
## 挥字谜底句子 (71 句)

1. **挥毫泼墨**:挥洒笔墨,尽情创作。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, to create with abandon.)
2. **挥斥方遒**:意气风发,指点江山。 (To denounce the old and embrace the new, to point out the direction with vigor and confidence.)
3. **挥汗成雨**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, until the sweat drips like rain.)
4. **挥金如土**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, like scattering dirt.)
5. **挥剑斩魔**:拔剑出鞘,除魔卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, to protect the righteous.)
6. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with reluctance.)
7. **挥洒自如**:动作灵活,毫不拘束。 (To move with ease and freedom, without any constraint.)
8. **挥之不去**:难以摆脱,挥之不散。 (To be unable to shake off, something that persists despite attempts to remove it.)
9. **挥剑怒斩**:怒火中烧,奋力出击。 (To rage and strike with fury, wielding a sword with fierce determination.)
10. **挥戈返顾**:回首往事,感慨万千。 (To look back on the past, filled with mixed emotions.)
11. **挥斥群雄**:雄心壮志,指点江山。 (To dominate and lead others, with a strong and ambitious spirit.)
12. **挥汗如雨**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, like rain falling from the sky.)
13. **挥泪长别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with longing.)
14. **挥斥天下**:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with great ambition and a strong will.)
15. **挥毫落纸**:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To write with ease and fluidity, as if the pen dances across the paper.)
16. **挥金如流水**:花钱如流水,毫无节制。 (To spend money lavishly, like water flowing endlessly.)
17. **挥汗如浆**:辛苦劳作,汗流如浆。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat flows like liquid.)
18. **挥泪而别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with sadness.)
19. **挥剑断情**:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back.)
20. **挥笔成章**:文思泉涌,下笔成文。 (To write fluently and effortlessly, composing a masterpiece with each stroke.)
21. **挥毫泼墨**:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, to create with a free and confident hand.)
22. **挥斥八方**:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate all directions, with an ambitious vision for the future.)
23. **挥汗如滴**:辛苦劳作,汗珠滴落。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if each drop of sweat is a precious jewel.)
24. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss.)
25. **挥笔如神**:文思如泉涌,笔力非凡。 (To write with divine inspiration, possessing extraordinary skill and talent.)
26. **挥剑斩敌**:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with decisive strokes.)
27. **挥金如烟**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were smoke dissipating into the air.)
28. **挥汗成河**:辛苦劳作,汗水如河。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, until the sweat flows like a river.)
29. **挥泪送别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness.)
30. **挥剑斩妖**:拔剑出鞘,除妖卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, to protect the innocent from evil.)
31. **挥毫泼彩**:色彩鲜艳,笔走龙蛇。 (To paint with vibrant colors, using a brush that dances across the canvas.)
32. **挥斥风云**:意气风发,指点江山。 (To control the winds and clouds, to wield power with great confidence.)
33. **挥汗如雨**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were pouring down.)
34. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with regret.)
35. **挥金如玉**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were precious jade.)
36. **挥剑斩断**:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back.)
37. **挥洒青春**:意气风发,活力四射。 (To live life to the fullest, radiating youthful energy and enthusiasm.)
38. **挥斥群小**:指责小人,维护正义。 (To denounce those who are small-minded, upholding justice and fairness.)
39. **挥汗如泥**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were mud clinging to one's body.)
40. **挥泪送别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a bittersweet longing.)
41. **挥剑斩情**:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving with a cold heart.)
42. **挥笔成诗**:文思泉涌,下笔成诗。 (To write poems with ease and fluency, capturing beauty and emotion in each verse.)
43. **挥毫泼墨**:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, creating art with a confident and graceful hand.)
44. **挥斥天下**:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with a grand vision and a powerful presence.)
45. **挥汗如注**:辛苦劳作,汗水如注。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if a waterfall were pouring down.)
46. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and longing.)
47. **挥剑斩敌**:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with swift and decisive strokes.)
48. **挥金如土**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were worthless dirt.)
49. **挥汗如雨**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were falling from the sky.)
50. **挥泪送别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness and longing.)
51. **挥剑斩妖**:拔剑出鞘,除妖卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, protecting the world from evil.)
52. **挥毫泼彩**:色彩鲜艳,笔走龙蛇。 (To paint with vibrant colors, using a brush that dances across the canvas, creating a masterpiece.)
53. **挥斥风云**:意气风发,指点江山。 (To control the winds and clouds, wielding power with confidence and determination.)
54. **挥汗如浆**:辛苦劳作,汗水如浆。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were a thick, viscous liquid.)
55. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and sorrow.)
56. **挥金如玉**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were precious jade, without a second thought.)
57. **挥剑断情**:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving with a cold and resolute heart.)
58. **挥洒青春**:意气风发,活力四射。 (To live life to the fullest, radiating youthful energy and passion.)
59. **挥斥群小**:指责小人,维护正义。 (To denounce those who are small-minded, upholding justice and fairness with a firm voice.)
60. **挥汗如泥**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were mud clinging to one's body, a testament to dedication.)
61. **挥泪送别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a bittersweet longing and a sense of loss.)
62. **挥剑斩情**:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back, with a heart hardened by experience.)
63. **挥笔成诗**:文思泉涌,下笔成诗。 (To write poems with ease and fluency, capturing beauty and emotion in each verse, a testament to literary talent.)
64. **挥毫泼墨**:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, creating art with a confident and graceful hand, a true master of the craft.)
65. **挥斥天下**:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with a grand vision and a powerful presence, a leader with unwavering ambition.)
66. **挥汗如注**:辛苦劳作,汗水如注。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if a waterfall were pouring down, a symbol of dedication and tireless effort.)
67. **挥泪告别**:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and longing, a moment of bittersweet farewell.)
68. **挥剑斩敌**:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with swift and decisive strokes, a warrior with courage and skill.)
69. **挥金如土**:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were worthless dirt, a testament to wealth and generosity.)
70. **挥汗如雨**:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were falling from the sky, a symbol of hard work and dedication.)
71. **挥泪送别**:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness and longing, a moment of heartfelt farewell.)

