
## 朋友圈关闭句子(99句)


1. 暂时关闭朋友圈,去过自己的生活。

Temporarily closing my Moments to live my own life.

2. 朋友圈已关闭,生活继续精彩。

Moments are closed, life goes on.

3. 再见朋友圈,你好真实生活。

Goodbye Moments, hello real life.

4. 世界那么大,我想去看看,暂时屏蔽朋友圈。

The world is so big, I want to see it. Temporarily blocking Moments.

5. 生活不只有朋友圈,还有诗和远方。

Life is not only Moments, but also poetry and distant places.


6. 朋友圈太热闹,我想安静一下。

Moments are too noisy, I want some peace and quiet.

7. 关了朋友圈,我才能专注于自己的目标。

By closing Moments, I can focus on my goals.

8. 朋友圈的“完美”让我焦虑,我要回归真实。

The"perfect" lives in Moments make me anxious, I want to return to reality.

9. 朋友圈里的“成功”让我压力山大,我要卸下负担。

The"success" in Moments puts me under a lot of pressure, I need to let go.

10. 朋友圈太多“秀恩爱”,我要去谈一场恋爱。

There's too much"showing off love" in Moments, I need to go on a date.


11. 朋友圈太虚假,我要去现实中寻找真爱。

Moments are too fake, I need to find true love in the real world.

12. 朋友圈都是“假装很忙”,我决定去真的忙。

Everyone in Moments is"pretending to be busy", I've decided to be really busy.

13. 朋友圈都是“晒幸福”,我决定去过点苦日子。

Everyone in Moments is"showing off their happiness", I've decided to live a bit of a hard life.

14. 朋友圈太无聊,我要去写诗。

Moments are too boring, I'm going to write poetry.

15. 朋友圈都是“心灵鸡汤”,我要去喝点真酒。

Moments are full of"inspirational quotes", I'm going to drink some real alcohol.


16. 有些事情,适合藏在心里,不适合发朋友圈。

Some things are best kept to myself, not shared on Moments.

17. 我需要一些空间,来思考和整理自己的情绪。

I need some space to think and sort out my emotions.

18. 朋友圈太浮躁,我想静下心来感受生活。

Moments are too superficial, I want to calm down and feel life.

19. 生活不是一场表演,不需要观众。

Life is not a performance, it doesn't need an audience.

20. 我想把时间留给更重要的人和事。

I want to spend my time on people and things that matter more.


21. 暂时关闭朋友圈,去追寻我的梦想。

Temporarily closing Moments to pursue my dreams.

22. 我要去学习新的技能,提升自己。

I'm going to learn new skills and improve myself.

23. 我要去旅行,感受世界的美丽。

I'm going to travel and experience the beauty of the world.

24. 我要去参加志愿活动,为社会贡献一份力量。

I'm going to participate in volunteer activities and contribute to society.

25. 我要去寻找属于自己的快乐。

I'm going to find my own happiness.


26. 我要去读一本书,让自己沉淀下来。

I'm going to read a book and let myself settle down.

27. 我要去运动,让身体和心灵都得到放松。

I'm going to exercise and let my body and mind relax.

28. 我要去陪伴家人,感受亲情的温暖。

I'm going to spend time with my family and feel the warmth of love.

29. 我要去追寻我的爱情,寻找属于我的幸福。

I'm going to pursue my love and find my own happiness.

30. 我要去创造属于自己的价值。

I'm going to create my own value.

31. 我要去探索未知的世界,挑战自己的极限。

I'm going to explore the unknown world and challenge my limits.

32. 我要去感受生命的意义,寻找属于自己的答案。

I'm going to experience the meaning of life and find my own answers.

33. 我要去过好每一天,让生活充满阳光。

I'm going to live each day well and fill my life with sunshine.

34. 我要去勇敢地追逐梦想,不留遗憾。

I'm going to bravely pursue my dreams and leave no regrets.

