
## 成语变句子,72句,中英对照

1. **一鸣惊人**:他终于在舞台上展露才华,一鸣惊人,征服了所有观众。 He finally showed his talent on stage, making a stunning debut and captivating the audience.

2. **半途而废**:不要半途而废,坚持下去就能实现你的梦想。 Don't give up halfway, persevere and you will achieve your dreams.

3. **刻舟求剑**:不要像刻舟求剑一样固执,要学会灵活变通。 Don't be as stubborn as someone who tries to find a sword by carving a mark on a boat, learn to adapt and be flexible.

4. **亡羊补牢**:虽然已经犯了错误,但亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 Though mistakes have been made, it's never too late to mend the fold.

5. **水滴石穿**:只要坚持不懈,水滴石穿,任何困难都能克服。 As long as you persevere, even a drop of water can wear away a stone, any difficulty can be overcome.

6. **胸有成竹**:他胸有成竹,自信地参加了比赛。 He was full of confidence and participated in the competition with certainty.

7. **画龙点睛**:他最后的一句话画龙点睛,让整个故事更加生动。 His last sentence was the finishing touch that made the whole story more vivid.

8. **举一反三**:他学习能力很强,举一反三,很快就能掌握新的知识。 He is a quick learner, able to grasp new knowledge quickly by analogy.

9. **百尺竿头,更进一步**:不要满足现状,百尺竿头,更进一步,不断追求进步。 Don't be complacent with the status quo, strive for constant improvement, even after reaching great heights.

10. **精益求精**:他对自己的工作精益求精,力求完美。 He is meticulous in his work, striving for perfection.

11. **见贤思齐**:见到贤才就应该心生敬佩,并努力向其看齐。 When you encounter a virtuous person, you should feel admiration and strive to emulate them.

12. **三人行,必有我师焉**:在生活中,要虚心学习,三人行,必有我师焉,从别人身上吸取经验。 In life, be humble and learn from others, for even in a group of three, there is always someone from whom you can learn.

13. **博学多才**:他博学多才,在各个领域都很有造诣。 He is erudite and accomplished in various fields.

14. **锲而不舍**:只要锲而不舍,就能取得成功。 As long as you persevere, you will succeed.

15. **一鼓作气**:他一鼓作气,顺利完成了任务。 He completed the task successfully with a burst of energy.

16. **功败垂成**:眼看就要成功,却功败垂成,真可惜! It's a shame that success was so close, yet he failed at the last moment.

17. **塞翁失马,焉知非福**:人生不如意事十之八九,塞翁失马,焉知非福,要保持乐观的心态。 Life is full of unforeseen circumstances, sometimes what seems like a misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise, so maintain an optimistic outlook.

18. **逆境求存**:他身处逆境,却逆境求存,最终取得成功。 He was in adversity, but he fought hard to survive and ultimately succeeded.

19. **知己知彼,百战不殆**:要想取得胜利,一定要知己知彼,百战不殆。 To achieve victory, you must know yourself and your enemy, then you will be invincible in a hundred battles.

20. **虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后**:要虚心学习,骄傲使人落后,才能不断进步。 Humility helps you progress, while pride leads to regression, so learn humbly to make constant improvement.

21. **人山人海**:节日里,街上人山人海,热闹非凡。 On holidays, the streets are packed with people, bustling with life.

22. **无忧无虑**:孩子们无忧无虑,尽情玩耍。 Children are carefree and play to their heart's content.

23. **欢天喜地**:他们欢天喜地,庆祝胜利。 They celebrated their victory with joy and excitement.

24. **心花怒放**:听到这个好消息,他心花怒放,喜悦之情溢于言表。 He was overjoyed at the good news, his delight evident in his expression.

25. **满腹经纶**:他满腹经纶,才华横溢。 He is full of knowledge and talent.

26. **一无所获**:他费了半天劲,却一无所获。 He worked hard for a long time but gained nothing.

27. **心悦诚服**:他最终心悦诚服地承认了自己的错误。 He finally admitted his mistake with a sincere heart.

28. **不知所措**:面对突如其来的事件,他不知所措,手足无措。 Faced with the sudden event, he was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

29. **一筹莫展**:他遇到了难题,一筹莫展,不知如何解决。 He encountered a difficult problem and was at a loss, not knowing how to solve it.

30. **喜出望外**:他突然收到了一封录取通知书,喜出望外。 He was overjoyed when he received an admission letter unexpectedly.

31. **乐此不疲**:他热爱学习,乐此不疲,不断探索新知识。 He loves learning and is never tired of it, constantly exploring new knowledge.

32. **废寝忘食**:为了完成任务,他废寝忘食,夜以继日地工作。 To complete the task, he worked day and night, neglecting sleep and food.

33. **孜孜不倦**:他对学习孜孜不倦,不断追求进步。 He is diligent in his studies, constantly striving for improvement.

34. **精雕细琢**:他精雕细琢,力求完美。 He is meticulous in his work, striving for perfection.

35. **一丝不苟**:他做事一丝不苟,从不马虎。 He is meticulous in his work and never sloppy.

