见了,我以为他被淘汰了,结果…他一直躲在草丛里,偷偷地笑。**

While I was playing, I suddenly noticed my teammate was missing. I thought he got eliminated, but then...he was hiding in the grass, laughing secretly.

**17. 队友:你快来帮忙,这里有敌人! 我:我在赶来的路上! 队友:你开着车过来吗? 我:没有,我游泳过来的!**

Teammate: Come help me, there's an enemy here! Me: I'm on my way! Teammate: Are you driving? Me: No, I'm swimming!

**18. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己被淘汰了,我以为是敌人干的,结果…是被队友误伤了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I got eliminated. I thought it was the enemy, but then...it was my teammate's friendly fire.

**19. 决赛圈,我一个人苟在角落里,突然听到敌人打起来了,我兴奋地准备出来捡漏,结果…敌人在打的是…队友!**

In the final circle, I was hiding alone in a corner. I suddenly heard the enemy fighting and got excited to grab some loot. But then...the enemy was fighting...my teammate!

**20. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己被卡在墙里了,我赶紧找办法出来,结果…我把游戏给关了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I was stuck inside a wall. I tried to get out, but then...I closed the game.

**21. 队友:你看到敌人了吗? 我:看到了! 队友:在哪? 我:在…游戏里!**

Teammate: Did you see the enemy? Me: I did! Teammate: Where? Me: In...the game!

**22. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“超级赛亚人”,我兴奋地开始战斗,结果…被敌人一枪爆头了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"Super Saiyan". I got excited and started fighting, but then...I got headshot by the enemy.

**23. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己没有穿衣服,我赶紧找衣服穿,结果…找不到!**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I wasn't wearing any clothes. I quickly tried to find clothes, but then...I couldn't find any!

**24. 队友:你快来帮忙,我快被敌人打死了! 我:我马上到! 队友:你快点! 我:我正在…吃鸡!**

Teammate: Come help me, I'm about to be killed! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Hurry up! Me: I'm in the middle of...eating chicken!

**25. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“巨型蘑菇”,我惊讶地四处张望,结果…被敌人一脚踩死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"giant mushroom". I looked around in surprise, but then...I was stomped to death by the enemy.

**26. 每次我想要秀操作的时候,总会被敌人一枪打爆头,看来我天生就不是吃鸡的料。**

Every time I try to show off my skills, I get headshot by the enemy. I guess I'm not meant to win chicken dinners.

**27. 队友:你为什么一直开枪? 我:我在吓唬敌人! 队友:那你打中敌人了吗? 我:没有,但是我吓到了自己。**

Teammate: Why are you constantly shooting? Me: I'm trying to scare the enemy! Teammate: Did you hit the enemy? Me: No, but I scared myself.

**28. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一只“鸡”,我兴奋地开始觅食,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"chicken". I got excited and started pecking for food, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**29. 队友:你看到敌人了吗? 我:看到了! 队友:在哪? 我:在…我身后!**

Teammate: Did you see the enemy? Me: I did! Teammate: Where? Me: Behind...me!

**30. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“机器人”,我兴奋地开始奔跑,结果…被敌人一枪打爆了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"robot". I got excited and started running, but then...I was shot and exploded by the enemy.

**31. 队友:你为什么总是打不中敌人? 我:因为…我瞄准的是…天空。**

Teammate: Why can't you hit the enemy? Me: Because...I'm aiming at...the sky.

**32. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“忍者”,我兴奋地开始潜行,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"ninja". I got excited and started sneaking around, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**33. 队友:你快来帮忙,我快被敌人打死了! 我:我马上到! 队友:你在哪? 我:我在…天上!**

Teammate: Come help me, I'm about to be killed! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Where are you? Me: I'm in...the sky!

**34. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“超级英雄”,我兴奋地开始飞翔,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"superhero". I got excited and started flying, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**35. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“幽灵”,我兴奋地开始穿墙,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"ghost". I got excited and started phasing through walls, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**36. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“外星人”,我兴奋地开始发射激光,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into an"alien". I got excited and started shooting lasers, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**37. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“海盗”,我兴奋地开始开船,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pirate". I got excited and started sailing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**38. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“武士”,我兴奋地开始挥刀,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"samurai". I got excited and started swinging my sword, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**39. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“魔法师”,我兴奋地开始施法,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"wizard". I got excited and started casting spells, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**40. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“龙”,我兴奋地开始喷火,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dragon". I got excited and started breathing fire, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**41. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“恐龙”,我兴奋地开始咆哮,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dinosaur". I got excited and started roaring, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**42. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“猪”,我兴奋地开始拱土,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pig". I got excited and started rooting, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**43. 队友:你快来帮忙,我快被敌人打死了! 我:我马上到! 队友:你快点! 我:我正在…跟我的宠物狗玩。**

Teammate: Come help me, I'm about to be killed! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Hurry up! Me: I'm playing with...my pet dog.

**44. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“机器人”,我兴奋地开始跳舞,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"robot". I got excited and started dancing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**45. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“幽灵”,我兴奋地开始飞翔,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"ghost". I got excited and started flying, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**46. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“外星人”,我兴奋地开始入侵地球,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into an"alien". I got excited and started invading Earth, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**47. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“海盗”,我兴奋地开始抢劫,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pirate". I got excited and started robbing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**48. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“武士”,我兴奋地开始砍树,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"samurai". I got excited and started cutting down trees, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**49. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“魔法师”,我兴奋地开始变魔术,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"wizard". I got excited and started doing magic tricks, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**50. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“龙”,我兴奋地开始飞翔,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dragon". I got excited and started flying, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**51. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“恐龙”,我兴奋地开始吃鸡,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dinosaur". I got excited and started eating chicken, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**52. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“猪”,我兴奋地开始睡觉,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pig". I got excited and started sleeping, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**53. 队友:你快来帮忙,我快被敌人打死了! 我:我马上到! 队友:你快点! 我:我正在…做饭!**

Teammate: Come help me, I'm about to be killed! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Hurry up! Me: I'm making...dinner!

**54. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“机器人”,我兴奋地开始打篮球,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"robot". I got excited and started playing basketball, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**55. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“幽灵”,我兴奋地开始唱歌,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"ghost". I got excited and started singing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**56. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“外星人”,我兴奋地开始跳舞,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into an"alien". I got excited and started dancing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**57. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“海盗”,我兴奋地开始喝酒,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pirate". I got excited and started drinking, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**58. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“武士”,我兴奋地开始打太极,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"samurai". I got excited and started doing Tai Chi, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**59. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“魔法师”,我兴奋地开始变身,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"wizard". I got excited and started transforming, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**60. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“龙”,我兴奋地开始放屁,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dragon". I got excited and started farting, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**61. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“恐龙”,我兴奋地开始打呼噜,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"dinosaur". I got excited and started snoring, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**62. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“猪”,我兴奋地开始跳舞,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"pig". I got excited and started dancing, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

**63. 队友:你快来帮忙,我快被敌人打死了! 我:我马上到! 队友:你快点! 我:我正在…看电影!**

Teammate: Come help me, I'm about to be killed! Me: I'm coming! Teammate: Hurry up! Me: I'm watching...a movie!

**64. 我在打游戏的时候,突然发现自己变成了一个“机器人”,我兴奋地开始做菜,结果…被敌人一枪打死了。**

While I was playing, I suddenly realized I had turned into a"robot". I got excited and started cooking, but then...I was shot dead by the enemy.

以上就是关于吃鸡绝地求生搞笑句子64句(吃鸡绝地求生搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