35. 我要去珍惜生命,活出精彩。

I'm going to cherish life and live it to the fullest.

36. 我要去爱自己,做一个自信的人。

I'm going to love myself and be a confident person.

37. 我要去勇敢地面对挑战,不断突破自我。

I'm going to bravely face challenges and constantly break through myself.

38. 我要去坚持自己的梦想,永不放弃。

I'm going to persist in my dreams and never give up.

39. 我要去成为更好的自己,实现人生的价值。

I'm going to become a better version of myself and realize the value of my life.

40. 我要去享受生活,感受生命的喜悦。

I'm going to enjoy life and feel the joy of life.

41. 我要去感受世界的温暖,让爱充满我的心。

I'm going to feel the warmth of the world and let love fill my heart.

42. 我要去创造属于自己的精彩,让人生充满意义。

I'm going to create my own brilliance and fill my life with meaning.

43. 我要去追寻自由,活出真实的自我。

I'm going to pursue freedom and live my authentic self.

44. 我要去寻找快乐,让每一天都充满阳光。

I'm going to find happiness and fill each day with sunshine.

45. 我要去感受生命的奇迹,让世界充满色彩。

I'm going to experience the miracle of life and fill the world with color.

46. 我要去追寻梦想,让人生充满希望。

I'm going to pursue my dreams and fill my life with hope.

47. 我要去感受爱,让世界充满温暖。

I'm going to feel love and fill the world with warmth.

48. 我要去珍惜时间,让每一天都充满意义。

I'm going to cherish time and fill each day with meaning.

49. 我要去活出精彩,让人生充满回忆。

I'm going to live a brilliant life and fill my life with memories.

50. 我要去不断学习,让生命充满活力。

I'm going to keep learning and fill my life with vitality.


51. 暂别朋友圈,去过更精彩的生活。

Farewell Moments, going for a more exciting life.

52. 生活不止朋友圈,还有更多精彩。

Life is more than just Moments.

53. 暂时关闭,回归生活。

Temporarily closed, back to life.

54. 去过自己的生活,再见朋友圈。

Living my own life, goodbye Moments.

55. 屏蔽朋友圈,专注于自我。

Blocking Moments, focusing on myself.

56. 世界很大,我要去探索。

The world is big, I want to explore.

57. 再见朋友圈,你好真实。

Goodbye Moments, hello reality.

58. 我要去追寻梦想。

I'm going to pursue my dreams.

59. 生活需要一些空间。

Life needs some space.

60. 我需要一些安静。

I need some quiet.


61. 朋友圈的喧嚣,掩盖不了内心的平静。

The noise of Moments can't hide the peace within.

62. 生活是一场旅行,而朋友圈只是路边的风景。

Life is a journey, and Moments are just the scenery along the way.

63. 我要去寻找生命的真谛,而不是在朋友圈里虚度光阴。

I'm going to find the meaning of life, not waste time on Moments.

64. 我要去感受生活的点滴,而不是被朋友圈里的“完美”所困。

I'm going to feel the little things in life, not be trapped by the"perfect" lives in Moments.

65. 我想要一个安静的角落,去思考人生的意义。

I want a quiet corner to think about the meaning of life.

66. 我要去追寻自己的内心,而不是被朋友圈里的“潮流”所左右。

I'm going to pursue my inner self, not be swayed by the"trends" in Moments.

67. 我要去创造自己的精彩,而不是在朋友圈里“秀”自己。

I'm going to create my own brilliance, not"show off" myself in Moments.

68. 我要去感受生命的真谛,而不是被朋友圈里的“虚假”所迷惑。

I'm going to feel the meaning of life, not be deceived by the"fakeness" in Moments.

69. 我要去追寻自己的幸福,而不是被朋友圈里的“压力”所压垮。

I'm going to pursue my happiness, not be crushed by the"pressure" in Moments.

