
## 描写风机句子,71句

1. 风机转动,发出低沉而有力的嗡嗡声,仿佛在诉说着机械的力量。
2. 风机扇叶飞速旋转,将空气切成细丝,送来阵阵清凉。
3. 风机巨大的叶片,在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,宛如一只巨型鸟类的翅膀。
4. 风机运行时,巨大的气流推动着它,发出沉闷的轰鸣声,仿佛一头巨兽在咆哮。
5. 风机的高速旋转,将周围的空气搅动得如同龙卷风一般,令人心生敬畏。
6. 风机巨大的体积,足以让人产生一种渺小感,仿佛站在巨人面前一般。
7. 风机喷射出的气流,仿佛一条无形的巨龙,在空中蜿蜒舞动。
8. 风机将空气吹向远方,仿佛将烦恼和忧愁也吹散了。
9. 风机转动时,扇叶上的油漆不断脱落,在空中飞舞,仿佛一场金属雨。
10. 风机在夜空中闪烁着红灯,仿佛一只巨眼,在黑暗中注视着世界。
11. 风机发出低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的交响乐,在耳边回荡。
12. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一道道银色的闪电,在空中划过。
13. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的太阳。
14. 风机在烈日下,依然坚守着自己的岗位,默默地为人们送来凉爽。
15. 风机将空气吹得如同波浪一般,在空中起伏涌动。
16. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛变成了一个巨大的圆盘,将空气吞噬。
17. 风机运行时,巨大的气流,将周围的树叶吹得沙沙作响。
18. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛在诉说着它的强大和威严。
19. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一面面闪亮的镜子。
20. 风机将空气吹得如同丝绸一般,在空中轻柔地飘动。
21. 风机在高耸的建筑物上,仿佛一个巨大的守护者,守护着这座城市。
22. 风机将空气吹得如同瀑布一般,从空中倾泻而下。
23. 风机发出阵阵风声,仿佛在与风对话,诉说着它对自由的渴望。
24. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的螺旋桨,将空气切割成碎片。
25. 风机巨大的体积,仿佛一座小山,矗立在天地之间。
26. 风机将空气吹得如同海浪一般,在空中翻滚涌动。
27. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将时间和空间扭曲。
28. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的赞歌,在耳边回荡。
29. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的风车,在空中旋转。
30. 风机将空气吹得如同云朵一般,在空中飘浮不定。
31. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的金盘。
32. 风机运行时,巨大的气流,将周围的尘埃吹得漫天飞舞。
33. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛在与大地对话,诉说着它对自然的敬畏。
34. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成薄片。
35. 风机巨大的体积,仿佛一座巨型雕塑,矗立在天地之间。
36. 风机将空气吹得如同河流一般,在空中蜿蜒流淌。
37. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气压缩成气柱。
38. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的交响曲,在耳边回荡。
39. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将阳光反射。
40. 风机将空气吹得如同烟雾一般,在空中弥漫飘散。
41. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的金环。
42. 风机运行时,巨大的气流,将周围的树枝吹得摇摇晃晃。
43. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛在与天空对话,诉说着它对自由的向往。
44. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成细条。
45. 风机巨大的体积,仿佛一座巨大的堡垒,屹立在天地之间。
46. 风机将空气吹得如同瀑布一般,从空中倾泻而下,形成一道白色的水幕。
47. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成无数个碎片。
48. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的赞歌,在耳边回荡,令人心生敬畏。
49. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将阳光反射成一道道金色的光芒。
50. 风机将空气吹得如同云朵一般,在空中飘浮不定,仿佛一座座移动的城堡。
51. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的金盘,散发着耀眼的光芒。
52. 风机运行时,巨大的气流,将周围的树叶吹得沙沙作响,仿佛在低声吟唱着一首古老的歌谣。
53. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛在与大地对话,诉说着它对自然的敬畏,以及它对人类的奉献。
54. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成薄片,然后将它们送往远方。
55. 风机巨大的体积,仿佛一座巨大的堡垒,屹立在天地之间,守护着这片土地,守护着这片天空。
56. 风机将空气吹得如同河流一般,在空中蜿蜒流淌,将清新的空气送往每个角落,为人们带来舒适和凉爽。
57. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气压缩成气柱,然后将它们喷射出去,形成一道道强大的气流。
58. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的交响曲,在耳边回荡,令人心生敬畏,仿佛置身于一场宏大的音乐盛宴。
59. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将阳光反射成一道道金色的光芒,照亮周围的黑暗,带来光明和希望。
60. 风机将空气吹得如同烟雾一般,在空中弥漫飘散,仿佛在诉说着一种神秘的力量,一种不可抗拒的自然力量。
61. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的金环,象征着力量和永恒。
62. 风机运行时,巨大的气流,将周围的树枝吹得摇摇晃晃,仿佛在与大自然进行着一场无声的对话。
63. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛在与天空对话,诉说着它对自由的向往,以及它对人类的贡献。
64. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成细条,然后将它们送往远方,仿佛在传递着一种神秘的信息。
65. 风机巨大的体积,仿佛一座巨大的堡垒,屹立在天地之间,守护着这片土地,守护着这片天空,为人们带来安全和希望。
66. 风机将空气吹得如同瀑布一般,从空中倾泻而下,形成一道白色的水幕,仿佛在为人们洗刷尘世间的烦恼和忧愁。
67. 风机扇叶在高速旋转中,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将空气切割成无数个碎片,然后将它们送往远方,仿佛在进行着一场无声的舞蹈。
68. 风机发出阵阵低沉的轰鸣声,仿佛一首机械的赞歌,在耳边回荡,令人心生敬畏,仿佛在感受着一种来自机械的力量。
69. 风机扇叶在阳光下闪耀着金属的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的圆盘,将阳光反射成一道道金色的光芒,照亮周围的黑暗,带来光明和希望,仿佛在为人们指引方向。
70. 风机将空气吹得如同云朵一般,在空中飘浮不定,仿佛一座座移动的城堡,守护着这片土地,守护着这片天空,为人们带来安全和希望。
71. 风机巨大的轮盘,在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒,仿佛一个巨大的金盘,散发着耀眼的光芒,照亮周围的黑暗,带来光明和希望,仿佛在为人们指引方向,告诉人们前进的道路。

