
## 救赎电影句子 66句

1. 有些人天生就注定要堕落,有些人则注定要救赎。 - 《肖申克的救赎》

Some people are born to be lost, others are destined for redemption. - The Shawshank Redemption

2. 世界上最黑暗的地方,就是人们心中对希望的绝望。 - 《肖申克的救赎》

The darkest place in the world is not the depths of the sea, but the absence of hope in people's hearts. - The Shawshank Redemption

3. 希望是件好事,也许是最好的,好事不会消亡。 - 《肖申克的救赎》

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. - The Shawshank Redemption

4. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道。 - 《阿甘正传》

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. - Forrest Gump

5. 当你感到迷茫的时候,请你记住,你并不孤单。 - 《阿甘正传》

When you feel lost, remember, you are not alone. - Forrest Gump

6. 只要你相信,你就能做到任何事。 - 《阿甘正传》

If you believe, you can do anything. - Forrest Gump

7. 我们都需要有人爱,也需要有人去爱。 - 《美丽人生》

We all need someone to love, and we all need someone to be loved by. - Life is Beautiful

8. 爱是战胜一切的力量,即使是在最黑暗的时候。 - 《美丽人生》

Love is the power that conquers all, even in the darkest of times. - Life is Beautiful

9. 不要放弃希望,即使一切都看起来很糟糕。 - 《美丽人生》

Never give up hope, even when everything seems hopeless. - Life is Beautiful

10. 为了那些值得的人,我们必须勇敢地面对生活。 - 《勇敢的心》

For those who are worth it, we must face life bravely. - Braveheart

11. 自由是无价的,为了自由,我们必须战斗。 - 《勇敢的心》

Freedom is priceless, for freedom, we must fight. - Braveheart

12. 即使是最渺小的生命,也能创造奇迹。 - 《心灵捕手》

Even the smallest of lives can create miracles. - Good Will Hunting

13. 我们每个人都是独一无二的,不要害怕展现你的真实自我。 - 《心灵捕手》

Each of us is unique, don't be afraid to show your true self. - Good Will Hunting

14. 即使是天才,也会感到迷茫和恐惧。 - 《心灵捕手》

Even geniuses can feel lost and afraid. - Good Will Hunting

15. 即使是最好的朋友,也需要时间和空间。 - 《当哈利遇见莎莉》

Even the best of friends need time and space. - When Harry Met Sally

16. 真爱是需要时间和努力的,不要轻易放弃。 - 《当哈利遇见莎莉》

True love takes time and effort, don't give up easily. - When Harry Met Sally

17. 生活充满了意外,我们要学会拥抱变化。 - 《当哈利遇见莎莉》

Life is full of surprises, we must learn to embrace change. - When Harry Met Sally

18. 有时候,失去才是最好的开始。 - 《天使之城》

Sometimes, loss is the best beginning. - City of Angels

19. 爱是永恒的,即使生命短暂。 - 《天使之城》

Love is eternal, even if life is short. - City of Angels

20. 不要害怕追求你的梦想,即使它看起来很遥远。 - 《天使之城》

Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams, even if they seem far away. - City of Angels

21. 人生的意义不在于你拥有多少,而在于你给予了多少。 - 《遗愿清单》

The meaning of life is not about what you have, but about what you give. - The Bucket List

22. 我们都应该活在当下,珍惜每一天。 - 《遗愿清单》

We should all live in the present moment, cherish every day. - The Bucket List

23. 生命是短暂的,不要浪费时间做让你不开心的事。 - 《遗愿清单》

Life is short, don't waste time doing things that make you unhappy. - The Bucket List

24. 勇气不是没有恐惧,而是尽管害怕依然去行动。 - 《勇敢者游戏》

Courage is not the absence of fear, but taking action despite fear. - Jumanji

25. 永远不要放弃希望,即使你身处困境。 - 《勇敢者游戏》

Never give up hope, even when you are in a difficult situation. - Jumanji

26. 生活就像一场游戏,我们必须学会如何玩。 - 《勇敢者游戏》

Life is like a game, we must learn how to play it. - Jumanji

27. 即使是失败,也是成长的机会。 - 《奔腾年代》

Even failure is a chance to grow. - Seabiscuit

28. 不要被过去的阴影所束缚,勇敢地走向未来。 - 《奔腾年代》

Don't be bound by the shadows of the past, bravely step into the future. - Seabiscuit

29. 即使你跌倒了,也要勇敢地站起来。 - 《奔腾年代》

Even if you fall, get up bravely. - Seabiscuit

30. 人生的意义在于不断地追求和探索。 - 《盗梦空间》

The meaning of life lies in constant pursuit and exploration. - Inception

31. 梦境和现实之间只有一线之隔。 - 《盗梦空间》

There is only a thin line between dreams and reality. - Inception

32. 不要害怕挑战自我,即使它看起来很困难。 - 《盗梦空间》

Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, even if it seems difficult. - Inception