70. 我要去活出自己的精彩,而不是被朋友圈里的“点赞”所左右。

I'm going to live a brilliant life, not be swayed by the"likes" in Moments.


71. 朋友圈的热闹,掩盖不了内心的孤独。

The excitement of Moments can't hide the loneliness within.

72. 我累了,不想再看朋友圈里的“虚假”。

I'm tired, I don't want to see the"fakeness" in Moments anymore.

73. 我想安静一下,整理一下自己的心情。

I want some peace and quiet to sort out my feelings.

74. 有些事情,只有我自己知道。

There are some things that only I know.

75. 有些感受,只能独自承受。

Some feelings can only be borne alone.

76. 我不适合朋友圈,我更适合安静地生活。

I'm not suitable for Moments, I'm better suited to a quiet life.

77. 我想去寻找真正的快乐,而不是在朋友圈里寻找。

I want to find true happiness, not in Moments.

78. 我希望有一天,我能找到属于自己的幸福。

I hope that one day, I can find my own happiness.

79. 我累了,不想再伪装自己。

I'm tired, I don't want to pretend anymore.

80. 我需要一些时间,来疗愈自己的伤痕。

I need some time to heal my wounds.


81. 朋友圈太精彩了,我要去过点平凡的生活。

Moments are so exciting, I'm going to live a simple life.

82. 朋友圈里都是“成功人士”,我要去当个普通人。

Moments are full of"successful people", I'm going to be an ordinary person.

83. 朋友圈都是“幸福家庭”,我要去体验一下“单身狗”的生活。

Moments are full of"happy families", I'm going to experience the life of a"single dog".

84. 朋友圈都是“旅游达人”,我要去宅在家里。

Moments are full of"travel experts", I'm going to stay at home.

85. 朋友圈都是“美食家”,我要去吃点家常菜。

Moments are full of"foodies", I'm going to eat some home-cooked food.

86. 朋友圈都是“健身达人”,我要去沙发上躺着。

Moments are full of"fitness gurus", I'm going to lie on the sofa.

87. 朋友圈都是“美妆博主”,我要去素颜出门。

Moments are full of"beauty bloggers", I'm going to go out without makeup.

88. 朋友圈都是“时尚icon”,我要去穿最朴素的衣服。

Moments are full of"fashion icons", I'm going to wear the most plain clothes.

89. 朋友圈都是“高富帅”和“白富美”,我要去过点普通人的生活。

Moments are full of"rich and handsome guys" and"beautiful and rich girls", I'm going to live a normal person's life.

90. 朋友圈都是“网红”,我要去当个普通人。

Moments are full of"influencers", I'm going to be an ordinary person.


91. 朋友圈太无聊,我要去寻找自己的乐趣。

Moments are too boring, I'm going to find my own fun.

92. 我要去过一种更自由的生活,不受任何束缚。

I'm going to live a freer life, free from any constraints.

93. 我要去寻找生命的意义,而不是在朋友圈里虚度光阴。

I'm going to find the meaning of life, not waste time on Moments.

94. 我要去创造自己的价值,而不是在朋友圈里“刷存在感”。

I'm going to create my own value, not"show off" myself in Moments.

95. 我要去追寻梦想,而不是在朋友圈里“晒幸福”。

I'm going to pursue my dreams, not"show off" my happiness in Moments.

96. 我要去过好每一天,而不是在朋友圈里“攀比”。

I'm going to live each day well, not"compete" in Moments.

97. 我要去爱自己,而不是在朋友圈里“讨好”别人。

I'm going to love myself, not"please" others in Moments.

98. 我要去勇敢地面对生活,而不是在朋友圈里“逃避现实”。

I'm going to bravely face life, not"escape reality" in Moments.

99. 我要去活出自己的精彩,而不是在朋友圈里“虚度光阴”。

I'm going to live a brilliant life, not waste time on Moments.

以上就是关于把朋友圈关了句子99句(把朋友圈关了句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