## 英文翻译

1. The wind turbine rotates, emitting a low, powerful hum, as if telling the power of machinery.

2. The wind turbine blades rotate at high speed, cutting the air into thin threads, sending gusts of coolness.

3. The huge blades of the wind turbine shine with metallic luster under the sun, like the wings of a giant bird.

4. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow pushes it, making a dull roar, like a giant beast roaring.

5. The high-speed rotation of the wind turbine stirs the surrounding air like a tornado, awe-inspiring.

6. The huge size of the wind turbine is enough to make people feel small, as if standing in front of a giant.

7. The airflow ejected by the wind turbine is like an invisible dragon, meandering and dancing in the air.

8. The wind turbine blows the air away, as if blowing away the troubles and worries.

9. When the wind turbine rotates, the paint on the blades keeps falling off, dancing in the air, like a metal rain.

10. The wind turbine flickers red lights in the night sky, like a giant eye, watching the world in the darkness.

11. The wind turbine emits a low, rumbling sound, like a mechanical symphony, echoing in the ears.

12. The blades of the wind turbine, spinning at high speed, are like silver lightning bolts, flashing across the sky.

13. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant sun.

14. The wind turbine, under the scorching sun, still sticks to its post, silently bringing coolness to people.

15. The wind turbine blows the air like waves, surging and undulating in the air.

16. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, seem to turn into a huge disc, swallowing the air.

17. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow makes the surrounding leaves rustle.

18. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, as if telling its power and majesty.

19. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like shiny mirrors.

20. The wind turbine blows the air like silk, floating gently in the air.

21. The wind turbine stands on the top of a tall building, like a giant guardian, guarding the city.

22. The wind turbine blows the air like a waterfall, pouring down from the sky.

23. The wind turbine emits gusts of wind, as if talking to the wind, telling its desire for freedom.

24. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge propeller, cutting the air into pieces.

