
## 教训得理不饶人的句子(55句)

**1. 得理不饶人,只会让人更记恨你,最终失去人心。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make people resent you and ultimately lose their hearts.

**2. 得理不饶人,就像在伤口上撒盐,只会让事情变得更糟。**

Being relentless when you're right is like rubbing salt on a wound, it will only make things worse.

**3. 得理不饶人,只会给自己制造更多敌人。**

Being relentless when you're right will only create more enemies for yourself.

**4. 得理不饶人,会让你失去朋友,失去支持。**

Being relentless when you're right will make you lose friends and support.

**5. 得理不饶人,最终只会让你陷入孤立无援的境地。**

Being relentless when you're right will ultimately leave you isolated and helpless.

**6. 得理饶人,方显大度。**

Forgiving when you're right shows your magnanimity.

**7. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。**


**8. 宰相肚里能撑船,气量大才能成大事。**

A prime minister's belly can hold a boat, a broad mind is necessary for great things.

**9. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去理智,做出错误的决定。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your rationality and make wrong decisions.

**10. 得理不饶人,会让你失去快乐,失去幸福。**

Being relentless when you're right will make you lose your happiness and joy.

**11. 得理不饶人,只会让你陷入无休止的争吵中。**

Being relentless when you're right will only lead you into endless arguments.

**12. 得理不饶人,只会让你成为众矢之的。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you a target of everyone's anger.

**13. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去朋友,失去家人,失去一切。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose friends, family, and everything else.

**14. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的尊严。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your own dignity.

**15. 得理不饶人,只会让你陷入恶性循环,无法自拔。**

Being relentless when you're right will only trap you in a vicious cycle, unable to extricate yourself.

**16. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去机会,失去未来。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose opportunities and your future.

**17. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的初心,失去自己的梦想。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your initial intentions and your dreams.

**18. 得理不饶人,只会让你陷入痛苦的深渊,无法自救。**

Being relentless when you're right will only trap you in the abyss of pain, unable to save yourself.

**19. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的善良,失去自己的慈悲。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your kindness and compassion.

**20. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的智慧,失去自己的理性。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your wisdom and rationality.

**21. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的朋友,失去自己的亲人,失去自己的爱人。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your friends, family, and loved ones.

**22. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的幸福,失去自己的快乐,失去自己的生活。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your happiness, joy, and life.

**23. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的未来,失去自己的希望,失去自己的梦想。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your future, hope, and dreams.

**24. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去自己的心,失去自己的灵魂,失去你自己。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose your heart, soul, and yourself.

**25. 得理不饶人,只会让你失去一切,失去所有,失去一切。**

Being relentless when you're right will only make you lose everything, all, everything.

**26. 得理饶人,才能赢得尊重。**

Forgiving when you're right can earn you respect.

**27. 得理饶人,才能化解矛盾。**

Forgiving when you're right can resolve conflicts.

**28. 得理饶人,才能建立友谊。**

Forgiving when you're right can build friendships.

**29. 得理饶人,才能赢得人心。**

Forgiving when you're right can win people's hearts.

**30. 得理饶人,才能创造和谐。**

Forgiving when you're right can create harmony.

**31. 得理饶人,才能成就大事。**

Forgiving when you're right can achieve great things.

**32. 得理饶人,才能走得更远。**

Forgiving when you're right can take you further.

**33. 得理饶人,才能活得更精彩。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more brilliant.

**34. 得理饶人,才能拥有更多。**

Forgiving when you're right can give you more.

**35. 得理饶人,才能活得更快乐。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you happier.

**36. 得理饶人,才能活得更幸福。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you happier.

**37. 得理饶人,才能活得更轻松。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life easier.

**38. 得理饶人,才能活得更自在。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you feel more at ease.

**39. 得理饶人,才能活得更洒脱。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you live more freely.

**40. 得理饶人,才能活得更充实。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more fulfilling.

**41. 得理饶人,才能活得更精彩。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more brilliant.

**42. 得理饶人,才能活得更自信。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you more confident.

**43. 得理饶人,才能活得更有意义。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more meaningful.

**44. 得理饶人,才能活得更值得。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more worthwhile.

**45. 得理饶人,才能活得更长久。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you live longer.

**46. 得理饶人,才能活得更健康。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you healthier.

**47. 得理饶人,才能活得更快乐。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you happier.

**48. 得理饶人,才能活得更幸福。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you happier.

**49. 得理饶人,才能活得更自由。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you freer.

**50. 得理饶人,才能活得更强大。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you stronger.

**51. 得理饶人,才能活得更成功。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you more successful.

**52. 得理饶人,才能活得更伟大。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you greater.

**53. 得理饶人,才能活得更无悔。**

Forgiving when you're right can make you live without regret.

**54. 得理饶人,才能活得更精彩。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more brilliant.

**55. 得理饶人,才能活得更完美。**

Forgiving when you're right can make your life more perfect.

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