
## 撒哈拉的故事经典句子及英文翻译

1. 沙漠是广阔的,人太渺小,所以才显出它的辽阔。

The desert is vast, and man is too small, so it appears vast.

2. 这儿到处是沙,沙子在风中飞舞,像一群群黄色的蝴蝶。

There is sand everywhere, sand flying in the wind, like swarms of yellow butterflies.

3. 沙漠里没有路,只有方向。

There are no roads in the desert, only directions.

4. 太阳像个巨大的火球,把整个沙漠都烤得通红。

The sun is like a giant fireball, baking the entire desert red-hot.

5. 沙漠里的夜晚,星星像一颗颗钻石,镶嵌在黑色的天幕上。

At night in the desert, the stars are like diamonds, studded on the black canopy of the sky.

6. 沙漠里最可怕的不是酷热,而是寂寞。

The most terrifying thing in the desert is not the heat, but the loneliness.

7. 这里的一切都是沉默的,只有风在低声呢喃。

Everything here is silent, only the wind whispering softly.

8. 沙漠里的风,带着一股淡淡的咸味。

The wind in the desert carries a faint salty taste.

9. 沙漠里的植物,大多是矮小的灌木和仙人掌。

Most of the plants in the desert are small shrubs and cacti.

10. 沙漠里的动物,大多是耐旱的爬行动物和鸟类。

Most of the animals in the desert are drought-resistant reptiles and birds.

11. 沙漠里的一切都充满了神秘,让人忍不住想要探索。

Everything in the desert is full of mystery, making people want to explore.

12. 沙漠是一片荒凉的世界,却也是一片充满生机的世界。

The desert is a desolate world, but it is also a world full of life.

13. 沙漠里的生命,顽强而坚韧,像沙漠中的沙棘一样,扎根于这片土地。

Life in the desert is tenacious and tough, like the seabuckthorn in the desert, rooted in this land.

14. 沙漠,是生命的考验,也是生命的奇迹。

The desert is a test of life, but also a miracle of life.

15. 在沙漠里,我学会了如何与孤独相处,如何与寂寞对话。

In the desert, I learned how to deal with loneliness, how to talk to loneliness.

16. 沙漠教会了我,生命需要坚强,需要勇敢,需要坚韧不拔的毅力。

The desert taught me that life needs strength, courage, and unwavering perseverance.

17. 沙漠里的一切都是静止的,只有我的思绪在飞舞。

Everything in the desert is still, only my thoughts are flying.

18. 我在这里,感受着沙漠的气息,也感受着生命的脉搏。

I am here, feeling the breath of the desert, also feeling the pulse of life.

19. 沙漠里的一切都是简单的,只有我的心灵在思考着生命的意义。

Everything in the desert is simple, only my heart is pondering the meaning of life.

20. 我在这里,找到了一个安静的空间,一个思考的空间,一个与自己对话的空间。

I found a quiet space here, a space for thinking, a space for dialogue with myself.

21. 沙漠里的一切都是寂静的,只有我的灵魂在歌唱。

Everything in the desert is silent, only my soul is singing.

22. 我在这里,感受到了一种前所未有的自由,一种心灵的解放。

I felt an unprecedented freedom here, a liberation of the mind.

23. 沙漠是孤独的,但它也是自由的。

The desert is lonely, but it is also free.

24. 沙漠是一片净土,一片心灵的净土。

The desert is a pure land, a pure land of the soul.

25. 在沙漠里,我找到了自己,也找到了生命的真谛。

In the desert, I found myself, and I also found the meaning of life.

26. 沙漠,是一片神奇的土地,充满了神秘和未知。

The desert is a magical land, full of mystery and the unknown.

27. 沙漠是一片荒凉的世界,但它也是一片充满诗意的世界。

The desert is a desolate world, but it is also a world full of poetry.

28. 沙漠里的风,像一首无言的歌,在耳边低吟。

The wind in the desert is like a wordless song, humming softly in my ears.

29. 沙漠里的夜晚,星星像一颗颗眼睛,注视着这片荒凉的土地。

The stars in the desert are like eyes, watching over this desolate land.