25. The huge size of the wind turbine is like a small mountain, standing between heaven and earth.

26. The wind turbine blows the air like sea waves, rolling and surging in the air.

27. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, distorting time and space.

28. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, like a mechanical hymn, echoing in the ears.

29. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like a giant windmill, spinning in the air.

30. The wind turbine blows the air like clouds, floating in the air.

31. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant golden plate.

32. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow blows the surrounding dust into the air.

33. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, as if talking to the earth, telling its awe of nature.

34. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into thin slices.

35. The huge size of the wind turbine is like a giant sculpture, standing between heaven and earth.

36. The wind turbine blows the air like a river, meandering in the air.

37. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, compressing the air into air columns.

38. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, like a mechanical symphony, echoing in the ears.

39. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like a giant disc, reflecting sunlight.

40. The wind turbine blows the air like smoke, spreading and drifting in the air.

41. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant golden ring.

42. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow makes the surrounding branches sway.

43. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, as if talking to the sky, telling its yearning for freedom.

44. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into thin strips.

45. The huge size of the wind turbine is like a giant fortress, standing between heaven and earth.

46. The wind turbine blows the air like a waterfall, pouring down from the sky, forming a white curtain of water.

47. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into countless pieces.

48. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, like a mechanical hymn, echoing in the ears, awe-inspiring.

49. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like a giant disc, reflecting sunlight into golden rays.

50. The wind turbine blows the air like clouds, floating in the air, like moving castles.

51. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant golden plate, emitting dazzling light.

52. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow makes the surrounding leaves rustle, as if whispering an ancient ballad.

53. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, as if talking to the earth, telling its awe of nature, and its dedication to humanity.

54. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into thin slices and sending them away.

55. The huge size of the wind turbine is like a giant fortress, standing between heaven and earth, guarding this land, guarding this sky, bringing security and hope to people.

56. The wind turbine blows the air like a river, meandering in the air, sending fresh air to every corner, bringing comfort and coolness to people.

57. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, compressing the air into air columns, then spraying them out, forming powerful air currents.

58. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, like a mechanical symphony, echoing in the ears, awe-inspiring, as if in a grand musical feast.

59. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like a giant disc, reflecting sunlight into golden rays, illuminating the surrounding darkness, bringing light and hope, as if guiding people's way.

60. The wind turbine blows the air like smoke, spreading and drifting in the air, as if telling of a mysterious force, an irresistible force of nature.

61. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant golden ring, symbolizing power and eternity.

62. When the wind turbine operates, the huge airflow makes the surrounding branches sway, as if in a silent dialogue with nature.

63. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, as if talking to the sky, telling its yearning for freedom, and its contribution to humanity.

64. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into thin strips, and then sending them away, as if conveying a mysterious message.

65. The huge size of the wind turbine is like a giant fortress, standing between heaven and earth, guarding this land, guarding this sky, bringing security and hope to people.

66. The wind turbine blows the air like a waterfall, pouring down from the sky, forming a white curtain of water, as if washing away the troubles and worries of the world.

67. The wind turbine blades, spinning at high speed, are like a huge disc, cutting the air into countless pieces, and then sending them away, as if performing a silent dance.

68. The wind turbine emits bursts of low, rumbling sounds, like a mechanical hymn, echoing in the ears, awe-inspiring, as if feeling the power of machinery.

69. The wind turbine blades shine with metallic luster under the sun, like a giant disc, reflecting sunlight into golden rays, illuminating the surrounding darkness, bringing light and hope, as if guiding people's way.

70. The wind turbine blows the air like clouds, floating in the air, like moving castles, guarding this land, guarding this sky, bringing security and hope to people.

71. The huge wheel of the wind turbine shines with golden light under the sun, like a giant golden plate, emitting dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding darkness, bringing light and hope, as if guiding people's way, telling people the way forward.

以上就是关于描写风机句子71句(描写风机句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