36. **兢兢业业**:他兢兢业业,认真负责,深受领导和同事的赞赏。 He is conscientious and responsible in his work and is highly respected by his superiors and colleagues.

37. **任劳任怨**:他任劳任怨,默默奉献,是大家学习的榜样。 He works tirelessly and uncomplainingly, dedicating himself to his work, setting an example for everyone to follow.

38. **不辞辛苦**:为了完成任务,他克服了重重困难,不辞辛苦。 To complete the task, he overcame numerous obstacles and worked tirelessly.

39. **舍己为人**:他舍己为人,帮助别人,体现了高尚的道德情操。 He is selfless and helps others, demonstrating noble morals.

40. **大公无私**:他大公无私,一心为人民服务,是人民的好公仆。 He is selfless and devoted to serving the people, a true servant of the people.

41. **心存感激**:他对朋友的帮助心存感激,铭记在心。 He is grateful for his friend's help and will always remember it.

42. **乐于助人**:他乐于助人,总是热心地帮助有困难的人。 He is eager to help others and always lends a helping hand to those in need.

43. **尊老爱幼**:尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。 Respecting the elderly and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.

44. **团结友爱**:他们团结友爱,共同奋斗,取得了成功。 They were united and friendly, working together and achieving success.

45. **诚实守信**:诚实守信是做人的基本原则。 Honesty and trustworthiness are fundamental principles in life.

46. **光明磊落**:他光明磊落,从不做亏心事。 He is honest and straightforward, never doing anything dishonest.

47. **光明正大**:他光明正大,从不搞阴谋诡计。 He is upright and honorable, never resorting to underhanded tactics.

48. **拾金不昧**:他拾金不昧,将捡到的钱交给了失主。 He was honest and returned the lost money to its owner.

49. **助人为乐**:他助人为乐,总是乐于帮助别人。 He finds joy in helping others and is always willing to lend a hand.

50. **宁死不屈**:他宁死不屈,誓死保卫国家。 He would rather die than surrender, vowing to defend his country to the death.

51. **英勇无畏**:他英勇无畏,冲锋陷阵,不怕牺牲。 He was brave and fearless, charging into battle without fear of sacrifice.

52. **临危不惧**:面对危险,他临危不惧,镇定自若。 Faced with danger, he remained calm and collected.

53. **奋勇当先**:他奋勇当先,带领大家冲锋陷阵。 He led the charge with courage and determination.

54. **前功尽弃**:由于一个小小的错误,他前功尽弃,功亏一篑。 Because of a small mistake, he lost all his previous efforts and ended up in failure.

55. **事半功倍**:他运用巧妙的方法,事半功倍,取得了更大的成果。 He used clever methods to achieve twice the results with half the effort.

56. **一帆风顺**:他的事业一帆风顺,顺风顺水。 His career has been smooth sailing, progressing effortlessly.

57. **步履维艰**:他遇到了一些困难,步履维艰,前进缓慢。 He encountered some difficulties, making slow progress and struggling to move forward.

58. **跌跌撞撞**:他跌跌撞撞,最终还是取得了成功。 He stumbled and fell along the way, but eventually achieved success.

59. **一鸣惊人**:他终于在比赛中一鸣惊人,取得了第一名。 He finally made a stunning debut in the competition and won first place.

60. **名落孙山**:他参加考试,却名落孙山,没有考上理想的学校。 He took the exam but failed to get into his desired school.

61. **功成名就**:经过多年的努力,他终于功成名就,成为了行业领袖。 After years of hard work, he finally achieved success and became a leader in his field.

62. **功败垂成**:眼看就要完成任务,却功败垂成,真是可惜。 He was so close to completing the task, but unfortunately failed at the last moment.

63. **一败涂地**:他输掉了比赛,一败涂地,心情十分沮丧。 He lost the competition and was completely defeated, feeling very discouraged.

64. **功成身退**:他功成身退,将领导职位交给了年轻人。 He retired after achieving success and handed over the leadership position to the younger generation.

65. **破釜沉舟**:他们破釜沉舟,决心拼死一搏。 They were determined to fight to the death, leaving no room for retreat.

66. **背水一战**:他们背水一战,最终战胜了强敌。 They fought with their backs to the river, and finally defeated their strong enemy.

67. **柳暗花明**:经过一段时间的努力,他终于柳暗花明,看到了成功的希望。 After a period of hard work, he finally saw a glimmer of hope for success.

68. **峰回路转**:他的生活发生了意想不到的转折,峰回路转,充满了惊喜。 His life took an unexpected turn, with unexpected twists and turns full of surprises.

69. **一鼓作气**:他一鼓作气,连续完成了几个重要的项目。 He worked with a burst of energy and completed several important projects in succession.

70. **知难而退**:面对困难,他知难而退,放弃了原本的目标。 Faced with difficulties, he retreated knowing the challenges, giving up his original goals.

71. **一鸣惊人**:他首次登台演出,一鸣惊人,获得了观众的热烈掌声。 He made a stunning debut in his first performance and received enthusiastic applause from the audience.

72. **半途而废**:不要半途而废,坚持下去,你一定能成功。 Don't give up halfway, persevere, and you will surely succeed.

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