33. 即使是罪犯,也有人性。 - 《七宗罪》

Even criminals have humanity. - Se7en

34. 每个人都有自己的黑暗面,我们必须学会接受它。 - 《七宗罪》

Everyone has their own dark side, we must learn to accept it. - Se7en

35. 正义需要勇气,也要学会宽恕。 - 《七宗罪》

Justice requires courage, but also forgiveness. - Se7en

36. 真正的爱情是永恒的,即使它需要时间来证明。 - 《泰坦尼克号》

True love is eternal, even if it takes time to prove. - Titanic

37. 即使是贫穷,也无法阻止爱情。 - 《泰坦尼克号》

Even poverty cannot stop love. - Titanic

38. 不要害怕追寻你的梦想,即使它看起来很疯狂。 - 《泰坦尼克号》

Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams, even if they seem crazy. - Titanic

39. 即使是最小的善意,也能改变世界。 - 《美丽心灵》

Even the smallest act of kindness can change the world. - A Beautiful Mind

40. 不要害怕自己的弱点,它也是你的一部分。 - 《美丽心灵》

Don't be afraid of your weaknesses, they are also part of you. - A Beautiful Mind

41. 坚强的人,不是没有眼泪,而是含着眼泪依然奔跑。 - 《摔跤吧,爸爸》

Strong people are not those who don't cry, but those who run with tears in their eyes. - Dangal

42. 梦想的道路上,总会充满荆棘,但只要坚持,就能抵达终点。 - 《摔跤吧,爸爸》

The path to dreams is always full of thorns, but as long as you persevere, you can reach the end. - Dangal

43. 即使是失败,也是人生的一部分,不要害怕重新开始。 - 《摔跤吧,爸爸》

Even failure is part of life, don't be afraid to start over. - Dangal

44. 真正的英雄,不是拥有力量,而是拥有勇气和决心。 - 《复仇者联盟》

True heroes are not those who have power, but those who have courage and determination. - The Avengers

45. 我们都有能力改变世界,只要我们团结起来。 - 《复仇者联盟》

We all have the power to change the world, as long as we stand together. - The Avengers

46. 不要害怕面对挑战,它会让你变得更加强大。 - 《复仇者联盟》

Don't be afraid to face challenges, they will make you stronger. - The Avengers

47. 人生充满未知,我们要勇敢地探索。 - 《星球大战》

Life is full of the unknown, we must bravely explore. - Star Wars

48. 相信你的直觉,它会指引你走向正确的道路。 - 《星球大战》

Trust your instincts, they will guide you to the right path. - Star Wars

49. 不要害怕成为你自己,即使它看起来很奇怪。 - 《星球大战》

Don't be afraid to be yourself, even if it seems strange. - Star Wars

50. 爱是宇宙中最强大的力量,它可以战胜一切。 - 《星球大战》

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, it can conquer all. - Star Wars

51. 即使身处困境,也不要放弃希望。 - 《辛德勒的名单》

Even in the face of adversity, never give up hope. - Schindler's List

52. 即使是最微小的善意,也能拯救生命。 - 《辛德勒的名单》

Even the smallest act of kindness can save lives. - Schindler's List

53. 记住,每个人都有自己的故事,我们要学会理解和尊重。 - 《辛德勒的名单》

Remember, everyone has their own story, we must learn to understand and respect it. - Schindler's List

54. 即使是黑暗中,也总会有光亮。 - 《拯救大兵瑞恩》

Even in darkness, there is always light. - Saving Private Ryan

55. 不要害怕牺牲,为了正义,我们必须战斗。 - 《拯救大兵瑞恩》

Don't be afraid to sacrifice, for justice, we must fight. - Saving Private Ryan

56. 我们要永远铭记那些为了自由而牺牲的人。 - 《拯救大兵瑞恩》

We must always remember those who sacrificed for freedom. - Saving Private Ryan

57. 即使是失败,也是人生的一部分,不要害怕重新开始。 - 《绿皮书》

Even failure is part of life, don't be afraid to start over. - Green Book

58. 真正的友谊,是超越种族和文化差异的。 - 《绿皮书》

True friendship transcends racial and cultural differences. - Green Book

59. 我们要学会包容和理解,才能创造一个更加美好的世界。 - 《绿皮书》

We must learn to be inclusive and understanding to create a better world. - Green Book

60. 即使是陌生人,也能成为你的朋友。 - 《绿皮书》

Even strangers can become your friends. - Green Book

61. 人生的意义在于追寻梦想,即使它看起来很困难。 - 《追梦赤子心》

The meaning of life is to pursue your dreams, even if they seem difficult. - The Pursuit of Happyness

62. 不要害怕跌倒,因为每一次跌倒都是成长的机会。 - 《追梦赤子心》

Don't be afraid to fall, because every fall is a chance to grow. - The Pursuit of Happyness

63. 即使是最微小的希望,也能照亮前行的道路。 - 《追梦赤子心》

Even the smallest of hope can illuminate the path ahead. - The Pursuit of Happyness

64. 勇敢地面对生活,即使它充满了挑战。 - 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

Bravely face life, even if it is full of challenges. - The Dark Knight

65. 正义需要勇气,也要学会牺牲。 - 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

Justice requires courage, and also learning to sacrifice. - The Dark Knight

66. 即使是英雄,也会感到迷茫和恐惧。 - 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

Even heroes can feel lost and afraid. - The Dark Knight

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