
## 春节门联 96 句(含英文翻译)


1. **春回大地 万象更新** (Spring returns to the earth, all things are renewed.)

Spring returns to the earth, all things are renewed.

2. **福临门第 喜气盈盈** (Happiness fills the doorway, joy abounds.)

Happiness fills the doorway, joy abounds.

3. **金玉满堂 吉祥如意** (Gold and jade fill the hall, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Gold and jade fill the hall, auspicious and fulfilling.

4. **家和万事兴 添福又添寿** (Harmony in the family brings prosperity, adding both fortune and longevity.)

Harmony in the family brings prosperity, adding both fortune and longevity.

5. **财源广进 步步高升** (Abundant wealth comes in, continuous success and advancement.)

Abundant wealth comes in, continuous success and advancement.

6. **平安喜乐 万事顺利** (Peace, joy, and good fortune, all things go smoothly.)

Peace, joy, and good fortune, all things go smoothly.

7. **吉祥如意 年年有余** (Auspicious and fulfilling, surplus every year.)

Auspicious and fulfilling, surplus every year.

8. **岁岁平安 年年吉祥** (Safe and sound every year, auspicious year after year.)

Safe and sound every year, auspicious year after year.

9. **福寿安康 吉祥如意** (Good fortune, longevity, health and well-being, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Good fortune, longevity, health and well-being, auspicious and fulfilling.

10. **迎春接福 年年兴旺** (Welcoming spring and receiving good fortune, prosperous year after year.)

Welcoming spring and receiving good fortune, prosperous year after year.


11. **合家欢乐 吉祥如意** (Family joy and happiness, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Family joy and happiness, auspicious and fulfilling.

12. **喜气洋洋 年年有余** (Joyful and abundant, surplus every year.)

Joyful and abundant, surplus every year.

13. **团圆美满 幸福安康** (Reunited and fulfilling, happy and healthy.)

Reunited and fulfilling, happy and healthy.

14. **万事如意 年年团圆** (All things go smoothly, reunion every year.)

All things go smoothly, reunion every year.

15. **喜庆祥和 阖家幸福** (Joyful and harmonious, happiness for the whole family.)

Joyful and harmonious, happiness for the whole family.

16. **欢天喜地 年年相聚** (Joyful and happy, gathering together every year.)

Joyful and happy, gathering together every year.

17. **天伦之乐 年年有余** (Family joy and happiness, surplus every year.)

Family joy and happiness, surplus every year.

18. **春风送暖 家家团圆** (Spring breeze brings warmth, family reunion in every home.)

Spring breeze brings warmth, family reunion in every home.

19. **喜气盈门 年年团圆** (Joy fills the door, reunion every year.)

Joy fills the door, reunion every year.

20. **欢聚一堂 吉祥如意** (Gathering together, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Gathering together, auspicious and fulfilling.


21. **事业兴旺 步步高升** (Flourishing career, continuous success and advancement.)

Flourishing career, continuous success and advancement.

22. **学业有成 金榜题名** (Academic success, top honors in the exam.)

Academic success, top honors in the exam.

23. **前程似锦 鹏程万里** (Brilliant future prospects, soaring to great heights.)

Brilliant future prospects, soaring to great heights.

24. **一帆风顺 事业辉煌** (Smooth sailing, brilliant career.)

Smooth sailing, brilliant career.

25. **蒸蒸日上 步步登高** (Prosperous and thriving, climbing higher and higher.)

Prosperous and thriving, climbing higher and higher.

26. **生意兴隆 财源广进** (Prosperous business, abundant wealth coming in.)

Prosperous business, abundant wealth coming in.

27. **宏图大展 万事亨通** (Great plans unfold, everything goes smoothly.)

Great plans unfold, everything goes smoothly.

28. **心想事成 梦想成真** (All wishes fulfilled, dreams come true.)

All wishes fulfilled, dreams come true.

29. **学海无涯 勤奋求知** (Boundless sea of knowledge, diligent pursuit of knowledge.)

Boundless sea of knowledge, diligent pursuit of knowledge.

30. **精益求精 再创佳绩** (Striving for perfection, achieving even greater success.)

Striving for perfection, achieving even greater success.


31. **身体健康 平安吉祥** (Good health, peace and auspiciousness.)

Good health, peace and auspiciousness.

32. **福寿安康 万事顺利** (Good fortune, longevity, health and well-being, all things go smoothly.)

Good fortune, longevity, health and well-being, all things go smoothly.

33. **平安喜乐 万事如意** (Peace, joy, and good fortune, all things go smoothly.)

Peace, joy, and good fortune, all things go smoothly.

34. **寿比南山 福如东海** (Longevity like the Southern Mountains, good fortune like the Eastern Sea.)

Longevity like the Southern Mountains, good fortune like the Eastern Sea.