## HTML 版本

1.挥毫泼墨:挥洒笔墨,尽情创作。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, to create with abandon.)

2.挥斥方遒:意气风发,指点江山。 (To denounce the old and embrace the new, to point out the direction with vigor and confidence.)

3.挥汗成雨:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, until the sweat drips like rain.)

4.挥金如土:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, like scattering dirt.)

5.挥剑斩魔:拔剑出鞘,除魔卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, to protect the righteous.)

6.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with reluctance.)

7.挥洒自如:动作灵活,毫不拘束。 (To move with ease and freedom, without any constraint.)

8.挥之不去:难以摆脱,挥之不散。 (To be unable to shake off, something that persists despite attempts to remove it.)

9.挥剑怒斩:怒火中烧,奋力出击。 (To rage and strike with fury, wielding a sword with fierce determination.)

10.挥戈返顾:回首往事,感慨万千。 (To look back on the past, filled with mixed emotions.)

11.挥斥群雄:雄心壮志,指点江山。 (To dominate and lead others, with a strong and ambitious spirit.)

12.挥汗如雨:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, like rain falling from the sky.)

13.挥泪长别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with longing.)

14.挥斥天下:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with great ambition and a strong will.)

15.挥毫落纸:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To write with ease and fluidity, as if the pen dances across the paper.)

16.挥金如流水:花钱如流水,毫无节制。 (To spend money lavishly, like water flowing endlessly.)

17.挥汗如浆:辛苦劳作,汗流如浆。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat flows like liquid.)

18.挥泪而别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with sadness.)

19.挥剑断情:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back.)

20.挥笔成章:文思泉涌,下笔成文。 (To write fluently and effortlessly, composing a masterpiece with each stroke.)

21.挥毫泼墨:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, to create with a free and confident hand.)

22.挥斥八方:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate all directions, with an ambitious vision for the future.)

23.挥汗如滴:辛苦劳作,汗珠滴落。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if each drop of sweat is a precious jewel.)

24.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss.)

25.挥笔如神:文思如泉涌,笔力非凡。 (To write with divine inspiration, possessing extraordinary skill and talent.)

26.挥剑斩敌:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with decisive strokes.)

27.挥金如烟:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were smoke dissipating into the air.)

