
## 投笔从戎相关句子,62句,并翻译成英文

**1. 投笔从戎,报效国家。**

To throw down the pen and join the army, serving the country.

**2. 壮志凌云,投笔从戎。**

With lofty ambitions, he threw down the pen and joined the army.

**3. 年少轻狂,投笔从戎。**

In his youthful folly, he threw down the pen and joined the army.

**4. 金戈铁马,投笔从戎。**

With the sound of clanging swords and galloping horses, he threw down the pen and joined the army.

**5. 舍笔从戎,保家卫国。**

He abandoned his pen to join the army, protecting his country.

**6. 热血沸腾,投笔从戎。**

His blood boiled with passion, and he threw down the pen to join the army.

**7. 弃文从武,投笔从戎。**

He abandoned literature for martial arts, throwing down the pen to join the army.

**8. 报国无门,投笔从戎。**

With no way to serve his country, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**9. 壮志未酬,投笔从戎。**

His ambition unfulfilled, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**10. 建功立业,投笔从戎。**

To achieve fame and make a contribution, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**11. 舍生忘死,投笔从戎。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, willing to sacrifice his life.

**12. 雄心壮志,投笔从戎。**

With a bold and ambitious spirit, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**13. 战火纷飞,投笔从戎。**

Amidst the flames of war, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**14. 家国情怀,投笔从戎。**

Driven by love for his country, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**15. 报效祖国,投笔从戎。**

To repay his country, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**16. 为了理想,投笔从戎。**

To pursue his ideals, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**17. 为了信念,投笔从戎。**

To uphold his beliefs, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**18. 为了正义,投笔从戎。**

To fight for justice, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**19. 为了和平,投笔从戎。**

To fight for peace, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**20. 为了人民,投笔从戎。**

To fight for the people, he threw down the pen to join the army.

**21. 投笔从戎,无怨无悔。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with no regrets.

**22. 投笔从戎,义不容辞。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, it was his duty.

**23. 投笔从戎,舍我其谁。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, who else could do it?

**24. 投笔从戎,勇往直前。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, bravely forging ahead.

**25. 投笔从戎,血染沙场。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his blood staining the battlefield.

**26. 投笔从戎,沙场点兵。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, leading his troops on the battlefield.

**27. 投笔从戎,建功立业。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, achieving great things.

**28. 投笔从戎,忠肝义胆。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with loyalty and courage.

**29. 投笔从戎,热血男儿。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, a man of courage and passion.

**30. 投笔从戎,壮怀激烈。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with a strong and passionate heart.

**31. 投笔从戎,巾帼不让须眉。**

She threw down the pen to join the army, proving that women are just as capable as men.

**32. 投笔从戎,舍生取义。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, sacrificing his life for righteousness.

**33. 投笔从戎,不负韶华。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, not wasting his youth.

**34. 投笔从戎,留取丹心照汗青。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, leaving his loyalty and patriotism for posterity.

**35. 投笔从戎,为国捐躯。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, dying for his country.

**36. 投笔从戎,壮志未酬身先死。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his ambitions unfulfilled, he died in battle.

**37. 投笔从戎,千古流芳。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his name forever remembered.

**38. 投笔从戎,英雄气概。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, displaying his heroic spirit.

**39. 投笔从戎,舍家为国。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, leaving his family behind for his country.

**40. 投笔从戎,忠诚不二。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his loyalty unwavering.

**41. 投笔从戎,壮志凌云。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his ambition reaching for the clouds.

**42. 投笔从戎,心怀天下。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with the world in his heart.

**43. 投笔从戎,胸怀大志。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with great aspirations.

**44. 投笔从戎,志在四方。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, with ambitions reaching far and wide.

**45. 投笔从戎,不负众望。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, living up to everyone's expectations.

**46. 投笔从戎,为民请命。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, pleading for the people.

**47. 投笔从戎,为国而战。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, fighting for his country.

**48. 投笔从戎,为理想而战。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, fighting for his ideals.

**49. 投笔从戎,为正义而战。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, fighting for justice.

**50. 投笔从戎,为和平而战。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, fighting for peace.

**51. 投笔从戎,为人民而战。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, fighting for the people.

**52. 投笔从戎,战无不胜。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, winning every battle.

**53. 投笔从戎,所向披靡。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, invincible and unstoppable.

**54. 投笔从戎,威震四方。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his power resonating far and wide.

**55. 投笔从戎,名垂青史。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his name etched in history.

**56. 投笔从戎,功成名就。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, achieving fame and success.

**57. 投笔从戎,青史留名。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his name recorded in the annals of history.

**58. 投笔从戎,万古流芳。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his name forever remembered.

**59. 投笔从戎,名留千古。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his name remembered for a thousand years.

**60. 投笔从戎,千秋功罪。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his merits and demerits judged by history.

**61. 投笔从戎,功过是非。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, his achievements and mistakes, right and wrong, judged by history.

**62. 投笔从戎,后世敬仰。**

He threw down the pen to join the army, revered by future generations.

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