35. **万事顺心 健康长寿** (Everything goes according to your wishes, healthy and long life.)

Everything goes according to your wishes, healthy and long life.

36. **吉祥如意 健康平安** (Auspicious and fulfilling, healthy and safe.)

Auspicious and fulfilling, healthy and safe.

37. **福星高照 吉祥安康** (Star of good fortune shines brightly, auspicious and healthy.)

Star of good fortune shines brightly, auspicious and healthy.

38. **神采奕奕 福寿绵延** (Radiant and energetic, good fortune and longevity extending.)

Radiant and energetic, good fortune and longevity extending.

39. **四季平安 福寿无疆** (Safe and sound throughout the year, boundless fortune and longevity.)

Safe and sound throughout the year, boundless fortune and longevity.

40. **健康长寿 福禄双全** (Healthy and long life, both fortune and blessings.)

Healthy and long life, both fortune and blessings.


41. **辞旧迎新 万象更新** (Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, all things are renewed.)

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, all things are renewed.

42. **旧岁已去 新春将至** (The old year has passed, the new spring is about to arrive.)

The old year has passed, the new spring is about to arrive.

43. **春风拂面 新年新气象** (Spring breeze caresses the face, new year, new outlook.)

Spring breeze caresses the face, new year, new outlook.

44. **喜迎新春 万事顺利** (Joyfully welcoming the new spring, all things go smoothly.)

Joyfully welcoming the new spring, all things go smoothly.

45. **欢度佳节 辞旧迎新** (Joyfully celebrating the festival, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.)

Joyfully celebrating the festival, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.

46. **新春快乐 万事如意** (Happy new year, all things go smoothly.)

Happy new year, all things go smoothly.

47. **新年新气象 万事皆顺意** (New year, new outlook, everything goes smoothly.)

New year, new outlook, everything goes smoothly.

48. **喜迎新春 幸福美满** (Joyfully welcoming the new spring, happy and fulfilling.)

Joyfully welcoming the new spring, happy and fulfilling.

49. **瑞雪兆丰年 辞旧迎新春** (Lucky snow presages a bountiful harvest, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new spring.)

Lucky snow presages a bountiful harvest, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new spring.

50. **旧岁已尽 新春伊始** (The old year has ended, the new spring has just begun.)

The old year has ended, the new spring has just begun.


51. **四季平安 福寿安康** (Safe and sound throughout the year, good fortune, longevity, and health and well-being.)

Safe and sound throughout the year, good fortune, longevity, and health and well-being.

52. **吉祥如意 梦想成真** (Auspicious and fulfilling, dreams come true.)

Auspicious and fulfilling, dreams come true.

53. **万事顺利 年年有余** (All things go smoothly, surplus every year.)

All things go smoothly, surplus every year.

54. **心想事成 吉祥如意** (All wishes fulfilled, auspicious and fulfilling.)

All wishes fulfilled, auspicious and fulfilling.

55. **幸福美满 年年兴旺** (Happy and fulfilling, prosperous year after year.)

Happy and fulfilling, prosperous year after year.

56. **万事亨通 年年吉祥** (Everything goes smoothly, auspicious year after year.)

Everything goes smoothly, auspicious year after year.

57. **步步高升 吉祥如意** (Continuous success and advancement, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Continuous success and advancement, auspicious and fulfilling.

58. **财源广进 福寿绵延** (Abundant wealth coming in, good fortune and longevity extending.)

Abundant wealth coming in, good fortune and longevity extending.

59. **心想事成 万事如意** (All wishes fulfilled, all things go smoothly.)

All wishes fulfilled, all things go smoothly.

60. **福星高照 吉祥平安** (Star of good fortune shines brightly, auspicious and safe.)

Star of good fortune shines brightly, auspicious and safe.


61. **春风得意马蹄疾 一日看尽长安花** (Full of spring joy, the horse gallops fast, in a single day, I see all the flowers of Chang'an.)

Full of spring joy, the horse gallops fast, in a single day, I see all the flowers of Chang'an.

62. **爆竹声中一岁除 春风送暖入屠苏** (The old year is gone with the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze brings warmth and the spiced wine.)

The old year is gone with the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze brings warmth and the spiced wine.

63. **天涯海角皆春色 万里江山尽是春** (Spring colors everywhere under heaven, the vast rivers and mountains are all spring.)

Spring colors everywhere under heaven, the vast rivers and mountains are all spring.

64. **一枝春色满园香 万紫千红总是春** (One branch of spring color fills the garden with fragrance, countless hues and colors, always spring.)

One branch of spring color fills the garden with fragrance, countless hues and colors, always spring.

65. **新年新气象 万事皆顺意** (New year, new outlook, everything goes smoothly.)

New year, new outlook, everything goes smoothly.