28.挥汗成河:辛苦劳作,汗水如河。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, until the sweat flows like a river.)

29.挥泪送别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness.)

30.挥剑斩妖:拔剑出鞘,除妖卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, to protect the innocent from evil.)

31.挥毫泼彩:色彩鲜艳,笔走龙蛇。 (To paint with vibrant colors, using a brush that dances across the canvas.)

32.挥斥风云:意气风发,指点江山。 (To control the winds and clouds, to wield power with great confidence.)

33.挥汗如雨:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were pouring down.)

34.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with regret.)

35.挥金如玉:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were precious jade.)

36.挥剑斩断:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back.)

37.挥洒青春:意气风发,活力四射。 (To live life to the fullest, radiating youthful energy and enthusiasm.)

38.挥斥群小:指责小人,维护正义。 (To denounce those who are small-minded, upholding justice and fairness.)

39.挥汗如泥:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were mud clinging to one's body.)

40.挥泪送别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a bittersweet longing.)

41.挥剑斩情:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving with a cold heart.)

42.挥笔成诗:文思泉涌,下笔成诗。 (To write poems with ease and fluency, capturing beauty and emotion in each verse.)

43.挥毫泼墨:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, creating art with a confident and graceful hand.)

44.挥斥天下:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with a grand vision and a powerful presence.)

45.挥汗如注:辛苦劳作,汗水如注。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if a waterfall were pouring down.)

46.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and longing.)

47.挥剑斩敌:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with swift and decisive strokes.)

48.挥金如土:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were worthless dirt.)

49.挥汗如雨:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were falling from the sky.)

50.挥泪送别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness and longing.)

51.挥剑斩妖:拔剑出鞘,除妖卫道。 (To draw a sword and slay demons, protecting the world from evil.)

52.挥毫泼彩:色彩鲜艳,笔走龙蛇。 (To paint with vibrant colors, using a brush that dances across the canvas, creating a masterpiece.)

53.挥斥风云:意气风发,指点江山。 (To control the winds and clouds, wielding power with confidence and determination.)

54.挥汗如浆:辛苦劳作,汗水如浆。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were a thick, viscous liquid.)

55.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and sorrow.)

56.挥金如玉:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were precious jade, without a second thought.)

57.挥剑断情:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving with a cold and resolute heart.)

58.挥洒青春:意气风发,活力四射。 (To live life to the fullest, radiating youthful energy and passion.)

59.挥斥群小:指责小人,维护正义。 (To denounce those who are small-minded, upholding justice and fairness with a firm voice.)

60.挥汗如泥:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if the sweat were mud clinging to one's body, a testament to dedication.)

61.挥泪送别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a bittersweet longing and a sense of loss.)

62.挥剑斩情:斩断情丝,决绝离去。 (To sever emotional ties with a stroke of the sword, leaving without looking back, with a heart hardened by experience.)

63.挥笔成诗:文思泉涌,下笔成诗。 (To write poems with ease and fluency, capturing beauty and emotion in each verse, a testament to literary talent.)

64.挥毫泼墨:笔走龙蛇,挥洒自如。 (To wield a brush and splash ink, creating art with a confident and graceful hand, a true master of the craft.)

65.挥斥天下:志向远大,指点江山。 (To dominate the world, with a grand vision and a powerful presence, a leader with unwavering ambition.)

66.挥汗如注:辛苦劳作,汗水如注。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if a waterfall were pouring down, a symbol of dedication and tireless effort.)

67.挥泪告别:含泪惜别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of loss and longing, a moment of bittersweet farewell.)

68.挥剑斩敌:奋力出击,斩杀敌人。 (To charge into battle with a sword, vanquishing enemies with swift and decisive strokes, a warrior with courage and skill.)

69.挥金如土:花钱大手大脚,毫不吝啬。 (To spend money lavishly, as if it were worthless dirt, a testament to wealth and generosity.)

70.挥汗如雨:辛苦劳作,汗流浃背。 (To work hard and sweat profusely, as if rain were falling from the sky, a symbol of hard work and dedication.)

71.挥泪送别:含泪告别,依依不舍。 (To say goodbye with tears in one's eyes, filled with a deep sense of sadness and longing, a moment of heartfelt farewell.)

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