30. 沙漠里的一切都是静止的,只有我的心在跳动。

Everything in the desert is still, only my heart is beating.

31. 沙漠里的空气是干燥的,但它却充满了生命的活力。

The air in the desert is dry, but it is full of life.

32. 沙漠里的沙子是细密的,但它却坚硬无比。

The sand in the desert is fine, but it is extremely hard.

33. 沙漠里的日落是壮观的,它将天空染成一片金色的海洋。

The sunset in the desert is spectacular, dyeing the sky into a golden ocean.

34. 沙漠里的夜晚是静谧的,它将星空映照得格外明亮。

The night in the desert is tranquil, making the stars shine exceptionally bright.

35. 沙漠里的风是狂野的,它将沙子卷起,形成一道道沙尘暴。

The wind in the desert is wild, whipping up the sand into sandstorms.

36. 沙漠里的日出是金色的,它将沙漠染成一片金色的海洋。

The sunrise in the desert is golden, dyeing the desert into a golden ocean.

37. 沙漠里的夜晚是寒冷的,但它却充满了神秘和梦幻。

The night in the desert is cold, but it is full of mystery and dreams.

38. 沙漠里的生命是顽强的,它在恶劣的环境中顽强地生存着。

Life in the desert is tenacious, it survives stubbornly in harsh environments.

39. 沙漠里的植物是稀少的,但它们却异常美丽。

The plants in the desert are scarce, but they are exceptionally beautiful.

40. 沙漠里的动物是机敏的,它们在恶劣的环境中寻找着生存之道。

The animals in the desert are agile, they seek ways to survive in harsh environments.

41. 沙漠里的天空是广阔的,它将蓝天映照得格外深邃。

The sky in the desert is vast, making the blue sky look exceptionally deep.

42. 沙漠里的风是干枯的,它将沙子吹成一道道波浪。

The wind in the desert is dry, blowing the sand into waves.

43. 沙漠里的日落是红色的,它将天空染成一片血红色的海洋。

The sunset in the desert is red, dyeing the sky into a blood-red ocean.

44. 沙漠里的夜晚是寂静的,它将星空映照得格外璀璨。

The night in the desert is silent, making the stars shine exceptionally brilliantly.

45. 沙漠里的风是轻柔的,它将沙子吹成一道道沙丘。

The wind in the desert is gentle, blowing the sand into dunes.

46. 沙漠里的日出是橙色的,它将沙漠染成一片金色的海洋。

The sunrise in the desert is orange, dyeing the desert into a golden ocean.

47. 沙漠里的夜晚是美丽的,它将星空映照得格外迷人。

The night in the desert is beautiful, making the stars shine exceptionally charming.

48. 沙漠里的风是神秘的,它将沙子吹成各种各样的图案。

The wind in the desert is mysterious, blowing the sand into various patterns.

49. 沙漠里的日出是壮观的,它将沙漠染成一片金色的海洋。

The sunrise in the desert is spectacular, dyeing the desert into a golden ocean.

50. 沙漠里的夜晚是凉爽的,它将星空映照得格外宁静。

The night in the desert is cool, making the stars shine exceptionally peacefully.

51. 沙漠里的风是干燥的,它将沙子吹成一道道波浪。

The wind in the desert is dry, blowing the sand into waves.

52. 沙漠里的日出是金色的,它将沙漠染成一片金色的海洋。

The sunrise in the desert is golden, dyeing the desert into a golden ocean.

53. 沙漠里的夜晚是寒冷的,但它却充满了神秘和梦幻。

The night in the desert is cold, but it is full of mystery and dreams.

54. 沙漠里的生命是顽强的,它在恶劣的环境中顽强地生存着。

Life in the desert is tenacious, it survives stubbornly in harsh environments.

55. 沙漠里的植物是稀少的,但它们却异常美丽。

The plants in the desert are scarce, but they are exceptionally beautiful.

56. 沙漠里的动物是机敏的,它们在恶劣的环境中寻找着生存之道。

The animals in the desert are agile, they seek ways to survive in harsh environments.

57. 沙漠里的天空是广阔的,它将蓝天映照得格外深邃。

The sky in the desert is vast, making the blue sky look exceptionally deep.

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