66. **红梅傲雪迎新春 春风送暖入心田** (Red plum blossoms brave the snow, welcoming the new spring, spring breeze brings warmth to the heart.)

Red plum blossoms brave the snow, welcoming the new spring, spring breeze brings warmth to the heart.

67. **春风得意马蹄疾 一日看尽长安花** (Full of spring joy, the horse gallops fast, in a single day, I see all the flowers of Chang'an.)

Full of spring joy, the horse gallops fast, in a single day, I see all the flowers of Chang'an.

68. **春光烂漫好时节 一片春心向远方** (The spring light is beautiful, a good time, a heart full of spring longing for the distance.)

The spring light is beautiful, a good time, a heart full of spring longing for the distance.

69. **春风拂面花香溢 莺歌燕舞乐无穷** (Spring breeze caresses the face, flowers perfume the air, orioles sing, swallows dance, endless joy.)

Spring breeze caresses the face, flowers perfume the air, orioles sing, swallows dance, endless joy.

70. **春意盎然新气象 万事如意好年景** (Spring is vibrant, a new outlook, all things go smoothly, a good year.)

Spring is vibrant, a new outlook, all things go smoothly, a good year.


71. **金鸡报晓 迎春纳福** (Golden rooster announces dawn, welcoming spring and receiving good fortune.)

Golden rooster announces dawn, welcoming spring and receiving good fortune.

72. **新年新气象 万事皆可期** (New year, new outlook, everything is possible.)

New year, new outlook, everything is possible.

73. **福气满满 欢声笑语** (Full of good fortune, laughter and joy.)

Full of good fortune, laughter and joy.

74. **春光无限 好事连连** (Endless spring light, good things happening one after another.)

Endless spring light, good things happening one after another.

75. **红红火火 年年精彩** (Vibrant and lively, every year is wonderful.)

Vibrant and lively, every year is wonderful.

76. **吉祥如意 心想事成** (Auspicious and fulfilling, all wishes fulfilled.)

Auspicious and fulfilling, all wishes fulfilled.

77. **新年快乐 万事顺意** (Happy new year, all things go smoothly.)

Happy new year, all things go smoothly.

78. **幸福满满 家和万事兴** (Full of happiness, harmony in the family brings prosperity.)

Full of happiness, harmony in the family brings prosperity.

79. **春风得意 梦想成真** (Spring joy and success, dreams come true.)

Spring joy and success, dreams come true.

80. **新春佳节 喜乐无边** (New Spring Festival, boundless joy.)

New Spring Festival, boundless joy.


81. **春满江南 万家灯火** (Spring fills the south of the Yangtze River, lights illuminate countless homes.)

Spring fills the south of the Yangtze River, lights illuminate countless homes.

82. **龙腾虎跃 吉祥如意** (Dragons soar and tigers leap, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Dragons soar and tigers leap, auspicious and fulfilling.

83. **春风送暖 祖国繁荣** (Spring breeze brings warmth, the motherland prospers.)

Spring breeze brings warmth, the motherland prospers.

84. **国泰民安 幸福美满** (Peace and prosperity for the country, happiness and fulfillment for the people.)

Peace and prosperity for the country, happiness and fulfillment for the people.

85. **山清水秀 风调雨顺** (Clear mountains and beautiful waters, favorable weather.)

Clear mountains and beautiful waters, favorable weather.

86. **五谷丰登 富贵吉祥** (Bountiful harvest of five grains, wealth and good fortune.)

Bountiful harvest of five grains, wealth and good fortune.

87. **万事大吉 福星高照** (All things go smoothly, the star of good fortune shines brightly.)

All things go smoothly, the star of good fortune shines brightly.

88. **年年有余 福寿无疆** (Surplus every year, boundless fortune and longevity.)

Surplus every year, boundless fortune and longevity.

89. **阖家欢乐 吉祥如意** (Family joy and happiness, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Family joy and happiness, auspicious and fulfilling.

90. **红红火火 年年兴旺** (Vibrant and lively, prosperous year after year.)

Vibrant and lively, prosperous year after year.


91. **春风送暖 万物复苏** (Spring breeze brings warmth, all things revive.)

Spring breeze brings warmth, all things revive.

92. **新年新气象 梦想照进现实** (New year, new outlook, dreams become reality.)

New year, new outlook, dreams become reality.

93. **喜气洋洋 万事可期** (Joyful and abundant, everything is possible.)

Joyful and abundant, everything is possible.

94. **春意盎然 幸福无限** (Spring is vibrant, happiness boundless.)

Spring is vibrant, happiness boundless.

95. **福临门第 吉祥如意** (Happiness fills the doorway, auspicious and fulfilling.)

Happiness fills the doorway, auspicious and fulfilling.

96. **新春快乐 万事顺利** (Happy new year, all things go smoothly.)

Happy new year, all things go smoothly.

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